ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. (J., THURSDAY, .JUNK 17, Terms of SubscriDtion $1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIV. NO.-Ji) Another Royal Suggestion PIES and PASTRIES From the New Royal Cook Book CHEER tip! There is no further reason for worrying about table va riety. The new Royal Cook Book gives new suggestions for every meal every day. The book is so full of sur prises there will never be another dull meal in the home. Here are a few sug gestions from the new Royal Cook Book. Plain Pastry inn recipe is it-T inn: w'f pie with top and bottom cruii I cup nour U teaspoon salt S teaspoons Itoyal Uuktug Powder cup shortening cold water 81ft together flour, unit and uttk Ing powder; add shorLwittiu n tut rub In very IlKhlly with t i of fingers (the less It Is lianillnl lli better ths paste will lie) A.I.I cold wuler very slowly, t-imuch to hold dough toKetliiT (do not work or kni'tid .IoukIiJ IMviiic In halves: roll out one pun ihln on floured board ntid use for bottom crust. After pie la tilled toll out other part tor tup. Rich Pastry J cups pastry flour , teaspoon Hoyal Unking rowder t, teaspoon salt cup shortening cold water 81ft flour, baking powder and; add one-half shurtentug "Bake .with Royal and be ! ORGAN FOR SALE.-If interested, apply to "H,' Care this office. Organ in good condition. Bargains for you IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale WELDON 1 0 10 Per Cent. CASH ii 1 rsw im tm .wt m 8 TO REDUCE STOCK I will allow 10 per cent, discount, For Cash on all goods where bill amounts to One Dollar or over. .sir- ror juo wee umy vi 1. l. swtmc .J The Busy Store, loOD GROCERIES build up ihe increase your capacity to tninK. ilil's- Our prices make you think. L. E. c ear Bitcbelor't Optra llouacl , OUR CLIENTELE GROWS Not upon promises, but ARB f IONEERS IN DRY CLEANING AND DYEING Prompt Deliveries Send THE TEASDALE COMPANY, 5 627 Walnut St. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Cash Store; N. C. mm nn un I .'Aa.Mi Reduction For ONLY. m un m m m m m m m m m m m m m mm WELDON, N C Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All kinds of Canned Goods. system, stimulate the brain, and Ana ngnt tninKinE onngs uesi re Call in to see us. HULL, W'KLDON, N C h-sB0 upon Performances, In Business Since laS Goods by Parcel Post CINCINNATI, OHIO. and rub In lightly lth Angara; add water slowly until of right tonaistency to roll out, iJivide in halves; roll out one hair thin; put on In email pieces half re maining shortening, fold upper rind lower edges In to center; fold sides In to center, fold sldea to center again ; roll out thin and put on pie plate. Repeat with other half for top crust. Apple Pie 114 eupi flour ) teaspoons Royal Baklnf . Powder H teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening 4 applet), or I quart sliced applet 2 tahlenipoons sugar 1 teaspoon milk Sift flour, baking powder and salt; add shoru-nlng and rub in very llKhtly; add just enough cold water to hold dough to gether. Roll half out on floured board, line bottom of pie plate (111 In apples, which have been washed, pared and cut Into thin slices; sprinkle with sugar; (la vor with cinnamon or nutmeg wet edges of crust with cold water: roll out remainder of pas' try; cover pie. pressing edgei tightly together and bake In muUvrutt) oven 3Q minutes, FREE liy all means get the new Royal Cook Hook Just out. Contains thefn and 400 other delightful, helpful recipes. Free for the asking. Write TODAY to ROYAL BAK1NO POWDER CO. lib t-uhoti Street, Htm Ytitk Vitf Sure Stomach Out of Fix? 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of this uVlicious tlincManl, a glass with meals gives delightful relief, or tin tliarne for the first doen used. Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing like it fur renovating uU tired stoinji h., n-nvertiiin fuuj into rith bluod and stiund flesh. Sluvar Ale retails at ? 