J. iggn jji J SSTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.5(i Per Annum VOL. LLV. WELDON, N. C, TIIUltSDAY, JUNE 3, 1920. NO. 47 Another Royal Suggestion MUFFINS and POPOVERS From the New Royal Cook Book B' REAKFAST is too often eaten as a duty rather tlmn a joy. The suc cess of the day may depend upon the spirit of break fast. The Royal Education al Department presents some breakfast dishes that will send the children to school with a hip hip hur rah and his majesty man to his daily duties with the "up and doing" feeling which knows no discour agement. Muffins I cups flour S teaspoons Royal Baking Powtl. r 1 tablespoon stlirar tpa.'ipnon salt 1 cup mill; 1 tablespoon short, nlng Sift together flour, bakinff powder, sugar and salt; add milk, well-beaten cups and melted shortening; mix well. Grease muffin tins and put two tablespoons of batter in to each. Bake in hot oven 20 to 23 minutes. Egglesi Muffini I cups flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder I tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk I tablespoons shortening Mix and lift dry ingredients, add milk and melted shorten- "Bake with Royal and be ORGAN FOR SALE.--If interested, apply to "H :are this office. Orgairin good condition. Bargains for you IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., (Wholesale WELDON m m The New Things For IS Pretty Wearables In COATS, SUITS, im J- DRESSES SKIRTS WAISTS AT TEMPTING PRICES. Just Received i new line of Georgette Crepe and Silk Ready-Made Dresses, a t sifl lain 1 A if The Busy Store, GOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best,,re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batchelor't Opera Housa.l . OUR CLIENTELE GROWS Not upon, promises, but upon Performances. pioneers in DRY CLEANING AND DYEING riS Prompt Dell varies Sand dooda by Parcel Post THE TEASDALE COMPANY, 628-427 Walnut St. CINCINNATI, OHIO. m BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Cash Store1 N. C. m m ma mm mm ms WELDON, N C aV Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods WELDON. N.C w JKf S5? 111 4mmM MMm Ing and beat until smooth. Bake in greased muffin tin! in hot oven 10 to 35 minutes. Com Muffini K enp corn meal Ji4 cups flour i teaspoons Royal Bikln Powdrr U traspoon salt tablespoons sugar 1 cup milk I tablespoons ahortanlnt 1CI Sift together corn meal, flour, baking powder, salt and su gar; add milk, melted short ening and well-beaten egg; mix well. Grease muffin tins and drop two tablespoons of mixture into each. Bake about 2j minutes in hot oven.. Popoveri 2 cups flour 4, teaspoon salt I cutis milk Sift together flour and salt. Make a well in flour, break eggs into well, add milk and stir until smooth. Four into hot greased gem pans and bake 25 to 35 minutes in a very hot oven. If taken out of oven too soon they will fall. SENT FREE New Royal Cook Book con talnlnracorei of delightful, economical recipes, many of them the most famoua in un today, Addresa tOTAL BAR PTC POWDER 00. II Fulton StrMt H.w York GILJ Sure Sale of Land for Taxes I will sell to the highest bidder foi cash at the court house dour in the towD of Halifax, on Monday, June 7 llr-iu, the following; described lands in Littleton Township, fur taxed anil costs for year HUH: A. M. Mcdlin, M acres, Deep Creek, (14 12. Wade Carter's estate, -l'JV acres, lleep Creek. A. W.lvey, one town tut, Littleton, Tj IM. H. a .Mayo, one lot, Littleton, 40.H5. llon'ard fitts. 'J acres Oak drove .11.30. li.W. KINO, Tax Collector Littleton Township. 631 Acres For Sale, Rent or Ledse On road Iroiu Halifax to Wurreuton. 1 will rent, lease or aell my farm in Hal. ifai county. 7 miles east of Littleton and will sell uiillicm feet of timber with ssme, ." year option, tl irood tenant houses, i'avs this ye:ir pHHI rent. .SIHI acres cleared land an I loo ueres mead, ow land under wire feuce livvelliuK contains 11 romus, pood water Aceu pants uld reason for selliuir. fosses sion given January 1, I'l-.'l. J. O.' IIKITINSTALL, Littleton. N. C Executor's Notice. Haying this dale qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court ot Halifax County as executor of the last will and testament of M rs. M. V. Moseley, de ceased, late of Halifax county, N. C, this is to notify all persona holding claims airainst the aaid estate to present the same to the undersigned Lxector or Attorney for payment on, or before 28th day ol April, Hr.'l, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All peisons indebted to the estate will plea-te male immediate settlement. This the 'Will day of A pril, 11CU UK. 8. H. I'IKKCE, Executor. WILLIAM L. KN10IIT, Attorney. Trustee's Sale of Land. North Carolina, Halifax County. Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust x ecuted by M. N. Kolhcoffer to the un dersigned, which said deed of trnst is duly recorded in the ottice of the Itegis ter of Deeds for Halifax county, N. C , iu Hook 2'.H), at page ftttS, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, 1 will, on Monday, the 14th day ol June, 1IU0, at at I o'clock P. M. in front ol the Hank nf Littleton, in the t.,wn nl Littleton, expose to the highest bidder for cash, the following described piece or parcel of laud, lying and being iu the county atove written and in Liuteton towusliip. containing 72 acres, more or less, and being the identical ttaet ol laud fully described in said deed ot trust, to which reference is heieby made for mure minute description A part of said tract having been sold to James Harris, since the exectitiou ot said deed of trust, said part coutaiuing '47 6 acres, will not be ottered, unless the balance of 74 acres, fail to bring aumcient amount to pay od' said indebtedness and the cost and expentt ofaale. Full details aud description of the aaid 27.6 acres as well as full de scription of the balance will be shown and stated at time and place of aale. JOS. V. PI1TKN, Trustee. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of 8. M. Davis, deceasad, late of the county nf Halifax. State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persona haying claims against the said estate oi aid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 21st of day of April, 1U2L, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to aaid estate are here by requested to make immediate settle ment. This the 20th day of Aonl, 1H20. 8. A. RICHARDS, ' Adair, of S. at. Davie, Pseaascd OR SALE Ratification Map of the Federal Suffrage Amendment. .J J IDAHO J WVO.' L PY O. Y y. AJjJpV I Htv I M ' - 'jJ- i The 35 White States Have Ratified. 17,500,000 WOMEN WILL CAST VOTE FOR PRESIDENT THIS YEAR REGARDLESS OF RATIFICATION Only 4,000,000 Voted in 1916. Worrwn's Votes Gave Election to the Democrats In 1916. What About 1920? How eiin a Ieiiiorrntlc state refuse to help women to ole for President IS Is ycur? nsks former Slule Senator Frniik V. Ituhgood of iireeiiHboro, N. C. In 11)10 It Tfs fieiiiieiHly suid Hint It tir the women voters of the west who re-elected Woodrow Wilson. At tliai time there were less than 4,WH1,IKHI women of voting ne living In the tates which had 'fnni'lilM'cl uomeii. Now there are 17,."iiSMKJ. Even If the Federal SuffraKe Amend ment to the I'niled Stales Coiistltuilou la not passed by Hi! slates, all II ese j women can vote for 1'resldent bemuse fhey have gained either complete suf frage or presidential siiffrut'e, or, In the case of Arkansas nnd Tcxna,. full pri mary suffrage. If one looks on the suf frage ratification map, he will see tknt except for two little stntes. Vermont and Connecticut, nil the stales of the north, northeast, northwest nnd south west linve already riiillled. The only States standing out against rutlrli-iilU.il are those nf the southeast. It Is the men of the south who are blocking women's freedom. And what are they doing? They cannot keep the1 women of Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, L'tah, Washington, Ciillfurnla. Arliona, Kansas, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, New York. Oklahoma, Michi gan, South Pukotn, Illinois, North Da kota, Nebraska, Itlonle Island, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mulue, Minnesota. Missouri, Tennessee. Wisconsin, Ohio, Arkansas and Texas from voting for President. They are holding back the vote from Democratic North Carolina women and letting the Republican women of Mulne walk away with It. Is this good political The states where women vote con trol S39 of the total 531 electoral votes. This nieana that North Carolina's twelve might he wiped out by Cali fornia's 13. If the California women should this year feel Hint the Itepulill can party, which has given the suffrage amendment 29 rulllli nllons, Is a heller party for women Ibun the Democratic party, which has rejected the amend ment In stx states. The refusal of southern men to give a thirty-alith raiili' iitlon to the women of the country will not defeat woman suffrage; It will only defeat the loyal women of the lemocratlc