TP Ml Iff3 1 Hlk ESTABLISHED IN 1866. VOL. LIV. A NEWSPAPER f UK THE PEOPLE. W EL DON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY (J, l!)JO. Terms of Substriotion--$l.50 Per Annum no. r.i DROWN AND OX-BLOOD SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES AUo PASTES and LIQUIDS fur Glad, Tan and White Shoes THE 9. t. DALLHY CORPORATIONS LTD.. HUM AID, N. Y. As Dead n&Jho Dodo Every druggist in town your drutririst anj everybody's drug gist has noticed a great falling otf in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead I DoJjod'i Livtr Tone is personally guarantied by emy druggist who lelli it. A large bottle cost but a few cents, and if it fail to give cosy rtlitf in arery case of livtr luggih nata and cooitipation. you have on! to ask for your money back. Dodton'i Liver Tone la a pleinant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, barmleaa to both children and adult. Tike a -j-inmtul ut nijjhl and wak up feeliii;; fine; n.i bil .oionrsH, sk-lt liead.n he, acid s-tiirnnli or con limited bowel. It d.M'-it't i;tlj'i' r cairn in' anv. n'.fti i all ihf in-xt day I .Ice vio lent rulonud. T..!. a d-e of calomel today and tomorrow yuu will feel weak, xick and n.t:ne,itrd Don't Imt n day' work? Tike UoiUon' Liver 'luue instead and Ittl tint, lull tit vigor and ambition. Bargains foryou IF YOU BUY ALL YOUK GROCERIES I-' ROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON. N. C. :The New Things : For n D rv I 1 s Pretty Wearables la COATS, SUITS, DRESSES WAISTS m AT TEMPTING PRICES. Crepe and Silk m m fm m m m m m m m m ! Just Received a new line of Georgette rtCaciy-iviilug puaatii m m A I STAIN BACK. H The Busy Store, WELDON, N C gg W TT '!" ',! '.' '!!' .1' i u tvi 'Wi iWi.Mnwi .mo jm vx.- V i TV Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our cnoice nam. we nave anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. nAn r.Rnr'i.pi(.Q h.iihi nn ih sviicm. stimulate ilie brain, and U increase your capacity ro think. And right thinking brings best re mits. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Ratchelor'a Opera Housa.l WH DON N C Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry FOR Ft ETCHER'S O ASTORIA I ALICE jovce Many of ihf greatest mi'ii mid wo men of tin. siiiijp huve hud then- nniues associated with ono certain piny. All Joyce seems destined to hart the some distinction. The VltngrBph stnr tins had KUccesB after buccchm, hut, like all utlier motion picture Mar, she has Iwd without a role that stood out separate and distinct from the rest. In "The Vengeance of Durand," adapted from Hex Heach's powerful story K Mr. and Mrs. Ueorife Han dolph Dhi'ater, iihe has tin best lole Id her notable career. f 5 :yf ANTONIO MOR.ENO Imtpli-i'd by the atlvlce of nn Aniert ean hcIivnh, Antonio Moreno Join ed a stock company at Northamp ton, Ma., after completing his course at Wtltlstown Seminary. Soon he was engaged by l.cNlle t'nrter and Inter ap peared with Constance Collier In "TIihIs," Then he went Into silent drama and played Willi Kdltb Mtoruy, Irene Castle and Pearl White. Then Albert E. Smith, president of Vita i;raph, placed him under a long-term contract and Introduced tiltn to the aerial. Ilia rlcry lilnck eyes, black hulr, complexion of "uolden pallor" and a talent for expression make him the Ideal type for the screen. Women v. uld make food itidees because nine out of every ten mar ried men know that her woru is law. Women Who Suffer hrom Backacli and Headache n-ltvillc. 'l-nri.:- "Dr. Pin.-.- Favor- titi it i tiic In -i i, .'.it.