ESTABLISHED IN 1860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriotiun $1.50 Per Annum VOL. LIV. WELDON, N. C, TIIIIUSDAY, .JULY l!20. NO. 52 Children Cry for Fletcher's Thi Kind You Have Always BoueM. and which t,. h. la um for over thirty yeari, has borne the signature of nd hat been made under his per. UVzjLe ' nal "Pe'vislon since its Infancy. TTV no on to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ol Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. WhatisOASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drop and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Tht Chlldrea'i Comfort Ihe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years Th Kind You Have Always Boajjht Subdivide and Sell by Our Moden Method Results are Quick ?':8dr.n,?c,?'r ''" t rttuins fur your land. Your Lrm will readily sol now, fvun though rtnted for 1920. Tht Pathfinder rivih full iiattkulaia it umy bt worth bund rni I of dollars to yo, . Snd tor it TODAY, ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO. Th Num. Tlut Juatifiun Your C ji.lUUm'tt" Office FETERSBUKC.VA.BinlOhl'KNVil.l.K, N.C. RefrDcwt; Any Uank i.i PetertbufK Vt. ut O eiu-ille, N. C n Halifax County Real Estate & Ins. Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. Local Contract Representatives. muuuuuuuuuu uuuumuuuu IUj rv ill J um uu m UU 10 Per Cent. Reduction For GASH ONLY. TO REDUCE STOCK I will allow 10 per cent, discount, For Cash on all goods where bill amounts to One Dollar or over. gE3"For One Week Only.Oj a. l. swmcK, UU uu m m uu uu uu uu il uu m m nut uu uu uu The Busy Store, WELDON, N C UU uu Choice Hams There is nothing; more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything; you may want lu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods GOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Botcbelor'l Opera Mouii.l WW .DON. N C The United States now owns approximately 2,000 merchant vessels says a shipping board offi cial. That's one great achievement of 1'ivsideiii Wilson's. Duo ujs um nominated to nuke die nice, but we shall proba bly liiul there's plenty more com uheie ihose other millions came from iu buy Harding's election, Must ul the hVpiibhcin cam paign in inagcrs serin to be unbus inesslike 1 1 -1 1 The idea of all tlut nionty being spent bv their subordinates wliliout their knowing anything aboiii it. Il: Proctor really put up half a million for the nomination of Wood, he iiiiim have quite a per sonal reason fur mining his soap "Ivory." Nl x I lin e we get in trouble with some other tijtion, we'd better draft (tie (init-ral Wood cunipiiign orgaiii.jtion to see about raising the sinews of war. Sucau, coal and diamonds are eich carbon and their prices seem to be trying to be the same also. Judging from the number of people engaged in it, plotting must be a lucrative profession in that country. Stomach Out of Fix? 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen Lotties of this delicious di Rest ant, i glass with meals gives delightful relief, or no charge for the first dozen used. Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE MOMtTICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing like it fur renuvating old tired sluuiurlis, culivcrtinif fuud into rich blood and sound Hrxh. Shivar Ale retails at I i per but. lie, or t per down. If your reg ular dealer rannot supply you, telephone HoWAHl) JOHMNU CO., Distributors: for Weldnn. Lift offjCorns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. With your lingers! Ynu run lift off any hard coin, suit cum. or corn between the toes, and the hard nkin calluses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Frcenne" costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or eitlluH. Instantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right cat, root ad all. without one bit of pain or tors ness. Truly I No humbug I ' t) n ran Dixon Lumber 8s Millwork Go. '. Weldon, NJ C. MANUFACTURE RSIOF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens 1UDE TO ORDER AMD BEOULAR STOCK SIZES. Q4 Material. Hick OrswU Warknaiutiip Our Sloxaa. Display OF UPTO-THE MINUTE MILLINER Y. FANCY UOOI)tiDd NOVELTIES, BuUenck's Paltnlis t & Q. Corsets, Misaea at ids. Udies 7f0. to $1 (BVl'ricts will be mailc to suil the times. Hats tod ltoniH'ts made and triDimi-d to order. A l.l. MAIL OKliUKS PROMPTLY FILl.Kll, MKS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N.C The BEST and CHEAPEST insurance on earth DMIS T)UREr lAINT 1R0DUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USE MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY ASK YOUR DEALER. Squeegee --y The reason that hundreds M I Sf of thousands of motorists 3 J jS3j8Hj Jmit j JF f are buyini; Diamond Tires a 4rf llJlJ'7 is because Diamonds are S &i tBfw". fr y Small wonder that motor- y m j? 