NEWS. ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEKSPAHtK fUK THt PEOPLE. WKLDON, N. ('., TIU'HSDAY, MAY 27, I'JJO. Terms of Suhstriotiun--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIV. NO. 4G BISCUITS, BUNS and ROLLS From the New Royal Cook Book BISCUIT I What de limit this word sug gests. So tender they fairly melt in the mouth, and of such glorious flavor that the appetite is never satis fied. These are the kind of biscuits anyone can make with Royal Making Powder and these unusual recipes. Biscuits 1 currn flour 4te&P"OnB Royal HakttiK 2 tablespoons stinrtpnlnir t cup milk or half milk and half water Sift tofrcthrr flour, bnVlnir pow der and suit, mill Bhorlenlnr ami rub In xtry lightly; nM IUiuM iitowly; roll or pat on llmin-1 board to about on Inch In thlcknrsa (hnndlp as little in pnanthio; cut wlthblsoiilt cutt. r. Itake In hot oven 15 tu UU min uter Royal Cinnamon Buns li cujia flour 1 teas poon unit 4 teaspoons Royal Baking powder 2 tablespoons shortening 1 PK(T cup water u cup miRnr 2ti Hflpoons cinnamon 4 tablt epouiiH needed raisins Sift 2 tnhieppoons of menuirM suKJir ulth Hour, salt and bak ing powder; rub Khort nlnii In llfrhtly: add beaten e'tf to water and add slowly. Itoll out H inch "Bake with Royal and be j ORGAN FOR SALE.--If interested, apply to "H,' care this office. Organ in good condition. Bargains IF YOU BUY (iKOCURlLS W. T. PARKER & CO, Wholesale Gash Store WHLDON t ptv. atttt npViiniYoi iuuc new x 111115 For m r reny 2 Wearables In H COATS, QTTT'r.Q KM & DRESSES S3 SKIRTS AT TEMPTING PRICHS. a) just Kecetveu a new line 01 .ieoiKeiie v.icpc ami Ready-Ma.le Dresses. j&jjtt The Busy Store, GOOD GROCERIES build up the increase your capacity to think. rults. Our nrices make vnu think. L. E. HULL, Near Batcbelor'i Opera House, I mm hmmm-t odd -ao-BBB-a OUR CLIENTELE GROWS Not upon promises, but upon Performances. WE ARE nDV TI CnillMP lain nVCIWP In Business PIONEERS IN UP. I ULLnhllU nllU U I LlllU Since I85. Prompt Deliveries Send Uotids by Parcel Post THE TKASDAU: fOMVAXY, 625 627 Walnut St. CINCINNATI, OHIO Another Royal Suggestion BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure for you ALL YOUK I'UOM N. C. o VAI?iT3- Silk WELDON, N C Choice Hams There is nothing mm-e appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything yflu may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods system, stimulate the brain, And right thinking brings best Call in (o see us. stimulate the brain, 'and . . 1 wm DON, NX PA m j MU I I I - ' J' jl) si Ml tlilt-k on flnunvl bonrd: brtmrt w itli mi Mh liutt. r. Kprlnklf with KUKttt', r! nn i en -ii in I nnn'rut. Itoll H f..r j- ilv; I'-g trie tl pn-t ; j i 'MIT tll'1 B IVllll 'lt I I Mtfi-S nil Hprfriklit Willi fintiiiinuti. H i''t ii :ki to T. from -i ti :it "II pun; lull "IfiiV Itml M I. I HI Parker Hum? Kull3 II 1 I'lipH llimr 1 t.-is II Ii lyfisp.inu . ! lltOUlltf I B I 'Hhii SlM,, . . .sl...hintf I W. UUpri IlliiK Sift !',,. .!! . tu-r tui-. fir A ' i I'litng to ui'l.. ;r I dry itmi-'-l; .t ; nimil Ii. ! In ,r I ! i hiiHi.i ;mi i , i 1 ; in i Cut with hi each ol rt U- v.vsi ,1 wly to j . until i h thi.'k. I . .r kill To 3 o .0 ('!. f lirili y-i . -tt w o:if iiifli ; IIow to uuiii) jla ireUcl huttT an.! l'do in nitjilr- B ovi'ii lit to -U iniuut ,i. I FREE I I Writ- TODAY tor N'.nv fl Itoval I'.'nk I; ...:. ; . ..II- tains 4K1 citlur rf-ii -m vi-t a hh d.