ga " i bG () i ?. I-SI AtilJSiI .il IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion-$1.50 Per Annum VOL. IAV- WELDON, N. CM THUILSDAY, MARCH II, 1020. NO. J) , M s: 4 I; Ait 1 1 I. ! I 141 '" . . r,iun1 '.n pun nENT. Avertable frepartheakAs jimilnlin4ttiel'ooii)rwTl nkksta b inervoy iiui ( t Chccrfulif5sandIteCait", eUherOnlm,Mptoen f Mineral, wot tev"" oss of Sleep ThiCchiadiiCohm CAST0R1A For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That. Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of III. S. INCOME TAX ! EXEMPTSNOBODY I Every Person Who Had Income '. in 1919 Must Determine j Own Liability. m LW MARCH 15 LAST FILING DATE. Surest Way It to Follow Form 1040H. Frto Advlco In Doubtful Caeca. Severe Penaltlee In Law. In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 IT" I TMf CINTAUH COMPANY. NtW 0 OITf. I Exact Copy of Wrapper. Bargains for You f IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELOON N. C. ison Lumber & Millwork Go. Weldon, N. C. MANUKAtTUBERH OF tlllMlnnr Matarlal fnr Mnfarn Hnmc Such. D(inrl Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOORDKK AND KVMV I.AK STOCK Sl.KS. Oood Materials, Hlrh Qrade Workmanship Our Slogan. I TV 44 AJAi AX X.C KXJ2tWr-MM- UMMMMUM WWW jagThe New Things M For 1 o nil I IT 7 k) I I s Pretty 1 T m wearaoies in MM m COATS, IB wA- mm I f A' IIM'. l. pl r te;f f'' !f fcP Si W mm mm m mm Nobody la pxeni t from Income Tax. An obligation Im lulil dlrn'tly on llii kIioiiIiIits of iMifh rliln-n and reslilnil to runulder liiH own case and to get hia rturu lu on (line If one la due With each return mIiowIiik h (ax dut a payment must ua'uiniuiiy tlie return In the full amount of the tux or at leant one-quarter of the tux. All returns for II) 1 ll muxt be tiled od or before March IS. Muit 8how True Flgurea, In figuring up hi eurutngH for in come tin purMweH it peraon niunt take Into roiiKlderullon all Items of taxable Income, and each Item itxelf uiuat be uci'urute In amount. Ouensea aud ea- tlmiiteM muat be aAoliled. fur the re turn 1 niude under oath. Everybody who hud an income dur ing 1919 must now determine whether hla or her net Income wag aufflclent In amount to require an Income Tax re turn. Tbe best way to And out la to get a Form MHO A aud follow the In RtructiAim arlnteri on It. That form will serve a a reminder of every Item of Income; and If a return la due, It tella how to prepare anil llle It. One of the Importaat polnta to keep In mind la that a neraon'e net Income la found by n computai on preacrlbed In tbe law, and that each Item of In come from eery source muat be con sidered, unless specifically exempted. Another thing to remember la that the nernonal exemntlon allowed tax- payera by law haa no relation whatever to the requirement to Die return. This exemption la not to be considered nntll a person has figured out hla net In come and determined whether It was sufficient to require Mm to file a re turn. Then, If a return must be died, he should rend carefully the Instruc tions for claiming exemption, and com plete his return. If In doubt un any paint as to Income or deductions, a person may aecure free advice nd aid from the nearest Internal Revenue office. Many banks and trust companies are also furnish ing similar service during banking hours. Heavy Penaltlea In Law. For fulling m make a returu on time the penalty Is a One of not more thaa ll.(K and an addition of 25 per cent to the tax, If any. For making a falsa or fraudulent return the penalty la a Sue of not mure than $10,000 or Im prisonment not exceeding one year, er both; and, In addition, ou per cem oi iha tax. There are other penalties for falling to pay tax when due and for understatement of the tax tnrougn negligence. Many Gourcea of Income, Aside from what one may earn by hla services, there are many other aourcea of Income. If he aold any property during 1919 he must figure mi. the en In realtied. If he rented bulldltige, land, apartmanta or rooms iiih reata must he considered taxa able, aad he n ay claim deductions for necessary expenses Incidental to rents. Batik Interest Is a common source f Income and Is taxable whether with drawn or not. Any nmount of Interest credited to a depositor la Income to the depositor. Interest on mortgagee and Botes la taxable; also" bond Interest received from corporations. A taxpayer who cashed hla Insur ance during 1910 muat report aa In come any excess received oeer the to tal of