'if rTwf ists buy more Diamonds f PiM3 (if MfiM fifw ,as Howard Jobbing Company. 5 LETTERHEADS Come to Us or .PRINTING, E. L. HAYWARD, Weldon, N. C, Publication of Summons. North Carolina, Halifax County In Hip SuptMinr Court Joe Hawkins, I'lamtill', Vs. Willie Hawkins, Hi'lendant To Willie Hawkins. I if leinlaut. 'Dip dereudant above-nanifil will take notice tliat an action as above lias been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifax County, the purpose of saiil ac tion being to ontain a divorce for the plaintitl from the said defendant, the grounds therefor leinif the statutory ? 'rounds of adultery, and the said de rndant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the Court House of said county at Hahlax, N. C , on Monday, the '-'lilli day ol July, IH-U, and answer or demur to the complaint id saiil action, or ttie pfemtill will apply to the Court fur the relief theim praved for. This the l llli dnv of .lime, ln'-'u. s, M.CAltY, Clerk Superior Court of Halifax county. V. IS. IM.MI.I., Attorney. Publication of Summons, North Carolina. Halifax County, In the Superior I 'ouit. Uiace Williams, l'laiiitill' V. Robert Williams, Defendant To Robert Williams, the defendant above-named : The defendant above-named will take notice that an action as entitled above has beeu commenced m the Hupeuot Court of Halifax county by the plainlitf airamst the defendant. Robert Williams lor the purpose of obtaining; a divorce avinculo inatriniuuii for ttie said plain tiB against the said defendant; that the grounds fur the above entitled action are the statutory grounds of fornication and adultery aw' set out in the com plaint; and the said defendaut will lur tber take notice that he is required to appear in the Superior Court ol Halifax county, N C, at the Court House in said county on the loth day of July, 19l'0. and answer or detn ur to the said said complaint in said action, which will be Hlrd as i lovided by taw, or the plaiotiu will apply to court lor reliel de manded in aaid complaint. Tiiie ttie 2lst day ol June, 1UAI. 8. M. OAKY, Clerk Superior Court. W. E. DANIEL, Attorney. I-'ACT is tile Republicans are in nc h mure concenied over how Cuhtiirnia is 1 Vi,c ''ldn how ilie Arinenians are gi'int! to live. Sill. I. the rcil liiyll cost is not the caitipjign expenses hut ilie re iinhurseiiieni id the millionaires who put tip fur the successful eun-diJnie. Till-: Chicago si i ike iiiuinst starch ed sliu is and collars is alright in its way, Inn die country really needs is a sit ike anuiusi starched religion. Summer Complaint in Children. fhere is mil uuyihimr like so many deivlhs Iumii llus ili-i';e now as before ClKuiitierkiiii's Coin1 :iml liiairlio.m Remedy ctuiH' into sneli ui'iieiid use. When tlii lemedy m irivcii with castor oil as iliri'cti'd and pioper eare is taken as to diet, it is safe to say llutt fully ninety-nine of eveiy hundint eases re cover. Mr . W. It. I'umphfll, id putter, Teuu., s.iys: "I have useil Chamber lain's Colic and Diairlioru Itemetly for sumuiercoinplaint iu elnldreu. It is far ahead of anythiuir I have used for this purpose." may be something in the Ralei'ch News and Observer's re mark that Johnson's strength may have something to do with Senator Penrose's illness. Hiram's con gratulations to I larding were about as icy as an Alaskan glacier. BlIT two candidates will pass the enirance examinations for the elec, aiid only one will graduate. Loss ol Appetite. Asa Keneral lute there is nollnnir se rious about a toss of appetite, and if you skip a meat or only eat two meals ,i .lay for a few days you wilt soon have a relish for meals when meal time comes. Bear iu mind that at h ast live hours should always elapse between meals so give the food ample time to digest and the stomach a period to rest belore a second meal ia taken. Then if you eat no more than you crave anil take a rea sonable amount of outdoor exercise every day you will not need to worry about your appetite. When the loss of appetite is caused by constipation as is often the case, that should be corrected at once. A doseol Chambeilaiu's Tab lets will do it. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA OVER-ACIDITY of the stomach lua upset iiight'arist. il your stor.iochij acid diituibed, diuolva two or three KBiuiDS on the tongue belore retiring and en joy rehaahing sleep. The purity and goodneea ol Kt-moiJi guaranteed by . SCOTT A BOWNE ' yiKEU OF SCOTT EMULSION iy W AlriO fi Sick P Women Cardui, the woman'f Ionic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what the writes: "I had a general breaking-down of my health. I was in bed lor weeks, unable to get up. 1 had such I weakness and dizziness, . . . and the pains were very severe. A Irlend told me I had tried every thing else, why not Cardui? . . . I did, and soon saw it was helping me . . . After 12 bottles, I am strong and well." TAKE pan mm The Woman's Tonic Do you feel weak, dir ty, worn-out? Is your lack ol good health caused from any of the com plaints to common to women? Then w hy not give Cardui a trial? It should surely do for you what ft has done lor to many thousands of other women who suttered It should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how It helped her. Try Cardui. I Ta All Druggists Repair The Wear Hard Work Often Breaks Down a Person's Health and Creates a Need for Ziron Iron Tonic. MKN and womsn who du hard labor, such as hulldlni;, (arm ing or housekeeping, and those who do exhaustive brain work of vari ous kinds, ufteu feel the need of some thing tu help renew fagged forces and tone up tin' BVriti'iu. To help repair the wear caused by overwork, to gain renewed strength and energy, many have obtained good results from taking .Iron Iron Tonic. Zlrou la a perfected preparation of pure medicinal Iron salts, eomblued with other valuable etreugih giving tonic ingredients, which are recom mended by leading physicians. Mr. H. U. Converse, of McEwen, Tenn.. writes "I had been working very bard, and waa getting weak and run-dnwu from hard work. When 1 commenced taking Zlron, In a few days I felt stronger, and now 1 have taken two bottles I feel as atrong aa ever, although I have kept at work all tht time " You cannot loae anything by giving Zlron a trial, but very likely will gain much. Your drunglst will sell you the first bottle on a money-back guarantee. KAST CAROLINA Teachers Training School. A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Terms begins September 29, 1920. For catalogue and other Information address ROBERT H WRIGHT, President, 7-l-2m (JkEENVILLE, N. C. THli TIMG FOR SAVING and getting ahead in the game of life is NOW. With a Bank Account staried and steadily growing you will experience a pleasure of accomplishment in saving that comes from naught else. The best way is 10 come in and start an Account To-Day. Don't delay on account of the amount you have for the start. Su i iv vfy'd'iL ri?ft '"" u iiaiisissis j H WELDON, N.C.I Ladies Suits And Coats Of supreme quality, greatly reduced In price Immense line of Ladles' Dresses in Silks, Oeor. getts and Voiles at reasonable prices. Entire line of Voiles, Organdies and Flaxons re duced for the next ten days. Prices cut on all low shoes during next ten days THE U Pil U J fT STORE M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, Study These Courses.--You Are Wanted At a Qood Salary. Let your training be thorough and reliable. The Summer Session of the Smithdeal Business College offers you an opportunity io raise your own salary or equip yourself for a refined and lucrative position. Be ready for an active Fall. Our faculty will advance you rapidly. Wriie for catalogue. BusmosS' College 9th and Broad StulichmoniVi OL.DBST BUSINESS COLLEQB IN THE SOUTH Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA