liSrAliLISIILl) IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, TIlUIiSDAY, .JUNE 2, 1021. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LV1 NO. 5 I . Not r.nntnf llPhiid Drachml I f 1 T 1 I I I I f -.r - w I m'fi'i 10111 j mm m yii. ALCOIIOI.-arBBlitNT. AVoiJdnble Prcnaralioofcr As f similntiiiiitheFood bylteguUi- ' (ini!lhpSli)mdisn(lUowca C T ., I: Thrrchyllromotln4Di5li' uicrnumr 55 anu ibx- ne lther Opiiim. Morpnuw Niiurnu. nui w;"- .Vi-'i'"' h,mt W 1 I UnurfV fb.f ConMi.'ilionandDiarrhoea. mid rYvcnsnm-M facsimile Sinatol IUlCl!VICOMP NEW TUHBy 10 1 U 1 ft For Infants and Children, Mothers Know Thai Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature, of m i r m i LW ti .fV If Use For Over Thirty Years SWTOIIIA mmmmmm mmmmnmmmm mmmmxmm it Cost For II Only m m mm mm mm mm, mm' mm: mm1 I AM offering my entire stock of Shoes, Dresses and Coats at wholesale COST to EVERYBODY. No goods charged at cost to anybody. Come early and get your pick of these bargains while they last mm mm MM mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm J. L. STAimOK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N CJ mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm u Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than4ia slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. GOOD GROCbRIliS build up ihrjsystem, siimuluie the brain, and increase your capaciiy to ihink. And right thinking brings bestj re rulrs. Our prices make you think. Call in to six us.; L. E. HULL, Near Batcbelor't Opera Home. WELDON, NX Dixon Lumber & Millwork Co. Weldon, N C. MANUKACTUKKHH OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors 3linds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND KEUULAR STOCK SIZES, (lood Materials tilth Oracle Workmanship Our Slotao The Citizens Bank . IHAI IFAX. N. C. W E Invite the people ol Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize this Bank. Why not have a checking account ? It if necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides It gives you a standing In your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention! aslthe largest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Cmm iat aauJ talk tt avar wit. We ad ysm, you etd u. OTHERS IN THE FIELD. School Superintendent Learned That He Was Not Alone In His Devotions to Fair One. The Superintendent of schools in it small Indiana town recently persuaded the school board to re voke iis ruling to employ only sin gle women as teachers in the school. Ai the first school at which he culled he tried to joke the young teachers. "Now you'll all be get ting married," he laughed. Have any ol you been gelling any pro posals since the ruiling was passed? Accidentally his eyes happened to meet those of the young teacher in whom every one knew he was interested. She thought the ques tion was addressed to her and blushingly answered, "Just three others besides yours." Amid the roars of the other teach ers ihe young superintendent made his exit from that building. But never since that day has he men tioned ihe new ruling. Indian apolis News. MORE VALUABLE THAN OOLD. A good disposition is more valu able than gold; for the latter is the gifi of fortune, but the former is the dower of nature. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Missouri Lady Suffered Until Ska Tried Cardui. 5ayi " Result Wu Surprising." Get Aloof File, Became Normal tad HealbSr. Bprlngflsld Mo. "Mr back wu so weak 1 could hardly Hand up, and 1 would hare bearing-down pains and wu not well at an? time," tars Mrs. D. V. Williams, wife of a well-known fanner on Route 6, this place. "I kept getting headache! and baring to go to bed," coatluuei Mr a. Williams describing the troubles from which he obtained relief through the uie ot Cardui. "Mr huiband, baring heard of Cardui, proposed getting It for me. "I w after taking some Cardui . . . that I waa Improving. The result was surprising. I felt like a different person. "Later t autfered from weaknete aid weak back, and felt all run-Jowl. 1 did net rest well at night, 1 wu so nerrous and cross. My husband said he would get me some Cardui, which he did. It strengthened me . . . My doctor said t got along fine. I was la good healthy condition. I cannot say too much for It" Thousands of women hare auffsrsd as Mrs. Williams describes, until they found relief from the use of Cardui. Since It has helped so many, you should not hesitate to try Cardui If troubled with womanly ailments. For sals everywhere. I.IJ NOTICE. North Carolina. Halifax County, Having iiiulilleil as Administrator of the estatf of Virginia (iee return, de ceased, late of Halifax couDty, thisix to notify all persons holding claims aituumt Haul estate