isjp lyf) ggsi tB I s, ! t"i5li I irala ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum yoL. uv. WELDON, N. C, TI III US DAY, .JUNK 10, l!)20. NO. 48 WITH THE FEDERAL SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT NOT YET RATIFIED, WHO STARTED SUFFRAGE! ! Another Royal Suggestion COOKIES and SMALL CAKES From the New Royal Cook Book WHEN the children romp in hungry as young bears, here are some wholesome, economical de lights that will not only be received with glee, but will satisfy the most ravenous appetite in a most whole some manner. Cookies Heup ahortanlns oupi ausar W cup milk iSK U teaspoon grated nutmeg I teaspoon vanilla extract or rated rind of 1 lemon 4 cup. flour I teaspoon! Royal Baking powder Cream shortening and surrar together; add milk to beaten eggl and beat again; add llowly to creamed shorten ing and sugar; add nutmeg and flavoring; add 2 cups flour sifted with baking pow der; add enough more flour to make stiff dough. Koll out very thin on floured board; cut with cookie cutler, sprin kle with sugar, or put a raisin or a piece of Knglish walnut in the center of each. Bake about 18 minutes in hut oven. Cocoa Drop Cakes I tableipoona shortening 1 cup lugar leV Ucuprnllk l cupa Hour I tea.poona Royal Baking Powder U cup cocoa u teaspoon 1 taaauuun vanilla extract BAKING POWDER Absolutely Putd Crram stinrirmnR, aUl sugar and WRll-luairii tM. beat well and Uftd milk slowly; sift flour, baking jmwiler. and cocoa into iiuxtiirr; stir until smooth, utld vanilla. I'ut one tablespoon of b:ittcr into each greust'd nnilfin tin and bake in moderate oven about 20 minutes, Coer with boiled MnB Orange Cakeg 4 tablf c poom ahortetiltnf 1 cup sutrar cup milk 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Royal Baking 1'owder 4 tenspoon salt ItPBsponn oran.TJ fTttru' t gt utt'U rlml of 1 oraiito Crram short; add Mipar slowly, bi'aiinp well; add mi'k a little at a time; tu-.i add well-bcatt'ii Qr,g; si t lloiir, bakini? powder and salt to gether and add lo mi'ittii'-; r.dd flavoring and grato! orange rind; mix well. Hake in greased shallow tin, or in dividual cake tins, in hot oven 15 to 21) minutes. When cool cover with orange icing. COOK BOOK FREE Just off the preis and liner than ever before. This new Royal Cook Hook con taining 400 di'IitfhtfuL re cipes, will b Kent to you free If Tou will send your name and address. royal Baking powder oq. lift Fulton Street New York City "Bake with Royal and be Sure" ORGAN FOR SALE.-If interested, apply to "H care this office. Organ in good condition. Bargains for you IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELDON N. C. D m m : The New Things For i l u Pretty Wearables In COATS, SUITS, DRESSES SKIRTS ll m mi AT TEMPTINQ PRICKS. ! Just Received i new line of Georgette Crepe and Silk Keaay-ivuue uresses. m 4. L. swmoK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our cnoice nam. we nave anything; you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods POOD fiROflFRIES huild un the svstem. stimulate the brain, and U increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings ruits. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batcbelor't Opera Moused WELDON. N C OUR CLIENTELE GROWS Not upop promise, but upon Performances. we arb nnv n cnt'iun nun nvcuin m Business pioneers in uni bLLnnmu finuuiLinu smc im. Prompt Dellverlca Send Uoods by Parcel Post TI1E TEASDALE COMPANY, 625-627 Walnut St. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Pale Children Made over to your liking, with rosy cheeks, hearty ap- petitea, vigorous digestion and to bint lirallii. Givo them a glaia of thia delicious digeatant with meala. Shivar Ale PURE OIGKTIVt AROMATICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing Iiko it for building rich I loud and solid flesh. At )I gro cers and druggist! satisfaction or your money Lack on fust dojn. Shivar Ale retails at 15c per bot tle, or $1.75 per dozen. If your reg ular dealer cannot supply you, tele plume HOWARD JOHHINU CO,, Diitributora fur Weldou. FOR SALE. 631 Acres For Sale. Rent or Lease On road from Halifax to Warranton, I will rent, lease or sell my farm in Hal' ifax county, 7 miles eaat of Littleton and will sell million feet of timber with a i me. 5 year option. 