-iiH- 1 have rv. J t:iL. II. t 1: ;. d a lung time with woman's trou-l-li-. 1 would heroine mi nervous that I ....... M I. iii-a JJf 'Mffik. jr up and lie dowu. I BUIH'n'U Willi OtU'H- uches and puins in my side. I would nf xick-lu'iulachitd. I nmt 1 itot whcr 1 wan u t'ltyMirnt wm-k In n 1 bhw th K- vorhp I'ri'scrii'tiou' ndvi-rt I and dwidwl to kivc it ti tri:d. It uitl't'ly i-un! nut uf tin1 fi'iiiinint' Iitiultlc uml n'stnrftl inc to good hniltli."- MltH. ALU K McfLUL'U, liilt'tltli Avu., N, Many of Your Neighbors Can Say The Same Mnihi, Tctui.: "l-'nr mauy'yeara I buv U.'M'iiilil on Dr. I'iiTtf'a niKiirinea tti kmn init wi-ll iiiiti hfitllliv. I WH utic rtlund to health by the ' Hit- 'havur ilc Priwription' uml I hi 1 Mitlicui Dispuvury' when other n Mid iltM- tors hiul failed to ivi on Dr. PicWh Favorite rn-Hcripii 'ii d i" nit nml hm A wonmtiV imiiicinf; tin1 '(inldi-u Minli ral Dwtivf-ry' i mm uf tin- lt niiriim tniHor IiIimmI niiilicmo 1 havi-pvi'r takeu; and I ulwiiyn Or- IWi' riiwaatit P'lltita in tli liiiiuo for ut vi'ieii mdfl. They aro a turn nvh-m n-culatur. arUim ua tlati iivur, atiiimcli arni h-iwrl-." - M Hsa. K. V. MI.SON, iMt N. tith Si. Any imilicine dtmler Kill mlv yU with Dr. I'lfrcf's l'avonte Pitirtenpuou or (ioldcn Mudirul liim-uvury in uitln-r liquid or tal'let fonn. All WfJiiifn uli sulKi fioin (tjinioiuf1 disorders are invittd to wnte the Fanilty of Dr. Piurcc'a InvalidV if. H. liutfaK. N. Y., fur free i.xi-tulutiuu and advicy. n.i rh;trK.- U.iii- n.u.l.- ki tliu high proti'Siiitiial m rvicc. 'I Ins wdl citadli' .-very woin;.ii to hein ht llw .d let-ot tlictudiif tiui. ui 'l" d phviifiyii-t. Notice of Administratrix. noahlieij us U'lmiutsllattix of tbeestateof John t'eikins deceased, late of Halifax, N C this is to notify all persons havinit claims against the estate of said deceased to es Inbit them to the undersiifned at Bnnklevville, N. (' , on orliefore the lAth day of April, 1021 or tins notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make i in medi ate payment. This 1.1th davof April, MSI. JULIA ANN HKUKINH, Admr of estate of Joun Perkins, dea d. J. H. TAl lAJK, Attorney. Popular Leader of Peacetime Army "HVi'ii- fV. v i i I t 1 JPA I V 1 ,--Br-. 1 J XfKSVJ 4 li l " lb FW. I it. I f 1! r-tV-sr " " 7. "", ... - ; ,s7 (2) nHNiff o MISS EVANGELINE C. BOOTH, Commander of the Salvation Army in the United States, 11TJTH the $!4,(XXt,fXH fund generoun " ly contributed by ttie ruuntry ti tha Salvation Army last Mu all but eihausted through tht Army's un paralleled yi'nr of in'tlvlik'M mid corv lc thruughout the country, ('uinnmiid er Miss Houth Is now iimrsliuliiiK her forceM for the oronlait Ion's seroud imllon wide Home Service Appeal to be held Muy 10 In JO. "It tnaUes me extremely happy to report, even before the full stailstles of the year's woik tire In liuiid." the Coiiiiiiander ululed In New York recently, "thai never lfuie In the history of the organization In Huh coitulry hint the ISulvutlon Army lnt'ii uble to a'- ho much for the poor, the distressed, the sick, the unfurl untile mid the erring. "All IliU Is becuiiHu of the inuif nincetit way Aineii, a has supported uur efforts. We are deeply thunkful to tiod miti country for the opportuni ties of I 'brlstlau mid humanitarian service that have been afforded us diirhiK I he hist few months. Very .diurily, now, we shall give an account lug- of our truwteushlp, und soon there after we plan to fc'o to the country lYKaiii for the em-uuraKeiueut and fund) with which to muiniuln our iniiny vllul actlvllies throuhuut uU other twelvemonlh." STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marion Holcomb. of Nancy, Ky., says: "For quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. I would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste in my mouth, if I ate anything with buller.oil or fjrease, I would spit it up. I began to have regular sick headache. 1 had used pills and tablets, but after a course of these, 1 would be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. 1 found they were no good at all for my trouble. 1 heard THEDFORD'S SMC K-DMT recommended very highly, so began to use it. It cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. 1 do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. Get a package today, if you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE (in) I yfei.V?" ... 'jA ( M -"hf o$7 1 -''' J J CS' ai if c irsyrc Qr ALICE JOYCE W all the relgnli .4 favorites of the early motion pictures, Alice Joyce) Jobs shines u a star today. Wltn such notable plays as Charles Klein's The Lion and Uie Mouse" and "The Third Dcirree;" the famous Drury Lens eledjmia, "The Sporting Ductless;" Hex Heach s story, "The Vengeance of Durand," nd "Slaves of Pride" as her medluii. Miss Joyce has entered an era of steadll Inoreautai popularity. Saa occupies a pla of Uie acreaa, . J Guaranteed by m 'OULL' Darliam yourscll ironi ; ;.nuitic INCOHPORATCiJ cL'nvttcs; von roll them Bull" Durham tobacco; fifty fn .a nw hag. No machine can i.vcn duplicate your "own" rolled from genuine ''IiulT' Durham tobacco. . Good old reliable "Hull". Always genuine; since 1M65 he's been ever one's friend. GENUINE FN n TOBACC05 EAK.LE WILLIAMS i'tirle III nuns, VlttiKi apb star, ha devoted most o' bis time to that company's West ( iast studio In re cent years, but came east to make "The rurtunr !!i::;Ilt" n:.i1 M':t:tnli) Swift," two plays that hail a long run un Hroiidw'tiy a few years ajf". They were made famous by the llarryniores. Mr. Williams Is mw at work making features at Vltaciapirs West Ooaat studio. Administrator's Notice. Tl.e utideisijiin d huvinu duly quali fied at. aihiiiin.stiiitor of the eslale of Kuircmit W. Amlersou, late of llalifa. county. N l' this is to notify all per sons h ivnif claims ajfamst the ilate of lb xanl deceased, to rile them with the umlersiiriu-I mi itr before thp loth ilav of March, licil or this notice will be pb-ad in bai oi their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the Pith .lav of March, Hl'JO. til.tilitii: l. H AW KH, Admr, ol Kujfeiiiu W. Anilerson, dec 3 1M til SEWING. A colored seuinstresb desucs to sew in or near VC'eldon. Vl'ill sew for while or colored at reasonable price For further information ap ply to MissS. Mehltabel Barnes, P. 0. Box 257, Sanford, N. C r7rr iirtm tTzhf Many of Our Customers Have Said that This is a Bank where They l-eel at Home It is iiiic 11 ut ciidenx 'in in tender 100 per cent, service to all ut uur clients, ttheilat" ilieir itepostis are large or small, or re I' it. Irvs ut tin. pt'.incli nl hanking in which they are interested. I't 1 t.i hi 11 is this gicn done un die p.irt of uur organization tn pic, isc 1I1.11 in.iW s 11 worth your while to start your account here. Dixon Lumber I Hillwork 0 Weldon, N C. MANUKAtTUHERsJOK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAUK TO OKDKK AN U REGULAR STOCK Sl.IiS. Ooodyftaterlals, HlRh (trade Workmanship Our Stofan. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I WAN TED A good piano sales man for Weldon and vicinity. Write Conrad L. O'Briant, Rosemary, N. C,