-Melttntl ;n Ou-h-. Will I Hhiw ymi linw to intd inter- H st and virn'ty in ymr g incalrf. Addri-s.H J KOVAL BAKIN!; J'HU' t'U. 1 115 1'illri.Ti Vf.'.'t, fl New V-f.. Uitj K Sure A ui.iii advertises for "cmnpe tcni person to undertake the sale of a new medicine." and adds that it will he profitable for the under taker. Was a Misery Mrs. f. M. Jones, of Palmer, Okla., writes: "From the time I en tered into womanhood ... 1 looked with dread from one month to Hie next. I sulfered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me was g misery. I would think I could not endure the pain any longer, and 1 gradually i;ot worse. . . Nothini; seemed to help me until, one day, . . . I decided to TAKE The Woman's Tonic 'I took four bottles," Mrs. tones goes on to say, "and was not only greatly relieved, but can truthfully say that I have not a pain. . . " It has now been two years since I tookCardui, and 1 am still iu good health. . . 1 would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who is a sufferer from any female trouble." If you sufler pain caused from wnmnnly trouble, or if you feci the need of a good stu'iii'jhening Ionic tobtiil.l upymirrun-down system. t..e the advice Of Mrs. Jones. Try Car- It helped hei. We 1 will it'll to the tilL'tirst I, tliler Tor cash at the court hou!1 ilnur in the. towu uf Halifax, on Mon,l:iv. Jinii'lT llfjo, the following ilesmtie.l lands in Littlftun ToiWHhip, l'i,r taxes .out costs for vear till!': A M. Me.llin I'J aere, Iieep ('reck, (I t l'J. Wftile Cartcr'H estate, l-7ueies, Iieep Creek. f i.'l.UI. A. V. lvev. one town lot, Littleton, It. I). Mayo, one lot, Littleton. 10. s,. Howard titts, acres dak i;ioe f 1 30. , Ci W. KINO, T Collector Littleton Townabiii. iLifell I Ml I 1 dui. It Helped be,. We II Ifclf I oeueve II win neip you. nr,yi I All Druggists II I PI E. Sale of Land for Taxes. N4u? GARDNER THE FRIEND OF ALL PEOPLE. 0. MAX GARDNER For Governor Saturday, June 6. ii tht day at by th DeiiHiorkils uf North Carolina for thit kuI.h'LIuii of a faniluliit'' fur rov eornur. Lluutonant tiovsraor O. Max Gardner is a canjidat lor lh numl Qatiuu. In iitking lb uiijiort of the cltirans of thu statu. Mr. Cirdner it and h upon thi platrnrin of Hi iimhu and hi5 (rionda cuumind him us be lug. by trftluiui anil txixTUnct!. ctjuip ped fur the position. Max Qardnar la a elf-mud'1 man. itirtod life without moati. workfl liaid to Hacura an uducatlnii and grad uated at thw A. A M l.utsr h stud.eil Lb.'v and taaduattd at the .SiaUi Uul Trity, Having worked ou the farm nad in the cotton tultl, Mui Gaidnur Is In hearty syni patty with th wtirkr aud dualros tu aid tn Die udvnni-ciiiant of thA fit op of tha farms aud fnc tori e of tiUs atate A practical Nr iner, ha has apphnd the priuciplaM 4dad at the A & M to hla farm tn C1Tlaed ruunty aud hai bean uoreasful. With ytars of iperlan' In bualnnai (fairs, he will b a')le to Had tho state In an wconnmlcal ad nilulitratlon ot th stats bunlnaaa. UNrETTBRED. Mai Qardnar baa refuted repsaudty to make aay pladges or promitas to either oraalihi!on or Individuals. Soma leadern of ()i ganii'Ml Labor arc fighting Gardner blttorly hticaitHe he would not tflaki" any pledges to thai nrjiamtatlnn Mix Gardner prop isea to rierva all the people. 