'-o.f.ijiv.'i.. IjSfAIJLIS.Iiii) IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion$2 00 Per Annum WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, MAY 11)21. NO. II 4 i r , Net Conirnts Ti Fluid Drachm -afl'vi B IlKlf IS Lj!L--!l ForInfallt9fll"1 Children. Al.r.()HUL-3 PER CENT. Avertable fri-naralionforAs t I.n,.i,.i.niiih.-roMl bv RViula- tinoMir Stomachs nlHllI'0' J r, i. i.. .. . an.l Ri.t folllil) Wllinum"miu.-- noither Opium, Morphine not it i v.it Viur.OTIC JllHtnil. I'm - hmt'iyr"" furor . helpful Itcinedy fcr ConMipationandDiwrhoca n.ut iVvi-risnnos .f sleep KsulliiliniwTroraiKlnfa fat Simile Sinatureot MU& p M U M M K ft mm At Cost For mm mm mm, mm MM, MM MM MM MM MM MM K& MM MM MM MM, MM RBI HCflSTORIfl Exact Copy of Wrapper. , . ,.,,. c, I AM offering my entire stock of Shoes, Men's Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Ladies Dressos and Coats at wholesale COST to EVERYBODY. No goods charged at cost to anybody. Come early and get your pick of these bargains while they last MU MM MM MM 4. L. SWflBUCK, MM The Busy Store, ju. XXiMMMMPX. MM & y$MMMMMMMMM M GOOD GROCl:RIliS build up ihil-iystem, stimulate the bruin, and increase your capacity to think. And right ihinkirg brings besu re rults. Our prices make you ihink. Cull in 10 see us . L. E. HULL, Near Batchelor's Opera House, Dixon Lumber Si VVeldon, N C. MANl'r'ArTl'KKIOI OK Building: Material for Alodern Homes, Sash, Doors Sllnds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MA UK TUOHUKH AM KKlilil.AK riTOCK M.hU dood Material High (trade Workmanship Our Nlofaa. The Citizens Bank HALIFAX. N. C. W E Invite the people t Halllax and surrounillnj country to pat ronize this bank. W hy not have a checking account ? It is 1. iu. 11 uvm vou monev. and you have a re- necessary m tni: . . . - ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides It gives you landing In your community. We have every facility known lor Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attentionl as the largest with us. v Wa pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. CoJTlfl ana talk it evar with . We Bee . I Mothers Know Thai Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of In Use For Over Thirty Years . $ $ h M r k M U M M MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM Mil Only MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM WELDON, N &MMMMMMM M M$MMMMMMMM Choice Hams There is nothing; more appetizing thana slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. WELDON. N.C Millwoii Co. 1VIU OF EVERV RACE AND TONGUE. All Peaples of the liarth Mepre sented in the Millions Seeking Homes In This Country. Armies equal in sie to the one we seni in l:runce land every two years on our shores, and ut the present time millions are said to be wailing in enier. Since HIOO more than thirieen million iuiuii grams haye eniered this country, and approximately one-ihird of our present populaiion of more lhanone hundred millins are im migrants or the children of iinnii granis. Two-ihirds of the popula iion of New York state and three fourths of that of our greai cities are foreign born or the children of foreign-born parenis. l-'rom a fourth to a half of the population of the large cities of the South are negroes. Already we are the niosi heterogeneous people on earth; here are found representatives of every race and tongue and culiure in the world, and still ihey contin ue 10 come in enormous numbers. It is doubiftil whether any other migration in the history of man kind compares in magnitude with that which has been converging on America during the past twenty years. The sources and magni tude of this migration are indica ted by the following general sum mary: OF more than thiny mil lion persons in this country who are foreign born or the children of foreign-horn parents there are from eighi to nine million Ger mans, four to five million Irish, about three millions from Great Britain, about three million Slavs, from two 10 three million Scandi navians, more than iwo million Italians and about two million He brews, while all other races and nations constitute about five mil lions. PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS. Captain Recognized Prospective Marine Engineer as a Man After His Own Heart. They are so close iu some parts of Scotland that the lakes can't get enough water, and have to go dry. A visitor tells the story of a Scotchman, a prospective marine engineer, who was being examined by the captain, The skipper asked a number of