south, and a few women In the smaller states of the north. MOST POPULAR AMENDMENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION. Nine states had ratified the Federal Suffrage AniendmetU within three weeks from the dale was signed In June, lfll9. That was oiic fotii'tli of the total number required. Of those nlue stutes seven were alreadc In scs slon snd could make quick work of ratification. After that it was a ques tion of calling special sessions for the spectul purpose of rntlfvlng. as all the other ae iegisimive seHsiora nf ihiu had closed. Tet so widespread was the sentiment for rntlflcntlon that within three months. In spite nf ex pense. In spite of summer heat. In spite of everything, eight states Iiad called special sessions. Before the end of 1919 five mere had called spe cial sessions ami ratllitd. January. 1920, was ushered in by rntlltcallon In two states that held regular sessions. Another state, New Jersey, took ad vantage of Its regular session to rati fy In February. But 19211 Is not i "lenlslature year." Very few sta'e-- : !u ivgulnr session this year : ' n hope for a ratitlcnt n . '..t k to Has ! clal stvs . v 'n a'1 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR A This is the new way WJTpoir' ' L. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Make North Carolina the Perfect 36. called special sessions during the brief mouth of February. Three more culled special sessions In March. Of the three legislatures called In March, Delaware's Is still In bcsbIoii, having hot yet taken Unal action on ralllicn tlon. Jhlrty Ave slates acted between June 0, lillli, mid March 22, lirjll. Not one of the eighteen preceding amendments to the Federal Constitu tion lias made such a time record In view of the number of ratifications needed In each case. A federal amend ment today needs three tlim s ns many ratifications us were needed to ratify the twelfth, for instance, which has held the speed recoid up to now. Not one of the preceding amend ment tins cniniimiidcd such huge ma jorities In slate leglslnlines im has I he iiinetcci.li. liKUTUI'DK WF.IL, v -si' MISS GERTRUDE WEIL, President N. C. Equal Suffrag- Itpaous. WOMAN SUFFRAGE STRENGTHENS WHITEVOTE White Population Shows Greater Increase Than Black. "When the men of North Csrollna make the excuse of keeping the vote from while women of the south, be cuii.Ne they fear the negro women's vote." snys Dr. Delia Carroll Dixon of Itiilelgh, N. C, "do they think what they aiv doing? "Here Is some nrlllinieilc for them: "In the hticc.t states south of the Mason and l'ixor Hue are: HMil,!i-'lt while women 4,3.t4.ilS!l negro wollien ft.3tl7,S:t7 inoro while than negra women. 1tl.IUil.tl20 white women H.ii-l.'t.d-tO total neuro population 2,ilis.28(l more while .vouicii Hum tniiil negro ptipulailon. "These tlftecn states are: M in hunt Virginia. North Curoliini, Sotiih Caro lina, Oeorgla, Florida, Mississippi, Ala bama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkutisas, Louisiana, Texas. Missouri. West Vlr g'nlii. "In four southern stales, "tVus, Ten ticssiH., VlrgitilH and Kentucky, the number of while women exceeds the etude colored population, lit Alabama, Afkansns, Georgia, North Carolina, and Loulslanu, woman suffrage would tremendously Increase ttie preponder sfine Af white vnte; in Vs!r-rt iTit South Carolina, where the colored pop ulation exceeds the white, equal suf frage would double the Intelligent elec torate, since tn both these states there are educational qualifications limiting tha franchise to those who can read. "Equal suffrage In southern states would : "1. Increase vastly the white vote, "2. Raise the educational and moral standard of the electorate. "Not only would woman suffrage give white control In these states a more permanent footing than new,' hut whit supremacy will continue te .tow, a'r.ce the Increase ot white popa iitlon Is more rapid than the Increase f colored population." Paid), brothers, paich with cheer, oatch in the presence of the profi teer. tC ASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always ert ft t Bigna'mr of CjujrMtti FOR THE SAKE OF THI DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Apropos to the fact that the women of thirty states In the Union are going to vote, for the next 1'resldent, whether the thirty siith state ratlOes the Fed end suffrage amendment or not, Mrs. Charles D. Mclver of (Jreeiishoro has this to say "for the sake of the Iienio crntlc parly :" "Why cut