premlnins paid. Members of partnerships or personal service corporations or beneficiaries of an este- or' trust must report their share of income distributable ta them whether or not actually withdrawn. Dividends of domestic corporationa must be reported. Many other forma of income are taxable, unless spednc ally exempted. IF 1 CANUVB. If I can live To make some pale face brighter, and to give A second lusire 10 some tear-dimmed eye, Or e'en impart One throb of comfort to an aching heart, Or cheer some wayworn soul in passing by; If 1 can lend A strong arm to the fallen, or defend The right against a single envious strain, My life, though bare, Perhaps of much thai seemeth dear and fair To us on earth, will not have been in vain, The purest joy Most near to heaven, far from earth's alloy, Is bidding clouds, give way to sun and shine. If on that day of days the angels tell Of nie: "She did her best for one of thine." Helen Hunt Jackson, INCOME TAX RETURNS DUE Business Men.Farmers and Wage Workers' Must File Schedules of Income for 1919. As Dead atlio Dodo ffiTW j, Every druggist in town your druggist and everybody's drug gist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead I Dodson's Liver Tone i personally guaranteed by every druggist who tella it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every caao of liver sluggish ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant iasting. ' purely vegetable remedy, karmleas to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biKousni'ss, sick hea laclie, acid .uniarli or constipated bowt-ls. H dot ti'L gripe or cause in convenience ail ;iic in yt ilay like vio lent calomel. T. kc a ,!oc of calomel today and tniiurr'iw yu:i will feel weak, sick an-1 n,i;:-""i'c,l Mea't lose s day's work! T.,ke lie icon's Liver Tone instead and icul hue, full of vigor and amhition. Influenza-Onk is Unlikely TO Have itTwice Observations made by physicians in many pans of the State and reported to the State Epidemiologist, lend to con firm the belief that influenza is like smallpox, in lhat a patient havinu it once is unlikely 10 have it ilie second lime. Records of observa tions are complete at.d ii is yel mo early to say definitely lhai there is any degree of immunity in havinv it once, but it is the opuiwn ui many doctors that this holds us a general principle. Ii is not will ow exceptions. UaaJaaaaaW Health About a SUITS, DRESSES SKIRTS WAISTS m AT TEMPTINO PRICES. L STAMBADK. The Busy Store, WELDON, N C " mm mm mm g m mm nnmmmm mm mm m m & m$ Choice Hams V There U nothin?' more -appetizing than a slice of our choice had. We haye anything yoii ,jnay want iu the line of meats All Kinds of Canned uoods GOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right ihiiikingbrings best re mits. Our prices mal e you think-Call in to see us.; L. E. HULL, Nr Batchalor'a Opera I sum. WELDON, N.C INCOME TAX IS DUE MARCH 15 Penalties for Delay and Failun to wake Heiurns tany Compliance Urged. All Income lax returns covering the year 1B19 must D niea j mwr. llarch IB. . Ki"h taxable return- muat ta .neomnanled b cliec or money or- for the full amount or at least one- . ....... a th amount of tax due. - .., ...... ., Cash payments are srcna - the collector's main office; If seat by mall, they are at the sender's risk. Residents of North Carolina should file their returna with, and make pay. menu of Income Tax to, Jeslah W. Bailey, Collector of Internal Revenue, Raleigh Those who must die returns but have not done to are warned that the revenue law Imposes heavy penaltlea for failure to get returns In on time or to make paymems 'on time. tarty uiln aud early pHymeata ara urge ! order to relieve the Interaal revenue offices aa mudi as possible of yi overload on the final dity, March 15 Has Had Stomach Trotiblc'for Seven Years Theodore aauford, of Fenmore, Mich igan, haa had stomach trouble for seven years and could not eat vegetables or fruit without pain iu etomaoh and -teat-less nif-lits. . tty taking Chamberlains Tablets ha is now able to eat vegetables or Iruit without e ausiog pain or Weep cssness..,U troubled ittj iudigsUouut constipation give these tabl .