mar Iffilffilv Irk Iftil Z&, k i m mi ESTABLISUlilJ IN 1860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. IAV WELDON, N. C, TIIMHSDAY, Al'HlL 2;), uo. NO. 42 Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over over 30 years, has the signature of r. and has been made under his per CJLJvffljZfas 80nal BUPervision since Its Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. , What is CASTORIA Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aicU the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural 6leep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. genuine CASTORIA alway: Bears the Signature , ytiears the Signature of Iri Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Bargains for You IF YOU BUY ALHYOUR GKOCERItS FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON. N. C. Dixon Lunik Millwork Go. Weldon, N C. M AN U KACTUKEHHJOP Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND REGULAR STOCK SIZES. Good Materials, High Oracle Workmanship Our Slogan. US m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm The New Things For n mm mm m mm mm mm L 1 , Pretty Wearables In COATS, SUITS, DRESSES SKIRTS rw tv w-Tfw v 'n 'pv ji'Tv wmmmmmm?$ mn mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm AT TEMPTING PRICES. mm mm mm WAISTS m mm Just Received a new line of Georgette Crepe and Silk xL Ready-Made Dresses. A.L. STAIN SACK. 5 -1 I r The Busy Store, WELDON, N C mm Choice Hams There is nothing; more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All kinds of Canned Goods. POOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and v increase your capacity 10 iniiik. ahj ngni initiMiig unugs ucm k rulis. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Nw JJtcfcr' Opera HeHM.i WELDON. ti.C PALMER BLOCKED GERMAN SCHEME No Civilian Service During the War Had So Farreaching an Effect as That of Our Cus todian of Alien Property. BROKE INDUSTRIAL STRANGLE-HOLD Under Democratic Presidential Pri mary Candidate's Administration the Vast and Essential Commercial Operations of Germany Were Taken Over and Profitably Conducted for the Benefit of This Country. Washington. When the complete story of the tircat World Wur Is writ ten one of itK most interesting and thrillint: chapters will disclose the ef fort of (ieniiiiiiy to m'onnpllsii I he In dustrial l'olMlleSt of the United Nlutcs. Few persons, even those hliih In the commercial life of the nation, hud more thun a smattering of knowledge of the great lengths to which (iennan Influence anil capital had gone to K..I11 a trade supremacy over this country und uiuke America a commercial and industrial vassal of the Fatherland. It was not until Mitchell I'almer, now Attorney General of the United States, became Allen Property Cus todian that the extent and ramifica tions of Germany's activities In this direction was revealed. Not only was It learned that Germany controlled ab solutely the chemical and dye trade, which are so closely allied as to con stitute practically one Industry, but her tentacles were found ln wireless, In metals, In surgical and optical Instru ments, In textiles, ln furs, magnetos and even ln lumber and general manu facturing. The chemical and dye Industry la the key Industry to scores of other In dustries curried on by American., so absolutely essential are chemicals and dyes to successful manufacture ln many lines. Its importance can only be fully appreciated hy those who are engaged In the tradws themselves, but Its effect extends down to the hum blest citizen. Allen Property Sold to Americans. No civilian service during the wur bad us farreacbing effect upon the life and well being of the American public as that performed by Mr. i'tilmer as the custodian of alien property. Un der bis administration the vast and essential industries which Germany controlled In the United States were taken over and operated during the war for the henellt of this country, and are now being sold many of them have been sold already to bona fide American citizens. In fact, under Mr. Palmer's direction the entire German Industrial organization ln the United Slates has been thoroughly American ized. When the office of Allen Property Custodian was created under the Trad ing with the Enemy Act of Congress It was thought that Its duties would he perfunctory and Its accomplish ments of little consequence. So It might have been under the adminis tration of a man less fnibned with the spirit of Americanism and determined to use It to the fullest advantage of his fellow countrymen. When the act was passeil there was little accurate or definite knowledge of the