difficult questions in order to con fess the applicant, but the latter was always ready with an answer. Finally, in a lone of deepest con cern, the captain asked : "Now, suppose the water in your injector was working proper ly, your boiler check was not stuck, or your pipes clogged, but you were not getting any water in your boihrs, what would you do?" The engineer looked pu.zled for a moment, unable fully to grasp the situation; then, with a knowing smile on his face, he answered : . "I'd go up on deck and see whether there was any water in the lake." "You'll do," said the captain. . IT'S FICKLE AS A WOMAN. How can we expect the forecast officials to tell what the weather will do when the weather itself does not know? SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION TbeoWt Black-Drsiibt HijUj Recommended by a Teanenee Gracer for Treables Re Bitiaf (rem Torpid Liter. Itit NnhTtlU, T.nn. The ffls iency of Thedford'i Black Draught, tbi genuine, herb, liver medicine, li vouched for by Mr. W. N. Piraone, I grocer of this ctty. "It Is without doubt the beet Itrer medicine, and I don't belter I could get along wlthoul It. I take It for eour atomach, head ache, bad liver, Indigestion, and al! other troublea that are the reiult o! a torpid liver. "I bare known and ueed It for year and caa and ds highly recommend II to ererr one. I won't go to bed with out It In the houee. It will do all II clalmi to do. I can't aay enough foi It." Many other men and womea through eut the country have found Black Draught Juat as Mr Parson dsacrlbet -valuable In regulating the ltrer ti Its normal function, and In cleanalni th bowel of Impurltlea. Thcdtord'a Black-Draught liver medl clue I th original and only genuine Accept no Imitation or subatltut AJsau-s -k ar TMfard'a. a I FROM LANDS AFAR. BY FRANK L. STANTON. Love cannot ease his longing heart to say If skies are dim or blue, Nor waft one prayer from lips you taught to pray, Sweetheart, lo you. I look with longing o'er the hills and plains I cry to the cold skies Far dashing down their desolate while rains Over pour dreaming eyes. 1 shiver in a world of bloom, and light, Fronting a heaven above; Knowing the night the dark, dividing night Is over one 1 love. And Oh! the sorrow and ihe wild unrest Biner, and dark, and deep! 1 could not lay one flower on your dear breast If God should whisper, "Sleep!" Yet till the last sad shadow veils ihe sun To all eternity, Dream still; and in your dreams may there be one Beautiful dream of me! Published By Request. ENCOURAGEMENT. BY PAUL LAWRFNCIi DUNBAR. Who dat knockin' at de do? Why, Ike Johnson-yes, fu' sho! Come in, Ike. I'se mighty glad You come down. I thought you s mad At me 'bout de othah night, An' wasstavin' 'way fu' spite. Say, now, was you mad fu' true When I kin' o' laughed at your Speak up, Ike, an"spress yo'se'f. 'Tain't no use a-lookin' sad, An' a-mekin' out you's mad; Ef you's gwine to be so gum, Wondah why you evan come. I rinn't lak nobidy 'roun' Dat jes shet dey mouf an' frown, Oh, now, man. don t act a ounce; Cain'i you talk? 1 tol' you once, Speak up, Ike, an"spressyo'sef. Whn'd vou come hyeah fu' to-nite? Bidy'd think yo' haid ain't right. I's done all dat 1 kin do, Dressed perticler, jes fu' you; Reckon I'd 'a' bettah wo' Mv ol' ragged calico. Aftah all de pains I's took, Cain'i you tell me how I look? Speak up, Ike, an' spressyoser. THUS SINCE THEPRLO BEGAN. As Philosophers Have Said. De vious Are the Ways to me Heart ol a Muid. Lo! there was once an artistic maiden who did things cleverly and wore bobbed hair and smocks. Her art was really very bad, nor the maiden unaware of it. She haM ihree suitors and she was sore perplexed until one day suitor No. I said, "I shall be traiiK. t our art is very bad, but I love you." Qhe Hkmissed him. Qniinr N,i 2 said. "Your art is; very good." The maiden said to him, "Prithee, sir, do you not agree willv me that in places il is a bit er crude?" He answered ihe maiden. "Now thai you speak of it. I agree with you thai in places it is a bit er crude." And she cast him forth from her father's threshold. Suitor No. 3 spoke unto the maiden in this wise; "Your art is perfect. It delights my soul, li is true art, without Haw. 1 love you." The maiden knew in her heart that her lover lied and she straight way married hint. JUBILANT JUBILEE. "Some years ago," suvs an American who used lo live in Lon don, "before Queen Vicioria's deaih and uImui ihe lime die queen's jubilee was celebraied, there was overheard this conver sation between two old Scotchwo men on a street corner: " 'Can ye tell me, wuinman, what is il they call a jubilee?' " 'Weel, ii's this,' said the other. 