Tnl gS I ABLISMIil) IN 1X66. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--!! 50 Per Annum 5VOL. LV WELDON, N. C, TIIIJ.HSDAV, .Jl'LY 22, )i20. NO. 2 Children Cry The Kind You Have Always in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of 0 and has been made under his per LLxfrMiilr sonal suPervisioIi since its Infancy. ''' AUoW no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-guod " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What isOASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guuruntee. For more than thirty years It has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS jnatexa the Signature of iBeara the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TM v. r p n t A pi r a Subdivide and SeO by Results are Quick ' est returns (or your land. Yuur ..m though rented for 1920. The Pathfti di be worth hundreds of dollars to )'-.-, ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO, "The Num.- Tin Your Cur-fiJi-nce" Offices: PETEKSBURGA'A. ai.J GKi F.NVIIXK, N.C. Reference!.: Any Uiitk In Fettriiburg Vu or tii-t-oviHr, N.C Halifax Coumy Real Estate & Local Contract 1 lmMmMmmmmmmnmMmMmmmmm m ' Hi K u Li 10 Per Cent. CASH rpo REDUCE STOCK I will allow 1- 10 per cent, discount, For Cash on all goods where bill amounts to One Dollar or over. II gPTFor One Week Only "CS m I A. L. STAIN BACK, The Busy Store, I GOOD GROCERIES build up ihr increase your caoaeiiv to think. J julis. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. I L.E.HULL,. Near Ratchelnr'f Open IIoum.I )i:on Lumber Weldon, N C. MASrK.aTUREKSBOF Jiuilding Material for AloUern Homes, Sash, Doors pinds, Mantels, Door MADE TO ORDER AND 0( MaUrtait, hlsl Qra) for Fletcher's Bounht. and which h. Wr. Signal Our Hen Method ,' ' v, I'Ml.r.ultiy i ... ,. . . ,u Wi r i . , i I, ,..ay '. .. ; i jt 'i orA i. Ins. Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. Representatives. mm I SI mm i mm mm JU mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mn Reduction For ONLY. mm mm mm MM mm mm mm mm mm WELDON, N C Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choky ham We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All kinds of Canned Goods system, stimulate the brain, and And riant thinking brings best re- WELDON. N.C & Millwork k and Window Screens REUULAK STOCK S1ZEH. WorksMSMtiip Our SlefM. CAN A STATE AFFORD NOT TO LET WOMEN VOTE? READ THESE TAX FIGURES. The lowest city tor rate but one (II I tn the IBM tHurn of the World Aliiiunui', cmi'i TiM-TOM Is lu IJusku gi'v, tiklu , il full suTime .lulu. It la 35 cents on 1 1 1 hundred. Thv liliihtit tn rutc In tlie United Htnli'i ut the vim.' time In In Milwiiii kw, Win., t'Jii.17 per huii.licil. Wlsion ln null mill limt mi mi milTruKr. It now linn ii'i''iiiliil suITi-iiki". tlf the Iwi'iilv inn' cHIoh in tlie 1'iilti'd Sialic quutfil In the World Almnnuo list as having tm rates helnw II ten are In atuli's which have full, pi'esldentlul or niiiiHi-y sun'r-aife, There are but three male NUtTrn. lutes In which any titles are listed mIiIi a tax rate behiu- $1 on the hun dred. The suffriiKe dtli's with a low tax rate are: Smith Hcml, Ind., 74 cents; linden, Utah, 72 cent; Nliipirii Falls. N. Y., 80 rents; Kulauiazoo, Mich. 8.". mits ; MuMkuuee, (Ikla., STi rents ; Kllll .-'UN t-'ity, Kill)., 8'J cents; Hulchinsmi, Knn., 75 ceiiis; Kurt Wayne, Ind.. 0-1 rents; Kurt Smith, Aik., TiU centK; Clevelunil, (ililn, 70 centa. In lttld WtiMliiiiKtun, a full suffruKe slulc, went nut of debt. And Wyoming In Hint year bad no need of taxes fur atate government. Tuxes were not levied for the sup port of the. slale government,'' said the Aniu'oinla Standard (1010). "The In-;-oiiie of lands, leases, royalties and In terest on Investment last year was MiS,'.M1.02, while Uie amount received I'niui direct taxation was (r0MU7.M. I'heru was a cash balance on hand at tlit; beginning of the year of $718,4'J0.