extent of German Investments In the United States. While they were known to be large, they were not gen erally suspected of being either power ful or unfriendly to American Inter ests. Consequently the original meas ure made the custodian a mere con servator, restricting his powers of dis position of enemy property to cases where It was necesury to make snles In order to prevent waste and to pro tect the . property. If this situation hud remained unchanged this country would have found Itself In the anom alous position of carefully protecting for the enemy the great Industrial and commercial army which Germany had planted here with hostile Intent. More than Unit, we would have been forced to account at the end of the war for' enormous profits made by many of these businesses, profits due almost wholly to the war conditions for which their owners and their own ers' friends were responsible. Palmer Put Teeth In Law. But Mr. Palmer, when he got on the Job, had teeth put Into the law. Tie Induced Congress to amend the law giving the Allen Property Custodian the general power of sale, to the end that the Germnn Industrial army on American soli might he captured und destroyed. Thus, Instead of becoming r,ere conservator of eiiemv property, he made his office a great fighting fori In the war. He took over and became the trust officer for more than IW.OOO estates aggregating a combined capital of more than sSiKimsiigsi. Un der his direction ttie most of tills vast property has been sold to sure enough Americans, and the remainder of It will be sold as purchasers ate found mid the money fumed over to the United Stutes Treasury, where It will await disposition by Congress. Knomv Investments In America di vided themselves Into two classes. The first, private Investments of In dividual Germans who were attracted hy possibilities of financial return and ho put their money ln a small way Into liufcis.rlal enterprises and real es tate Tne second class were Invest ments which were made by combined Otrtuan capital having close stuns. Chaimberlaln's Cough Remedy. The grrat benefit derived from the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been gratefully acknowledged by many. Mrs. Benjamin K. Blakeney, Decatur, III, writes, "Chamberlain's Cnuirh Remedy is by far the heet taedi cine for coughs and colds we have ever used in our family. I me it to my chil dren when small for croup and have take it myself. " bought en& and we both at the same time IOOK at us now, Jim. We've been j doing the same work. Your over alls are good as new and mine have gone to pieces. "What's the answer, Jirn? "I took a chance when I bought mine just took the first overall that fitted. "And you you looked for an overall that you knew would wear right be comfortable look right. You picked Blue Buckles." iC ft idi "There s heavy work at the U. S. Shipyards. That's why I stick to Blue Buckles. They're sure to give lung tvear and comfort." Chtwipih kivttir U. Shipyard! Long wear is built into every pair of Blue Buckle overalls. They are made of the toughest denim with broad, double stitched seams that don't rip. Every pair is comfortable lots of room everywhere and extra wide suspenders. First-class workmanship means each detail is right. Blue Buckles have a strong, solid back-band big reinforced pockets, so arranged you never sit on them, and the best buckles and loops made. Heavy brass buttons are riveted on the cloth. Be sure what you're getting next time you buy overalls. Ask your dealer for Blue Buckles. To dealers: If you want to know where to get Blue Buckles, write to Blue Buckle Overalls, Lynch burg, Va., and, we will give you the name of your near est jobber. lue Buckle Over Alls Biggest selling overall in the 'world tlons wllh tlii ureal (mUtini! ami tiimii riill powers of t lie ei.ipiiv. TIip latter suiitrlil ilnmliiiim-e ami frequently Herured miitnii uf jii'eat es iHhllshiijeiits. Tliese Itivesiinents were far-flung thiett of jtlvumv for (.emiuii kuituT, and tut yreat had itiey heroine With the opening of llie woiiil w:ir (hut It its now perfectly plain Unit (if. many lived In hit'' hopes of the HsiMiinee which would I'ome t" her from tlie or pmlaliuii she had built up on this slide- of the Atlantic. Tliese invsl laetits wre largely In Industries which accepted the hospitality of American laws to become American corporal lns, hut which were never, In fact, Ameri canised. In many cases the factories, UtiivIiuiWa i .fliers of llicr cpe my owned concerns were mere spy centers befort America entered the war, and would have hecn nests of se dition If the Allen Troperly Custodian