ISSRSI St S ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NE WSPAPtK FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriotion--$1.50 Per Annum i 1 VOL. MV. WKLDON, N. C, TIIUKKDAY, MAY I'.l, livjo. NO. 41 Another Royal Suggestion GRIDDLE CAKES and WAFFLES From the New Royal Cook. Boer TIIFRK k nn art in m;ikiiiK tlupjuck pan cakes, griddle cakes or wheats, call tlicin what you will. But it is an art very easily and ipiiikly acquired if you fulluw the right recipes. Here are some recipes for a variety of breakfast cakes that will make grandmother envious. The secret, of course, is Royal Baking Powder. Royal Hot Griddle Cakes t cur" flour 14 tt'iispoon unit 4 teusimons Koyal Baking I'owclcr 1U. nip mllli 2 talileK)(ina shortening Mix and sift dry ingredi ents; adit milk and melted shortening; brat weH. Hake on slir.litly greased hot grid dle. Griddle Cakes with Eggs li nips flour U 1,'Hsponri unit 5 teaspoons Koyal Baking I'oluler 1H ''iii niilk 1 lut.Iespoon shortening Mix and sifl dry ingredi ents; :ul'l hrntcn cirirs, millc and lntlttd shortcniiiff: mix well, t'.iike iuilucdiuU'ly oti hut t.ildlt BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure RnrVw'ient Cskra i'ih , Iki i, , ) hi M.nir I' 1 M..UI1 I" 1 t 1. IS i. V ! ' .11 -1 Ipl'le.-; .i 1 tl.ltiesi .n Sin I"' . ih pel.!,, .. I 111..., cuiii' HAe milk anil wutor 'I. .'Si :l i 1 . !i'IHIH: ; 1,. I' . .Kid !i'iiii!, s ' ,. i:e,i .hort ii. .. i l!n . minute, n 1 jI '.'.uu-.'.J finddle. 2 cups :l 4 !.-..i. :'uui.. I '. t, i n '.V-lfles .1 rjukln$ i.t :aelu .1 slinrten- rilt 11. II-, liakiilpi I'ov.iler iiin! Mireiliee; :. millc li ' i !!;:! nl e.;c.,; lili- llior un itly and ad I 1 dry in '.;ri dii its; ad. I iiiciu d :.titrt eriiij ai d ii iv I.. I oaten liitc ; of ei;i:. i'nl. " ill well freaiid Imt vvuti'lc i;n un til brown. S.tvc Imt with 'ii..lde syrup. It ' V"i; 1 take about 1' ii linn t c in Wilts inch v.altlc. FREE NVw Ruynt r i. u I'otii: ton t ft J n i ii t; i ), i a ii, in iiiVB of (il'ii'i- i. ;ltl!'ul rci'ip'a. 'A'l-.t. .'-if n .'i. .:.. JifiVAVn aicini; i o'''.:..m.'o. :. hih..u ;.tt,,i "Baki with Royal and be Sure ORGAN FOR SALE. -If interested, app.y to "H,' care this office. Organ in good condition Bargains for you IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKKR & 00., Wholesale Gash Store WKLOON. N. C. If The New Things For D m K i n 111 Pretty Wearables In II COATS, SUITS, DRESSES WAISTS g 2 AT TEMPTINQ PRICES. g. ibto Just Received a new line of Georgette Crepe and Silk a& Hf Ready-MaJe Dresses. gj f 4. l. mnmoK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C rm it ?w Ii rm l urn H m -i ?m n l e mi m m Choice Hams There is nothing mt rf appetizing; than n slice u our choice ham. We hni anything you may wan iu the line of meats. Ail Kinds of Canned Ooods POOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate ih? brain, at U v increase your capacity to think. Ana rignt ininKing Drings ucm k rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Ner Ratchelor't Opera Hnuat.l W El DON. N C OUR CLIENTELE GROWS A Wise SAi.ks.MAN. Mr. Bj1 cock was driving through ihc cuuniry, trying lo lmy u mule, lit directed to a colored man who had one for sale. "Do you want to sell a inuLr" asked Habcock. 'Adas, salt," replied the owner, "May 1 ask whar yo' live, sahr" "Wlui has got to do with it?" queried Babcock. "Well," explained the negro, 1 ain't gwine ter transfer dainiule to nobody that lives less than two hundred miles away from here. When I sells dat mule 1 wants te git rid not only of de mule, but of all conversation appertainin' to nun. Health M About Gone Many thousand! of women fullering Irom womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use ot Cardui, the woman's tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one turn Mrs. Z.V.Spell, 0lHayn,N.C. "1 could not stand on my feet, and Just suffered terribly," she says. "As my suf fering was so great, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. - had us fret Cardui. . 