ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSFAPtR FUR THE PtUPLE. Terms of Substrirjtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIV WELDON, N. C, rillJHSDAV, Al'lilL 22. i;o NO. 41 CALLEi, m FAMILY CHURCHES FIGHT RED MENACE PALMER WILL LEAD IN FIRST BALLOT fs n n OTfl n i n ' - Net Contents ISTIuid Prachtrij , I 1 1 I It 5 3 i . inuil -.1 pun CUNT. ,1 AvVColflbieiTopnrauonwi.B l..i:,..Vth.t;UVl1 hvkVtfuUV' lldll'l,Ml -V -- - tinft thoSlomaclis and Bowls hrimt'iJl!"iUfll Tlicrctij' Promoting DifesUon Choprfulncssana i neithcrOpium.Morphlncnot H Mineral. Not MAHcoiw r. -as .v.-nna K:5 horn W h.i nrni Hcmody Ibr r'. ' .LnnnriDiarrhooa. Kiiun-iiii'""-"- ,j Of o n and Fcvcrisnne il -s,ELrv. 'HI t -: Tw fit's c Exact Copy of Wrapper. Bargains IF YOU BUY GROCERIES pa. lffilnnoTnnin ' fcc 1 n w-w W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Gash Store WELOON Dixon Lumber Millwork Co. Weldon, N C. MANTKACTUKKKSJOF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens M AI'K TO OKDKK AN l RK il'I.AK STUCK SIZKS. Oood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. 11 The New Things m urn tm m m tm urn m For D S n Pretty Wearables In I COATS, SUITS, DRESSES SKIRTS g AT TEMPTING PRICKS. Jusi Received a new line of Georgeiie Crepe and Silk Ready-Made Dresses. JJ-W mS The Busy Store, wto ...ak. u. iw. mi jWi.iW, iWi POnn r.ROr.HRIHS build un ihe w increase your capaciiy to ihink. And righi thinking brings best re rulis. Our prices make you ihink.QCall in to see us. L. E. HULL, titer Batcbclor'a Opera (Ioum.I For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years TMt CtNTAUR COMtlHV. NIW 0 CITY. for You ALL YOUR FROM N. C. WAISTS mi rwBLt k Tv iff- . ... 7 iWi jVi "V -V; 'Vi v v .llC Choice Hams There is nothine more appetizing than a slice of our choice nam. we nave anything you may want lu the- line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. svsieni. siimuluie the bniin,' and WELOON, N.C I ft iF I" IF JalHfl I UI1IH P il m m nu i m i urn Jfi 4Mj m nn nan, Score of Large Denominations i Allied With Attorney General Palmer in Awakening Nation to Enemy Peril Within. AMERICANISM GREAT ISSUE. God Fearing Voters Covenant to Put at the Head of This Government a Man of Proved Capacity and Firm ness Who Will Suppress the Preach ers and Practicers of Discord and Violence. Vns!iliii;l(in.-Tin' Ki't'ul't liiihtfst1- IIHMlt HV'T KIVCII H till' IIUtKlllllllniK Aiui'i'lnuiisiu uf a llvlnj! nllicliil In puli- I it life is tlu' funvuni movt'iiu'iit n-ri- nti'd 1 iy ilu' powerful uiumiK more lluui it scuri1 of Iiutc cliui'ch (li'iuniii national orLMiilaiions uhU-h Iihh junt n I'lTiM'tcil in this country to combat tin- "ltcd luonai'i'." Twenty-five million persons, repre senting more tliun 7" per cent of the membership of nil Protestant church organizations In the Trilled States, are now HiiilliiK their strength to the alli ance which will curry on to Us logical oiicliisloti the work uf Attorney Gen eral Mitchell Palmer In awakening the people of the nation to a realization uf their peril from the enemy within and protecting the government with a firm hand from those who sought to over throw It by force and violence. Americanism and Americanization la to be the watchword of ttie churches, uikI tlio Christian people of the coun try, who have caught the note from the reveille sounded by Mr. Palmer, will see to it thiil a man alive to the great question ami of proved capacity to carry on the great work that la being launched Is put at the head of affairs of government In tills country. To these millions of earnest people wtio see in llie safety of the country, home and fireside the overshadowing issue of the future, regardless of poll tics or politicians, there can he no step I kward now that the forward move ment Is on, and the man who appeuls to them most strohgly as measuring up to the highest standard of American ism and whose deeds are test-proof of Ids high purpose to bring his whole ountry to a realization of the loftiest deals of citizenship will receive their undivided support lu primary, election and In the administration of his high ottlce. Before the great campaign of Ameri canism to tie utnlerliikeii by the Protes tant church organizations is well under way H would not he surprising to tind the percentage lu I he alliance grow to u round HKI per cent, representing 1IKJ per cent Americanism. The great hierarchy of the Human Catholic Church In the 1'nlted States is heart and soul with the movement for Ainerlcuiiizatloti and will lend Its