1 nominal ud aud elected, aad will not be tied to any prerloui promine. BNOOREMENT. Mai Oarduer han a trial number of friends ia all eectlous of the etat HunAreda have written letter oudure UK hie candidacy Thru la no rouw here to print thm all Hut the en dorsement of tw.i men both former governnra are of interest FORMER GOVERNOR KITCHIN AY3 "l fator Mai Uardnsr for rovernor (f North Carolina He Saa public epirlt, abtllty, parnonallty and coar aeter. He has nir-atli. vigor and c oh raja Uu acth ;iy in council and on the hustllnis for leruuortlr prin ciples has be n Innj; and effective. Hte opintoni. onndurt and hlery harv Riven him a statewide popular Ity His iK'rvloe an legislator aid LiettteMini-Goreriior ban bwen patrist ic and faithful His rornrd. his Qtial Itkes aad his attainment assure to tho perale of this siato an honest, u fistful and svwrPHHful admtntutration ae lovemor PORMfiR GOVERNOR GLENN SAYS U Oa.rdntr te iuMntmtnd aid elct ed, I veuoh for h!m IU will. In ihe dlKeliarie of the duties if ih office, know qo niu:. no color, no ireSd, ao party, but wilt hnff all a'he. doing equal JuaGcy to i.! r rh and poor, htfh aid low, f: ..-ad and to A epieovUd epcakfr d.ltuit stadeat. ft prantJeal frn l odier uf aiper fane, a sucreisfu . :mtifi man, an Ytto For 0. Max Gardner For Governor Democratic Primary Saturday, June 5 IWIfllKHIIIHHWPIIUItilli Giitw' rlAa. ) ouuut v lut auu ocii tti nucuuu AllTrV DFCIH TC "'" "ss"1"1 ,Mr rn Auc" UUlliv KljULIO ''"""'- nTVi.0T.s.isuuu i iian l'HOt'i :k y::.s v.. a s.n n. The 1'ath s I ;'; i .: '. .l.,a..:s I., Uill. niU'.Mi "Tin- N.iii.,- I OllicnK HKTI.USl.UHO.VA. w t;HI-:i.NV;t.l.K. N.C Kpfi-n-iu eM All)- Do Your Hfst. livciyoue sliouhl tin all he can to pm viile for Ins family ami ui otih-r to do this lit' must keep hi phyMcnl syslein in the best pomlttmn putMtih- No mit ral) it asiuiahly hope 1o iht intn h wht n lie is half siek a i!tol huie of the lime. If you ate eoiiHlipnt. il hilmus or tiou liled with iiitlure"tiiin u- t a park aire of ( hamheilaih's 'lahh ts an-l th plain piiiitetl tiireclioi Mil VOtl Wl il Boon he tewimir ahtuht auti ahic tt do a day r work. h-vvyr, a t fou r and'c i. ami :i:mv- all. all anil I. n' t!ifs its 1 will v..'.- i (Ul'tli'T .lll'i :. : ..Ml i; nilder, wr'.r , I an. in h i oniMf v;i to hflp make him t. J i j i''it ! ytvTnur of NiH'ili Carolina." SOME OTHEH LETTERS. Mr. H M t;:i:'i v. farm dctn otint rv tor tid i-iKiii foe i vfiand tciiiity. ,s rertaiiih t-ll ,' . -mi' d onu eninii; tin utanlilii; of Cli.d.unl cuiiuty faf- , morn. Mr. (i;dn',v anys: i 'iiuri,:.'. t!m pa-.t ix yi-arn I h;ivs ' become .njiiiiiiiud '-vith tin; f ini!..iK activities i.f i 1 .ill. I) M.iX (lildil'T Por ( four yt'ii.s I Mi." h.-t'ii i ; rat .i.g , with h.m in I'.iriii wcrk Mr GardM-r , Is one i;' the ut r;- tt and ino-t rf : - ; clcnt fa. : !. in I ..'.eliii'd fuuniy. Ho j has not (,niy luad-' a iu-. ess of f.nvn- Idr but 1:1s .iiimii hi in lift: or 1',' j methods .iiiil U,.i ,,i i.vity uI.hik th:, i line, havi I ui pi red nntuy otfior fa:- naers and i a t?ed 'ho;ii to i:kviM The of Mr. Gurdtior'n arnhim If to promote tho i::;rU-ultural iutf)rt ! of hie county." j Mr. Aminos. M MrWhirter, a man 1 ot Mph chain 'tor, wiio is a wenvnr and i j loom fixer, einnloypd by the I la Manu 1 far tun ng (V.mpany, of Shelby, and one I of the most prominent textile workers I 'it Cleveland county, writing of O. Max Gardner, savs: "If there 1 an industrial laboror In , Cleveland -county, who la a Democrat and is not for Mr. Oarduer. I havn I nver heard of him