1 per bot tle, or it per doen. If your reg ular dealer cannot i-updy you, tele phone HnVVAKI) JOHHINti y t., I'lstnlmloiH fur Wclilnii, 631 Acres For Salef Rent or Lease On road from Halifax to Warreotun, I will reiit, lease or Ktll my farm in Hal ifax county, 7 miles eanl of Littleton anil will Hell million feet of timber with suiie. ,'1 yeai ottiou. ti jfood tenaut liouwes. I'ava this yeart!KH( reut. HiH aereN el eared laud and Uto acres mead ow luul under wire fence. Dwelling contain li rooms, good water. Accu pants old reaHoD for elliu. Posses sion given Jauuarv 1, Hil. .1. o; HKITINSTAI.L, Littleton. N. C OF UP-TO-THE MINUTE MILLINERY. FAh'C'Y OOODSsud NOVELT1EH. Butterick'a t'ttern K & 0. Corsets, Mi ski's at 75e. Ladiea 75o. to $1 L.PrioH will bp made to nuit the bluett. Hals and Uuauets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAIL ORIiERX PROMPTLY KILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N.C The BEST and CHEAPEST insurance on earth MIS 1)U RE PAINT RODUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY ASK YOUR DEALER. FOR SALE Grand Display SENATOR SIMMONS ON THE FEDERAL SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT. St'iitHur F. M. Klininnns of the Unit ed Nlute Seimtf nhvh: "It I true Unit the NiifTt;i'i amend iiii'iit needs I hi! vide nf tine mure slitte fur liiml i-ulll.t'Utliin, txil wln-ii Hi" lt'tf MiiUiivs of nil tin' Mates shall Intvu at ti'd, I feel sure after tli-irmiuli lue ttgut.uii, it will Imvi! st'ventl more vutes llinii Is nervuttiry. Tin pnu'lkn, quelloii which now cnnfitnus u Is, Iheri', nut whether wwiiu'ii hall ho tireunleil Hie pll lloye nf full lltul fiiml KUt1'i-!it:e, hut when shiill they he , H-riiiltlei to enter Inln the eiijoyineiit ! of llii's prhllerei. Shall it he linliiy I or not uiilil tutnnmnv ; shall it he thl yenr nr nut until no. I jciir; vh;i ! I !n the impeil'lillt: fled Inns nf lint until 1 the IH't Slirci't'tfiiii; eteet loh'r Milhl- fi-lly IhN Mttutlmi n-'ht ;i pure (pii'Stiuil uf inlir tihd stinilhl hi' ileillt u irh wiiln.iil I'liilcii i iifin ivtVivnre tn irulivlilual view 11 tn Die wImIihi 1 iiiiwiMltnn nf woman siilTratre us nn oriyiiiill ilnMiliun. W hile It will hot hi- in l he pmver of Nni'lli i 'urnlitin lo rleteniiilie fit its: option whether Wo men shall or i-1 nil I imt vole, linutn Htimees seem lo have plmed in the Rlnte'H power Hie option of (leleriulli InjI whet her Hint privilege slnill he at corded them in litis year's or post puneil until next year's elections. I do uot wish to discus the political ks peelH of this hinder further than to say that, while Kepuhllntn and I'emo cnitli' It nders have generally conceded the inevitahle rntlHcntion of the amendment, there Ik n persistent belief that Republican leaders fear the ef fect of women's participation in this year's elections, while I lemocrutlc leaders believe their participation will be to the advantage of the Iieinocratic party. However that may be, It Is cer tain that two great quesiions, each of vital nation-wide Import, botli of which In their higher human aspects concern women more deeply than men, will be involved In this year's elec tions, and upon those questions It is believed women would naturally sym pathize with the attitude of the I'emo cratic party. "Moreover, If women are allowed to vote tiny year their affiliation in the approaching elections will largely de termine their future alignment In poli tics." PROMINENT DEMOCRATS WANT WOMEN'S VOTES COUNTED IN. lie ltepulillnins lire connnltti'rt tn tlie principle (of woninii sulTiatre). The Dpninrruta lire I'niiiiiiilleil In ihe principle. It Is Just n iiiieslinii mnv nf the liietlinit liy whlcli y,m p.l f, Yntl fu t prevent clving muni ii the rlulil tn vnte. It is inn lute iiuw t'nr jiny num. helniiKlni,' In either piuly, to rinllht the wiKihim nf wninen viillm." Kelllllnr I'nllnek nf Sniith Ciinililiii. "When we se.. die Rtemly irnyres the wnliian milVnie liiuvenii.lit tins ninile. Unit mini Is juilii'lnlly hlln.leil Will) lines nut see Unit cnhtllilleil np pnslttutl Is Ul'ullinu llgllillst nn aernlti plislie,l fnct. Tlie tiinveilient nn heliulf of miffrnue Is like nn elemental force of lliitiue. It innves lireslstllily." Chief Justice Walter Chirk nf Xnrth Curnliiin. "I inn Htrmit'ly In fHvnr nf unimpt rillllh'illlnii nf Hie 1'eilcml Siiffriiire Alliellillllellt mill I hnu. Hint n slltllciclit nilinhcr nf still.