full strength to the promotion through the far-reuching channels of the church of the preaching ami teaching f staunch Americanism to the many millions of lis congregation within the t'nlted States. A pastoral letter, the llrst Issued ly the heads of the Catholic Church In the United Slates In .'So years, has re- ntly gone to ull lis people, In which the following paragraph Is not the least lu importance of the declarations of tlie letter: 'Whatever may he the Industrial and social ret lies which will approve themselves to the American people, there is one that, we feel confident, they will never adopt. That Is the method of revolution. For It there is neither jusilllcation nor excuse under our form of government. Through the ordinary and orderly processes of edu cation, organization and legislation all social wrongs can be righted. While these processes at times may seem dls tiessingly slow, they will achieve more lu the llnnl result than violence or rev olution. The radicalism anil worse Ohm radicalism of the labor movement in some of the countries of Kurope has no lesson for the workers of the Unit ed States except as an example uf methods to be detested ami avoided." Thus the churches and their people in the United Stales stand nulled lu a determined movement to look to the future security of the government of their country and the peace and happi ness of lis people. In this, us lu many similar ninvineuls which have written history, It Is more a question of the man than the measure. The formation of the powerful alli um- in the Interchurch world move ment to campaign against red radical ism with Americanism is but another proof that the A rliaii people have made the Issue of the day for the gov ernment, for the church and for th nation. It la stated that the Inter church world movement Is serving af a clearing house for speedy and co operative action to cope with the evlli of radicalism, which huve liven made public as the result of a nation-wide survey. On their own account the rep ivseiitntlveii of these ;i,ii,insl people of the country have found that "Amerl canlaui" Is the one and great Issiu now before the people ami have ( idled upon the churches to expend from their cuierjc-cy fuDdt several millions of dollari in Immediate effort to ral tha Unurd af Aiwirtcanlsm, Chaimberlaln's Coiurh Remedy. The great hciielit derived from the use of Cliainlieila n's Cough Remedy has beeo gratefully acknowledged br many. Mrs. Henjamio V. lilakeucy. llecatur, III , wiiles, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is by far the best medi cine for coughs and colds we have ever used in our family. I gave it to my clnl dren when small lor croup and have oo ' njmil. TO HER BEDSIDE : M;it;inn She Might Die, Sayi Texai Lady, But Now ..ili, Strong Woman and Prahet Cardui For Her Recovery. Six Yean Ago, She Is a Roysa City, T' man, of this p).v birth of my little menced to hurt to bed. Wo en1! treated jot worse nml w., waa unbearable. . i Mrs. Mary Kll ', nays; "After the ulrl. . .tny slilo com c. I had to go hack . il the. doctor. lie I got no better. I rso until the misery .1 was In bed for suffored such agony iwn up In a knot. . . ;::d it ha would got I would try It. . . :n; It. however, that i.iy family about I could not last ' had a Chang for three months and that I was Just (In I told my hits', me a bottlo of C:r t commenced tal ' evening I called me... for I kne.i many days unlet The Fighting Quaker ONLY ONE STLYE IN THIS MILLINERY SHOP i ' ffAirs '-ill ! I ; fyig ...11 ' v 4 fi 4 6 TRIMMING A BONNET There Is a lliilllnei.v shop in New York which guaiiiniees Its hats never to go out of si,lc With cery pur chase i oes the understanding that In live or ten years from now the bonnet bought today will be Just us attractive, Just as much admired and even more In vogue. It Is the Saltation Army "Millinery Shop," located lit Ull West Fourteenth Street, New York city, in which estab lishment every bonnet which enters the 1 nnnt houses, rescue homes. oi 'plumages, nurseries or slum settle ments Hist sees the litht of day. And the shop does a riishini; business. Three hundred bonnets each week are trim med, boxed, sent out to nil parts of the country and stinted mi their mission of spreading cl r ami hope to every corner of the Unlli ' Mules Ami the Salvation Army Is an Im Are You Happy? riv be hannv vim must lie well. If you air frequently tin - I. 1 vvilbeonsti j pation ami indigestion von eauiiol be altogetbel happy. Take t hi'iibet lain s Talilet'sto correct