down the popular vote In North Carolina by denying North Car ollnn women the right to vote fur I'res lilenllal electors along with Hie women of other stales. True, a stale's electo ral college vole Is no bigger no matter how much ihe popular vole la In creased, but It's Just ns true that then' Is n psychological factor In Hie largei popular vote that lias Its elTect. It doesn't do the Democratic party am good to seem to tie the parly of a few people Instead of many people. Of the thirty states where women will vote In the presidential election of 1(120 Un popular vote ts nominally Republican In two-thirds of them. Willi the wn men voting In those states the poputai vote un the Itepuhllcon side is Increns ed by millions. In the Democratic Routli millions of women are excluded and the popular vole correspondlnglx reduced. It makes a bad uppeurance on the face of tilings. It creates tin Impression that the Kepuhllcan pnrl.x Is the people's pnrty. It Isn't. The Democratic party Is the people's party. It's unfair to create this false Impres sion hy an exclusion of the woman vote In the Sooth at the expense ef the Democratic party." ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablet a of Aspirin" it prenulne Aspirin proved nafc by millions and pre scribed by phyniciaiin for over twenty yearn. Accept only an unbroken "Bayer package" which contains proper direc tion! to relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism Colds and i'ain. ilamly tin boxen of 12 tab lets cost few eenU. Dru'Ut alo sell larger "Bayer packages." Anpirin ia trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mono acclicacideater of balicyliacid. Stomach Oul of Fix? 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of this delicious digestant, a glass with meals gives delightful relief, or no charge fur the first dozen used. Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATIC WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing like it for renovating old tired utomachs, converting food into rich blood and sound flesh. Shivar Ale retails at T - per bot tle, or per dozen. If your reg ular dealer cannot mpply you, tele phone MoWAitiuoimiNi; cu, iMstiibulois fur WeldoD. The BEST and CHEAPEST insurance on earth MOTS T)URE VMNT IRODUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR FROFERTV ASK YOUR DEALER. A Word About A Krciii nidiiy people make the ntist.ikt of punine their blankets away for the summer without hrst having litem washed. This is bad for the blankets besides being un sanitary. And when the first cold snap comes the blankets are not ready for use. Our method cleanses them thor oughly, and they are returned to you as clean, fresh and soft as new ready for immediate use next season. Our prices are reasonable and we guarantee not 10 injure the fin est blankets. We call and deliver in all parts of the town. Watth for White Star wagon or truck. LAUNDRY WHITE 'jVSlAR I WW I i r.imiL-3 PER liBNT. I AViclablorVcparationforA5 , similiilimiUierood by BejuU- tlnglheSlomachsaMlM"'"" 6 Thereby Promotln6Di4wto f Un?erruiiicssanoiaw.w"" j neither Opium, Morphine nor Stntui l.'crm btd klW-l IHomcdvfcr ConslipnlionandPtarrhoel and lVwrtsnnyss i.nss of Sleep resulting ml'rcfrJnhtfanQ, facsimile Siitweot t, rmrAUB Company nry? YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. ssSSSSEBEBRBRsSSS li.LP I I s sMllslI m II II I BUT has it not occurred to you ihai saving money gives you pleasure RIGHT NOW . No matter how much you make, you are "getting nowhere" unless you SAVE. When you SAVE you are "Getting Somewhere" Stan an account TODAY, feel independent and enjoy work more simply because it is "getting you somewhere." - 5t-.' 3 Hart Schatiner X. avltirv Vaothes Satisfaction In Clothes You wani 10 feel satisfied with the clothes you wear; they're an expression of YOU: your taste in fabric, color, pattern; your figure well fitted; the cut and design of the style. They are YOUR clothes: you selected them. Now that's the kind of satisfaction we want you to gei here; we guarantee that you get it. FARBER & JOSEPHSOfJ, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C, Dixon Lumber & Miliwork Do Weldon, N C. M AS U FACTU KERsflOK Building Material (or Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND REGULAR STOCK 81ZE8 Oood Mattrlala, High Qrado Workmanship Our Slogan. For Imp i.l i nd Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tiw Sisnature 4 of A Use For Over Thirty Years 111 w si A ; J WELDON, N.CT I