-ta a trial. They ate aertain to prove beneficial 2 Gone Miny thousands ol women suffering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use ol Cardui. the woman's, tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z.V.Spell, Ol Hayne, N.C. "1 could Dot stand on my feet, and Just suffered terribly," she says. "As my sul lering was so great, and he had Hied other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardui. . . I beg-n improving, and it cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for nie, lor my nerves and health were bout gone." f g?, if 'A Women live longer than men, it is said, but according to the census enumerator ihev never live so many years. Why Colds Are Dangerous. You are often told to "beware oft cold," but why? We will tell you: Ev ei'v cold weakens the lutms. lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serioua iliseaaes. People who contract pueuiiiouia first lake cuhl. The luuifer a enlil liunirs mi. the ercaler the dan ger, especially from itenn diseases, as a cold prepares the system tor the recep tion and development of the serins ol consumption, diphtheria, scarlet fever anil whooping cough. The quicker you get rid nl' vour cold, the lessthcilanirei of contracting one of the diseases. Cham berlain's Cough Itcmedy has a great reputation as a cure for co'ds and can be depended upon. It is pleasant to take. A married cynic's idea of a wise guy is a fellow who had a chance to marry his wife but didn't. ' A Timely Suggestion. The next time you have a cough or cold try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is pleasant to take anil vou are sure to lie pleased with the relief which it af fords. 'I'll it remedy has a wide reputa tion lor its cures of couirhs mid cob Is. Some men's sayings would fil' many volumes and their doings wouldn't fill a postal card. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of TAKE The Woman's Tonic She writes lurthert "I am in splendid health . . . can do my work. I feel I owe ll to Cardui, lor I was in dreadtul condition." II you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc, every month, try Cardui, Thousands ol women pt aite this medi cine lor the good It has done them, and many physiclanswho have used Cardui successfully with their women patients, lor years, endorse this medi cine. Think what it mcins to be in splendid health, like Mu. Spell. Olve Cardui a trial. All Drno-obts k " "BO kl II to The pirl who tries to imitate man is idiotic, but the imitation is flattering just the same. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A We have all heard of the man a ho was killed by kindne hut the prool is lacking. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA MARCH 15 LAST FILING DATE. Net Incomes ef $1,000 or Over, If 8ln- gls; or $2,000 or Over If Married, Must Be Reported. The Income Tax Imposed by Act of Congress on earnings of the year 1819 Is now being collected. Returns under oath muat be maae on or before March 15 by every cltl ren and resident who had a net In come for 1919 amounting to: $1,000 or over, If single ; or if mur- rled and living upart from wife (or husband) ; or If widowed or divorced. $2,000 or over, If married and living with wife (or husband). The etntus of the person on the last day of the year fixes Uie status for the year with respect to the above requirements. Under anv of these circumstances a return mUBt be made, even tnougn nn tnr la dne. Htiahnnit unit wife must consider the Income of both, plua that of de pendent minor children. In meeting this requirement; and, If sufficient to i-.nnir. return, all Items mast be shown In a Joint return or In separate returns of ausbana ana wire, i ui!. m.rsnn with minor depend ents must Include the Income of such , A minor who has a net Income ol $1,000 or more Is not considered a dependent, and muat file a separate return. Personal returns should be msde on Form 1040A, unless the net Income exdreded $5,000, In which case Form 1040 should be used. Kealdeuts of North Carolina should file their returns with, and make pny ments of Income Tax to, Josluh W. Bailey, Collector of Internal Revenue, Raleigh. How to Figure Income. The best way to find out whether one muat file a return la to get a Form 1040 A and follow the Instructions printed on It That form will serve as a reminder of every item of Income, and If a return ts due It tells how to prepare and file It. If In doubt on any point as to Income or deductions, a person may secure free advice and aid from the nearest Inter nal Revenue ofilce. Guesswork, estimates and other hlt-or-mlss methods are barred when a per son ta making out his Income Tax re turn. Accuracy and completeness must be Insisted upon. The return la a sworn