ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIV. WKLDOX, N. C, TIIUllSDAY, MAY 20, U2U. NO. 45 Another Royal Suggestion DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the New Royal Cook Book DOUGHNUTS made the doughboy happy during the war and no won der. There is nothing more wholesome and delightful than doughnuts or crullers rightly made. Their rich, golden color and appetizing aroma will create an appe tite quicker than anything else in the world. Here are the famous dough nut and cruller recipes from the New Royal Cook Book. Doughnuts I tablespoons ihorUDlog h cup suv&r fe cup milk 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 ttupoon ault I cup flour Itcaipoom Royal Baking Powdvr Cream shortening; add sugar and well -beaten ?kk: atir tn milk: add nutmeg, salt, flour an 1 baking powdtr which have be a lifted together ami enough ad ditional flour to make Joituli stiff enough to roll. Roll out on floured board to about H Inch thick; cut out. Fry In deep fat hot enough to brown & ylce of bread In 0 second. Drain on unglazed paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Afternoon Tea Doughnuti t'KK table apoona sugar trAHpoon Halt teaspoon t rated nutmeg "Bake with Royal and be ORGAN FOR SALE.--If interested, apply to "H,' care this office. Organ in good condition. Bargains foryou IF YOU BUY GROCERIES W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELOON. The New Things For D n m am Pretty Wearables In COATS, SUITS, DRESSES un SKIRTS WAISTS AT TEMPTINQ PRICES. Just Received a new line of Georgetie Crepe and Silk Ready-Mide Dresses. urn 4. l. sunmcK, The Busy Store. m GOOD GROCbRIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best .re rulis. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batcbelor'a Opera Housa.l MOOOt-OT OUR CLIENTELE GROWS Not upon promlsca. but upon Performance. N DRY CLEANING AND DYEING Prompt Deliveries Send Goods by Parcel Post THE TEASDALE COM PAX Y, 2S-627 Walnut St. CINCINNATI, OHIO. ML BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure ALL YOUR FROM N. C. m m m m m WELDON, N C urn Choice Hams There Is iiutiiiilC hlort appetizing than a slice ol our choice ham. We have anything you may want lu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods W lit DON. N.C S tablenpoonn shortening 1 tatiN-fliio.mji milk 2 cujm tlmir I tcnupoDrm Hoyal Haklng Brat cnn linlll very llrht: add unr. suit, iiu('it-i rimi itvltfd ulioiiinlnr; ald m.ik, mwl Hour ami baking ijuiIm- which liiivti Iti'Cn Hlftlll to- t!.,.r; n : f x Vt-M. I Mop by l.-.i-Duotis itit-t iti;p hot fat oinl f; v niihl biuu n, Jiriiln wi'll on imxl :'. '! ,nin-r nn.l rtprlnklu litjli:. wit! pow dered toUgur, Crullers 4 tnhlpnpofnc ; 1 . o i : . 1 Clip flUtjal' 3 i iim tli.itr t. ii.-i...iii .-hi- !tt)in t. (Oil s;ti. i U .ij..i..)f Halting lcvl.-r S cup milk Cream f lu-itf ii'nr; i.dtl sujrar pr:nl:i.itiy and 1i.hU-;i i-una; sift toriTluT IK'iir. cinuiinit.,1, unit iunl hnkin.i; j'ovvtt. r; ailtl onu hitir itnd mix v.ll; nil i.iillt oiij l i-mulndi l- of -j v- Ik .ill in ! ink- .'.ft ,! -i. h 1 i ,. u n limn til I - Ml i tneli thick ti nd tut i; t ) Mni-.n about 4 Inches Iniiif In. h wide; Toll in huiais mid tttl.t cuch ftnp iitid tiring end toKcthor. 1'i y In deep hut lot I 'r uin and roll In jtuwden-d angar. FREE N'ew Royal fi-1i l: .ok con taining tlh'iic iitui auur h of OtliiT ih'l!-;litfi r.'ipi-d, V'rite fur It To: -AY HOYAL HKi S(i I'nW v. :.i t;o. Jlfj l'u!touh;r, ; hw York I iJ Sure ' When preparaiory to doing a , liule light reading, you pick up a j magazine thai weighs three or four . pounds and find that of its 292 jpuges2l3 are entirely taken up I vv i i h advertisements, it isn't so hard to understand the paper short- Helps Sick Women Cardui, t'ie woman's tonic, helptd SUt. WU liara livtrjole, ol Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what ihe writai: "I had a general breaking-down of my health. I was in bed lor weeks, unable to get up. I had such a weakneu and dizziness, . . . and the pains were very severe. A friend told me I had tried every th'ig else, why not Cardui?... I did, and soon saw it was helping me . . . After 12 bottles, I am strong and well." TAKE The Woman's Tonic Do you feel weak, du ty, worn-out? Is your lack of good health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? II should surely do for you what II has done lor so many thousands