eppfflfpl ESTABLISHED IN 1866. VOL. LIV. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, TIIUHSDAY, .JUNE 21, U20. Terms of Subscriotion--$1.50 Per Annum NO. 50 !Sk , .... H Children Cry for Fletc" r's The Kind You Eave Always Bought, and which has beea In use for over thirty years, has home the signature of - and has been made under his per ional supervision since Its infancy. Allow no one tn rliwivo vnn In fhla All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What isOASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphi .e nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought iC. CENTAUR COH MV, fW YOP.K dTY, :Biii3i Subdivide and Sell at Auction QUICK RESULTS ara i. jaureu by our t.'odem Auction Atf.Wi. CITY LOTS and SUBUR BAN PROHliKTIKS will s.ll now. '1 ha Pathfinder gives full particular. it may be worth hundreds of dollars to you. Wille I r it TODAY. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO. "The Name TUt Just idea Yuur' Lui.fuluiice" Offices: PETERSUUiiQ, VA. or GkK.CNVlLLK, N. C Referviutf: Any uank in reicriDuig, . tr urccuvma, " t wjt$imiitf mmnmmn mm mm ll u ni SSI 1 10 Per Cent. Reduction For CASH ONLY. m m m mm rno I ic REDUCE STOCK I will allow 10 per cent, discount, r-or tasn on all goods where bill amounts to One Dollar or over. m mm EXFor One Week Only.'SI 4. l swrmcK, mm m SWT Store, WELDON, m m 8 mn Mm mm mm c m N mm mmmmmmmmmmwwuKmmmmm njr ? Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice o our choice ham. We have anvthinz you may want lu the line of meats. Ail Kinds of Canned Goods. POODGROCKR1FS huild un ihe svsiem. siimulaie the brain, and U increase your capacity 10 think. And right thinking brines best re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Bachelor's Opera House,! WELDON. N OUR CLIENTELE GROWS Not upon promisee, but upon Pertormancei. WE ARE nnV PI tniillin niinnVCIUP In Business PIONEERS IN Uni LLLrmiNU HI1UUILII1U Since 1885, Prompt Deliveries Send Goods by Parcel Post THE TEASDALE COMPANY, 625-627 Walnut St. CINCINNATI. OHIO. LARRY SEMON Larry SemoD, whose went triumphs liuve liuin-lleil HTlewer to style fctm "The New Comedy KIiik." lias rleii to that rnwii-il .1 st I loin: Imin trig. Each stage in his earuur actad a stepping stmif h his icra-Ht wlileve meut. Perhaps he was born under a lucky planet. Aiim.. In- fur tunate enough to be the son of an urtor ami ivivlu-il i;ii i'miI) training m magic, Juggling and aerobatics. He iiuintetvil son f How nrl before hi' hail flniaheil the Ihlnl reader. After leuvilli: m-luinl h, traveled with Ills father and became more efficient In the nrt of etiteriaininv. Then followed the nerlod In the llewsnalier lilisiln'-s a nirttmiiM. Mils developed his creative ability and prepared lilni to write his own II I so taniiht him to forsake the well beaten imili and search In the nywuys for new material. A rurtoonlst must be original. Thua, Larry Semon Is perliups the best umilllleil for the title of comedy ktior All of his oust emerlences can be utilized mum -'he screen lie can ruaort in tlirllllnir aernliHtlcB wtiere the averaire coiuciliaii Is forced to use slapsticks. He Is also adept In training animals and lias a cat, monkey an six white mice that play difficult roles In his comedies. Durlns the three years previous to 102'J. Albert 10 smith, presu'ent 01 Vltagraph, has agreed to outlay S3,flOO,000 on Larry Scmuii lu the pi ductlon of RB new comedies. "The Grocery Clerk," which Is Hoinethinc different froti usual run of liiutrh makers, was the tlrst tllm to he produced turner tne new contract. "Between the Acts," "Hew Drop Inn" and "The Head Walter' are some of Larry Semou'i comedies that staud out protulueut as being la a class by themselves, NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING WS1 RALLIOU 'iT Uh'l fitn'f Ilinl lli.it T r i t-.1ii ..r 1-mI, '..ll. ..ln.ti. iNIJi! iil n'lr ui Ai'rlt ullur Ai.iim.iI li ..t..jial t AgricuHtiral ChirnUtry Civil Enginei-rtng M vih un i en I EitBinctrlns lni in ltnliiNiri.il ,i FOUR YEAR TECHNICAL COOK .L IN: f rlcrtlvt futirmn In (ifiift.il s i i.