statement. As such It must be thorough and accurate. Harirl nersona and wage earners must ascertain the actual compensation received. Overtime, bonuses, snares in the profits of a business, value of quar ters and hoard furnished by the em ployer and other Items which are com pensations for services must oe in cluded. n tmiur hA home In mind that com- pensatlon may be paid In other forms than In cash. A bonus paid in Liberty Bonds Is taxable at the market value . a hnnri. A nnto received In nav- ment for services la taxable Income at Its face value, and tie Interest upon It la also taxable. Other Returna Due. Every partnership doing business In the United States must file a return on Form 10dS; and every personal service corporation muat file a similar return. Corporations mast nl annual re turns on Form 1120. Trustees, executors, administrators and others acting In a fldaclary capac ity are required to file returns. In aoma cases, Form 1041 Is used; In others. Form 1040; and still others, returns on both forms are required. Information returne, oa Forma 1099 and 109U, muat be filed by every or ganization, ttrm or person wha paid, during 1919, an amount of $1,000 la salary, wages, Interest, rent, or other fixed or determinable Income to an other peraon, partnership, personal aervlce corporation or fiduciary. These Information returns should b for warded directly to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (sorting division), Washington, V. V. 1 'wwW r HP About the first question our salesmen will ask you w hen you try on one of our new Is "How does ii feel?" In oilier stores they ask "1 iow does it look?" The difference is that we will first select a hat that will become you, and we know that a "Mallory" Hat will look right, so what we want to know is whether die hat feels right on the head. He sure to have a look ai our window this week and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSIM Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON. N. C. ANY of our savings deposiiors opened ilieir accounts with Ihci ti Km hnw their dollars have srown since. Into hundreds, and in some cases, thousands ol dollars, ll is just a matter of savins so much each week or month, but the im portant part is the START. tSBdlcT'p ii ii sisawwi " inr-pl',''''" ..-.ji l aw s- a EVE ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE Name "Bayur" is on Genuina Aspirin say Bayer t-.u. nr TabUta of Aipirin in a "Bayer package," containing proper A, rations for Headache, Colds, ram, v. i.:. T..n,k.i.. mnA KheumatHftn rwirigi, Mu.w..a-, Namt "Bayer" means genuine Anptria ..,h.H hv uhvstcians for nineteen Tear.. Handy tin boxes of 14 tablet! ' . . ... A.n,; ia trada mark f n.r Manufacture of Monoeoette. aeiotiter of Ssiicylioaeid. INCOME TAX IN NUTSHELL WHO Single persons who had net Income of $1,000 ar more for the year 1919. lUnleJ couples who bad net Income of $2,000 or more. WHIN March IS. 1920, ta final date for filing returna and mak ing drat payment. WHBRl Cullecrof of Internal Revenue for District In which the person resides. HOW Full directions on Form 1040A and Form 1040; also the law and regulations. WHAT Four par cent normal tax on taxabla Income up to $4,000 In excess of exemption. Eight per cent normal tax on balance of taxable Income, surtax, from oae it-r cent to elxty-flve per ceat nn net Incomes over $5,000. This is the Name we have earned Why? This is in Efality Everybody's Store A trial is all we ask. Mi toy V) it Hi ll lli ll yj KOSEMARV II V--CS.aC 1 tf-ST-w RYBODTC nn iun E. i ii ii ii il l il 51025c. Store, S The Best Laxative 'My sedentary habits have necessita ted the use of an occasional laxative. I have tned many but found nothing better than Chamberlain's Tablets," writes George F. Daniels, Hardwick, Vt vi r nsniola m nrnnrielor nf the Har-d wiok Inn, one of the model hotels of New England. Grow hay at stock. ROANOKE RAPIDS WliLDON lli Why SpEto 4 ll You wi? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an Investment-start now, "Takes money to make money, you know' You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. Wc nav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts a THE BANK OF HALIFAX tf: HALIFAX ISr.C. home for your N. L. Stedman President P. C. Gregory, Vice-President. P. Ii . OregorF Cashier. i. a ! ' i .) I ?: h 91 1 1' i ;!i i i I j . 6' i Jl I. a.--.--r- hT-st't-VityBiatTi

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