iPiLl IP1 III fuMwri fmh I Mm i 4 f -3- JAliLISillil) IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$l 50 Per Annum "4 WKLDON, N. (!., TIUIHSDAV, ,H'LY 21), U20. no. a f -1 j i -- "i ,:tf Mi I'M 3 ir.iiiinL-3 l'LB liKNT. AWMable PrcparstionlbrAs i imihpSlMMcisawlBoUrf u imici.) "-- ,. ! Cheerfulness anonesi.--f- neither Opium, Morphine not I Mineral. Notpiahu.""' i i.K,r,,llipmtdvt5f Constipation and DwrrhoM. rcsiitiiiithwfr"!!in-l',faB(5,'J ftc Simile SiwS,0 J it.': c 1 'i.. - i For Infants nnd Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of siUtr1 Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA fftrrpli -WlM-ti-illliitiitbiTMlllrfJ T Wantiu). As good health d"n Sunday as during the rest of the week; the same ability to attend re ligious services as to engage in the usu.il active duties of life. As great care in listening to re ligious instructions as is given lo scriuiniiing each dress worn by those in attendance. As great ability in learning our own faults as those of our neigh bors. With the supply of this want the world will soon he renovated, society much improved, and all made happier Weather in suit all, or, better Still, people who are disposed to be suited to the we.uln r Stomach Out ot Fix? 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen Lollies of this nVlieious distant, a las9 willi meals gives delightful relief, or m charge fur the first dozen used. Shivaf'Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SH1VAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing like it for renovating old tired 8litui.il li, full verting fnud into rich bloml and suund fle-h. Shivar Ale retails at 7 per bot tie, or 1 per dozen. If your reg ular dealer cannot supply you, telephone HOWAKlUOUHlNt. CO , 1'inttilmtoin for Weld' n Subdivide and Sell by Our Modern Method Results are Quick PSil: ' v.nj..-iby $ est returns for your land. Your ian:i will ii-au n- n.iw, even ?l though rented for 1920. The Paihfindi r i iv .1 ..I i :tti. uL' . i uuv bt worth hundreds of dollars to yu . L.nJ f r it 'i ODAY. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO. "The Nume Tlu.t luMllfim Your CnfiJi!,V Offices: PKTKRSBUI G.YA.urul (ik 1 iKNVlI.I.K, N. C. References; Any liank i.i Petersburg Vu ,1( G .ii.il', N. C Halifax County Real Estate & Ins Co , Sc. d md Ned , N C Local Contract hYprcMiiiai vis. km tm mu tm m MM K u K LU U A i nil ti i Mi ! 1 M MM nn 10 Per Cent. Reduction For m am MM nu m m m m m m m m CASH ONLY. TO REDUCE STOCK I will allow 10 per cent, discount, Por Cash on all goods where bill amounts to One Dollar or over. m m m m E3For One Week Only.-OI m The Busy Store, j WELDON, N C mmmmmkmmmmnmm mmmumwmmmmum- Choice Hams There nntliln mure appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats, All Kinds of Canned (ioods GOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best .re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Bitcbclor'i Opera tlouse.l WRI.IMIN, N.C .Dixon Lumber I Millwork Go. Weldon, N C. n HANUKA(.TURBKMOF' Buildinir Material fnr Mmlern Homes. Sash. Doors I Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens I MADE TO ORDER Afll KEOULAB STOCK BlZKi I Q4 Material, IU(b Qrad Workmaashlp Our Slocaa. rtSPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine L 1IT1 . ..f i.ni.in" i. nanillllM Axpirui provcil mfc liy millions and pre wrilwd by phyiiciwiit fur ovn twenty noka(ro" which wintalnn procr diroc- t)ll to rolu'V Hi'Bilat'Jie, luoiiwno. Kamclif. Nrarul!ia, Rheumatism, Colds and I'ain. Handy tin boies oi is tau- Ut cost few rents. Drui'lats aleu eeU lart'er "Bayer paekace." Aspirin ia .