6 good tenant houses. Fava this year S'HX) rent. .Hi VI acrea cleared land and lou acres mead ow laud under wire fence. Dwelling coutains 11 rooms, good water. A ecu pants old reason lor selling. Posses sion given .laDuary 1, 1921. J. O. HEmiN8TAI.L, Littleton, N. C Executor's Notice. Haviue this date qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court ot Halifax County as exeoutor of the last will and testament ot Mrs. M. V. Moseley, de ceased, late of Halifax county, N. C, ting is to notuy an persons Holding claims against the said estate to present the same to the undersigned -hxector or Attorney for payment on, or before Will uay ol April, ltttl, or tins notice will be pleaded in bar or recovery. All peisous indebted to the estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 'Mb day of April. llUtl, Dlt. H. H. I'lKIK'K.Kxecutor, WILLIAM L. KNklllT, Attorney. Trustee's Sale of Land. North L'aroliua, rtalitax County. Under and by virtue ol the power contained in a certain deed ot Itual ex ecuted by M N. Zollicuilci to the un deraigned, wniob aaid deed ol titi.l I duly recorded in the oltice oftho Rugii ter of Deeds fur Halifax couuty, N. O in Boot iW, at page 638, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, 1 will, on Monday, the 14th day ol June, ltU. at at 1 o'clock P. U. in front of the Bank of Littleton, in the town of Littleton, expose to the highest bidder for cash, the following described piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the county above written and in Littleton township containing 7'-' acres, more or less, aud being the identical tiaet ol land fully deacribed in said deed of trust, to which reference ia hereby made for more minute description. A part of said tract having been sold to James Harris, since the execution of said deed of trust, said part containing 27 5 acres, will not be otlered uuleaa tbe balance of 7il actes, fail to bring turhcient amount to pay otf said indebtedness and tbe eost and exnenae of sale. Full details and description of tbe said tt o acres as well as lull de scription of tbe balance will be shown tod etatea at time and place ot sale. JUtt. t. elrPES, trustee. Ain't It Grand and Glorious Feeling to Have Your Son Return With Weuna Stripes and Tall You of Seeing German Women Vote. ( Cvv l'ffe- -. (AM When not at work un u p mre Hni-i) I . ilinvj i. lo ! funnel In So. 10, f dressing room which dates buck to the early dnys of his i nrecr In the Brook lyn studio of Vltngruph. It was 10 yi'iirs iir.i Hint he oiruplcil Ihls ruom With EarJa Wllllmns. The walls rcsciiil.Ii a (iniihliiiilliui nf art museum nnd rogues' gallery. They are hung with iilclurcs of Slurcy In vurluus roles, ranging from a pollremnn, his fltst paii; the crouk, Jiisepli lini-son of "Within the Law," to the high fluumier In "The liiiiulili'iH." Iteceutly, he has added Philip Mrey In "The Illrtii ot a Soul" unit a detective character In Tul fleuilng Clew." Beat Drum Spent Night in Prison fa.. aw- Dlonel now iniiiiiiHinlliig Knglaiul forces of the SVfc Al.uj, who kleMcd the l-vv BI htttlPK a Me bins drum Just one resoiuiiHii uiiuck for which she spent n nluiit In Jnll, e resolute black c. cil girl cluiiiged the police cliissill, nlh.n of Snlva tlon Army diiiiiiinliiL' fi-oin "petty nulsHiice" to "music." That was Iwi-niy two years go, and the hltp-k rye have grown more gentle In yeurs of service for the poor since those battling days, hut they nill t win kle when the story is told. It was Mrs. Adam tllirurd, wife f the colonel the New drumstick and struck defiance at the Pennsylvania blue coaled policeman of the town where she nd her husband were then stationed. Irate citlaena had complained bitter ly of the Salvation Army und Its street corner meetings aud inuslcul services, but particularly of the buss drums of the band. Night after night the drums bad been confiscated by the police, but to oo effect Finally a police order went out to "arrest anyone attempting to beat a drum.'' Following this Colonel Glfforrl In an effort to teat the constitutionality of the order advertised thnt upon a cer tain evening a monster meeting would be held and thai upon that occasion Mrs Gilford would beat the drum. As anticipated, a record breaking erowd wae turned out. The police re serves were called upon to quel) ihe Mots which might ensue. At a given signal Mrs. Blfford gave the drum a re aounduuj thusop and the meeting was It Wat the South, Not the North. Who killed cock rob bin and let the female of the species Into iiolftlcs nny way) Wlirtt Uo.'S the hUme llu fnr It'tiliiK HuiuHU get the very hist whiff of the political banquet uf her lords und nuiMiTS? If thut tint tnste uf tin lu toztcutliiK liuveruKV pulltlcul free dom had only hecit kept uwuy fnuu women, vho known hut they initfht hiivH uniitj illit on dohiK Hie family fiuotr iiml loft ull tin dirly political Ihiofi lo I ho iiM'ii. The Wos iii lug I'ri'sh, ll.;it'N ulml happfitfil. sOi ! litni't tie Inn rnpiil -It wiikii'I Iho wosi - It wan- Ki'ftturky, In "M.v old Ki'iiiutk.v Hhiup, 1 ar Awny" llo'le wero noiiio Aiiom-Ii'iiuk who hollt-vt'it In Ihe I'utistituilnnnl rh'lit uf Aiuerlnin eltloiis ioi( to ho hiod without roprosfhi at tun. 