-idi nr. . I tl D.iinliiK, L'ifntnir Sii'ii'f, i'niir.. i th in ( due iiLii 1-rjvtitJl, m Croim, Il'irlli-uUure, tifv, Htntt-niy ftjid Vo- Tfuflld tnqltiffrlng ChemlrBl f ngini'frinf Hiohw.iy Engxicrrini TWO VCAR COURSES IN: Aurlriiiturit .M..hitiii- Am T.xtllo ltitltmtrT Oiih v.r ('.i'ip'x' In A ' 1 1 M-i h ,iii. i Winter Cum su In At'iit-uiUilti lir KiI'ikis, tli'iit pntiftiiTii'nl In nil -rui "iH Ifll lll'fJilH S l1 (tlll-r 7. A H.l.ltlnllS lil(it-rl I I'liiiT tihiiiilil bfi't) t ifls, ;t,t i ii Ii,r Oi. I. ul".. F If rt r I ml Fngiimrlnf TixttlB Mifiufaclufing Tuxtili Clmmtitry utirf men whn HtnUcMiia will be EAML6 Villi am s "Ion't chHiiK J'iir t'lmipiiii.v." is tne advice Kurle V 11 Mams gives to young rrei'ii jiluyri s, untl llu-n In1 ihMs, "tm Idlng you are with the right company." Kit lie H'lllltiuin Is i tin1 of tlu few tllm pltiycrn who lias never changed hlfl hdtiltiitlon from one stuilio to nnothcr. Ho commenced his career VI yeurt K whh the Vliiiu'riipli sitir fnitiily ami Iihm never straycil from the fold. Tlie Wolf," vlsuiillzett from Kiint-ne Wultera' fuuoous stiitie play, and "The Fortune Hunter." I'i'oiii Wim-hell Smith' pluy, hare been the, means of em plmslzini; Mr. Wlllliinis' uhlllty ami popular attraction lecently. intiliilf I Ktilrjin-tt r- ill r mi'Mtf f.ir 1 -nr . -1' Frvilimnii Vht-.-i, 11 imils, dlHtrlbutfil ni fnl- I I i.v'i' K i.iivli. ;i ; 11 i 'J: M ',.' hi ( nt lii'i.'i A i . i t il.raii.'ii iTngeHsliuis and I I I' i;ti.ii..ir.l i . i 1 1 . I I . ,!;n.,:. i .( ,; . .r i,i- 1- :.: r. n. OWEN. Rittrar. I . N i USERS OF CALOMEL 1 Baya Drug Acts Like Dynamue on Liver and You Lose a Day's Work. FOR SALE. Kent 631 Acres.Ftfr Sale. or Lease (la roail from Halifax to Warn-ntorj. I will rent, leane or sell my farm id nul la x county, 7 nnli' oast of Littleton ml will Hell million lerl 01 limner wun ime. " vear option, ti irood tenant liouaps. I'avs this year !KKI rent. AM acre cleared laud a'nei iim acrcH meail ow lauil under wire fence. Hwellinir containii 11 rooms, uood water. Accu- pants old reason lor scum, rouses sion Kiveu .lanuary 1, llril. .1. U. tlbl'iljni Al.u, Littleton, N. C ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Th. re'a no reason why a person should take aiekeniiiK, lialivatini! ealomel when a lew lenta lui vh a lurjre IhiHIc of l)il wm'a I.iver Jonr-l perfect sillmtitllte (or euliwj. ,. . It is ll pleusit. veuelalile ll,Ulil wlilell will hturt your liver jut as surely as calomel, but it ilui't make you uk i ... ,.iuti (.'hililren ami urowu folk" ''an take Doil.on's Liver 'lone, beeau.ie it is pT- t I.. I.,.r,.,l...- laloniel is a dancerous drujj. H is mereiirv and attacks your boies. Take . dose'of iiuly calomel today and you ...;n (....i L- i.k mid nauseated lo morrow. Don t loc a day's work. Take a snoonfiil of Doil.on's Liver Tone in- .,.. ,1 .ill.) Villi V ill wiike itu feclmi! preat, liiliollsliess. mnstlliation, slug- Kishiiess, heudio lie. coiited tongue or sour stomach. Your diusuist says if you lon't find Duifini' I.iver Tone acts bat ter tlinn liorrible calomel your money waiting lor you. Notice of Summons m Health About Gone Many thou-.p.ndi ot women sulleiing Irom womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use ol Cardul, the woman' tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one Irom Mrs. Z.V. Spell, olllayne, N.C. "1 could not stand on my feet, and just suffered terribly," she says. "As my suf fering was so Rreat, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardul. . . I began Improving, and U cured me. I know, and my doctor knows, what Car dul did for me, for my nerves and health were about gone." TAKE i THE TIMH FOR SAVING and getting ahead in ihe game of I life is NO. With a Bank Account stuned and sieadily growing you will experience a pleasure of accomplishment in saving lhat comes Irom nuughl else. The I est way is io come in and siari an Account To-Day. Don't delay on account ol the amount you have for ihe siart. Grand Hay OF UP-TO-THK MINUTE MILLINERY. FANCY UOODKsnd NOVKLTtKS. Butterick's t'attiTns R & 0. Corsets, Mlet7ff ls,lie 'Sf n l sa. 1'rices will be made to suit the times, lists snd Itoiiurts made anil trimmed to order. ALL MAlLOItliKHS I'KOM ITLV KlMKIi. MRS. V, A. I.KVi IS, Haver Tablets of Asnirin" is L'enuine J Aspirin proved safe by millions and pre- aeribed by physicians for over twenty ycara. Accept only an niiiiroKen nayer paekape" which contains proper direc tions to relieve Headaclie. Toothache, Farache, NeuraUiis, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tab lets cost few oents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packaea." Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mono ceticacidester of r-alicylicacid. - - -" Weldon. N.f The BEST and CHEAl'SST insurance on earl!: MIS 11URE 'aint RODUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK. USE MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPtKTY ASK YOUR DEALER. c $ Gold iiuiesiiuc2)f Ezoensa is not efficiency, Don't pay f orgold horseshoes when you buy your printing, Sensible printing on sensible naoer Hammermill Bond will save you money and get result for you. That is the kind of work we do and the kind of paper we use. Use More Printed Salesmansnlp. Ask as. E. L. HAYVt'ARD, WeltJon, N. C. North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court Martha Curtis, l'lamtilV, Vs. William Curtis, Defendant. To William Curlis, licl'emlaut: The defendant above Hamad will take nolice that an action entitled as above has bee n coin nif need in the Superior Court ol llalilax County, the purpose of said action lieinii to obtain a divorce foi the tilaintill Irom the said tlelendant, the a-rounds therefor beilii; the statua- torv siounda ol adulterv; and the de fendant will further l&kc notice thai lit is required to appeal al tin-Court House of said county at Ihil.fax, N. C, on Mondav. the Jiith davof.lnlv, l!rM, and answer or demur to llie complaiut said action, or the plainiiH will apply to the Court for the rebel therein pray ed for. This the 1Mb dv ol .lune, lll. Clerk Superior Court of Halifax couuty. W. E. HANI HI., Attorney. Lift offjCorns! Doesn't hurt a hit and Freeione costs only a few cents. mm Ladies Suits And Coats Of supreme quality, greatly reduced in price Immense line of Ladies' Dresses in Sill's, Qeor. getts and Voiles at reasonable prices. fintire line of Voiles. Organdies and Flaxons re duced for the next ten days. Prices cut on all low shoes during next ten days THE The Woman's Tonic 1 a. k, 3 'Tin She writes turthert 4,I m In splendid health . . , can do my work. I led I owe It to Cardul, for I was In dreadful condition." II yon are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer bom headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardul. Thousands ol women praise this medi cine for the good it has done them, and many physicians who have used Cardul successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what It means to be In splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Olve Cardul a trial. All Druggists in I ST O I K M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, Bargains for you Wh IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., olesale Cash St o r ej WELOON N. C. WANTED. Good white turn, who are desir ous of M;Jd po ilions at good wages. Fine chances for advance ment. Addrrss Chesapeake Corporation, Wesi Point, Va. With your flngerit You can lift off ay hard corn, soft cum. or corn between tne toes, ami tue naru hkui cauuset iron) bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freerone" cot littls t any drug atore; apply a few drops upon the corn or callua. Instantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or rallui right off, root snd all, without one bit of pain or sure ness. Trulyl Mo numDugt t) CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Ue For Over 30 Years Always bears lh Signature of Pale Children Made over to your liking, with rosy checks, hearty ap petites, vigorous digestion snd ro fmut health. Give them glass of this delicious digestant with meals. Shivar Ale PUSE OIGKTIVt SROMATICS WITH SHIVAR MINtHAL WltR AND 6INl.tR Nothing" like It for building rich blood and solid fle-li. At all gro cers and druggists satisfaction or your money baek on first doien. Shivar Ale retails si T5c per bot tle, or 11.75 per do2rn. If your reg ular dealer cannot supply you, tele phone t , HOWARD JOBBING CO., Distributors for Weldon. Dim U.r Millwork Co. Weldon, N C. MANUFACTUHEH-SJOK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDF.R AM) KKUUI.AR STOCK SIZES flood Materials, HIrIi (lrade Workmanship Our Slof n. Wanted -i BOOKKEEPERS I STENOGRAPHERS. The demand for young men and women who are well trained in these callings is greatly in excess of the supply, and will continue to be. Sniithdeal graduates are recognized by business man to be above the average in competence.' I he lacuiiy will take a special interest in tit ting you for a good paying position. Attend our Summer Session you are needed at a lucrative salary next Fall. Write lor catalogue. Business College 4th snd Broad StObchmondVa. OI-sPE-ST BUSINESS COLLEOB IN THE SOUTH 4' I Tr

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