thesedisordeis. Tliev are prompt and ellectual, easy and pleasant to take. the better. That was alt yeari ago and I am still here and am a well, strong woman, and I owe my life Id I Cardui. I had only taken half tha bottle when I began to fool better. Tho misery In my side gut less... I continued right on taking the Cardut until I had taken three bottles and I did not need any more for I was well and never felt better In my life... I havo never had any trouble from that day to this." Do you suffer from headache, back ache, pains in sides, or other discom forts, each month? Or do you feci weak, nervous and f.igged-out? If bo, give Cardui, the woman's tonic, a trial. J. 71 atry-on" IN THE ONE STYLE BONNET SHOP porter -not the type that slicks the coveled word utter Its name lis a mut er of course, bin a real one. F.very bonnet Unit graces Hie bead of every Salvation Army lassie eniiie all tlie way from in rnss the Atlanlic for Unit purpose. The bonnet Itself Is F.nglisli, the trimmings are American, and the wearers embrace every natloliiilll .v lu the world. Many times each week big trucks draw up to tlie door ol the shop and deposit their cargoes of lllitriliinied hats. At frequent Intervals the pi quant bonnets, wlih their long blue streamers, blue niching anil satin folds, leave the establishment bound for years of service In the slums liml bleak spots of the nation. The famil iar blue bonnet- shaped like nothing else under the sun Is a symbol of un sclllsh service In nurseries, hospitals and tenements the whole world over. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years A,way.r,s- Astute Political Observer Cer tain Attorney General Has Won Commanding Number of Democratic Delegates. PRE-CONVENTION ESTIMATES Believes Hoover if a Negligible Factor Because it it Inconceivable That the Democracy at San Francisco Will Vote for the Cast-off Candidate of the Republican Convention. Washington. Figures are beginning lo talk in I he pre-cunveiit ion campaign ol' the candidates for the presidential nomination of both parlies, and, while their Hist words carry the wabbly lisp of Die baby tongue, they appeal to the hearts of Hie pupa and mamma politi cians whose hnpes and ambitious ure inseparably linked with the words of truth that will drop from the mouth of the prodigy who has never yet been known to lie and whose growth will be lo that of a giant's strengih by the time the conventions ure called to or der. A pencil and a pad of paper In the bunds of an astute political observer can wink wonders of prognostication and espeelaly If dial observer is broad minded and clear-vlsioiied enough lo cnlculnlc not what he would like to huve happen, hut what Is likely to Imp pen when the count of uoses on the floor of t lit- eonveiiiion is completed. The head political writer yf the Philadelphia Kvenlug Ledger, one of the publication of Cyrus II. K. Curtis uiul hogiied with its owner's grave yard campaign fur Herbert Hoover, asked for sonic llmires a few days ago fi'ntn a iniin whom he describes as "a member of the I'emocrallc organiza tion who should know as much about the prospects as any one does," and he gut them. And, to his credit be it said, he published them. This Is v, hat he sold : "He figures after a careful study thut Attorney General Palmer will lead In the hist ballot with H.'iO votes, Mc Adoo will be second with l.riO votes and Hoover third with !I0 votes. Fur pur poses uf Juckeylng until sumo nne an swers the great question whether the parly can win with either Palmer or McAdoo as a candidate the rest of the votes will be scntured around In a highly complimentary fusldon among a lot of men who will feel Muttered to have their names 'among rhe others voted for.' " Mr. Hoover's recent action In declar ing himself to he a Republican and a receptive candidate for the nomination nt the hands of the Republican Na tional Convention, of course, elimi nates him from consideration nt tlie hands uf the Pemncracy. It Is not rea sonable to suppose that any Iieuiocrnt- Ic delegates would be willing to vole for the enst off candidate of Hie Re publican Convention. It Is therefore probable that Mr. Palmer will get bis share of the !H) votes which the politi cal expert quoted assigns to Hoover. The figures given above allot to Palmer not only mofe votes than any other candidate for the Hemocrntlc nomination, but more than can con scientiously be claimed for tiny candi date on Hie Republican ticket from the present outlook. Any one of tlie sev eral Republican candbhtles who could llgure