ESTABLISH!:!) IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 2i, 11)21. NO. 4 NEW THEORY IN ASTRONOMY. ALL SERENE, Children Cry for Fletr' -r's j Possibility That There is a Tail Attached to Our Earth Lends to BY FRANK L. STANTON. Ingenious Suggestions. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been to use tor over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made under bis per ffflgrtfi,, sonal supervision since Its Infancy. 7. 6cak jjiow no one to deceive vou In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself, c WhatisGASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its mje is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising . therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food) giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 5 In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMI CIMTAUN COMPANY M W W VCnK CTV, mm mm mm mm mmmmmmmmm mum it Cost For MAT Only mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm , mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm I AM offering my entire stock of Shoes, Men's Suits, Overcoats, Mats, Ladies Dresses and Coats at wholesale COST to EVERYBODY. No goods charged at cost to anybody. Come early and get your pick of these bargains while they last mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 88 I L. swtmcK, mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm ww j The Busy Store, WELDON, N C gg jlialll iliiltliiSi 1 Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing thanlja slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. GOOD GROCERIES build up ihesysiem. stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity 10 think. And right thinking brings besti re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us L. E. HULL, Near Bachelor's Opera House, WELDON, N.C Dixon Lumber & Miliwork Go. Weldon, N C. JUANUKACTUKKHrt w Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors mind. MnnieU. Dbor and winuow uinv TinmM'll AND RKGLJ1.AR HTOC'K lKS, flood Material High drada Workmanship Our Sloteo MaaaaaaallsssssswaMSsMaiMSWMaMSl The Citizens Bank IHAI.1FAX. N. C. ... o .k. i. ni Halllax and surrounding: country to pat v. k., h.u. m check ni account t It IS ronize ini "j -- . pecaaaary in the,, times. II saves you you have , re- celpt ogalnst payments to your crtuiior.. ..-. .. ...- " staodlpgln your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking . and Invite you to open an account with us. Tba smallest account receives as much attentlonl as line largest with us. Wa pay 4 ear cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Cornell! and talk It over wltb us. We need you, you need us. Opposite 10 the sun there is a very mysterious growing pjicli which is thought to be attached to the earth as a cumetlike tail. The highest rtgms of our atmos phere consist iif very light g;ises, and the impression is that some of these were driven away by the sun or by other means, and that they stream oft from the earth into space just as the light gases do trom the head of a large comet. Naturally, this theory has aroused much coniiovcrsy, and has led to all s ris of ingenious suggestions. One of these is that a swarm of meteors (ol the kind we know as shooting si.irs) keeps us company space at a distance of about a mil lion miles, or tour limes the dis tance of the moon. But a tailed earth is an ideal vehicle for imagi nary Mights. It might be argued that if our globe has a tail why should not the planets Mercury and Venus, and even Mars, have one. Well, per haps they have, for all we know to the contrary. Our earth's tail would be much more easily seen by us because of its nearness and brightness. i A Tonic For Women "I was htrdly able to drag, I was so weakened," writes Mrs. W. F. Ray, of Easier, S. C. "The tloctortreatedmefor about two months, still I didn't get any better. I had t Urge fam ily and felt 1 surely must do Something to enable me to take care of my little ones. I had heard ol CARDU The Woman's Tonic "I decided to try it," con tinues Mrs. Kay . . . "1 took eight bottles in all ... I re gained my strength and have had no more trouble with wo manly weakness. I have ten children and am able to do ill my housework and a lot out doors ... I can Sure recom mend Cardui." Take Cardui today. II may be Just what yon need. At all druggists. X X X X X X X X I i x x X X NOTICE. North Carolina. Halifax County, Having qualified at Administrator of the estate of Virginia tiee Peters, de ceased, late of Halifax county, Una ia t notify all persona holding claims against said estate to preseut theiu to the uu denuirned or tu my attorneys at Little ton, N. 1 '., u or tiefore the Mth day of May, W,', oi una notice will i.r plead in bar of their recovery. All pciMius in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This the lull dav of May, llil'l. C. if. 1'KTEK.S, Adiur, I'IPl'EN & I'll OT,, Littleton, S. t'. : -Ill-tit. Nature's Way t Headache, Nervousness, I Sleeplessness and other disorders of the nervous t system quickly relieved f I by Dr. Miles Nervine t Which soothes and allays the pain rest and sleep follow in a natural manner. Free from habit-forming T drugs. Mrs. J. V. Thompion, Dallas, ; ; Texas, found relief. She aays: "For thirty years I suffered ' ' with sick and nervous head- T aches. Took several bottles of X X Dr. Miles' Nervine and it has t been four yean since I had I headaches. t Money back if first i bottle fails to relieve or satisfy. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ?H--lMIHniltMiH- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The country's going all serene from early morn till night "Sweet fields arrayed in living green and rivers of delight" The streams are singin' to the sea, and all the happy hills Are ihrillin' glad as glad can be with songs of whippoorwills ! The blooms are bending with the bees, and all the birds above Are sending messages to God sweet messages of love! The stars in perfect skies of blue in fields of glory gleam, And earth is like a world made new, and heaven not a dream! O wondrous is the weather! the color's in the clod, And ihe splendid honeysuckles just sweetens all the sod! The world rolls nearer heaven, and life is perfect bliss, And it's great to be a livin' in a lovely land like this! CRANDFATHERS FOUR, It is hard for me to look at your old-fashioned photographs And realize you once had entity. But preacher, S3iIor, gambler man and tailor, 1 thank you for the dreams you lived and handed down to me. For visions 1 have had of coral reef at sunset And dark-eyed maids and everglades and ships that plowed the sea, For an ear attuned to catch the wanderlust's deep voice a-calling, 1 thank you, mister sailor, For your coutesy and kindness, I thank you for the dreams you lived and handed down to me. For visions I have had of gambling hell a-glitter, Fortunes, lives and souls staked on a card or two or three. Of duels fought at sunrise to keep a woman's honor clean, I thank you, mister gambler, For your courtesy and kindness, I thank you for the dreams you lived and handed down to me. For visions I have had of a wife and home and babies, And a hie or simple service rrom strire ana envy tree, With leisure spent in checker games or neighboring or reading, I thank you, mister wiiui. For your courtesy and kindness, I thank you for the dreams you lived and handed down to me. For visions I have had of Jerusalem the Golden, Of a crowned tnroiig mai gamci uy mc everlasting tree To sing the song the morning stars hrst sang to their Creator, I thank you, mister preacher, For your courtesy and kindness, 1 thank you for the dreams you lived and handed down lo me. WHY MRS. LOT LOOKED BACK. Reasons Explained, but To-day it is the Man Who Usually Does the Turning. I'lte mystery of Lot's wife turned around, womanlike, after being warned specially noi to, was ex plained by Alexander Black, nov elist, at a dinner of the Society of Arts and Science, New York. Mr. Black said Mrs. Lot merely wanted to see if she was being fol lowed by a man. The subject of profound debate v n was "Marriage is a success. iesr No?" It was discussed with lights turned low under red shades. Mr. Black said it is now the man who does the turning around and looing back, "usually slightly down. "Over their faces come curious ly mingled expressions of bewil derment and amazement. "1 have seen ihem lurned into cynics or into poets. 1 have seen ihem turned from their direction and struck by automobiles." Periodic Bilious Attacks. I'ei'soua subject to bilious attacksat regular intervals know about when to expect an attack. They llnd that they have no desire for food when an attaek s due but usually eat because it is meal time. Skip one meal and take three ol Chamberlain's Tablets and you may be able to avoid the attaek. Persons silli ed to periodic bilious attacks should not drink tea or coffee at any time. , if 1 SAFER TO ELOPE. He Will you marry me ask your father's consent? She I'm afraid not. Tht I acts About Rheumatism Mnrp than n'ne out often canes of rheumatism are either chruuie ur mus culai rheumatism, neithei of which re quite any luterual tieatiueut. All that ia required is to masage tiie adecled parts fieely with t hauiuerlain I Liui iruent You will be surprised at the relief which it affords. IMMUNE. Iiinirt Mnv I kiss VOU? Eileen They say kissing tends to the propagation ol microbes. James Well, you kiss me, then, I'm not alraid of them. Treatment ol Common Colds If all who catch culds could be per suaded to remain in bed for the Hrst 'H hours of such attack" says a well-known physician, "there would be fewer cases draminr on with distressing symptoms for weeks and often ending in some more seriuus disease." To make sure of a more prompt recovery you also take Chamberlain's t'owb Keuiedy. Wheth er aick or well the bowsli should move each day. DIVORCING WIVES. Berlin Ascribes the Uivorce Epl demic to the War Causes. Germany, once a country of sol id domesticity, has become a land of divorce. Statistics now show one divorce in every eight mar riages, the great majoriiy being granted for breach of marriage vows, the wife in most cases being the guilty partner. Half of all sev ered unions are childless. A judge of the leading divorce court in Berlin ascribed the d. orce epidem ic largely to war causes including hasty war marriages and lone sep arations due to army life, the wife's taste of independence and wartime frivolity and immorality, while late ly ihe shorter hours of labor have enabled men to cultivate distrac tions away from the domestic hearth. The judge excuses the German woman in part for the predomi nance of female offenders in di vorces granted for infidelity by the tendency of German wives to over look their spouses lapses from vir tue and to sue only when compli cated by desertion and non-sup port, but he drafts a stern indict ment of the "shocking lack of moral restraint and trend towards pleasure and luxury" shown by many women. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA HIS METHOD. Two nego men were discussing the eloquence of a certain member of the fucuhe of an educational in stitution for negroes in a Southern "That Professor Biggs sure deos like to use high soundin' words, don't he?" asked one of them. "Maybe dat'sjest an affection on his part," said the other darkey. "Some folks do like to put on airs in talkin'." "No, I don't figure it out dai way," said the other. "I kinder thinks he uses them big words be cause he's afraid dat if people knew what he was talkin' about they 'st know he didn't know whal he was talkin' about." TURN OVER. POP. I dread the lime .when we men will all be wearing paper suits. What's your objection? They'll be cheap. I know, but my wife will make me wear the comic sheets to amuse ihe kids. if I' I ' eL V . l J J' I i ' 1 (.in Our Advice Won't Cost You a Nickel f AKE the old buildings just as comfortable as the new ones, and just as good looking, by putting on handsome, fire-safe, weatherproof, and long-lasting BIRD'S ROOFS Whether it is a dwelling, bam, garage or factory that you want to re-roof let us show you how little it will cost to use the right Bird's Roof. Every dollar you invest in Bird's Roofs will surely return one hundred cents in satisfaction as honest value is built into every square foot of Bird's Roofs. Whether you need Bird's Patoid, Bird's Art-Craft. Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Bira's Granitized Roofings, or Eiird 0 1 win Shingles our advice as to the correct roof to select for your building won't cost you a nickel. We know from i-Ni. iiei!ce Bird's Roofn make good, and that is the reason we sell llient. BIRD & SON. inc. (Et.,l.!;h. A'ji.ile, Mass. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. DISDH LUMBER I ELII G OMPAHT, . WELDON, N. C. Phone 235 RECEIVER'S SALE, Lniler tlie powei copffrreJ by order of the Superior Court ot llulifai county iu an action therein peuilintr in which creditors are plaintill's, an. I the I'araitou Grocery Company is uVlrmlaut, the un dersigned Keceiver will, on Wednesday. June 15th, 1921. At I'J o'clock M, in front uf the store building of the l'aragon (Grocery Com pany, Weldon, N. C, otl'er for sale tu the highest bidder or bidders for rash, sutiject to the continuation of Ihe court the following described property of the I'aragoiKirocery Company, to-wil: All the stock in trade cmtsisliug of heavy and fancy groceries, store furui tuie and fh lures, consisting in part of one Hefrigeratmg plant, Meat Chopper, Safe. Scales. Show Cases, Adding Ma chine, Two I'clivniy Trucks, accounts, bills and noles receivable, also any and all lease rights which the said I'aiagoii (irocsry Company mav have to the store building uow occupieil by it. Complete inventory will ! taken of all slock, futures, accounts, bills and Q.jtrs receivable and aimouticed at ihe sale luspectiuu of the properties so licited suy time iielore sale and auy 111 foruiatiou mill bo furnished upun ie quest The slock, mcludiug accouuts, lulls and noles receitable aud all luisc iighls will be sold together; the furniture, fix tures aud all lease rights sold together; the trucks will be sold separately, then, Stock, accounts, bills aud uotes ami all lease rights will be all sold together the largest single or angregale bid re ceived during the enure sale covering stock, accounts, bills aud notes receiv able, furuiture, Allures aud lease rights to control. The purchaser or purchasers mil be required to deposit with the Receiver to per cent, of the successful bid or bids at the close of the sale aud pending confirmation thereof H V. BOLNDS, HKCK1VKK, PAKMiON (iHOi'KUY COMPANY May ltlth, IW!l. 'k RELIABLE RADIATOR WORKS, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. WE repair and make new1 radia tors for all tars, irucks and tractors. Reasonable charges and firnmot service Special iiiieiiiion fmid exoress shipments. "We do il right the first time." iTteivjtAtr mm THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your hank hook. In ease of trouble or sickness lie is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity cimus tor investment where you can better yourself and V' u need some money quickly, HI: won't turn YOU down if YOl I have cultivated him piopcrlv. Why not si;ii i thai account today uhJ lc pupdlcd In UugU JUdvcrsily? lAsVafe. ' YWpon. N.c.i ft Keep Well! When you feel nervous, 'tired, irritable; when you're ill with any disease caused by disordered nerves, don't give up until you try Dr. Miles' Nervine ) , 4