1 began mproving, and It cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for me, for my nerves and health were about gone." TAKE The Woman's Tonic Not upon promises, but upon Peiformancis WE ARE PIONEERS IN In Business Since lS. Prompt Deliveries Send Ootids by Parcel Post THE TKASDALK COMPANY. 1 625-627 Walnut St. CINCINNATI. OHIO 1 She writes furthen "I am In splendid health... can do my work. I feel I owe 11 to Cardui, for I waa to dreadful condition." II yon are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardui. Thousands ot women praise this medi cine for the good It has done them, and many physicians who have used Cardui successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medl Cine. Think what it means to be In solendid health. like Mrs. Spell. Oive Cardui a trial. All Druggists in Tintinnabulating Tambourines Doomed to Minor Salvation Role -$SiZ2 tesk1 pU&il iS3?i -Lrf-Vj?ASALVAT ION LASSIE Itl ij H&Z4 TiiS?: i-'5rl&Vy TAMBOURINES AT SALVATION ARMY HEADQUARTERS, NEW YORK CITY THE AmerlcR nf tlio oM fnshlunHiti America n b Ih uho; It's nil tMiriml. Boiue still otlnK to prlmroHu hopes, but' with the raven t iiiiiiuuiu'emt'nt thai the Salvarlim Army lussU-s Imvo Kivun Up their tumbouriiit'H fur street collect Intr pAhaw ! Wlmt'n tin line? H itttrted with Hie IiiiiThUh's. Some New York trnvollnjf men, ilit-sM In Uie Ifttfst Hprthi; styles, vfiiturrd out Wttit. The buffaloes took one sijiitiit, Ifty down on tlo-lr )ln;il c.nls, closed their eyes, uroniied nnd dietl. And tJien there mine about tlm puss Inff of Hnother Imloveil Ainr;t'nn in titutlon Uiu front junl. Hume lit (.anD't been the siuuu since. Willi tit,' advent of skyncrHpor teiioiiieiits niul flats front yards vanished. Now the heads of honsehelils when thf come bo ma at night worn out wl'h nivulu golf at the office all duy hnve to Hit on the front doorsteps or go to the tnuvles. 8uspenders have gono too. And gooo ftre 50 cent Sunday table d'hote dinners, and family surreys, and all-day sucker. And now the time honored role of tba Salvation Army laaite'a tlntlnnubu- latlnp tanibniir!n Is doomed. You will tltnl tlief-e once popuutr musical I'olleetiim boxes pilt'd up by the hun dreds at Salvation Army headij uirtern. The lassies, heartened by the coun try's approal of their overseas war service, hae. fuund It unnecessary to waste effort In tambourine solicita tions, and they devote the time thus saved lo actual shun wnrk and general service to nil distressed humanity. So they've called itT the year-round taw bourlne ndlectliiK nnd appeal to the nation tinniinlly fur tlninnlnl upproval. The IPL'M Appetil Is scheduled for May loth to 'jiMh Tin- lush's will still lnt the tain buurlituH In the Salvation Anny praise servtees, however. They quote a num ber of PaliiH hh authority. Fluru ti I'sulin Mil, ,'t: "Let them tug praises unto Him with ihi iuibrel and harp." The "timbrel" is the ancients' name for the nio'1 "tr S:'tntou Army tarn hour; ip. oil, z Iby, old tambou rine. We'll mhs our cheering tinkle and the act; nowle-lirtnt? smile Of yom mistress, but joii did your bit 5 I, f (f - I 4 ' Y . 7. ? 1 F ' "4 -t M lal , ' V , ANTONIO MOR.ENO AniKiiiit Moreno waa 11 miuiII huy wluui u. huher illeil. l-'iiuer to HSMlut hla ninilii'r hy kIui rlnar purl uf tin- fuini! luinlrn ln nhtiiliu'il a ikihIiIou hi bilker's eli'rk. t'ur (tils KL'l-lef lit iveHivPil tin' .i-ln.