of other women tttw iiilleieJ It should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has laktn Cardui. She will tell you how It helped her. Try Cardui. Sale of Land for Taxes. I Hill sell to the luirhrMt bidilt-i t'ui eish at the court huune iluui iu the town of Halifax, on Monday, June ,7 two, the followiug described lauds in Littleton Tottuship, for tues and costs for year A. M. Medlm, 42 aciss, Deep Creek, tl4 U. Wadp Carter's estate, 17 acres, beep Creek, S23.UU. A. Vt , lvey, one town lut, Littleton, Sol. H D Msyo, one lot, Littletou, 40 85. Howard titta, 3 acres Uak Uiovs 11.30. O. W. KINO, ' . StaCoUeetot Littletou Township. A PHILIPPINE THE ROMANTIC ISLANDS OF THE FAR EAST. PICTURE OF THE.IR NATURAL BtAUTY AND HISTORIC SPOTS DE COMINQ A MECCA FOR TOURISTS ANO A POPULAR WINTER RESORT. IMSfeS -lit! y Ths Zlezag on tht Way to Baguio, All aboard I Let's got We're start ing from Hun II a, the great picturesque, AuiorkaulztjtJ Oriental city, aud will travel by uutoinobtle 200 miles to the north to Baguio, the auiuiuor ovpilal of the Philippines. The trip no alao be mailt by train We have ahead of us one of the most scenic, spectacular and thrilling auto mobile trips In the world. We will Lave excellent roads all the way. The Philippines are, In fact, a parudUe for autolsts, possessing 3.T-00 utiles of Ilia macadamised roads. The first part of the trip Is through typical smnll towns and then arm a the central plain of Luzon and through several rich and fertile pruvimen, where tropical vegetation Is swen at Its best Here one Is Ituprestied with the great agricultural wealth at the Philip pines, which represents ooe of the East's greatest producing a reus, with tht advantage of 1 in in fuse malum I re sources for the development of further production. It Is regrettuhly true Hint even In the United States there Is fur from any real understanding of the potentialities of the Islands. At some points rice fields, looking In the distance like the greenest of greeti lawns, stretch away as far us the eye can see. If you want color, If you want to feel the romance and nnatery of an Oriental twilight, puss this uuy as the red eyed sun at the end of the dying day Is slowly sinking behind the unending expanse of green fields. At first you cry out In ecsiucy ut the gorgeous scene. But ss you rklealotiK, your eyes fastened on tlm puiiotiuua of tints and colors, and with the Im penetrably black Oriental ntght com ing on fast, you become enthralled. You ne longer try to express your feel ings. You cu mint. You realize that (hoe low fast changing, colorful muster pieces In the heavens and on the land scape are pictures that no man can ad equately describe nor human hands du plicate. So what's the use of trying I True, these are but Impressions, hut the traveluguer considers himself Jnstl led In mentioning tlmm, for they ure u part ef the trip to Baguio utul return. Indeed, the gorgeous suntts In ull parts of the Philippines leuve an Im pression on the mind of th tourist that Is everlasting We leave the palms and troplcul foliage and enter the zone of rup-d pine. We pass from the soft, Incense laden air of the warm lowlands to the crisp, Invigorating ozone uf (he tern perate zone, all wlthiu a few hours' lime. For mile after mile the mad now fol lows the tortuous course of a river, the road lying In the bottom or un the rw'ky sides of n granite ciinyou The Philippines are rtrh In hydro electric possibilities This putter Is the cheapest power uii earth And It Is everlasting. Your irutfloiiei- nei ther a prophft ttor the "on o? a pntpli et, but ht predicts that one day there will be Innuinerithtu Philippine govern ment owned hydro-electric plants In I his canyon we Hre now passliiK through. Think of the puSsthlliilfA uf such a protect! Todsy the trip frum Uaolla to llaguio U too eipeniUe for the average Manila wurker aud his family, tunny of whom Qiay Ihe and die without beholding the wondrous beauties ef their own Inland of Luzon. Think of what a blessing It wuuld he to Filipino mothers and children to feel upon their fevered brows the cool, Invigorating breezes of the aiountulu tops, new so near aud yet so fart With the Philippine government owning Its own electric railways and hydroelec tric plants It would be puss I Lie to brin Hon Lumber ft Millwork Go. Weldon, N C. M A N U FACT U KB R8OF Building; Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADK TUORDKR AM) REUliLAR 8TOCK SIZES Oood Materials, High (Trade Workmanship Our Slogan. TRAVELOGUE Summer Capital of mo Pnnippineo. the trip to baguio within the ni .ms of hundreds of thousands of Filipinos. Not only la there surticlent power In this river to electrify a Hue from Ma nila to liagulo, but to operute the street railways of Munllu, llht the city and furnish power for manufa turlng coucerns. Hut we have now arrived at Camp One. i-'rom this point the scenery rapidly changes as the elevation in creases. We are trm-elinc over the famous Bentfuet road, Ihe const met inn of which throuKh (lie mountains Is a most rciuurkahle eiiK'iieerliig triumph. At plates the road Is Masted out of the solid grunltc. HldliiK on the ede of a 10U foot prec'pUe makes one feel like "At times we seemed perilously nsar the Jumping off place." lie ts on the rim of the wurld. Some of I lie turns are so shurp It Is impossible to see 20 teet uheud, and we seem to lie perilously near the Juraplug off pliu-e. We wonder If It Is safe to lean out unil peer Into the canyon far betow, and when we do we are perfectly sat isfied we are flirting with death. Yet the trip la a safe one, providing out UrHer lius better ut'i-vifs than our own. All too soon we reach thp outskirts of Haiiulo, a city among the clouds, mid are rattier surprl-ril at the modern city e Hud It to be. In ten years Uu milo has Krown from a villi, ne of huts lo ttie uow Justly fRiueil mountain re Mirt of the Philippines, sniiM'llincs call ed the l'hlllpplnii Slinln. It Is un ilouhteilly destined some day to becouie a large city. lletulo rnniies In elevation from I..MKI to (Viiin feet and Is surrounded in-iul l.-ully on all si'tcs hy high nioun- iH.u rhles and 'iioRlacks'' towertng Into the skies at a height ot alBoat 8,000 feet. Aside from the scenery, whlcb la uiiteuerthy, the great blessing of Ba KUlo Is Its tempera! climate, which Is in.iee't a g'!enil te those lmpovsrlah ed ky tko tropical tenperatursa of the lowlsnils. Not only Is the mountain nlr rick In ozone, but It has boon dem instrstrd to be extraordinarily free from germs of all kinds. Each year during the hot season the achoot teachers of the entlse archlpsle Ki are enabled by tht government te spend a mouth at le teachers' camp In Bagula for recreation and confer ence on school work. Amertcaa aray officers and their families also go te Baguio for the hot months. And now that your travelogues has you In Baguio, he believes be will leave you there, fur there ate many Interest lug side .rips to take, and, besides, Hagu'.o .a the most delightful place (or a vacation in tht euttre Orient. 0. H.X. lit NAVY ELECTRICAL SCHOOL. ISO luklug niachlnee apart to nee what makes thetn tick Is just as Interesting as making them go after the) 're- put together. In the Navy gus engine school showu above, some uf our future avia tors are InvestlKstlng the Ignition (lev lew s on an airplane entiuie. I The uullors get a thorough training j tn the gtis engine ami have lot uf op portunities to perfect themselves In this specialty during a four ears' en listment. They are paid during the entire course, and when they finish their enlistment period they an either continue in the servlee or go buck to civil lite, well qualified to do high class garage work. "ACEY-DOUCIE." 1 fa JkJl nolting the Bones. No Indued, they're nut shooting crap. They are playing "Acey I om le," a perfected)- sufo and aunt pursuit. here ver there are men of tin seas you will find a game of "Acey Iuiucle." It's one of the favorite dl veih ttiis of I'm'le Sara's sailors. An "Atvy I'oucie" touriiufuent de veh-ps almost un mueh exeltetneiit a a tftirr holing tiiiiteh If yoL would he real sully you must learu U pluy It. Administrator's Notice. The unileiHiin il liaviuu' tluly ipuali lit tl us a'l:iunisti:i!or of the entale of Ki,-:, n, .4 . n.leiMiu. late nl' llahla.v coun'v. N (' thi- is to until'v ull pcr sihii Immul' t l:ini' airitiii-t the estate of tli.- sai.i .1 I. to hie I hem with the un ie'-i.' ! ..n oi h ton (he l.Mli vltiv ol Maich, lii.'l or 1 1 t notice wilt he pleail in lut ol' then recovery All person- itnlehtid to said estate mil please make immediate pitvineiit. 