iift"v'5i THE JESS, Irkls ytfSfcv rh,4& ESTABLISH!;!) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscrintion--$l 50 Per Annum VOL. LV WKLDON, N. (., TIIllliSDAY, .11 LV lido. NO. 1 I ' I 4 I f . 'Net Contents ISTIuid Irachro I . II I 1 1 K I R j liteASTaRiA AiiiDiiol.-ai'KHOiisT. ! AVi'4clnbk- !Vopfli-ntionfor.s similiiliinlUicl'ooa tiy KuU linitthpMoiMifcsndltowclstf I Thereby Promoting DifcsW . Cliorrfulness and ResLCootwi i neither Opium, Morphine nor iiiivrm. A helpful Kcmeajwr Constipation and Diarrhoea., f..nnhness nnu , j.;ss OK a- icsutlii6jtwrclVomr. Imam?. facsimile Sidnatureos Till CEVf ACT COKPA. ji Subdivide and Sell by Results are Quick est returns fur your land. Your 1. mi uill reaaily Ml i(l.w. een lliouRh rented lor 1920. The Pathfinder Rhtalull i aiticukiri. It n.av li be worth hundreds of dollars to y. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO, "Tin- Niin.i ln'-tiiifb Your V nil lul' in t"" Oflki: lJi:Tl-'.Ksm;;t;,VA.ii!u!C.UI I .NV11.I.K, N.C. KrU-rt'ih cit: Any Hunk in J't hotuiri; V i"i'mllf, N.C Halifax County Real Estate & Local Contract ."V f-f. ?f W W ,.C :Vj .'.W -Sit -S .v..- '.V. Va '.VI .AL 'Mi iK, 'fV MHrVM. n 10 Per Cent. Reduction For CASH ONLY. T l) KI:I)UCI: STOCK I will allow 10 per cent, on all goods where bill a noimts to One Dollar or over. 7For One Week Only. 4. L. STVflBJCK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C mm $'0 POODGROChRIES build up llir 1 w increase your capacity to think. mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmnmmmm mmmmmmmmummm MM 2 i una. uur prices maKe you inuiK. L. E. HULL, Near Batchetnr's Opera House, I Dixon Lumber & Millwork Go. Weldon, Nf C. MAN UKAC'TUkErtSlOF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO URUm AM) RKOlvT AR STOCK blZJi! Oaotf Matarlals, nick 0ra4e Workmanstiip Oar Slot aa. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of In Use For Over Thirty Years ZVYAF AINU .VT 1 Our Moden Method i a Scientific Scr endorsed ly drcds ut selli i:;, vii his vun larg Send lor it TODAY. Ins. Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. Representatives. w W W it W W W W -O V" Wi .At.. Sit Mi 'At 1J Wi i i-tf . . 4 i fl' fl W IT V iSI mm m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm St mn mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm discount, I :or Cash mm Choice Hams There is nothing mote appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods system, stimulate the brain, and And hrIii tliinkmR brings best re v..au m iu sec u W:.)(tN, N C Hon; Is Rr.(,i:ism: i-or L111:. liach morning we awake with hope for what the day may bring forth, and each night we go to sleep with the hope that the next day niiiy bring less of sorrow and more tit happiness. If it were not for hope, nur troubles might often set in unbearable. And unhappy indeed, is the man who looks for w.ml to 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 n p . lie to him is th eir ;ii,il 1 1 1 ii i . 1 1 1 it i s ',ui hope in gooil in I'.iiiic givt s est and put post m hie. Ami i his faith in the Inline is not an illustory hope winch is in t er fulfilled, but is a hope capable of being fulfilled, and, by iis very existence, promises fulfillment. It is very hard to convince young persons ol eighteen or twenty years of age that their tastes are not as fully matured and judgment as ripe as is one of forty. Pale Children Matle over to yuur liking, will, rosy ihrt'ks, lirurty up- petite?, vipmnH iliesiion and to .tjt hfaliii. jve lli'-iu a glaa of tin dtliruiUJ iliyeslunl uitii meaU. Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AR0WAT1CS WITH SHIVAR MINLRAL WATtH AND GINGER Nothing like it for building rich blood and solid fl-'idi. At all gro trrs and ilnilsls- nut if art ion or your minify It.u k cm firt diticn. Shivar Ale reiaiU at Vc per but. llf. or $1,7.") per doni. If our rf(( ulur dciltT cannot siipply you, tele ilione H(iVAl(t.t(lililNi t()., I'istiibutois fur Wt'tilou. ;i 'l-.TO-TIIKMINL'TE MILL NERY. KAM V (iOOPSaml MiVKl.TIKS. liutttriok'bl'attfrDti K & Q. Corsets, M iBMen at 7;'ic. LadieM 7,rr. to il I0i. l'tieev will he matle to suit the timeM. Mat ami liouuctw matle and tiiniineil lo order. A I.I. MAIL ORI'I-.HS I'ldiMl'l'LY I 1 1.1 I I'. M Its. 1'. A. I.KWTS, Uehlon, N. I', Notice of Summons Nuilli I 'aiohna, Halifax ( 'ouuty. It) the Supenor Court Muitla Curtis. I'laintiir, Vs. William t'urtis, lieieiiilant. To William I'uitis, lieiemlant: The tlefemliint ahove-nainail vtilltuke notice tlutt an action entitled as above lias been coiliuieneeil in the Superior ' 'ouil ol llalila ( 'ouuty, the )Hirose of anl action beinkr to obtain a divorce lol the plamtili' from the said defeinlaut, ie LMoiimlsllierefor heintr the statua- loi y l'iouii, is of adultery, and the .le- leii lanl will lurther lake notice that he j is n-'piited to appeal at thet ourt House j of aid county at Hulilaii, . , on Monday, the Jiith day of July, in-.'ii, and aii-ucr or ileuiur tu the Complaint iu 1 said aetiou, or the plaiuliU will apily lotbe Court foi the rebel therein play ed lor. This the l lth day ol'.luue, lll'.'il. S. M. OAKY, Clerk Superior Court of Halifax cuuuty W. v.. HAMKl,, Attorney. WANTED. Good while men, who are desir ous of steady positions at good wages, l-'ine chances for advance ment. Address ClILSM'LAKI-: CoHI'OHATION, West l'oint, Va I Publication of Summons Nuith furohuu, Halifax County In the Superior I ourt Joe Han kins, I'laintill. Vs. Willie Hawkins, liefeudaul. To Willie llawkiua, lieiemlant. The defendant above-named will take notice that an uelion as above has been ciiuiiucnccd iu tlie Supenor Court ol Halifax County, the puipose of said ac tion hctntr to obtain a divorce for the plaiutlll' I'lOUl the said del'elldaiil, llle tflounds therefor beimr tile stattltoiy iriounds of adulleiy, and the said de fendant will further lake notice that she is required to appear at the Court House of said county at Halila.x, N. C, on Monday, the -'titli day ol July, lil'.'il, and answei or deiniit to the complaint iu said action, or tlie plaiiilili mil apply to the i 'ourt lor t lit relief theiiu prayed lor. This the Nth dav ol June, l!i..'(l S M.uaKY, Clerk Supenor Court of Halilai county. W. E. HAMKL, Attorney. J ANTED Imniediatelv, Saw- yel lul Kruuud iaw null, nho in v V fast aud knows tiow to keep mill up so that it will make good hoards. Will pay Urat-clasa man good wages. . M. McCANDLIHH, BonnetiM, 8. C. pimnnmnrr TWINKLE OF Only a twinkle of sunshine, only a brighter day, Only a song through the shadows, and the dark clouds rolled away. Only a tw inkle of sunshine And the heart a thing reborn To the simple splendor and beauty And singing glory of morn. Only a twinkle of sunshine, and the world lids up from care; Only a memory of April, and the blue-bird whisiling a prayer. Only a twinkle of sunshine And the ice of the heart of ihings Gone like a inisi on the marshes When the dove unlolds her wings. Only a twinkle of sunshine, and the laughter heard .igain. Only a hope and a promise, and a world ol lordlier men. Only a twinkle of sunshine And love's delicate wings set free On the hills of I lie hyaline morning By the shores of a silver sea. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bcais - , the y jtfl't-p- Signature of ASPIRIN Mine "Bayer" uu Genuine "Haver Tablets of Aspirin" is frenulne Au..:r.'n r,LV,-,l iif hv uiiliuins and pre- sirilssl ny pliysiriims for over twenty years. Accept "only an unbroken "Haver package" winch contains proper direc tions to relieve iii'iiniuin-. ..n'.iu.. . Karuehe, Neuralgia, Itheuniatism, Colds ,i,i,l I'nin. llan.lv tin Isnes of 12 tab lets cost few cents. Uruwists also sell lariier "llayer paekajrisi. Aspirin in trade innrk llayer Miinufaeture. Mono, ucctieucidester of .Saliejlicacid. MS-iTS Does Your Letter head Get It? The ippiarftncc of your lttr faead mar mean luccata or failure. Do yourtalf juatict In tha quality of your buainaw maaiangar. We do not ad oca t a axtrava fanca. Wi racommand the uae of a very moderate priced standard paper which hai won recognition for he quality and tha aervice It girt. W are prepared to furnlah that paper and to print you a letterhead that In a dig nified representative. See What We Can Give Yot Before You Place an Order E. L. HAYVt'ARD, . Weldon. N. C. r ii t fhMiimtMi ' pro Mm wni I BUY satisfaction when you hj.y lives. Fisk Tires meet any cons ;;iv any competition. Then the. 1 dio assurance of the Fisk Ideal, "To be the best concern in thr: to work fur and the square.st l..i in existence to do business with, " Next Time BUY FISK ja;Ll)ON MOTOR CO., Weldon, N. L. J. BRADLEY, Jackson, N. C. SUNSHINE. Summer Complaint in Children. 'I licir not iinyt IniiL' like mi tniiliv tli'Ulli'. hjiiiil Pil- ilifasf itnw il'- i-rluh- ! i li:illlhii'laili - I nlli- :in I I 'iai I ho,t:i , mm- uilo tu-h ciit ial '" " U"s " "'",l 's " rtllh .i.t,rt..l an-l t-ai,. taken a- tu -in I, it i- -aii l" siiy that hilly iiitn ty nun' til cvri y humln'.i fast-s u - cm. i. Mi W , i ., i .tiiipi..-ll, ul Ilutl- l, I t'liu , Mj's: "I hai' um.I 4 1 1 u I J 1 1 1 1 -lam m i 'ul it' atut liaiiliu a llcmr.ly lui xiiiitin-i ciiiiipi.i ul mi clnl'lh-n. It is Iai ahead ol aiiylh.li I It.ac llxil ltd thl' pill pitM'. Not so niucli in pulling on ol ans or lii.e .ml eostly apparel, be : i , u.s me lad) hi lue geiiileilian, a dues pnl.i. lies-, and good man net s I Loss ul Appetite. - :l L' If Mil.' I- ll'illl ii. hi- ilt.nii a !(.-s ..i ,i i, I.I I s ip it meal i.i Milk i i mi nit'al- a 1 1 a v tni a U' i.i s . u i ill mimii h:i i' a ri'li-sh tin iiH-al-- li.'ii m. a I t line conies, Kiai in tni 1 1 1 ihal at h a-l live hums hIiuuM ii In a y elapse ln'tw en meals mi iTive llir imi.l mpli lime .i I ijrst aihl the Khimai'li a ie I to te'.t hetoiti a ! M l'nlhl iiie.il taken Then il you eiil no nxne lliaii vn eiai. an I ake a iiu mhi.iIiIi a'n, ir.t oj' nut. , mt rflfixe j Clcll ilitV I" I ol Ml II'-1 ll.cl t( ttlHIV alioul void mini hie lieti (lie lows ot appeiiir is cancel I hv con lt pat ion u- i- 1 1 ii -il iiu fate, in il oiiituiii ne rui leeieu lit otii'e A ihie ul t liainhelluiu n th Ii ! It'll .hi It. I lC.il NUIIIlllCl Ill.tlUCII I wt-uKI say The nicest way 10 woo This season is to swing all day In a hammock built Tor (wo. HOW S THIS ? We olt'eiOuf lliuitlieil IMlarx Keiiai.l foi uuy fae nil. iitai ill that rauuut he; cuiv. I hy Hull's ataiih Meilieiue. Hull's a. anli Me.liciiif lias heen taken hy raiaiih Miileief lor the jmst i veins, anil has hecouie known as the mot relmhle rein.ily I'oi nUttiili. llaM n I'atuitli Me.ht'iiie lifts thru the Hlouil on 1hc Miicoii Mitliu'i", t'Spellimf tlie I'tiisiin I'toiu tin1 litooil u nil heuhuK the iliseaneil puihuiis Altei iuii hau1 taken llatl'a ('ataiih Meilifine lot a shoit liine you will see a If i eat iinioeinent in your goueta health. Stait taking I lul I'm Meilicuie at once ami kl ol eataiih. II nil' ( atari h Meilicme ih taken inter ually acting tlitecily upon the bloo.J aud uiUfouK Buifacew ot the system. -l entimomalh sent fiee, I'nce TT. ceutc per bottle. Hold by all diutfjnsta. U all's Family 1'ills for Constipation ta" v. .t!d - r.i C I.KolllHK Will lAMsSl'KAKS. "l olks what's rich wu born ler be rich," said Brother Williams, "but rich or po', ii u 1 1 conies out in Ihe end. I: ler me, ef I had money in de bank somebody would level on ii; an ef it happened ler slay dar, I'd never git a wink er sleep fer fear de bank would busi on me! So it's all right as it is praise (iod!" The Woman's Tonic " I took lour bottles," Mrs. Jones rocs on to say, "and was not only greatly relieved, but can trulhiully say that I have not a pain, . . " It has now been two years since I took Car dui, and I am slill in good health. . . 1 would ad vise any woman or girt to use Cardui who is a sullerer from any female trouble." llyou suiter p., i n caused Irom womanly trouble, or II you led Ihe need of a good slrenttlifning tonic to build upyour run-down system, las? the advke ot Mrs. Jones. Try Car dui. It helped liet. We believe it will help you. The BEST and CHEAPEST insurance on earth DAVIS 'aint RODUCTS FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK USB MORE PAINT PRESERVE AND BEAUTIFY YOUR PROP1KTY ASK YOUR DIZALliR. 9 t.ltniA. ts-aBnnvjiaaMu-twHW9h. : 1 1 Was a I I i Misery I ; j 1 Mrs. f. . Jones, ot 6 E Palmer, Okla., writes: Q j j (fti "From the time 1 en- rSJ 1 l tered into womanhood 4 A I I ... 1 looked willt dread H I H iroiu unc iiioiuii to mic M i I III next. I suliered wilh my il l HI R h.lele and hearing-down R H I i lUl I n:iin until life 1 3 me was lltlil I I V. I a misery. I would think I I could not endure the I pain any longer, and 1 E jj 1)1 gradually Rot worse. . . ,7y Nothinf; seemed to help i m I I me until, one day, ... (I III decided to II jIB TAKE fil mfiiiiiiyiii I II AU Druggists i "Didn't Prominent Georgia Lady and Sleeplessness PK'll'I.K li . ' t.. ("!!';.; u.'.'ii: f"..'ty in, w mi l t!i, n. Hint hn ill, nt f'".n In tin! i!ii;,it ri fri'sl. it i rit fnmi ri".t, sli'i p r i i nTis'ii tl'in, ii. ',',1 n tniile i,, . j,. th. ;r I,:,,,,,) l"Vll;ili,i ami hull, Kystnin: 1'i.r Oils, vun win ii,,, Zirun Inm T"iij.' vi'ry viilmiM,', :is the 1mun: of thuiimiiiils alisiiily lias jinivi'il Mrs, J. V. Iiysnrt. holy c,r ri jroniliiiiil GnnrKla fnuiily r uh lili r i b near CartiTs rtlh1, says: "I didn't feel like myself. IASTCJALiOIJXA Teachers Irainin? School A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Pall Terms begins September 2. 1920. Eur catalogue and other information address kOKEKT H WkKiHf, President, 7 -2"t Ukt-nNVILLI:, N. C. THE TIME LOR SAVING and gelling ahead in the game of I life is NOW. With a Hank Account sinned and steadily growing you will experience a pleasure ol accomplishment in saving thai comes Irom naught else. I lie Is'Si ay is in cnnie in aiul siari an Account To-Day. Don't delay on accoui t ol the amount you have lor ihe siart. I Ladies Suits And Coats Of supreme quality, yj eally reduced in "price Immense line of Ladies' Dresses in Silks, Geor. ! Kelts and Voiles at reasonable prices. i lintire line of V oiles, Organdies and I laxons re jduced for the next ten days j Prices cut on all low shoes during next ten days y : s rr 0 R K M. FREID, Proprietor. WKLDON, N. C. LADlliS AND GLNT'S OL'TFITTUR, Wantsi The demand for young men and women who are well trained in these callings is greatly in excess of the .supply, and will continue to be. Smilhdeal graduates nrc recognized hy business man to be above the average in competence. The faculty will take a special interest in fit ting you for a good paying position. Attend our Summer Session you arc needed at a lucrative salary next hall. VC'rite for catalogue. OLDOST BUSINDSS Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Rest Weir Suffered from Faint Spells Relieued by Ziron. "I Miilrrt rt'st well aottifl tiivlits. I "UM In' just ns tlrod when I got up in the niornin ns when I went to liod. 1 would eet weak, and hive kind of fnlmy njielis -at times hardly able to do my hoiismi (irk "I heard of Ziron, and felt nmyba a tonic would help me, I tliouijbt it would at least strent'lhun me, "1 belli ve Zirnn has rlonn me good. I fee In iter I am glad to reeomniend II hh a koikI tonic," Try Ziron. Our money buck Kuaran t.'o proteiia you. At your druggiat't. THE f. J BOOKKEEPERS 1 "STENOGRAPHERS. Biis'moss College 9th and Broad Sti.Uichmcnd.Vl COLLEGE, in thb south Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA