THE NEWS. USTABLLSilHl) IN I.S60. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription -$2 CO Per Annum VOL. IX I WELDON, N. C, TIIUHSDAV, .Jl'Ni: !, 1921. NO. C V .4 A) 4 Children Cry for Fle r's The Kind You Have Always Bnunht, and which has been la use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of - and has been mad'.- under his per- L&AJ&jZttiis sonal supervision since its infancy. vry, uow nu one t() dcceive y(iu jn this All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just -as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanRer the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. r What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It fontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS iBcara the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought CrNTAtlH COMPANY ir w vonK Citv. At Cost For June Only mm mm mm mm, mm mm m mm mm AM offeriiiir my entire stink of Shoes. 1f' II Mhii's Suits. Overcoats. Mats. Ladies v,. Dressus and Coats at wholesale COST ITiltn KVI-yYR()l)Y. No (roods charired at cost to anybody. Come early and Ret your pick of these bargains while they last mm mm m mm m m& m& ft: ? . mk m mm mm um mm mm mm The Busy Store,; ft .ft WKLDON, N Cj mmmmmmtmnmuMmmmmmMmm ?a Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing thanfca slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. GOOD GROCtRlES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. Anil right tliinkinbrings besti re mits. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Nar Batchelor'a Opera House, WELDON, N.C ton Lumber Millwork Co. Weldon, N C. MANUKACTUKKKH OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Door vvinHnw Screens Mantels, uoor aou 3linds ,,. . 1, m,. H1ZES, MADE TO ORIIKK AH1J kioiui.aii niui. (load Malarial! Mh (lrad Workmaiwliln " The Citizens Bank I WONDER. LOSING GROUND Canvass of 7,847 Editors Shows j 7,393 Communities Against Abolishing Weed. j ANTI3 LOSE THREE STATES.1 HALIFAX. N. C. i ... M.iii.. .nil surrounding: country to put W E invllt w. proP- checkli accoUnt ? It l cc :S,,V;Vo .- you linv. a r. atandlni n your community, e nave every j s 'und BankW. and Invite you to open an account with u.. Th..m.lle.t account receive, a much attention, a. Hth. I.rtte.t with ua. W pay per cent. Compounded Quarterly on SvlnK!. Utah, Under Mormon Influence, Only Commonwealth lo Adopt Prohlbl. i tlon Meaaura During Year. ' "In tDlmriti gglnij to liuvs ll i !p aiMefl to thu bolt (if tlie prnhlliltlniilst J benlile itmi of the lamenM hut ua ynt lint liltufther late nliuhuH" la the ijtiailiii inked ,y iinrret Smith I In mi nrtk-lH In the current Issuo of ! Leslliii MiitaatiiH." The wrller reiifhp tho rn.irluslnn tlml while there linn I. ecu Increased altlltl"li nml i-Klallltle licllvlty on the ulijeci f ii.biiccii fiillmvliiK tha auc(H nf ilie drive fur iimlilliltlun of llqimr the effurtH of reformer seek hiK to iih'ilhh tolmcco have no Kenoi'nt bhi.ui'I. Thin oiilnlon la Imaed on the ruaulta of Hie ijuestloiiiuiliv on tha aiyijcct aoiit out to newNpniier edltom of the country hy the 1'rens Service Coinpuiiy of New York City. The line-! Inns onked were: (1) In mi favor tho eiiactinent of lnws prohlhltliiK the personal use of toliacco liy iidiiltK? Vi) In ymir Juil(tmenl does the Ken ernl sentliiieni of your coniniunlty favor audi legislation? (3) Is the use of tobacco personal ly ohjoctloiiable to you? No ai'KUiiieiiti ncconipanled the ques tions and from their form It was tin posalhle fur any editor to ih'toruitna the altitude of the questioners. Out of li.MS editors questioned, T.S-17 replied according to the summary given. Thene editors, it la estimated, represent a combined circulation of 81,8711,040. (If the 7,947 eilllors reply ing, 7,MtW, nr li!l per cent, represent puhtlc Benltinent In ttielr communities as oppose. I to tintl-tohaci'ii leglnlatlon. Only 2i editors, or R ier cent of those replying believed thpie was any considerable sentiment fni'inihle tp tobacco prohibition. There were 