We nil know Mr. I Oardnar aad he knows ui We all tninf Mr Giinlnor and baliave in htm. ! Hi Is a fnlr :tnd sguaro man and we who know him would trust hit Judg ment in tho limit on any question ! I twefltt r;gbt and wroiiij HV knows what Is right and ix If Ha lias 1 helped personally ainre tenants ami poor m u to buy homed thnn any man iu the '(tunty I can safely sy that i prnrtlcally all of the cot ton mill , 1 wurkois In this section are going to vote and work for Mr Onnlner for ' governor. He heliwvua In and prao tires the Golden R'lie 1 Hon Georno A Holderness, Tarhoro, rhainnan of the appropriations com- : inltluo of the st;tt- Mnnte, farmer fading ti vr ;iiik ;ji-r. banker ftnd brond v!monid t :, v;lyu: " t'tr dsJibfra!'' Herat Ion of th- ' i 'im .f H undi.iiitHH for the P: iiiocratic n ii; h: 1 1 1 n for governor, ;ilid iiilveiied to !'. cU':ns nf othvr cjiididnes, 1 mi' i.nnW coiivim I1 tliat Mori O Vix C n!i).r will a V.'i't1. Ctcd'.i.i - SLrvice ati r -v-erTiwr thnn any othir candida'e -thareforp I am s'ipiiorMng Msx Ga;d ner for governor M'.x Gardner made a rcoid, in ,viub, in collngo, In private life and in public life th-i ! comnif ode not only my support, but tbar of every voter. "Gardner (onthirs the rare quali ties of a scii'iihll and practical fa mar, sound Huh.ius! Judgment and SfaRonpd leglfflnth expennace H s reoord in both pnnte and pub Ik" lifo apimali to me and should appeal to ; a vry voter. I am 'rmly coavlnt ed If e!prtd he will prove an abk y ivrnor " M- Aih.-rt Ksrott. Kdstor Mill Newt,. Charlotte or.o of timsif iuohI interested in the v.rirare of i!m wtM'kprs la Ute cott.:!i mills of th c.i. hiiaH. in a let tr t (i t lie irkf -. . . "I wif'i to 'of! :. m tnv kaowledg of the fin .e of !! O Mhx Gardner for g ivMior of t r.. i ta He has recovered hit vigor He has a big, powerful hud v. a resoun i-Yul mind, and u well known tuii'crity nf oharac. tar. all of whuh wieild tunkr him a great governor of all flte pnple. "My (a par is nonpolnual but m oemoiiHl vote will bp for Gardner. I hope ymiri. will be too" IN CONCLUeiON. Max On rd n or is glean, boneet. s'ra:g!it. Max Oardner heltfvs Hi ho rtpplirattnu of th Golden Rule t ihe aff airb of community, teotlae), tate Max Gardner seeks this cffle on Hi a graiwid of merit He is not aligned with any potltual or part? (action, but peeks the support of the virile manhood of tht state, maose hope Is iha suooesiful development of N'orth Carolina, In this new day ot opportunity Mai Oardawr's frleodat appanl to men of every class anil every soetiou to look ahead rather than backward at this crucial heur. en j. Aiioft'.-in "M .1 i I v. . . . . ! .-.Is t I .1 il I'ODAV wiwi iu.n:,i cw. Tina Jiitiln H Yi.ui L L ijh.i. . . . llttnk 111 Peltr.buri;, Vn. . r C.r.-i-nville, N.C. For a Weak Stomach, Am a irenenil rule all you neetl lo do is to ailopt a tliet suiletl U yout ak'e and ocruputioti ami to keep our bowels rcirular. When you It-el that yuu have lateii too nuich ami when constipated t ul. e. une if ('hauilteilaiii 'h Tablctis. W ill mothers do as much with ihe balloi tor ihe elevation of hu- inanity as they have with the slip 1 pgpt Tlic I 'niieil Suit's luving hcen , awarded (he possession of ilic ( ier- ; man warship l-'rankhn icr, no litne should be lost in du ngini; the name (tf the vessel to Hot I )ij. SiiKKcstidn for a CaniphiK Trip. IJuy it l.cittl.