- Htl. The actual expenses of Wyoming were $1,305,68821. After paying all expenses and making some Invest ments tu permanent funds, there Is carried over a cash balance of $781!, 687.12. With this balance and the Income derived this year from oil and mining development, royalties on state lands, leHses and fees, the state will easily be able to fet along a year ai least, without any direct tniatloD." Wyoming has full suffrage. In January, Hi HI, equal sufTruire Kan sas paid oil Its last dollar of Indebted ness Old Folk's Best Friend That's what many call it, for it puts vim and vigor into old stuinucli; r it h. re J Mood into old veins; sound hVsh on old bones. Drink a glas of this delicious diges taut with ea. li meal. Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATIC! WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Your grocer or druggist will refund your money on first duaen if you are nut pleased with results. Shivar Ale retails at ... per bot tle, or per duzen. If our reg ular dealer cannot supply you, tele uhone IIOWAHh.IOItBINp CO., distributors for Weldou. OF UF TO THK MINUTE MILLINERY. FANCY HOODS and NOVELT1KS.' Butterick's Patterns k & Q. Corsets, Misses at 6e. Ladies 75c. to $1. JH. Prices will be made to suit the times. Hats and Bonnets made and trimmed to order. ALL M AIL OHUKRS l'KOMl'TLY ULLKK. MKS. 1'. A. LEW IS, YVeldon, N.C, Notice of Summons North I'aroliua, Halifax I ountv, In th SMfH'rmr Court Martha Curtis, l'lsintill, Vs. William Curtis, Hrfi inlant. To William l urtis, HcfcnJant: The dclenttaut aluv!-nainiitt wilt take uuticc that an action i-otitlnl at above has been comiuraci'tl in iIip Superior Court of Malilax County, the purpose at said actiou heiue to ulitain a tiiturce foi the pluintill from tliesn.l defendant, the irrouuilstlierelul lieintf the status toiy grounds ol adultery; and the ile feudaut ftilt further lake notice that tie is reu,uirej tu appear at tlieCourt Mouse of said couuly at Halifax, N. C, on Monday, tlie Jilth dayuf.luly. I'K'n, ami answer or demur lu the coinplaiot iu said action, or tlie plaintill' mil apply tuthe Court for the relief therein pray ed for Tins the 14th day of .lnue, 11JU H. M ti A l: V, Clerk Superior Couit uf Halil'ix pouuty W, K. IIANIEI., Attorney. WANTED. Good white men, who are desirt ous of steady positions at good wages. Fine chances fur advance ment. Address Chesapeake Corporation, West Point, Va. Grand Display LIVER DIDN'T ACT DIGESTION WAS BAD Sip 65 rev Old Keotuckr Lady, Who Telli How She Wu Relieved After a Few Doiet of Black-Draught MeadorsvtlU, Ky. Mrs. Cynthia Hlgglnbotham, of this town, ay: "At my age, which Is 65, the llrer does not act so ell ns when young. A few years ago, my stomach was all out of tlx. I was constipated, my llrer didn't act My digestion was bad, and It took bo little to upset me. My ap petite was gone. I was very weak. . , I decided I would glre Black Draught a thorouvl. trial as I knew It was highly recommended for this trouble. I begun taking It I felt better after a few .loses. My appetite Improved and I b enme stronger. My bowels iwtcd naturally and tho least trouble won soon -1 ,-hted with a few Join Hands Let ft iupplf of '.'GREEN FLAG Motor Od "gurgle" down your motor' oil pip. and "ei" into tha crank caia. Oh! then you'll know the real joy of driving a car becauM 'GREEN FLAG" give tha MAXIMUM of motor efficiency through CORRECT lubrication, the REAL featura in thi lifa and operation of your car. It coitt no mori to begin wltk U col Ut tn the end Sappllad tr tk lelloll Aik lor Cr FU. 5 Umt lot Bounds Motor Co., WeUlon; Halifax Garage, Halifax; C.Vi'. Grecnry, Tillery; N. A. Uiddick Motor Car Co., Disiribmors, Scotland Neck; J. C. Smith Garage, Resemary; Fureetson & Olsen, Littleton. Thomas K. Watson, long an outspoken opponent of ihe VCilson administration and (he league of nations covenant, lias telegraphed congratulations and promise of hearty support to Governor Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt. HOW S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Hollars l(eaid for any ease of Catarrh that eanuot lie cured liy Hall's utarrh Medicine. Hall's