ESTABLISHED IN 1866. VOL. LIV. As Dead atho Dodo Net Contend 15 Fluid Draplm If, .it n,r Wi1 Mil i iv-n m Hi wi in eke : i ITT- 3 i Sttr " VlCOItOL-3 PER CBtit. AVc4f!aMeIVvy"ti"lifAi .Mniiiusthi-FoodbvRniula- Thereby ftomounPrfcrf! Cheerfulness sua nelIhcfOplttm,Morphlneiij Mineral. Not KAHoonv. ConSlpi(ioondDirrMM. and Fcverisnnrw ...op sleep facsimile SMnatersol NEW CUSTOM For Infanta nnd Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of IV.IH uuir i ,lfv In y Use For Over Thirty Years I D THt StNTAUN C6MMNV, NIWVfM CITf. Exact Copy of Wrapper. iiiiii Subdivide and Sell by Our Moden Method Result are Quick ,.5 eat i.turns lor your lann. im.r larm will readily Kelt now, even ! 7 IhouRh rented for 1920. The Palhf.ndcr rives f j'l i.otii, i.l.f: It i,,.. ba worth hundred) of dollars to y. i. bend for it 1 QUAY. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO. "The Nairn- Th..t iitmlfiet Your Confidence)" Officw: PETERSBURG. VA. and GKI:ENVIIXK, N.C Reference Any Dunk In Petertburg Vi or Orenv(ll, N. C ft Hanfax County Real Estate & Ins. Co., Scmlund Neck, N. C. Local Contract Representaiives. 11 111 m 10 Per Cent. Reduction For CASH ONLY. TO REDUCE STOCK I will allow 10 per cent, discount, For Cash on all goods where bill amounts to One Dollar or over. EXFor One Week Only.TI 4. L. swmcK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C m m nn m sm m urn Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want lu the line ot meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods POOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And ngnt tnmKing onngs oesi rc rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batcbelor'a Opera Houac.l WULDON, NC Dixon Mor Millwork Co. Weldon, NJ C. MANUFACTURKH40F Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels. Door and Window Screens made to oedeb and regular stock size& Oaarf Materials, tUga Ontfto Wrkataahla OffSNpa, r rv 1 iff i ? m ll fie . f aiJiL. Ibtur' r t t t ' v. i J 4 i ' sJS-H 1 ' JOE RYAN Jo Ryan won the prlie for rlillnit 1 luinil I e, a burking atet-r blimfT:i fa a wild welt show playing in Demur, unit mi tup of that received an offoi to go Into nlctnrei ai a cowboy, 'i'lma nhnluml mm uii'I a new type of had man. He couldn't help playing a had man for hi; was born at the foot ol Devll'i Tower In Crook County, Wyo. He linn lived up to the inline of hit natal county, playing the vlcloba but rather llkuhle villain. Joe ltyim la nou at work on a aerial In which he will nppiMtr aa both hern and villain. U.S. NAVY - A Jack's Reading Room. .- m" " lit- ll '! ev, t, ill The tnen'a euarten on our new battleehlpa are r.iore lumirious !,nn Mk Admiral's quarter) of fifty yean ago. This Is a corner In the ivul.n mon of the U. S. 8. New Mexico. A big library and complete lllu of iui Tent iini'ii lines, as well aa newapapers from all the large cl'.ie, help to tuko rare of an) stormy hours when Jack may hot prefer to on deck. A good title tor this picture would be, "Why boja leave home," and Uii beat part of It la that they come back real men. FOR SALE. 631 Acres For Sale. Rent or Lease On road from Halifax to Warrenton. 1 will rent, lease or sell my farm in Hal- lax county, i ni Hen cam oi i.uueion ml will aell million leel ot uiiiner wun a line, it year option, o iroou leuani houses, l'avs thin year IHK) rent. HI acres cleareJ land aud Km acres mead ow land under wire fence. Dwelling containa 11 rooms, good water. Aecu- panta old reason lor selling, rosar-a-sion given January 1, 1921. J, u. tir.l'iii'.niAi.u, Littleton, N. C ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine k V Grand Display OF OP-TOTHK MINUTE MILLINERY. FANCY OOODPand NOVELT1KH. Buttcriek's t'atterna R & Q. Corsets, U iaaea at Tie. Lad iea 7 lie . to 1 Mul'tiees will be made to suit the timea. Hat and Honncta made and trimmed to order. ALL MAILOKUKKS l'KOMl'TLV KI1.1.KD. MRS. r. A, l.KWIS, Weldon, X.(1 n.,n.r Tablet, of Aanirin" ie genuine Aspirin proved aafe by milliona and pre scribed by phyaiciana for over twenty yeara. Accent only an unbroken "Bayer package" which oonUlna proner direc- Uona to relieve neauauio, iwwvn., Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism Colda and l'ain. Handy tin boiea of 12 tab leU cost few cents. Druggwts also sell larger "Bayer packagee." Aspirin ia trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mono. aceticactde8ter of Salicylicacid. The BEST and CHE4PEST insurance on earth mm T)UREr rAINT 1R0DUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY - VOUsT PROttHl Y ASK YOUR DEALER. Gold STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marlon Holcomb. of Nancy, Ky., says: "For quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. 1 would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most disagreeable taste In my mouth. If I ate anything with butter, oil or urease, I would spit it up. I began to have sick headache. 1 had used pills and tablets, but afler a course of these, I would be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they were no good at all for my trouble. I heard THEDFORD'S LflCU-DMIIT recommended very highly, so began to use it. It cured me. 1 keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. 1 do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more." Black-Draught acts on the Jaded liver and helps It to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys teia This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. Oeta package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE am Th U.S. Navy $, Pausing TUiCu;.1i the Can .!. r i- - iiuiacsiiues Expense it not efficiency. Don't pay for gold koraeihoea when jrou buy your printing. Sensible printing on sensible paper Hammermill Bond will ear you money and get results for you. That I the land of work we do and the kind of paper we use. Use More Printed Salesmansnlp. Askns. E. L. HAYWARD. Weltlon. N. C rife k-.