-.. i r. H.v MunufM,.tiira Mona VIKUC . , gcaticucideater of KallcylicaclJ. liran OK UH TO THK MIM'TF. MILLINlll Y. FANCY (iOOIand MIVKI.'I I KH, Buttetirk'x I'alteins K & 0. Corsets, MiHspat?5c. I.adifs 7.ric. to 1. Ml l'rirex w ill be made to suit the tiiueH. HatH anil HuuuetN made and tnuiuied tu order. ALL MAIL OKI'KHS 1'KO.MITLY F1LLKH. SIRS, 1'. A. I.KW1S, Weldop, N.C! Notice of Summons North Carolina, Halifax County, In the. Superior Court Martha C'urtia, IMaiutill', V. William Curtis, Defendant. To William Cuitis, Defendant: '1'lie defeu.lant ahove-uamad willtaU notice that an action entitled an almve hah been commenced in the Superior Court of Halifax County, the purpose of said action heini; to ohtain a divorce foi the plamtilf from ttie said defendant, the irroundfdherc fur heiui; the xiutua lory ground of adultery; and the de fendant will further lake notice that he ix reiuired to appeal ul tlieCourt House ofsaid coniitv ut Halifax, N. ('., un Monday, llie'-.'llth dayof July, lih!ll, and aiiMuei'ui demur to Hie roiiipluiut irr aid aelion, or the pluiiitiil will upf.ly totlie Court for the tvliel theiein pray ed for. Tins lire lllh day of June, ItiL'il. S. M O.MiV, Clerk Superior Court of Halifax county W. . DAS1KI., Attorney. WANTED. Good white men, who are desire ous of steady positions at good wages. Fine chances for advance ment. Address Ciirsapkake Corporation, 1 X'esi Point, Va. For Oood Service And Quick Repair 00 TO THE RED STAR GARAGE, 7!iy Halifax, n. u FOR SALE. 170 saw gin ouifii. Must go at J bargain to make room far larger plant. Will trade or 40 H. P. steam engine. J. P, Leach, DROWN AMD OX-BLOOD BEST FOR HOMK SMINES-SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE I'ACKAGES Also PASTES and LIQUIDS for lilaclr.Tun and White Shoes THE F F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS Ll D., BUFFALO, N. Y. JUH ! Mil If II II III ll 1 It'll soon be in Museums Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It's mercury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead I When you feel bilious, alugginh, constipated un.l nil, knocked out and believe you need ir dose of dangerous calomel, just remember that your druggist sells for a tw cents a large bottle of Hudson's I iver Tone, which ii entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is '-'tr. '" ANOTNbH LEAP YKAR CONDITION. "Will you marry me?" "Yes, if you will do the asking father stunt." Loss of Appetite. As a general rule there is. nothing se rious ubout a loss of appetite, uud if you skip a meal or only eat tivo meals a day fur a few days you will soon have a relict, fi.i meats when meal time comes. I'.i-ll iu nnn, I (hut ut trust live hours should ahvay etapo between luealv so tnve Ho food umplr time lo digest and tin- -.lulu'tch a pel 0. 1 to h-l l l,,i,. a sreulld Ule.d is taken. ThfU if Voil eat no nioie ttiuu you eiave and lake u rea sonable amount of outdutii rxeieise i very day you w ill mil neetl to worry about your appetite. W hen the loss uf appetite i.s caused by constipation as is often the ease, that should be corrected at once. A thisrul Chamberlain's Tab lets will do it. A youth always wishes he were older, and a woman always wishes she were younger. calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without atirrlog you ug inside, and can not salivate. Don't take calomel! It makes you si.k the next day; it loses you a day'i woik. Dodson's Liver Tone straight ens you right up and you feet great, (live it to the children becauao It U perfectly harmless and doesn't grip. For Weak Women In use for over 40 years! Thousands of voluntary letters from women, tell ing of the good Cardul has done them. This is the best proof of the value of Cardul. It proves that Cardui is a good medicine tor women. There are no harmful or habit - lormind drugs in Cardui. It is composed only of mild, medicinal ingredients, with no bad aller-eliects. ., i I, fijfWV-tfi -i1avih- iiif) i 'mi IMIir m Jf-it- t - - Our friends are doing more "crowing" than we are became we are the "minority" crowers. Two hundred thousand Southern automobile owners use and praise "GREEN FLAG" Motor Oil because it is something "WORTH CROWING OVER." They find ,'his world's supreme lubricant not only answers, but faithfully maintains to the last 1 . . I I ' I . ..C kni..l!i,n Costs no more to begin with Costs Isss In tbs end Supplied if the lollowlnf woll-snowo deslersi Ask for Green Flea C.eer Compound and Cuu Ureasa Bounds Motor Co., Weldon; Halifax Garage, Halifax; C.W. Gregory, Tillery; N. A. Riddick Motor Cur Co., Disirihtuors, Scotland Neck; J. C. Smith Garage, Resemury; l:urgetson & Olsen, Litileion. ',ff si.