atarrh Medicine has lieen taken ly rutarili sull'erers for the past 3.'i yeais, and has lu-eonie known as Hie most reliable remedy for catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Mediciue act thru the I'.lood on the Mucous surfaces, expelhnir the Poison fruiu the liloud and ln the diseased portion. Afler you liave taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement iu your genera health. Start takiuir Hall's Medicine at once ami get rid of catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken inter nally aetiiiK directly upon the blood and uiucuum suifaces of the system. Testimonials seut free. I'rice lb cents per hottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Kamilv I'ill" for Oontiptiou No law can be passed to prevent a man from flaking a fool of him self. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean ihe Signature of After marriage the quesiiun as to who is speaker of the house is quickly seu'ed. IHE CRACK 0' DOOM FOR NASTY MEL folia Abandoning Old Drug for "Dodton'f Liver Tone," Hero in South. tghl Calomel makes you elck. It's horrible! Take a dose of the dangeroue drug tonight and tomorrow you lost Um.l ! mercurv! When it comes into contact with tour bile, it crah into It, breaking It up. Then is when you feel that awful nausea and crampm?. If you are sluggish, if liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dltitnese, coated tongue, if Ireath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmlese Dodson's Liver rone lonignv. Here's my guarantee lo to any drug tore and .get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful and If it doesn't straighten you right up nd make you IH One and vigorous, go back to the store and get your money, poison's Liver Tone Is destroying the ale of calomel baoaus It cm not sali pto ak you. tak. dosns of Black-Draught," Seventy yours of surroasful use tiftl made Thcdford's DIack-Draught standard, household remedy. Every member, of every family, at tlmos, need the help that Black-Draught caa give tn cleaiiBlng the system and re lieving the troubles that come from constipation, Indigestion, lazy liver. etc. You cannot keep well unless your stomach, liver and bowels are In good working order. Keep them that way, Try Black-Draught. It acts promptly. gently and In a natural way. If you feel sluggish, take a doso tonight You will feel freBh tomorrow. Price 23c package One cent a dosa All druggists. J. $ with Joy!! w.ll kuo.n dealiril If you happen to see a small hoy chasing a littmhle hee you will know when he yells ihat he has caught il. Summer Complaint In Children 'I here is uot auylhinir like so many deaths from this disease now an befoie Chamberlain's Colic and Ihaiihn.ia Hemedy eanie into snch general use. When this remedy is t'iven with culor uilas directed and proper cure is taken as to diet, it is safe tu say that fully niuetv-mne of every hundred cases re cover". Mr. W. li. Campbell, ul Duller, Tenu., siys: "I have used Chamber Iain's Colic and Iharrhoi a liemedy for Mimmercotnptainl in children. It is far ahead of auythiiii! I have used lor this puipuse." The most treacherous memory in the world helongs to the young lady with a handsome watch. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Bashful lovers don t have to break the ice now, they simply meet in each other's arms. Summer Complaint Quickly Relieved. "About two years ago when sulf'erinir from a Bevere attack of summer com plaint, 1 took chamberloiu's Colic and Diarrhoea Kemedv and it relieved me almost instantly," writes Mrs. Heniy Jewett, Claik Mills, N. . this is an excellent remedy lor colic aud diar rhoea aud shuuld lie kept at baud by every family. As a general rule those people live the longest' who don'i do ev- every thing at once. AN ORDINANCE. For Box and Can Privies Only. That a fee of 'si ctuls per privy uuit per mouth shall be pa'd iu advauce to the Chief of I'otice willnu the lirst ten Java ol each month fur scavenging the unties, which shall be duuu each week bv the town If the abuve fee