-$fel The U. S. 8. Wyoming and the 0. 8. 8. New Meitco are shown here passing thn ugh the Pedro Miguel locks of the Panama Canal. The ele -trie engines along the aide of the locka are cnlled "mulea" la deference to their four legged predecessors -they hnve Just liuuled the battle ship througl. the locks. If you are Interested In iiuitheniiiili'a you might figure out how many old style mules It would take to do tin' Job. The Wy. ming at the left, la moving out to the lower level, and as soon as the water In the other lock Is-let out to the correct level the New Meilco will move aluad. This picture was taken from a D. 8. Navy flying boat, during the recent trip of the Pacific Fleet to the West Coast. They were royally received at all of the ports along the trip. .V W:;:ir (HHBJ'flKI' Cvery dru,i;sist in town your drupgist and everybody's drug gist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's l.iver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone Is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead I Dodon' Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every drupgisl who sella it. A large bottle cinti but a few cents, and if It fails to (rive easy relief in every case of liver ilugish ncsi and constipation, you have only to ask for your money hack. Dodson's Liver Tone ia a pleasant tatting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take lip f i"tifii! ut night and wake fine; no biliousness, sick lir.t'l:i"lie, a "id slomarti or constipated bowe!.!. ll docwi't gripe or cause in convenience all the next day like vio lent calomel. T.:l:c a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel line, full oj vigor and ambition. ' . --- t.-.;- - ... K . . . ... , - 1 ? . L t -J W AAI 1 I CASTORIA For Tjfanti nnd Children In Use For Over 30 Year Always bears the Big nature of JEAN PAIGE Jean Paige aever apceun-d n the Mine mid In fact she never made t plctare until she came to the Vltagruph studio and waa given a role In an O Ilenry two reel feature. .h Is tha product of a farm In Paris, III., aud, like the, make hay while the aun ahlnc. Vion Mlsa Paige wss leadlni: woman for Harry T. Morey and later for Karle W llhsin. in "Ttii rnrto... limiier," aue aew sue la being co-starred with Joe Ryan In a serial Publication of Summons, North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court. (J race Williams, Plaintiff Robert Williams, Defendant To Robert William., the defendant above-named : The defendant above-named will take notice that an action as entitled above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifai county by the plaintiff against the defendant, Robert Williams for the purpose of obtaining, divorce avinculo matrimonii for the said plain tilt' against the said defendant; that the grounds for the above entitled action are the statutory grounds of fornication ami adultery aa aet out in the eom plaint; and the aaid defendant will fur ther take notice that he ia required to appear in the Superior Court of Halifax county, N C, at the Court House in said county on the Kith day of July, I9'J0, and answer or demur to the said aaid complaint in aaid action, which will be filed as provided by law, or the plaintiff will apply to court for relief de manded ia said complaint. This the 2lt day of June, 1930. 8. M. GARY, Clerk Superior Court. W. E. DANIEL, Attorney. Old Folk's Best Friend That's what many call it, for it puts vim and vigor into old Momiohs; rich, rrd blood into old vrinx; sound on old bones. Drink a glass of this deticiout diget lint viUi rech meal. Shivar Ale WE BIGtSTIVE R0iTIC$ with SHIVA MINCSAL W1E AND tlG Your grocer ot drugeist will refund your money on first doaen if you ar. not pleased with results. Shivar Ale retails at . per bot tle, or - per doaen. If your reg ular dealer cannot supply you, telephone HOWARD JOBBING C0M Distributors fog, Weldon ft THE TIMI- FOR SAVING and getting ahead in the game of I life is NO' . With a Kank Account siaried and steadily growing you will experience a pleasure of accomplishment in saving that comes from naught else. The lest way is to come in and siart an Account To-Day. Don't delay on account of the amount you have for the start. X&finmpA . P WELDON, N.C. Ladies Suits And Coats Of supreme quality, greatly reduced in price Immense line of Ladies Dresses in Silks, Qeor. getts and Voiles at reasonable prices. - Entire line of Voiles, Organdies and Flaxons re duced for the next ten days. Prices cut on ail low shoes during next ten days THE n ur j 1 U ll STOR E M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, Bargains for you IF YOU BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES FROM W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale dash-Store, WELDON N. C. Learn Stenography-Beln Demand The efficient Faculty nf the' Smiiihdrat Rncinee. Pnlloo .;n ti,.nn. you rapidly. You are assured of their personal interest in your suc- vta. whiii iiiiii anu-wuiiiii iui iii Hum tins rcunuic scnoot ruuy equipped to assume responsible positions of Stenographers, Tyoe- i iit.13, uvAJMvn.i i, hi,, vui ouiiiiuci ocsiuu win prepare you for active work next Fall. Many desirable positions waiting for you. Write for catalogue. EBusiness College tk and Broad SuMmondV OLDEST BUSINESS COLLEX3 IN THB SOUTH