-H Weldun girls remind iis of gran, uhied stigur. because they are sweet and rehned. MOW S THIS ? We oll't-1 Our Humlii'.l (tullurs Hi'wanl fui any case ut't iiluiih tliul cannot lit cured liy Hull's atarrli Mnliciiit'. Hulls tit an It Mnlii'ini' Iium lu'cn tukrii liy (iituiili MiiU'i'it is i'ui the past H't years, ami lias Ixvniui' kiiuwu uh the muHt it'liaMt1 rent tly I'm ru'unh. HuITh fat an It .Mf.litMiu ui-ts tlnu I In lilooil ou tlic M tH'ons Mit t'at't's, rxprlliui; tht I'msoii It tiii th I'.Ilh.iI iiml lii'alitiK tlte lllHt'USfll puitituis. After yuu haw lukrn llaH'f Culuuh Mt'ilicine lor a stunt time you will see a great impii-wim-nl in your ueii -ViX heulth. Slait tnUitiu Hall's Mt.lienie at onee and cct t il I" caiai i Ii. 1 1 ul I'm I'atanli Met he i in-1 taken inter nally iietini; iliiet'tly upon the liltKl uud niuootiK HUtt'iiet is td'tlie Kystein. TeNtinmnialH xent dee. I'lu'e l't eentH per hottlr. Hold hy ilnicniMtr.. IIaII'n Kamtlv I'iIIh lot l!oiHtt aliou Summer Cumpluint in Children, There is not aitytltiiiL' like ho many deaths ho in t lii .liM-ase nmv as he fore i'hamliertain's ( olie and lhairlio.ia liemedy came into mk-Ii ireneiul use. When this lemetlv is liivt'ii with castor oil as directed and proper care is taken to diet, it is safe to ,-ay that fully ninety-nine of every huudied eases re- eover. Mr. W. (i. Campliell. of liiitler, I'euu,, sjivh: "I have used ( 'hainlter- Iain's Colic ami Hianlioea liemedy lor Huminereoniplaint in clnldren. H is fur ahead of unylhitiw. 1 have used for Jhis puipose." Mopping the brow and looking for the ice man goes f.ir to nuke out the program lor iht se hot days. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of If you want to be well informed lake a paper, liven a paper of pins will give you some good points. Chamberlain's Colic and Dlra rhoea Remedy. This medicine, always wins the good opinion it not the praise of those who -use it. Try it when you have need of audi a remedy. Hot sunshine w ith an occasional rain, is all that is needed now. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A It's a sneey thing to catch cold nnd cverv one nrwc ii Summer Complaint (Jukkly Relieved. "About two yearn ao when ull'erinif fioui a severe attack of summer com daiut, 1 took Ihaiiilu-rUiiu's Colic and IMarihoea Keinedv and it relieved me aluumt instantly," writes Mrs. Henry .lewelt, Clark Mills, N. Y. This is an excellent remedy lor colic aud diar rhoea and should he kept at liaud by evei y family. . AN ORDINANCE. I "or Box and Can Privies Only. That a fee of f0 cents per pnvv unit per mouth shall he paid iu advance to the Chief of I'oIich Kithiu the Iiml tea days of each month for Hcaveugiiig the privien, which dhall he doue each week by the town lithe, above tee ia not paid in advauce as above stated, twenty live (ft.) ceutN extia Hhall be added to each monthly lee. By of order of the Board ol Town Com luiunioueiti: W. W. WIUGINS, Mayor. E,.UHAYWAiU;,gierii. 4 TAKE ii The YoLian's Tonic You can rely on C'irdui. i-ni -!) it will do lor jvu v.'.i.d it lis done lor su it;-.. Ioju.'.:o.1s of other woiiIloI It should help. "I v.as taken sick, secin.d lo be . . . ," writes .Mrs. .Miry E.Veste, of iL.:i.:,iii l!eihls, Va. "I i; :t down so weak, could hardly walk . . . just staggered around. ... I read ot Cardul, and after taking one bot tle, or before taking quite all, 1 felt much better. 