a block of K.'si delegates to vote for him tm the llrst ballot In the Chi cago convent Ion would consider hiiy self rich Indeed in chances for the nomination. livery day that passes brings nevv bitterness' Into the Republican pre conventlon campaign and opens new wounds that will be ditilcult In the healing. Ilreuches are being opvned in slate delegations that defy bridging by Hie most earliest ell'orts of accom plished leaders, and not n delegation b;is been selected lo the Chicago con vention from what miglit be termed real lighting groinl for the several candidates which Is not torn by hitter feuds and hopelessly split upon the candid to whom It -tliiill throw " support. Lavish use of money, as charged against the managers of two of the candidates - the lending cinnliilates for the nomination has developed into a national scandal and has been maile the subject fur denunciation by such lenders of tho progressive wing of Hie party as Sennloi-s lliraui .lohnsui!, an avowed cnmlidaii' on his ovvti behalf, and Itorah, who Is supporting Hie c-tn didacy of Johnson and is by nu means eliminated nr, a dark !t: the race should .lohnson fall of the nomination. These men and the great force which they represent within the party the true progressives and followers of Theodore Roosevelt -who full to seo In the free exptmditure of money on behalf of tlenernl Leonard Wood any traits of tlie residuary legatees of their deud leader are voting their protest over what they charge to be an attempt to override the party through the use of money, and quick acUon will follow their protests if they find that through the use of large Bums of money tlie action of the Chi cago convention has been influenced In aiivuuce. If there Is to be a third par ty In tha Held It will be born of the Republ'.an parly In protest against the pre couveution tuouiods of the can didate. How Is Your Complexion? A womaa should irrow more In autiful as she (Mows oldei and -lie iM Willi due regard to biths. diet and exercises and by keeping bet liver tnd bowels m good working order. If you ate haggard snd yellow, your eyei lo-'tig their his. tie and whites becoming yellowish, your Hcch llauby, it may he due to in ilijtestiou or to a sluggish liver. Cham lierlain's Tablets correct these disorders WHITE SHOE DRESSING; KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES LIQUID AND CAKE Also Pastes and Liquids for Block, Tan, Ox-Blood and Dark Lrown Shoes THE F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD.. BUFFALO, N. Y. Also fastes and Liquids tor work, lan, vx-oioou anuuartc f firuwn Shoes THE F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD.. BUFFALO, N. Y. ! n i mvs Yrf$ AS DANGEROUS Take "Dodson's If you feel bilious, headachy, con rtipatfd unii nil knenked out, just pn to ymir dru'ibl and (jet :i botlV of Dodf-on's Livt-r Tout' for a few ivntri, which is a lianult' vrctahli' lb utitute for drinjji'rouH calomel. Take I Bpoonfu! nd if it doesn't start your liver iwid atraiphten ynu up better and quicker than nasty calomel "f'feifi About the first question our salesmen will ask you when yc t try on one of our new tui' saMMfi'Lir ''aaanaMuiaVflraWa Is "How does it .eel?" In Mlier suires they ask "Hi t ii look?" The difference is ihai we KrM srUci a 1 1 will become you, and we know thai a "Malloty" right, so wliat we wiitil to kimw in whether ihe hoi on the head. Be sure lo have a look at our w mdutt th - and come in and prove what we say. FARBER & JOSEPHSQ. Mens and Boys Outfitters WEI-DON. N. C. ii in -....miiiiKiaii if fc ju' Kai ZZlmJ& f 1 I" IT 45 CtHTAIHLY iVLM 1 A PJXASIAS TO I iCStf j AT Many of Our Customers Have Said that This ts a Bank where They Feel at Home Ii is true thin we endeavor lo render 100 per cent, service to all of our clients, w heiher their deposits are large or small, or re gardless of the branch ol banking in which they are interested. Probably ii is this great desire on the part of our organization to please lli. ii makes it worth your while to start your account here. sili. , N.c. I Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. Liver Tone" Insteadl an 1 without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you'll !! sick an 1 naii-cated tomorrow; be-.-Oil's, it may nalivate you, while if '"l t-ilsp Itii Nnn' 1,ivir Ton yu n ,11 wake ii'- Iff hug great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It harmless, pleasant and safe to give to chlMren; they like it. - 4 I 7KANSACT BO)lk$ii THIS AW

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