174, or li per cent, In doubt, while L'u failed to record tlml r Judgment. Editors' Judgment Unbiased "It Is of special Interest to note that Mil editors In answering the first question, personally favored mich legislation, itlthough only UIVI of them reported tlml public (tnlon also fa vored the prohibition of tnhncco- an Indlcutlon nf the conscientious effort made by th Iltors to distinguish pub lic opinion from their own personal opinions." the article continues. "The highest pcrceninue of replies reporting public opinion favorable to prohibition of tobacco came from I'tah, where 41! per cent of the editors thought the public wer for such a movement. I'tah Is the only state which has since adopted an antl clgarette law. Tho result was fore cast by Keeral of the editors who fated that the Influence of the Mor mon (,'hilrch was against 4oburco. The Mormon Church Is also strung In Idaho, which la tl ther state where the use of tobacco was recently prohibited, but the governor has signed the bill Just passed, In which the prohibitory legislation Is repealed. In this state SO per cent of the editors estimate sentiment In their communities as Against tobrucu prohibition, which, nevertheless Ib 0 per cent below the .average reported opposition. "The legislature of Teiine.' some wecVs nRo passed and the governor baa signed a bill regaling the antl clgarette law of that state. The ques tionnaire s' nwed !W per rent of Its editors bp'Vved the public against anti-tobio i legislation. The legisla ture of Ail.ansas has also passed a bill repealing lis nntl-clgarette law. In this stale PI per rent, of the editors reported against tobacco prohibition. Arizona's Practical Joke "A hilt. Introduced In the current session of the legislature of Arizona to prohibit smoking In public dining rooms and other public plnccs, was first amended to prohibit the consump tion In public of peanuts, chewing gum, tea and coffee and then defeated by the senate. The questionnaire returns from that slate were K per cent 'no.' "In Iowa where the 'no's wen 95 per cent a hill to repeal the antl cigarette law has been passed nnd signed by the governor. "A hill to reienl the antl-clgarette law In Kansas, with SO per cent 'no's,' la receiving the attention of Its legis lature. I.ust year a petition for a referendum In Oregon to prohibit the use of lobniT" failed of sulllclent nlg- PHMre to bring the qneslton to fi vote, and W per ceni of tho editors declare their puhllc against legislation. In Oklahoma an anll clgsrette hill has been reported unfavorably In the house. The editors of that stale re ported 94 per cent against Its public auppuft. "Outside of Utah, where i. nun Influence predominates," tha ai. ,le concludes, "the antl-toliaoco move ment appears, as In the case of Ten nessee, Arkansas and lowa, to ba los ing ground and Is not to any consid erable eitont supported by the peo ple." The friends of tobacco feel particu larly elated over this showing. Inas much as IP'.'rt '.'l was maximum year In legislative circles with 411 elate leg latui. s In nesnlon and the tobacco sub ject rcicived an unusual auiount of COnSHl'M'!! Hli. I wonder docs she care for me as much as I do for her? I know her eyes, they sparkle bright, whenever I am near; Bin then perhaps they always do, for every friend, you know, And they sparkle most forme, just because 1 wish it so. I wonder does she know how dear her presence is to me ? Ami if she does, oh! can she care, and can it ever be That mine shall be as dear to her? My Hose; so rich and rare, My own sweet, precious Kirincs Rose beyond compare. I wonder as she reads these lines, I wonder if she knew Why the Southern rose was fairest of any rose that grew, And the rose that gave the rose to me, the Nose I loved the best? I wonder if I ever by her dear love shall be blest? Shi-:. 