had not acted promptly In their ei ure. The purpose of Germany In minn talnlntf moat of them here wh such aa, to Justify their complete era ill ma tlon an German enterprises und tbelr thorough naturalization into an Amer ican character. Loind Germany's Grip. That is Just what Mr. Palmer has done. He has forever loosened tier many's grip upon the Industrial mid com mere In 1 life of America. No man lu tht country has ever had the direct handling of so vast an amount of prop erty, and a striking feature of It has been that under hi direction Us man agement has cost the country only about one-seventh of 1 per cent of the $8OU,0iiO,iO Involved. In one sense the conduct oi the office has cost the gov ernment lest than nothing, for through Mr, Palmer's Investigations unreport ed and concealed Income and evcvi profits taxes from corporations and other taxpayers controlled hy the ene my during the war hme been collected amounting to upWHnls of one nnd th ree quarter millions of dollars. These hitherto unreveab-d taxes have exceeded bj 00 per cent the en lire cost of operating ids office. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears t Signature of Are You Happy? To he happy you must he well. If you are I'ron tn-iit I y troubled witheoiisti patiou aiitt iinliiiesiioii you eaunot lie altogether happy. Take Chamberlain's Tablet's to correct these disorders. They are prompt und etleetuul, easy ami pleasant to take How Diphtheria is Contracted. Oneolten hears the expression, "My child cau((lU a severe cold which devel oped into diphtheria," when the troth us that the cold had left the little one particularly susceptible to the wandcr luir diphtheri , ffenn. It" your child has a cold when diphtheria is pievalent you should take him out of school aud keep bun oil' the street until fully recovered, as there is a hundred tunes more dan Kei of his lakinif diphtheria when be lias a cold. When ( hambei lam's Couth Keiiii'd v is if iveu it quickly cures the cilds and lessens the dauber of diph theria or any other iTerm disease from bi'inir contracted. "Wilson uiiiitulr shucks all Turks," snys a headline. Isn't il a shame id hurl llie lender leelings (it ihe gtmlf. kimlhearled Turks. How U Your Complexion? A woman should mow more beautiful as she stows older and she will with .lue reifard to balhs. diet and exercises and by keepiulf hei liver aud bowels io Kood woiknii order. If you are hairirard und yellow, your eyes losing- their hie. tie and ttbilin becouilUK yellow ish your llesh flabby, it may he due to in digestion or to a alu(rg-uiu liver. Cham, Urlain's Tablets correct these disoi jets, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA C'AMAliA niusi he fixing in go dry. She is going to sell ihose war vessels, which bear the wrl names such as Nioheaml Rainbow. TUT. man who thinks evei yihing is wrong, and the man who thinks everything is right are both in er ror, but the latier does more harm. SALE OF CALOMEL Says Calomel is Mercury and Acts Like Dynamite on Your Liver. Dodson is nuking a li.irJ nulit acainit calomel in the South. livery drugifist has noticed a fircat falling off in the sale of ealnnicl They all ive the same reason, llodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "CalnmeJ is dangerous and people Know it, while Dodsun's Liver Tone is perfectly sale and gives better results,' said a jirorninent local dru'ist. Hudson's Liver Tone is personally Kiisranteed by every driicfrist. A liiree Untile costs but a few cents, and if it fuils to (five easy relief in every ea-e of liver sluirj-'isliness and constipation, you luve only to ask for your nioney b.o-k. liaison's Liver Tone is a pleasant tastiii'i, purely vegetable remedy, harm less to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling tine; no biliou-ness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipated, bowels. It doesn't irrioe or cause inconvenience all i the next day like io' nt calomel. Take a dose of calomel today unit tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nausested. bon't lose day's work' Take Dod son's Liver Tone instead aud feel tine, lull of vigor snd ambition. Many of Our Customers Have Said IhatTiiU U a Hank where They Feel at Home It is true thai we endeavor to render 100 per cent, service to all oi our clients, whether their deposits are large or small, or re gardless of the branch nt banking in which they are interested. Probably it is ibis greai desire on the pan of our organization to please thai makes it worth your while to sian your account here. v. . ; : Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S O APTOR I A