'Ihis the 1-Jlt, .l..v of Mareh. l!Cju i.l i.Mtii: i II Kv Atlllir. ol I' ULielilil W . AluleiNOII, tieC. ;; i.s ht Trustee's Sale of Land. North ( aioliua. Haiilux ( uuuty. I'U'lei and hy virtue of the power , contained in a ceiuui deed ol tru-t ex- ! ecuted hy M. N. olhcotlei to the un dersigneil, which saul deed uf tinst is duly recorded in the otliee ol the Heis ter of Deedw for Halifax county, N. C , in Hook L't'O, at puire aiiS.tleiuult having been made in the payment of the debt tin rein seemed, I will, uu Monday, the 14th day ol June, 19',0, at at 1 o'clock V. M. in fiout of the Bank ol Littleton, in the town of Littleton, vn s: to the burliest biuder for cash, the tolhoMui: deieuhed piece oi parcel ol laud, 1 y i r i tr and heiui m the county above written and in Littleton towuship containing 7L' ucit s, more or less, and hetiiLr tlie identical tract ol land fully described iu uid deed of liust, to which reference ix lierehy made lot more minute ttes -i ipinm. A puito! said tiacl haviuir I iceii soltl lo .lauii s llarii, since the execulioii of said deed ot iiut, inanl pait conlniiiiin; acres, will : ol he ollered. uu't ss lite balance of acie", fail to luinu Mithcieiit amount to puv oil haul ilidehledilt xs ailti tllt'Ctt an t rn i)se ol s.i'e. hull .it uu I h sci :plnu ot the Kind ji" .i aci. - as !! an lull de sei iption ol i li. will he -littwn tiid Mali I at ti'iie and plaee of Hale J.'- I' 1'il'i'l V liu-tee it (M Acres for Sale, Kent or Lease iuad Irom Halifax to W airenton. 1 v. Ml icut. lease tit t-ll my farm in Hal ifax couiitv. 7 miles cast of Littleton and w 'II sell million feet of timber with s me. 5 yeai option, ti pood tenant houses. 1'avH thin year (1KHJ rent. 300 acn 4 cleared laud and UKJ acres mead ow land under wire fence. Pwellina contains 11 rooms, good water. Accu pauts old reason lor selling. Posses sion iveu January 1, lVr-Jl. .1. O." HKPTlNrtTALl., Littleton. N. C Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of 8. M. I 'avis, deceasad, late of the county of Halifax, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persona haviug claims againnt the said estate of eaid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the Hist of day of April, Ut'.'l, or this uotice will he pleaded in bur of their recoAery. All persona indebted to said estate are here by requested to make immediate settle ment. This the -'oth dnv of April, ly'Al. S. A. KK'HAKDB, A dm i. ofS. il. Davis, Deceased uu cm Net Cunti-nts I'Fluitl Prarlw fj "5 CASTORIAj I ALUOItOL-a PER CENT. I AVeiSol. IVcparationror As similiiliiUicFoodbyfc'!i"la. ti nri t he lomadis anu t wkb Hicroi.vl'ronioiiiHiDWv'sliolt (lu''!ndKosl.lonum neif !! tlpium.Morphuie nor ! Ati;.nl'.ilKiwai"'"Dijrrhf ; ,i I'. ...rishiicssauu SSMF SLEEP aHiltiii1''1'1 fat Simile Sitnutarjat 05 c o- 1S 'mmr t .i lemon . ... . 1I.IP TI Ml ..... Ew"t Cr'V W"PPCr- ,,C.T.U. ... ....... .ITT. W WHITE SB t SHOE pl I I fKEEP YOUR SHOES rEATfiFi fVT sv rnm', m!'' il'CtCPl BUT lus il inn iicciii i lI io you tli.ti nj ma money gives you pleasure Kllilll NOW . No niiiner how much you iiwke, you ;ire "getiiiiB nowhere" unless you ivW'li. When you SA li you are "Getting Somevs here" Siart an account TODAY, leel iniiipenouit an J enjoy work more simply because il is "genius you sonic litre." ilrtlill'ilirt ill iar aar y.ssjM.MWutr- nsmssiiiii r tin Hi Take "Dodson's jinr'Titd'1 Ak your a hot tie of luidnon'ft .itnl t kr i -iioo' i"'d tn d.i -sn't slart yt u I'ri yuu right up better 1 in 1 without gtipinfi .u "ill 1 TI!.' 'I to 1 iu- llighl 1. . an.l . ; thin t. ilt::ii makln,.; v ; W ANTEDlQ"ii,atek, Saw yer fur irruuuj .uw tuill, who is fast and knnws how to kt'ep mill up so that it will make vool hoards. Will pay brst-claas man irood nai'ii. E. 41. Mui'ANDt.lSH, Bonneaus, 8. C. For In :t a t a and Childron. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Alwayy Bears the Signature of 4' tfV In use For Over Thirty Years ... tF If Calomi! if- ;i d merous drug. It is nuMciity qtiickiil ot ; and attacks your bones. Take ;t uf nasty calomel to day and yon will feel weak, sick and nau seated tomort ow. Don't lose a day's woik. Liver Tone" Instead I to tl:e store and net your money. Take a spoonful of harmless, vege t:iM. Pod or's Liver Teni tonight and w.t! -p n; iVelliifj rrnt. It'a perfii'tly li,ir; ili"-. mi jjive it to your children any t'.me. it em't salivate, so let '.i.. i"d uiy'hinff afterwards. Announcement. I hereby announce my candidacy for Treasurer of Halifax county, subject to the ratification of the Democratic Primary. W. R. Harvey. T