1 wonder does he think of me as much as I of him? I w onder does his heart grow warm, whenever I come in? I wonder does he love me best? Ah! would that I could tell; And did he write to me these lines I love to read so well ? Ur was he ihinking fondly of some other fair-haired girl, Whose eyes are dark as mine are, whose teeth are white as pearl, When he wrote these tender lines on the rose that some one gave, That tilled all his heart wiih gladness and made it fondly crave. Another rose more precious still, more sweet, more rich, more The fair rose that gave it to him, the Rose beyond compare, 1 wonder was it some one else, or if that Rose was me? I wonder does he love me best, I wonder could it be ? F-vMmiiErwmKi, vhv 1,1 "' r?'i" h'-' ',;'" Z-'tTii ". "3, t HkKh I PJyJb """ f'" " r w "vf (-1 is4,-',S rare, "PLANTED COTTON." Last year the farmers tilled the soil, They plained, hoed and how they toiled. liven took in land they had forgotten. Just to plant their precious cotton. They planted cotton. They worked on in sun and rain, Forgot the fields of waving grain; Smiled and boasted together at noon, Waiching their prospects nourish and boom. They planted cotton. Ureams of future smiled at dawn, Fncouraging this good work to go on; They coumed their hopes of endless gain. They planted cotton. Some did ride and wear neckties, Others walked and dined on pies They surely were happy, these farmers all Till summer glided into fall. They planted cotton. I larvest came, cotton futures ran high, (iladden the heart, and dazzled the eye; Fverything forgotten, bill unpaid, While they talked of cotton grade. They planted cotton. But now, alas! Such dreadful fate, For the Farmers' anxious hearts did wait; . Cotton went down, as never before Bankers, merchants, planters were sore. They planted cotton. Bankers tore their hair and swore. Fertilizer men wanted all, and more; And creditors shouted pay, pay, pay, Till farmers are distracted and dismayed. They planted cotton. They must plant their precious prize. King Cotton yet may touch the skies; There is no dresses for country lasses, Not even enough to pay the taxes. They planted cotton. Miss Olive Izlar. St. Charles, S. C. products" I Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A DAWN ON WOMANHOOD. "How is little sister, Georgt?" asked a kindly neighbor. "Fine, " replied the small buy. "She's thtouj;h teething and started itmgueing." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of Our Advice Won't Cost You a Nickel IVTAKE the old buildings just as comfortable as the ' A new ones, and juoi as good looking, by putting on handsome, fire-safe, weatherproof, and long-lasting BIRD'S ROOFS Whether it is a dwelling, barn, garage or factory that you want to re-roof let us show you how little it will cost to use the right Bird's Roof. Every dollar you invest in Bird's Roofs will surely return one hundred cents jn satisfaction as honest value is built into every square foot of Bird's Roofs. Whether you need Bird's Paroid, Bird's Art-Craft. Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Bird's Granitized Roofings, or Bird's Twin Shingles our advice as to the correct roof to select for your building won't cost you a nickel. We know frun experience that Bird's Roof, make good, and that is the reason we sell ihein. BIRD & SON, inc. (E.tV:!ut; ' r,. ' . ' Vai.le. Mm. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. 7 DIXON LUMBER i mm i a uuiunuu Phone 235 WELDON, N. C. KB a a D n u n a n n n a a a Indigestion Many porsona, other w lis vigorous and health?, are bothered occasionally with Indigestion. Th effecta of a dInordn,e4 atomarh on the system are dangerous, and prompt treatment of Imllsoa tlon la Important. "Th only medicine I have needed has been inmethlnR to atd dlRea tlon aud clean the liver," wiltea Mr. Kred Aahhy, a McKiuney, Texaa, farmer. "My medicine la Bedford's nn j a D n a D a BLACK-DRAUGHT 'lull. fOR SALE BY Kurireraon Drug Co., Halifax. M. C, Hair, Weldoa. for Indigestion and stomach trouble of any kind. 1 have never found anything that tniinhu the snot. Ilka Black- Draught. I take It in oronen doses after meals. For a long tlmo I tried pills, which grip ed and