1 took 3 or 4 bottles at that time, and was able to do my work. 1 take It in the spring when run down. 1 had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It Is the best tonic I ever aw." Try Cardul. All Druggists GK.CHESTERS PILLS BRANO DIAMOND 1 LADIES I Aft. rour lirtunrlK fur Cltl CHSS-TltR S A DIAMOND I'kAND PILLS to Rxo ItiJ Cold metallic boxet. ifaleil with Blue(O) Ribbon. Tasb ho otbik. Buy f your vV DrMtTRlit mi ft.k far ( lll.t'UKH.TCU V D 11 HON It RniNI) Pll.I.a, fur t went ?-(!? yttrircfrsrdfil ai first, Sifctt, Alnar HflUble. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS SSS, EVERYWHERE SSS'i Lift qffComs! Doesn't hurt a bit and Frcetone costs only a few cents, Willi your flnper"! Ymi ran lift ofT any tint J corn, tmi l i-m n. m vo n between the toes, and the lutrd kin ralhines frotq bottom of feet. A tiny bottle ol "Freeone" coatt littla at any drug Mure; iipfly a few drupi upon the corn or ratlin, lntttntly it atoni hurling, then shortly you lift that bothcriome corn or ml lug right off, root and all. without one bit of pain or aura Seas. Truly 1 No humbug! Worn Down, Out of Heart Georgia Lady, Worn-out and Tired, Tells How She Was Helped by Ziron Iron Tonic. THK personal experience of Mrs. Nannie Phillips, of I'owder Springs, On., Is printed below In her own words: "I was In a worn out condltlun. My moiuath was out of order. I didn't aleep well. 1 was tlnd all the time. I couldn't hnlf eat, and didn't rest Well at night. "I would get out of heart and blue. I would feel Ilka 1 was gulng to tie down la lied. Yet 1 l.ert dragging arouud. "We heard of Zlron, and from what I rend, I was sure It wouldn't hurt me, If It didn't help me. But after taking It, I found It really helped me. and I ent back fur more. I ate better, fult much slrougor. I am sura Zlron Is a splendid tonlo." Many people, who are worn down and disheartened, due to Btomach disorders aud nervous Ills, find relief by toning up their blood with Zlroa Iron Tonic Tell your druggist you want to try Zlron on our money-back guarantee). EAST CAROLI NA Teachers Training School. A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Terms begins September 29. 1920. Tor catalogue and other information address ROBERT H WRIGHT, President, M-2m (iREBNVILLE, N. C. ONEY TO LOAN. -Money to loan on improved land. Long terms. A. a. dtainback, -Weldon, N. C. THI-: TIME FOR SAVING and gening ahead in the game of lite is NOW . With a Bank Account started and steadily growing you will experience a pleasure of accomplishment in saving ihai comes from naught else. The liesi way is to come in and siart an Account To-Day. Unii't delay on account ol die amount you have for ihe start. m .WILDQN. N.C.I I Ladies Suits And Coats Of supreme quality, greatly reduced in price Immense line of Ladies' Dresses in Silks, Geor. getts and Voiles at reasonable prices. Entire line of Voiles, Organdies and Flaxons re duced for the next ten days. Prices cut on all low shoes during next ten days THE IPUT jlutl STORE M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND (iLNT'S OUTHTTtR, StcnograiHiy-1 ypcwnting-Bookkceping Study These Courses. You Are Wanted At a Good Salary. Lei your training be thorough and reliable. The Summer Session of the Smiihdeal Business College offers you an opportunity to raise your own salary or equip yourself for a refined and lucrative posiiion. Be ready lor an active Fall. Our (acuity will advance you rapidly. Write for catalogue. CJolIede 9th and Broad SU.lichmond.Va OL,DIST BUSINESS COL1EGB IN THE- SOUTH (TTfitiittilYtt. UflMTPn THE ROANOKE NEWS TO BE A VISITOR TO II Mil I LU EVERY HOME IN WELDON AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. SUBSCRIBE N0Wt

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