'When fulks has been married twenty-five years, that's a silver wuddin'; and when they have been married fifty years that's a golden wuddin'. Bui if the mon's dead then it's a jubilee.' " CASTORIA lfnr Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwayt bear the fUgualui of W Bless my soul! I 'mos' fu'got Tellin' you 'bout Tildy Scott. Don' you know, come Thus'day night, She gwine ma'y Lucius White? Miss Lize say I alius wuh Heap sight laklier 'n huh; An' she'll git me somep'n' new, L;f I wants to ma'y too. Speak up, Ike, an' 'spress yo'self. I could ma'y in a week, Ff de man I wants 'ud speak. Tildy's presents 'II be line, Bui dey wouldn't ekal mine. Him what gits me fu' a wife 'LI be proud, you bet yo' life. I's had offers; some 'ain't quit; But I hasn't ma'ied yit! Speak up, Ike, an' 'spress yo'self. Ike, I loves you, -yes, 1 does; You's my choice, and alius was. Laughin' at you ain't no harm. Go 'way, darky, whah yo' arm? Hug me closer dah, dat's right! Wasn't you a awful sight, Havin' me to braig you so? Now ax what you want to know, Speak u,p Ike, an' 'spress yo'sell! THE HOWLINU UOd. Are you superstitious? asked Topley of his neighbor. Well, I don't know, replied Win ion. Give me a case to deal with. Suppose a dog stood howling on your doorstep at midnight, ex plained Topley, would you regard il as a sure sign of death? A grim look shone in the other man's eyes. Yes, I should if the dog stayed long enough. QUITE SO. "The Browns named their baby after Julius Caesar.,' "Why, the crazy idea! What did they do that for?" "Because he was born too late for them to name him before him." WHAT SHE HAD HEARD. Mother Now, Lucy give untie nice hand and then what do you say when aumie is going home? Little Lucy (shy and embarrassed) At last! ARTISTIC IMPROVEMENT. Do you think it's wrong for a woman to paint her face? Not always, replied Miss Cay enne. Sometimes it's a kindness. RARE SPECIES. Pa, whin is a good mlker? N A man who can lalk and make you actually want lo listen io him. PROPERLY QUALIFIED. The generous who is always jusi, and the jusi who is always generous, may, unannounced, ap proach the throne of heaven. A young wife remonstrated with her husband, a dissipated spend' thrift, for his conduct. Love, said he, I am like the prodigal son; I shall reform by and by. I will be like the prodigal son, too, she re plied, for I will arise and go to my father. It is sweet to suffer when sutler for those we love. vJliuaren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Msnrt A Bungalow with Art-Craft Tile Deaign Laid Horiiontally Directly on New Roof Boardi SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF? IT'S ART-CRAFT! CEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have the secret of Bird's Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity it gives to any building the charm of a high-priced roof at a remarkably low cost. Weather-proof and spark-proof. Absolutely reliable. Also laid right over old wooden shingles. Come in and let's get down to figures. The cost will be less than you think. BIRD & SON, inc. (Established 1795) East Walpole, Mas. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. DliOU LUMBER Phone 235 You Can't Drive a Nail With an Apple J Poor printing on poor paper never paid anybody. Get work that is good enough to bring you good results. J Use an econom ical paper such as and come to an eco nomical printer. Thafsus. Quick serv ice and good work at reasonable prices. ( Morm Printed Smlmnsftip Amk Ua E. L. HAYWARD, Weldon. N. C. Dodaon'a Liver Tone Instead of Calomel Oaluinel is quioksilver. It attai'kn the boiiM and paralyze the liver. Your dealer sells each bottle of pleasant, harmless "Dodon' Liver Tone" under n ironclad, money-back guarantee that it will regulate the liver, atomarh and buwele better1 than oalomel, without sickening or salivating vou IS miUwa I bottle sold. BIRD'S Fait P TILE DESIGN ipjj CO jj WE THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When ai opporiunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HL won't turn YOU down if YOU have cultivated him properly. Why not sian thai actuuni loday and be prepared to laugh at adversity? MAT 1 WELDON, N. C. WELDON. N.C.H I Keep Well! When you feel nervous, tired, irritable ; when you're ill with any disease caused by disordered nerves, don't give up until you try Dr.Miles' Nervine f 1 MS.