- lecislillllres will he rnlleil In spei'inl sesinti tn Insure tlie rutlth'lltlon nf Ihe ninclnlmellt sn Hull the women nf nur cmuiiry, In every state, may he ohle in pnrth ipnte as voters lu the pieslUi ntlul election o 11WI)." Homer S. CiiiiiiiiIilus. chnlrniii of the Democratic Nutlulml Cnniiiilt:u ISPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine i 1 n Ti Ayr lsi(r k V "Bayer Tuhlets of Aspirin" is (remilna Anplrin proved wife hy nnlhnns anil pr scrilmd by pliysiciiiim for over twenty years. Accept only an unlirnken "llayer packape" wliirh contains proper dire.'' tns to relieve Headache, TiMitharha. Earache, NenraVda, lUienmatisin I'olda and Pain. Handy tin botes of 12 tab let! cost few eents. I)riH"i;it ahio sell larger "Bayer packayisi." Aspirin ia trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mvaos aceticacidester of Salicjrlicacid. Gold Horseshoes Expema it not efficiency. Don't pay for gold horteshoe when you buy your printing. Sensible printing on teniible paper Hammer mill Bond will ave you money and get reiulti for you. That it the kind of work we do. and the kind of paper we lite. Use More Printed Salegmansnlp. Ask as. E. L. HAYWARD, WeUon. N. C. W.ANTED. Good white men, who are desir tusof steady positions at good v ages. Fine chances for advance ment. Address Chesapeake Corporation, West Point, Va. isMpffiPS8flKHK!&EE333S3 Xp.t Conti-ntslSFIuitl Drachm1 I J0 j IHHlIlD! j For Infants and Children. :" t. : ' iilliASTDi M 1.1)1101.-3 PiiH CiiNT. i AVotWe-MorrcparationibrAs-I stnuliiliiniUieFood by fcfiuui i tindtlieSwmacfi'iantlHowclsof Tltorcby i'romotiii Digestion r .i 0. r.nt,)inS l.lU-CriUlllV 3'iu ov neither (Hiim.Morphlnc nat Mineral. NotNabcotic Je,ipt(lfMDcSMUmtMK J'unpkul .lew V. nita KnhM bill j Mi it I h'nrm SfM 'j ('tntKtl'ilW Aielifiiliii'm'ilr ConstiiKilionaml Diarrhoea, , and lVvcrishncss and ..OSSOFSI.EEP i rc5iiUitilfr,Ll'in"l 1 1 rat-Simile SijnMureo ; I r0MM ' ' tiIEcorr.,",f6 ! IHE.5S Exytt opy o: Wrapper. "J IIH TIMh l t)H SAVING ami (jelling ahead in the game of I life is NOW. With a Batik Account siaried ami steadily iirowiiu; vou will experience a pleasure of accomplishment in savins ill it comes from naught else. The lesi way is lo come in and sian an Account To -Day. Don't delay on account of ihe amount you have for ihe start. Ladies Suits And Coats Of supreme quality, greatly reduced in price Immense line of Ladies' Dresses in Sills, Geor. K-tU and Voiles at reasonable prices. I;i.tite line of Voiles, Organdies and Plaxons re du.i tl for the next ten days Prices cut on all low shoes during next ten days THE 8 T 0 K K M. FREID, Proprietor. WBLDON, N. C. LADIl-lS AND GliNT'S 0UT1:ITTUR. Dim Lumber Weldon NJ C. MANUFACTUKIiHSOK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND KEOUI.AR HTXH'K SIZES, dood Materials, High Qrade Workmanship Our Slottn Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TNI CtNTAUft COMPANY. NEW YOU II CIT, n rr 0 & Millwork Go. f ll'ILl Was dangerous Take "Dodson's If J'mi fori lillinus lioiiil.ifliy. con-stiimtt-l iinti kmit kc. I out. jnt p to jour ilrui.-i iiml a txitlli' ne Dotlofin's T.ivt r Tom lor a few cents, whirl) iit ii Ycj;'l;i,'!c :ib fltituft for iI;iiit'r)Ufi oiilomi'l. T:ikr a upoonful iiml if it tloi(n't t:irt your liTpr ;un .tniiliton ymi up better and quicker than nasty c:ilinncl WSJ? Tho l'uiiiluidci x'n'vs full puituulars it may be woilli l.ndruuj of ilt.Huis la you. Wrilu ior it TODAY. K w.&';--'OstS ft ti i MTTfi rt ft nm r - nr., a il jljj "'l l'v Tiiitt Justine-., Ytur Ctnifitlenrt.-" jlN Jik Kt lortmcs: Any Bank In PtUTdl.urn, Vu. t r On tMiville, N.C. fm,m"mmmmmmaMmmmmmmmmmm-M OsL-s M.i(iKssMstsiMiw NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING WEST RA LEI (ill Yntint: lit.'ii of dui.M.T and furi'c Htnl t .-liini-iil .i!m -iti hi t n.iUfS llifin to bhc-t-.-.-.l in tin f i:i..-..-tl ...Mti.iis. fit.ilr rnll.-t;.' H.ulUJl.s .ilf ..,..i., inn ,.nlv 1,r lNTHuiiiil bu.-i.-srt, h;iT. !! h-.ttli-isliip in lytogn Tin- .-nll,, nii-rs thoruutU practical, FOUR YEAR TECHNICAL COUHEFS IN: Ai'tii'tiyur.', fi'iuiirislisi: i-I.m-i tv i'i.iics,-s in Arirulnnv, J-'.nii Crops, Hnrltrulture, llnnluinlis umi Il.itrMliy, Vi'tei-iiuo S. l'oiiilrj S. i.-iu'c, Umltiny iilid Vo- .n.. lllMll. Agricullnral Chrmi-itr TextilB tnuiniipring Electrical Enginetrlnf :.vil r iiflineering Chi-minil E tiymi-rhng Tfxtiln Manufaclunng Mtthanicjl LnginuiTino Highway EiiyiinitiiiB Textile Chtmiitry TWO YEAR C0UHSES IN: Aurlotiltnre Mnhuii.' Arts - Till Itidustrj iUta V' .ir l'.i'n-i' In SuUt Morli.tin.-H WinU-r Cmiiso in AblifUlniiO lur J-aiiiit ia. Tvi'tHt'iit fiiulpmt nt tn nil (lepirt its. i- sstmi iirmns .-pii-uih.-r 7. Ai- . htfi'iis lliniteii t' l.niKt. Ynii(r rtipn who er- t'' t'littT hliniliil , t'.il'tv, i r,i l.,r tilth iiinnil i lli'W SlUliflitft Will t i I-1p Ktiininf rt'titiri'mcnti f -nr voir rins, 14 units. (Ilstrihutctl nn fol I"s r' ,:-isli. .; : lis.,( . "J ; M , il., it-.iM.--i. (m Imlin Altt'l-ra thnniKli rniRfBsloiift and l-i. ( -in I H 1 ; s ji e -. I , Kl.-.-tn... r ' .. I',.r e.ii.Niji -, nl.t-n .- :..r. and t-i,tr.m.v M..;;!, write E. B. OWEN, Regiitrar. 1 ll .-1 . ... V liiM'li I jr Uuill fir Long Service FURNACES differ as much 89 people, and we welcome a comparison of the Cahill with other pipeless furnaces. The "insides" of a furnace are what count, and that is where the Cahill excels. The casting are unusually heavy, unusually thick and unusually well fitted and finished. This means that heat i: retained longer in a Cahill furnace, that the radiation of heat is greater, less fuel is used, less attention ia required, and that crackineand breaking of the vital partsis eliminated. The Cthlll Castings guarantee greater duramilty, economy Cahill Furnaces The Cahill Furnace is the result of 40 years manufacturing ex erience, and embodies the same manulacturi.iK nlonla which have (riven to Cahill Gratea a: d Fireplace Fixtures, an en vittbio iwutttliuti .... 4Ulity uuJ Uepeinirtljilily. LET OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT HELP YOU We will gladly aid you with advice, absolutely (ree and without obligation, i( you will send sketch of your building, and number and size of rooms. riKKCK-WllITKHKAIi IIUW. CO Study These Courses. You Are Wanted At a Good Salary. Lei your training be ihorouEh and reliable. The Summer Session of the Smithdeal Business College offers you an opponuniiy io raise your own salary or equip yourself for a refined and lucrative" position. Be ready for an active Fall. Our faculty will advance you rapidly. NX' rue for catalogue. OLDEST BUSINESS Calomel salivates! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluttish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing ciamping and nausea. Liver Tone" Insteadl tlicii! miking you sick, you i li.;i k : 1 1 I avl your money. jut If yon ) ikf i-altiiTH! today you'll !. 'tI; .in! aU'd tomorrow; bc il in.iy alivate you, while if t l i e i(.'Knn'- T.iver Tone yau v,li wai.f ii- leeimg gruttt, full of aniliilinri mi l ready for work or playt It in liitrtiili'sp, pleasant and aftfe to give to chiMren; they like it. rn are aa-mu-d liy ,:r Auction Methods. CITY LOTS and SUI3UW- dan J'i(OP:.;rr:::s v.::i sdi i'..w. w ii . . na convenience. The modern andtftnltiry method ut heating hornet, churche. ctioola, factor (ft) nnd storee. One regl titer Simple to Inf tall, economl rnl and ensy to opente. Uniform hent In every mom, constantly clrculat ini;. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET ft.llv dpcrlblnB Cahill Pipelerta Furnaces and giv ing valuable Information about hfntlng problem. Business College 9th nnd Broad Sti.bchmond.Vl COLIEGD in thd south

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