-ily aiim uf two tlnlUra un-lt. Allli. miili he llkt'il his i-lt l.n. thli Simiilsh l, I hail ilivaiua uf tuuk Iiik a furiunr. lit hail at'fii wenlitiy Aiurrteim tuurlsU In hla natlva 1ou and they iiwuki'lii'it Hiuhlttuu In his hreasl. lie ii'snlveil Ut wts hla luouay and go to the lnnd of promise The AitierhuiiH w o vlnltetl I'Muipiiiueuto were all aunpoaed to be mllllou. aires. Into the inluil of Antuuio Moreno eaiiie ilrentiis, dreams of Wealth that lay serosa the great ocean, lie heeauie deteriultietl to go to ttie I'ultad Statts ami make a fortune. When Antonio Moreno, at the age of fifteen, walked up the gangplank from the (Uliraltar docks to an American sleitmshlp. he was In reultry cruaa lug ttie brittle from nonentity tu fume. Ahmtru the boat was one of America's niost disiliiKuWhed actresses. Miss lie-leu Ware. Her attention was attractad to the handsome, lud with the r!i ry ecs, and she hecame lutensted In him "Wtmt do you Intel, d to to vhen you reach America T" Inquired Sitaa Ware. "Make a fortune," promptly rf:illeit yownir Antonio. alias Wure smiled at his co anil replh 4, "I think you wtll lud both fame and fortune In the theaier If you chose to become an actor." The prophecy la now being reallzcil. Annuilo Moreno as the star of such Vltneraph serials us "The Iron Test" nnd 'i'trlls of Thunder llouutaln," Is earning luternatloiuil fame and a con .leruble fcrtune. Whlla In New Turk recently he algneil a two yeur contnici uii:- te, Vttagtapb Cumpauy and re eently ttnlstied a aerial productlou dealing 111 secret aervlc, tatttlad "Til Invisible Hand." amwaaMaaaMaaMMMMwaaaaaawaaaaaaaMwawMwafc, American Indian, are almost never found with beards. VKirWUf.-'li. ..ft -LV rm '"' 'J'J t ? f In JVr " '9 ' ' V WTA j..; at THERE HE STANDS! CILWD eld "Bull" Durham. He belongs in this J country's Hall of Fame. Can you think of a more familiar figure ? For over b.ilf a tvntuiy Bull has been part of the landscape; the tobacco he represents has made millions and millions of friends. You can roll fifty-thrifty cigarettes from one bag. urn GEN U I NE 1 SilV TOBACCO CM a-aai f 1UC T " . Z. f . h a lit r i.-' - .v , rii. . i . . " -ir i r jtf.-i iJt ith IVIU. paper you can roll the best "Bull" Durham cigarettes. j.iaiv I i . i 32 I 1 Ikal ( ' ' " II . I , II ' I 111 i . - ' . II :i 0 COPINNB GRJFFITN It whh particularly uppropitute thai Albert II Slnllli. preille)t of YllU pniili, should lotv e selected Corlhiif fliltllili fur the leading role of t'lydt J-'ltch h "The ClIiuberH," fur she bsi been steadily cllnibltiu eet time shv left ber home In the souih ouif a film player. Now nhe lots reiii btl the t.-p rung .f loio miv. In non tint) lo her Imposing personal apponr iniee and histrionic inlctit, Mls- liiltntl lias the happy faculty of wearliiki benu tlfyl and uuusunl owne w lib rtae end ban had a splendid athletic train lug. Soin of her most recent fea tures have n "A 01 rl at Hay," "Tht tiower uf Je " "Human Collateral" and "iJeadllue hi Kleven." M hds it iitt oiYunw! U) i t Scivinn monev z'ws. vou : pleasure KKHT NO . ;Hitt lu-w imul uu n ;ikt. When you SAVt: ou are (letting $(me here" I iin iivt ui u I OI) V. it 1 1 ii.i i i v. . ,1 mure simply t c, ;him ii is ' yunnn j i-u .11 , 4 U--JaJ f All w .WHai v.; it i u ? - LMJtMtL r ' V a1a'iiam.wtoMilat I afca aiL ;, r' ,Tr T- MT.i lijl. . . ' aV j'a. t I 1 I II III Stl 1 11 1 lalM SWSWflli li Administrator's Notice. The uinleisurncil liuvinir duly (piali tied a atl'tiiuwtrator of the estate of Kutrcnoi W Amleisoii, late of llalifai county, X (' this is to nolil'y all per sons h ivintf eluinis airainsl the estate of the sitid deceased, to tile them with the undernamed on 01 before the 1Mb day of Muieli, lit M 01 this notice mil be plead hi barot then itcovciv All persons indebted tn said tistate nil) please make immediate payment. Tins the U'th d-iv of March. IH'.'H. i;i:oKi;k d haw ks, Adn t td Kutfeuia Anderson, dec. H lis (ii Wh NTkv D Immedialelv, Saw yer lor imou id 'itw null, who is fast and knows bow to keep mdl up hi that it will make good hoards. I Will pay first class man good wares. E M Mul ANDId.SH, Honueaus, ti. C. Dixon Lumbar & Millwork Go. Weldon, N C. MASlrACTUKKKS'tlF Building Material for inodern Homes. Sash. Hnnra Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screen. MAHK T ' Oi Ali iCr.tilil.AK STOCK S1ZR8. Oood Materials, High Orade Workmanship Our Slotan. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO RI A WANTED A enott piano sales man for Weldon and vicinity. Wriie Conkad L. 0 Briant, Rosemary, N. C.