to present them to the un dersigned or to my attorneys at Little ton, N. t, on or before the Uth day of May, 1921!, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This the lnth Jav of May, llL'l. V. C. l'ETEKS, Admr. 1'IITKN A I'll'OT,, Littleton, N. C. r-l!Mit. Good News For Women Only women who have suffered the pain and aony that female disorders anil monthly periods fieTiicntly cause can ever rralie the suffering and torture many women arc forced to endure. If this condition is not re lieved ruined health and misery may result. But thousands have found relief and benefit from the use of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Here's a case: "I suffered from excessive monthly pains for years, A friend advised me to try Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. First box relieved. Now I surfer no pain and do all my house work," Miss Nellie A. Jones, Jeanerelte, l.a. No harm or unpleasant effects from use free from Opiates or Narcotics. Money back if first pack age fails to relieve. SOLD BY ALL DRUCOISTS WHEN I BAR THE DOORS AT NIGHT. "Once, in the days of long ago, Days of my whole life ihe best, When the lime for sleep had come, And ihe house was hushed to rest, It was such a happy thought, Used to make my heart so light, We were all beneath one roof When I barred the doors ai night, t "Let the wind moan as it would, Lei the rain-drops palter fast, They were near me, nestled warm, From ihe midnight and the blast, Not one lingering out of reach, Noi one banished far aloof It's a woman's Heaven to have All she loves beneath one roof. "Now lonighi ihe auiumn wind Through the keyhole whistles shrill; It must roar amongst the firs In that graveyard on the hill. Dying leaves are whirled aloft, Swaying branches knock ihe pane, In the pauses of the wind Listen! Oh, the rain, the rain! "Now, when bed-time comes at length To me, sitting here alone, And the ticking of the clock Tells how still the house has grown, Oh, how heavy is the heart That was once so light of yore; Now I seem to bar them out When at night 1 bar the door. "Bui our Father surely needs All His dear ones near Him still ; Are we not at home with Him, In the house or on ihe hill? So 1 fill my empty heart With the thought that far above, Over them as over me, Spreads one roof of Heavenly Love. "So 1 can go up to bed, Pass the door where once I heard Gentle breathing, as I crept Softly by, without a word; Though the house is silent now, Though they wish me no good-nighi We are still beneath one roof When I bar ihe doors at night." SK41SSW U UIIIUIllUUMJUIlllSHmMt THE GOOD OLD DAYS. After The Honey Moon. Gone are the good old days when John and M.ry went brave ,y,o.he altar and plighted their troth in the .face of the fact that their sole capital consisted of a few silver dollars, two strong bodies, four willing, hands and iwo hearts thai beat as one. In the little hut by the side of the road were a rude table, two chairs, a stove, a bed and a few stone china dishes. Thai was all, except the abound ing joy of their young hearts, which made the hut a palace and John and Mary king and queen of their sacred domain. They expect to share each oth er's burdens, and they did. They expected hardships, and they had them. They expected joy, and ihey found ii. They expected success, and it came. And with success came a look ing back to the old days of mutual toil and sacrifice as the happiest days of their lives. Now all this is changed. John must have a car and Mary must wear a 13 8 carat soliaire. The hul by the side of (he road must be a modern bungalow with rugs, china and up-to-date period furni ture. Then, too, the strain of keeping up with the procession often robs life of its simple joys. Mary's de mands irritate John. John's ina bility to meet them irritates Mary. Clashes become more and more frequent until bye and bye their love dream becomes a painful trag edy. In this complex age it would be difficult to go back to the old ways of simplicity and honest content. Bui an emulation of the spirit of simplicity that characterized the old days would work wonders to ward restoring life to a more nor mal plane. Seattle Star. OH. COME, COME. There had been a quarrel over the back yard fence. "You're no lady I" screamed one participant. "Say," shrieked back the other; "if it wasn't that 1 was a lady may be I'd be able to tell you the kind of a lady you ain't." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST.ORIA FAVORITISM. A Jewish soldier was taken to a hospital. The diagnosis showed him to be suffering from a bad case of influenza. "Send for the priest," Isidor moaned. "The priest?" queried the doc tor. "You mean die rabbi, don't you?" "No!" yelled Isidor. "Do you think I should want to give the flu to the rabbi?" PRAYERS IN STOCK. Auniy was pulling Amy to bed, and she was just about to fall asleep. "Don'i forget to say your pray ers, first," gently reminded auniy. "It's all right, aunty," drowsily replied Amy. "I often skip a night and say two prayers next time in stead when I aren't so awfully sleepy." C. 0. D. An old darkey visited a doctor and received instructions as to what he should do. Shaking his head, he was about to leave the office, when the doctor called out: Hey, there, uncle, you forgot to pay me. Pay you fo' what? For my advice. Nossuh, boss, l'se compluntaied it from all angles and decided not to take it. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Us For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of HORRIBLE. Are the snakes around here very venomous? asked the timid tourist. Venomous! exclaimed Gila Bill, why, say, pardner, only the other day a sidewinder bit Misquiie Thompson in his wooden leg and it swelled so hard and so fast that if we hadn't got him to a saw mil right away he'd have turned into a petrified forest. THE BETTER PART OP VALOR. BIRD'S He: "Can you do all the new dances?" The Debutante: "Not to-night, Fred, Mamma is here." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A SXO.R I A TILE DESIGN A Bungalow with Art-Craft Tib Design Laid HorlionUlly yl VV j Directly en New Roof Boards a I SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF? IT'S ART-CRAFT! CEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have the secret of Bird's Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity it gives to any building the charm of a high-priced roof at a remarkably low cost. leather-proof and spark-proof. Absolutely reliable. Also Uid right over old wooden shingles. Come in and let's get down to figures. The cost will be less than you think. BUD & SON, inc. (Established 1795) East Walpole, Mass. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. DIXON LUMBER & MILLWORK COMPANY Phone 235 1 WELDON, N. C. RECEIVER'S SALE, t'nder the power conferred hy order! of the Superior Court of Halifax county in an action therein penilinir in which creditor are plaintiffs, aud the 1'araifou iirocery Company is delemlaut, the un dersigned Keceiver will, on Wednesday, June 15th, 1921, at 12 o'clock M, in front of the ntorc buiMing of the l'aragon Grocery Com pany, Weldon, N. C, oirer for nale to the highest bidder or bidders for cash, subject to the continuation of the court the following described property of the Paragon Grocery Company, to-wit: All the stock in trade consisting of heavy and fancy groceries, store fumi tuie and tlxturcB, consisting in part of one Kefrigcrating plant, Meat chopper, Safe, Scales. how Cases, Adding Ma chine, Two I 'elivery Trucks, accounts, bills and notes reeeivuble; also any and all lease rights which the said I'aiagon (irucery Company mav have to the store building now occupied ny u. Complete inventory will be taken of ail tuu, lUlures, accounts, and notes receivable and. announced at the sale. Inspection of the properties so licited any tnue before sale and any in formation will be furnished upon re quest. The stock, including accounts, bihs and notes receivable and ail lease rights will be sold together; the lurniture, tlx tures and all lease rights sold together; ; the trucks will be sold separately, then, Stock, account", hills and notes aud I all lease rights will be all sold together i the largest single or aggregate niu re ceived during the euure sale covering stock, accounts, bills aud notes receiv able, furniture, Uxtures and lease rights to control. The purchaser or purchasers will be required to deposit with the Receiver 20 per cent, of the successful bid or bidB at the close of the sale ami pending continuation thereof. II V. H0UN1W, KKCEIVEK, FARAUON (JKOCKRY COMPANY. May 16th, 1921. wlk RELIABLE RADIATOR WORKS, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. WE repair and make new radia tors for all cars, trucks and tractors. ' Reasonable charges and prompt service. Special attention paid express shipments. "We do it right the first time." . " " if T " 1 THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your hank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity comes for investment v. here you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HK won't turn TUl) down it YOU have cniuvuied iinn properly. why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? . WELDON, The nitre you smoke them - The better you'll like them Write for our Pi emiura Cat ilog No 4 1. 1 1-WIS CIGAR MFO. CO.. NEWARK. N. J. I irfj lrnVwr.' ' t C: rr Factory la the World. V,

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