'I'hoo mot, saw thut wlihms worn paying u arlmol lux, and hadn't even it wont to suy ahout hulltlin. a littlo 11 1 .st hoi I lioiise, nor how mtiny day u year It should he In ojiornllou nl'H'i' It wu huilt, nor what, nor whothor, thoii c-hihlron should Ktudy. Iu these Koutm-ky men cve sehoul sutTrafj'tf to wldnwH with t-hll droll of sell oid ae, and this wt U hull rolling. The Wnuth hetit the West to it hy twenty yearn. And up pnrently the men did it nil hy lh?iu selves out of their own setisi uf Jiih tlce and fair play. It is not tvounh d that Uie widows of Kentucky panolod fur It, nor sent lu petitions, nor did any of the things Northern men have wude women do. Kentucky gentlemen thought tho widows with children of school uge had had a raw deal, and they shuffled the pack and gave theiu a httier. That's all there was to It. Children Cry for Fletc nr's m The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been la use fur over thirty years, has borne tho signature of and has been made under his per- REAL SOUTH NOT OPPOSED TO SUFFRAGE. Mrs. Josephus Daniels of North Carolina, wife of the Secretury of the Navy, snys It will be a pity If the men of her stute do not ratify the Federal Suffrage Amendment, as It would he the Hist hrcuk In their reputation for giving women whut they wnnt. "No class of women bus ever been considered more of the tlingln;: vine t the women of the south," siilil Mrs. Dunlels. "No cluss of women hits ever been more protected, yet li. times of nutionnl stress, southern worn eu always have risen to the.orcesion und proved themselves inure than equal to their responsibilities." MRS. COLONEL ADAM QIFFORD, Salvationist under way. Immediately the trait lit tle Salvation Army lassie was placed under arrest and escorted by a crowd of amused but sympathetic onlookers to the patrol wagon and thence to the local Jail, where she spent the night The case was taken before the su preme court of the state, where even tually the contention of the "Anny was sustained. Following the decision the entire corps, led by Colonel Olfford, marched to the city hall to demand the drums that had been confiscated by the po lice. Twenty-eight of the offending "prisoners" were released In the cus tody of the corps. From that date to the present none of the meetings ot the Salvation Army has been disturbed by the poilce. Furthermore, the prece dent established has been maintained In nearly every etate Id the Union. COME ALONG, LADIES! "I am convinced that It Is the part of wisdom for the Liemocriitlc party In North Carolina to accept woman stiff nii;e gracefully. Wuuian suffrage Is Inevitable. He Is a deaf man who does not hear the swish of Its skirts. He Is a blind mull who docs not see lis legions advancing. "(lentleiuen of Tnrhellat Let's be good sports and join lustily in the chorus, 'Come along, ladles.' Some time ago I definitely decided to advise the general assembly In the speclul ses sion In July to ratify the Ketlerul Anieniliiient. It Is the sensible and the graceful thing to do." T. W. HKCK KTT, tlovernor of North Carolina. For I Weak Women In use for over 40 years I Thousands of voluntary letters from women, tell ing of the good Cardul has done them. This is the best proof ol the value ol Cardul. It proves that Cardui is a good medicine lor women. There are no harmful or habit-lorming drugs In Cardui. It is composed only ol mild, medicinal Ingredients, with no bad after-effects. TAKE WM The Woman's Tonic Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORJA Children Cry , FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA You!y on Cardul. Surely II will do lor you what it has done lor 10 many thousands ol other womenl It should help. "I was (alien sick, seemed to be . . . ," writes Mis Ahty E.Vesle, ot Madison Heights, Va. "I got down so weak, could hardly walk , . . lust Slavered around. ... I icad ot Cardul, and alter taking one bot tle, or before taking quite all, I felt much better. I took 3 or 4 bnt'lrs at that time, and was able to do my work. I take it In the spring when run down. I had no appetite, aud I commenced eating. It is the best tonic I ever saw." Try Cardui. All Druggists Ji- sonal supervision siuce its Infancy. ""J Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself, What isCASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It curtains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverlshness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS yBears the Signatureof In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought NTAtl COMFAWV, W t VORK CITY, MT1 0333035 0i22ix3OrjG GEEf" r0 TtiuM X I BUT has ii not occurred 10 you thai saving money gives you pleasure RIGHT NOW. No maner how much you make, you are "getting nowhere" unless you SAVE. When you SAVE you are "Getting Somewhere" Sian an aicouni TODAY, feel independent and enjoy work more simply because ii is "gelling you somewhere." "mm T J JX $ WELDON, N.C. I 4 J U 2 Hart SchafTner VCiothesy' Satisfaction In Clothes You want to feel satisfied wiih the clothes you wear; they're an expression of YOU: your taste in fabric, color, pattern; your figure well fitted; the cut and design of the style. They are YOUR clothes: you selected them. Now that's ihe kind of satisfaction we want you to get here; we guarantee that you get it. FARBER & JOSEPHSOrJ, Mens and Boys Outfitters WELDON, N. C. Dim Lumber I Millwork do. Weldon, N C. MANUFACTURERSflOF ' Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDEK AND REGULAR STOCK SIZES Oood Materials, High Qrade Workmanship Our Slogan.