didn't give the good resnlis. Black-Draught liver medicine la easy to take, eaay to keep, Inexpensive." Get a package from your druggist today Ask for and Insist upon Thedlord' tha only genuine. Get It today. liuODDDODDDODa D a a D rl tl ?J 11 a a a D D D D B a u n B B a THE MOMENT. Reginald was trembling but he knew the music must be faced. "Shall I ask your father for his consent tonight, darling?" he in quired. "You had better," spoke up the small brother unexpectedly from behind the sofa. "Pa's in his stocking feet.'' SO THERE NOW. Mabel : "How did you feel when Jack kissed vou in the tunnel?" Helen: "I fell as if j never w.inicd to see him again." ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Take Aspirin only as told in each pack A of LrvmiihG Bhvit TahltU of Amir in. TIkmi vuii will hp following the direction and itiwnge workitl out by phyeitntUM diirimr 21 years, and Droved safe bv rail lions. Take no chance with fubstitute. If you 8oe the Haver Croat on tablet, yon can take them without fear for Oolds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rhenmntvni, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago arj r Pain. Handy tin boi of twelve t ...U coet few tvnt. Druggist also tell larger package. Aanirin ia the trade mark gf Bayer Manufacture of Meaoikoaiicacid' eater of tialicylioaoid. RECEIVER'S SALE, t'mlev the powtu-conlen't'il by onltu of the Supi'nui" tuurtol lluliiux countv : in an action therein ienilimr in which 1 creditors are plainOH'i. auil liie I'uruon (irocery Company is tlelemhuit, the un- dersitjued heeeiver will, un Wednesday, June 15th, 1021 , at VI o'clock M, in front of the store ImihlhiK of the Taranou (Irocery four puny, Weldon, N. t'., oiler for sale to l,;l...ul l,l,l..r mi- fnr cusli sultject to the coulirmationof the court the lullowinir uescrioeu properly oi ine l aragou grocery i ouipuny, ni-u. ill 4l.a at..nL- in trailn khii.imI tmr nf lieuvy and faucy groceriea, store furni tn. ami Hitnie. e.onsiHtmir in nart of one KefriireratitiK plant. Meal I'hopper, Safe, scales, show Cases, Aihlini; Ma chine, Two Delivery 1'rucks, accounts, bills and noli's receivable; also any ami ii l.,au., i-iirhiu winch the saiil I'uratron (irocery Company may have to the store tiuiiumir now occupieu oy n. 1 iiiiinlele ilivelltiil V Hill hi' Ul-i U of all stock, lixtures, accounts, lulls auJ notes receivable ami annouucea ai me sale. Inspection of the properties so bciteil any lime beloie sale ana any iu formalion will be lurnisheil upon re quesl. Ti.iiick mcluilinii accounts, bills and notes receivable and all lease nirhts will be sold toirether; the furniture, Ux- turea aud all lease rights sold lok'euier. the trucks will be sold separately, then, Stock, aecouuls, bills and uolen and all lease rights will be all sold tuifethet the larifeBtsinifle or aiitrreirate bid re ceived durum the enure tule covering stock, accounts, lulls and uoles receiv able, furniture, lixtures and lease rights to control. The purchaser or purchasers will be required to deposit wiih the Receiver (l per ceui. oi ine suei-cssim j bidorbidsatthecloseoftlie sale ami nending coutii ination thereof. II V. liOI'NDS, UKCKIVKH, PA H UON UHOl'KKY Cd.MI'ANY. May lllth, l'-l. Mlk H t LI ABLE RADIATOR WORKS, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. WE repair and make new radia tors for all tars, trucks and tractors. Reasonable charges and prompt service. Special attention paid express shipments. "We do it right the first time." THE BEST FRIEND YOU will i ver have is your hank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and nu need some money quickly, Ht won't turn YOU down ii VOU have cultivated him pioperly. Why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? m nm I I n I m a I. 1 a -n ... t m ; i . J WELDON NCI 1 'vaaaeaaeaaaaaaaaBeeBBMmaaaaaaMHMj The more vou smoke them - The better you'll like tliem Write fur ouc Premium Catalog No 4 t itiiKririojire rn NFWARK.N. !. 1 It d. wniirnl Ci ar Factory in tl.o World. t jh ! .Una V