is out naid in advauce as above stated, twenty live ('-'.') cents e&tia shall lie added lo each mouthlv fee. Hv of order uf the Hoaid of Town Com missioners: V. Y. WKliilNS, Mayor. E. I.. 1UYW.UU), Clerk. Administrator's Notice. The umb-rsi ned bat me duly qualified as adminmiiuior oi uie esiaie ui Airs, Maiv K 'libbils, late ol Halifax county. N. C. Cos is tu notify all persons h&v ing claims against the estate of the said dreeast d, to tile them with the under signed on or befure the Mb dav ol July, Itf'l. or this notice will be plead in bar ol their recovery. All persous ludebted to aaid estate will please make immediate payment, This the eth day of July, lu!W. oeohge i). hawks, Admr. of Mrs. M. , Tibbili, dee. WHERE MEN ONLY VOTE DEBTS ARE GREATER. In the rlty of Rolttmore, Maryland, when! woman sufl'mt'e Is rejeeted, the 1'itiil population In 1UUI was 7iMMi. The debt of tho city Is $i;,l'J7,174 or morn than !JO per capita, the hudnet UU.O'.&i.ikiU, or muro than I'M per at pit ii. In Hlehinond, Virginia, another state whei(4 ufTniie was rejected, t tits pop ulation of, Is burdened with a debt of li,Si:i.0H7, or $7. per capita, mid with a budget of S.VWH.nKI, nr $44 eaeb, (World Alllllll , r.i'Jn.) In l-'eliniai y, I'.Hll, the I tenter. Colo rado. Cliiiinber of Coinmei said: "I lent er s ier eapila linleblediiess Is $:i li'J. I'er rapltll of oilier ellles fullowa: "Louisville, $M.13; St. I'aul, tl.'l.IO; Worcester, Mass., J li.txi ; Coliiinhus, Ohio, J HI 05; Toledo, $."i0..ri-l ; Atlanta. ;a., lan.L'S. "Ttvo lullllon and a-(uarter dollars were spent lu homes last year, rusting from S:t.tKjo to $1S,01KI each. "The stute has made great progress In iD.'1-ieulture. In HM4 It aiuouiited to $S'.i,57a,'JiiO and lu 11)1.1, to lliri.tir.L'.lllii)." The Indebtedness of Massachusetts, n mule aufTniKB slate, tins in 1U13, $'J'.'.7S per capita. In California and Colorado, tvomnn siifTnige stales, the suine year, It win III.H.'i and $11.70 per eaplta. In Kansas It was J4 ents atul In tireKon 4 cents. (I'Mcurea are from the I'nlted Slates Special Oosus report on "Weultll, Debt mid Tuiutlon," Table IU.) ELECTION EXPENSES. What It Costa to Let Women Vote. The slate treasurer of every suflVnKe state has declared Ihat woman suf frage has not appreciably Increased election espeuses. Deliver, In mill, re corded the lowest I npllu (of pop ulation) coat of vulhlK (14 eelils) of the larger ellles of Ihe Culled Siaies. Iu Cheyenne, Wyoming, voting costs 10 cents per capita (of population), a less sum IliHii In tiny city of Its size. It was computed In Juno, WIN, that New fork City could vote nil Us wom en for Just one slith of what It has been costing to vole Its men. It cost $:l(Kl,tKlO In 11117 lo tote 001, Son men. It was explained hy the election of ficials that an equal number of women could be voted for an additional sum of $oO,Oi0, making Jlir.n.Oou In all. It had cost the city 4.'l cents each to vote Ita men, but it would only need a ver cuplta expenditure of 7 cents more to care for as many more women at the polls. In chlt'ugo'a experience. It was found that the actual additional cost of the woman voter was about one-third. Women pay their full pro rata share of the taxation for election expenses and they have been doing so for more than u century while deprived by law from casting a vole. Antie Honored Dr. Shaw. Alitl KUffraglsts lire busily defsinlng the dead suffrage leader. Dr. Aiitui Howard Shaw, lu Norlh Ciirollint. to day. This Is what they said of her In their ohiclal organ under date of July lli, 1910: There are thousands of women who honored l)r. Shaw for her other Ideals who lusrt-r did ngiee with her suffrage views. She wus mi holiest radical. Bhe fought Id Ihe open." Loss of Appetite. As a general rode there is nothing se riuus about a lues of appetite, and if you skip a meal or only eat two meals a lay for a few days you will soou have a relish fur meals when meal time conies. at iu mind thai at least live hours should always elapse belweeu mealso give the food ample