- nf i 'hamlH il;i,n folic ! I hai i hora lirinrJv hrf Inn uu l:oini- A a i ulc it canniil h.- i.l.t ioo .1 111 II nil it llllllt UU , Ijli II ut lio-irct i in: ln. V 'lln i c:m it t , uMumm-I wlilli oil ho;n.l the cm- ui in - , i -. anl at such tiiin- uu. I plac. it i- nnt lively Iu l r Nn .l. ,1, I lir v;iv I- lo IlilM' It IMth Will. A paper has ihis advti iicuietn ' "Two sisiers wani washing " Thousands of hroihurs an.- m ilie same predicanient. 'I'iii.i.k i nioii- i ataiiii in tin- (tImmi ol tin- fount i y llian all mIut .hru-r I'Ul loiji'tiiri. aihl II li t J I the l;i-t bw yrai- uas Mipiii-.--il to lir uiriiialilc. I ui a Lfirat loniiy yi-iiiv .lorlm-, m iikuiju' f 1 it a local .ll-ra-r :tul H-.-nl... IihmI, mi'l I . -tan 1 1 v iiuNiu 1., cutr vitli local li'-atiiirnl. .iMin.inic .1 it uii'inaldi'. "-cii'iicc h;i- p'o, , ii ( 'alat i ii to In- a coiiMilutioiful Hi-iae, mui thrirfoii' ciUIM's coiislllllttolial licat- ni'iil, Hali'-Cataiih Mcintiie luaiiulac- tuir.l l.y I ,1 I li.-nry A ( .1.. Tolrilo. 1 t'hlo. 1- tin otilv coli-titlitloiial nil. 1 the liiail.rt. ll is taken intrtnalU ll lift 'lllrl'tly mi till' iilnoil atnl I Ii 1114 1 tl H j on liters of the - stem. Tin-y oiler one liiiielii-il .lollao I'm any case it laiU to cult. v. .!. iii:m:v m o., 'I' t lino ! lY-dntmnial -ent fiee. 1'ncr , . cmts j pei holtli . m.I I i.y all iuiciiivlv iinir- 1 Mi !' 1 Con-11 id 11 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ii lour A great many people make the mistake ul putinig ilieir blankets away lor the summer wultoni Hisi having tlK'Ui washed. : ins i lor the blankets besiilrs. ivm.; sanitary. An. I Iu i ih- lit o snap comes the Mankc Is ai e ready tor use. Our method cleanses them thor oughly, and they are returned to you as clean, h ush and soli as new ready tor immediate, use ikxi season Our prices are reasonable and we guarantee not to iniure the fin est blankets. We call and deliver in all pans ol the town. Waieh lor hue Star wagon or truck. WHITE " V STAR LAINDKV Trustee's Sale of Land. N m 1 1 1 Caiolina. llahlav i 'mint v. I u li i an i 1 1 v ii t in- ol ILc -uut t ctiiitauirtl m a en tain dceil ot ttut t ceute.l l.v M N. ollicotii i tu the mi ilctsim .1. ulufli saul -1 1 t il of tin! i klulv leconleil in tlic ollice oflhe Ucim tei u! IVc.N I'm I J ill i In x eoiinly. N. C, in Hook l'''t', at pace .'.;;, ilclauil ) ui i n kj hi t-n inaile in 1 1. pavmeiit o the oVbt t Iu ii in M't'uiol, I w ill, on Monthly, the I Hh day uf June. IH.'O, at at 1 o clock V. M. m 1'ioiit uf the Uank ot l.ittlrtoii, in the town ot Littleton, eios,- tu tlir hiuhfht hhklel I'm ca-li the lollowtiiL'' I tciilal puce m paicel ol iano, lyin' aiu! Lrinir in tin1 couui al'tie untten anil iu 1 itilt ton luvMiliip. coulaiiiiiic; .'Jacit s, iihmc oi lif, aiil tieuiii tht- nlcutical tiacl ol lauil liillv ih'NCii'hrl in saul iletil of trust, to which leleience lieu mailt' I'm mme ininutc Ui-Hfiiptimi pait ol sail tiacl Iiumiii; heen -oKl t. .laiius Hams, since the execution ol sxaiil det'.l ul tuisi, sanl pait contiiinin v'7 " acrct. will not he oilercil. unless tlir hula nrc ot 7' ncies. fail hnin; suihcient aiumint to pay oil' intichte'lness ami v coct uu-l ri ol !ah-. l ull ih la Is ati'lili'scitplio the saul 17 aei. a- wi ll a full 1 ! i ,.l .1.-- sciintiou of thr hahince will he shunn an-l stateil at tino- aiol place ot Wll.- -Ul- ! nriT.N, l'iii-ti MA l i (3I Aeres l-or Sale. Rent i or Lease On road horn lluhtav to Wanenton. I will rent, lease oi st ll my faun in Hal ifax couutv. 7 units ea-l of Littleton ami will sell million feet of tnnl er with Kume. yeai option, ti irood tenant houses, i'avs this year t!Hh) rent liUi acres cleaied land and lun acres mead ow land under wire fence. Unfiling contains 1 1 rooms, uood water. Aceu pauts old reason for si'Minir. I'osses ftioo (iiveu .lanuarv I, litM. .1. O HKl llNMTAI I, Littleton. Y r Administrator's Notice. II living quahlied as atltninislrator of the estate of S. M la is, tlepeasad. late of llie county of Halifax. State of North Caiolina. this is to notify all persons haiiiu claims against the said estate of i-aid deceased to exhibit them to the undrtsiHtied tin or hefme the L'lst of thiy of April. UV. or this notice will he pleaded in hai. of their ieco.ery. All peiMtns indebted to said estate an here by requested to make Mnmediatesettle meiit. This the -'oth tla of April, l'JJo. S. A. liU HAIiDS, Admr. of S. M. Havis, Deceased Word m mmismsmm I Ch2""'rsn Cry 2- - ZWIWm,i (Mi V e3 Tho Kinr! Vi,u Have Always Bouiilit, and which has been in use fc.r over over 30 years, h.. a the sinnature of and has been it ide under his per- V y ty-fj' frfsf 6"nal sllI)eri"H f'nee its infancy. S-CUtAtK, uow n0 one tll ,je.eive you j tnjs All Ciiuntcrfeils, Imitations and " Just-as-giiod " are but Exi: uiments that trifle with and endanner the health of Iufuiit;, nnd Children Experience against Exneriment. What is CASTOR I A CaM.'iia i . a : irmlcss suh tiiute f. CastiT Oil, Paregoric, Ir; .i i ,s -Kbini; Sytups. It is pleasant. It contains ncii!..-r iJi.ii.. , M.irphiiid nor other narcotic substance. Its ue ii its guarantee. Fur more than thirty years it has h.joi. in constant use fur the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Win-.l 0 lie and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising thi'rrt'ro"!, :mil by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the 1. i . ". . 1 1 1 , ; : of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The C:.r.atei;'i. Panacea The Mother's Friend. GEiNr-: CASTORIA always yj, Bears the I m For Over 30 Years Tho Kin1 You Have Always Bought i i Bl 'T has it ii.ii niMjrr. .i hi you s:ivint money gives you pIcaMiix K'U il i I M ) . N t uu j ntr lu'w much cu nnike, you ,irt' "uuiii n i.oul.tu" unless )(tu When ou SA I; ou are ''Getting Stimew here" Si. ii i ;ni utii lOb.AY, hO iniJcpcii Jcnt and enjoy work uiurc Mini ly Kcaic ii "ciiinj; yuu stunewhere." UmmSt'-0'i.. i;'-' '.-;ri r.'sv m r f I tr-zz : M Hart SchatVner 1 VXI IJI . J Clothes J Satisfaction In Clothes Vou want lo ti el satislied w nil the clothes you wear; they're an expi essiou of VOi ' ; our taste in taht ic, color, pattern; yiuir tienre well lined; the cut anJ Jcsij;ii uf the style. They are YOl'R clothes: you selected ihctii Now that's the kind of satisfaction we w aul you to get here; we guarantee thai you get it. FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Mens and Boys Outfitters WRLDON. N. C. Dixon Lunik I Millwork Go. Weldon, N C. MAM'HA(Tl'liKRS4(H Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens M AUK I'd tll.'IH K AMI HIOHU.AK, STOCK H1ZEH. Good Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. for Fletcher's Sir" i . -U I f t 55 i m m i b n if m S& M i i a 1 If m V. rivjiirnv Signature of a i T

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