time to digest and the stomach a period to rest before a leoood meal is taken. Then if vou eat no more than you crave ami lake a rea sonable amount of outdoor exercise verv dav vou will not need to wort v about your appetite. W hen the loss of appetite is causetl by constipation as is often the case, that should be corrected at once. A dose ol Chamberlain's Tab lets will do it. Lift qffCorns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freaione costs only a few cents. With your finyprsl You enn lift off Any hanl corn. it coin r rmn between tti Ut, nil tin huril fkin minifies Iron) bottom of fwt. A tiny bottle of 'Kr?-7imt;'' coti little t ny drug store; ily ft few dropt upon the corn or callus." Instantly it toiti hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root nd all, without onp hit of puis or iura Reia. Truly! No humbug! GH1GKESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND Lrmt i .t 1iiM for CHI CHIfi THE II A DIAMOND UklND PILLS In Dsn nJA Gold BHilllc bom, K,li wub BlueU Ibboa Tk ro orasm. mi a J ..W 9am tUlilHfkTfSI V tliHUNB IH4SB riLLt, li tweatT-Bv trirs m'srdrd is Brit, Ssleit, Atwsvs Rrlliblc SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMR TR1KU MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan on improved land. Long terms. A. B. Stainback, Weldon, N. C. Helped Father and Son "Ziron Did Us Both Good," Writes Mr. Gentry, oj Norene, Tain. rl Is a weil-knnwn imtlical licl, that j )ti is a necessary constituent ol the Mood, and that blood lacking iron is Hit lause oi many trouble lltal only iron will cure. Ziron, a sciculilic compound ol iron Willi ( llicr valuable ingredients, is Ihe rr Ht'ly lo take when your blond needs n.oie iron, and your system requires a tonic. Ziron is nnld and harmless, does rot slain the teeth, and is good lor chil dren as well as adults. , lr. H, 0. Genlry, of Norene, Tenn., K ST CAROLINA Teachers Training School. A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Terms begins September 29. 1920. For catalogue and other information address ROBERT H WRIGHT, President, 7 l-2m GREENVILLE, N. C. Till: T I M I I'OU SAYING mid gelling ahead in ihe game of hie is NOW . uh a Bank Account snined and steadily growing you villi experience a pleasure of accomplishment in saving that conies Irom natighl else. The best way is in come in and start an Account To-Day. Don't delay on account ot ihe amount you have for ihe start. mm I Ladies Suits And Coats Of supreme quality, greatly reduced in price Immense line of Ladies' Dresses in Silks, Geor. getts and Voiles at reasonable prices. Ilntire line of Voiles, Organdies and Flaxons re duced for the next ten days. Prices cut on all low shoes during next ten days THE S T 0 R li M. FREID, Proprietor. WI-LUON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER. Learn Stenography-Boln Demand The eftkiem faculty of the Stniithdeal Business College will advance you rapidly. You are assured of iheir personal interest in your suc cess. Young men and women go forth from ihis reliable school fully equipped to assume responsible positions of Stenographers, Type writers, Bookkeepers, etc. Our Summer Session will prepare you for active work nexi Pall. Many desirable positions wailing for you. Wriie for catalogue. A ..MM I dmimdml OLDBST BUSINESS COM,EX3E IN THE- SOUTH UinilTCn THE ROANOKE liriimu EVERY HOME IN COUNTRY. SUBSCRIBE NOW. w rites: "Ziron Iron Tonic has made good iu my family. I have used it to a very ureal advantage lo myself and my 14-year-old boy. It did us both good. I think it is a good medicine for what it il recommended." II you arc pale, weak, tired, feel downl and out, take Ziron. It will put Iron Intel your blood, and should help build you up. Get a bottle from your druggist today, and give ZIRON a fair trial. Sold by him under a money-back guarantee. Ask him about it. He will tell you. . WELDON. Business College 9th ind Brod SuJtichtiioniVl NEWS TO BE A VISITOR TO WELDON AND SURROUNDING Tr.., '

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