gSTAIiUSIII-l) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscrii)liiiSl SO Per Annum VOL. LV. WELDON, N. (!., TIIUKSDAV, All-l'ST T, IUK). NO. 1 I A LITTLE WRECK, Children Cry for Fletcher's I Sam Went to Preaching lord In a mw "MY MOTHER"--THEN AND NOW, The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use fur over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per tbaal suPrvisiol since its infanc. weary-. uAum n0 one t() deccive you in this All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What isOASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fevcrishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural cletp. The Children Comfort Ihe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of (The lines below adJresseJ 10 the "Oilier Mother," whiten by Mr. Eugene Williams, in answer lo the short poem of Florence Wolcott on S.mii, Mr. Cljik's man of all 1 ihe latter day mother, are so touching and so responsive to the tender wi.ik, delighted when his em- j sentiment of the old lime filial devotion .is lo be worih reproduction.) NOT "MY MOTHER." By Hovakd VCouxm. We read about ilie mothers of the day's of long ago. Willi their wrinkled faces and their hair as while as snow; They were "middle-aged" at forty, and at fifty donned lace caps, And ai sixty clung to shoulder shawls ami loved their little naps. In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought H CPNTAMP Cn J r W VOWK CITV, Subdivide and Sell by Our Moden Method Results are Quick return lor your land. thmiiih I en ted lor 1921). b wutth hundreds of dollars to yu C ir S; ioruiftL- S.-r -. endorsed hv I sflli is, uds viu luitr- Your twin will s-ll now, t-ven The Pathfindt r pivi.; I . .11 i ititiailar:.- il may .i.J f r it TODAY. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO. "Tti Nuine Tli. t JiiBtlliL-a Your CuiiliJcin e" Onu'Bs:PKTl:kSHUI C.VA.iiikIGKI.KNVII.I.K.N.C. kdari-iitea; Any liunk j i pplrr'.liiir,: Vu ,r G'"iMvl!le. N.C Halifax County Real Estate & Local Contract Ins. Co., Scotland Neck, N. Representatives. C. 1 J m m m m m $s m m m m m tatU m m m m SSrtFor One Week Only.TSI m m m m Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice nam. we nave anvthinir you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods GOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings rults. Our prices make you think Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, 10 Per Cent. Reduction For CASH ONLY. TO RHDUCF STOCK I will cllow 10 per cent, discount, l:or Cash on all goods where bill amounts to One Dollar or over. 4. L. SWflBUCK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N m m - nn m m m m MM m m m mm m mm m j I. OJ, -11. .LJf 'Ui -VI I VI Tfi '.W .iJy u. Near Batcbclor'i Open ttoune.1 Wlil DON. N.C plmi-r ijiihi him lo drive the new Ford, and une Saturday evening he asked hi h ive the car Sunday lo go hi piYiiclrtn', a mile down de mad " Mr. Clark consented, telling him in bring ihe car back Sunday aficrniuin, ami Sam drove oil' proudly. Sunday afternoon came, Inn mi Sum. Sunday night c.inie, and Sam and ihe car were Slill misMiii;. On Monday morn ing Sain appeared w ith a very sol emn face. "Hello!" said Mr Clark. "What i yi.u inra.i I y ilns ? Where is ilie c ii ?" 'Well, biss," said Sum, "you see, sell, i iliniiglii 1 d go over to Mat Met bin g M'stiday, aii'.l I gol in a liule wraik." "A little Oh, you got in a wreck, did you? Any thing hurl?" 'Yesseli. You knows dat big pane of glass you looks ih'oo, up in Ironi?" "Yes, the wind shield." "Well.-dai's broke all to pieces." Mr. Clark groaned. "Anything else?" "Yesseh. You knows dat thing you po's de water in?" "The radiator? Yes." "Well, dat's a-lyin down beside de engine." Sam made a sweeping gesture toward the ground. 'Sam!" 'Yesseh. tin you knows dem rubber things round de wheels?" 'Yes, the tires. Any of them hurt?" "Dey's all busied!" "Sam !" "Yesseh. l:n you knows dem things dat slicks out over de wheels like dis?" Sam extended his arms and curved his hands ( alius down in front of him. "Yes, the guards. Well?" "Dey's a-sinin' right up like dis." Sun bent his elbows and puinied ihe backs of his finger tips toward his shoulders. 'Sam," Mr. Clark cried, "is anything left of that cur?" 'Yesseh, yesseh; de cushions ain't hurt a mile!" Bui 1 love the modern mother who can share in all the joys, And who understands the problems of her growing girls and boys; She may boast thai she is sixty, but her heart is iweniy-lhree My glorious, bright eyed mother who is keeping young with me. said. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of THi:N-"MY MOTHliR." By i:ik,i:ni: Williams. My mother was of the mothers of ihe days of long ago, She had a sweet and gentle face, and her hair was white as snow: She wore a liule lucking comb upon her stately head, And she would luck ihe covers in while our liule prayers were When ihe evening meal was over and ihe mush and milk was fed To us dirty liule urchins just before we went to bed, Our mother would embrace us, and wiih tender, loving care Would ask ourCod to save us in her little evening prayer. She, loo, shared our sorrows and was happy in our joys; Her patient, loving kindness was given to the boys; The little girls she tended with sweet and motherly care, And told ihem of the Christ-child and the beautiful golden stair. You prefer your modern mother who can do the shimmy dance, Who will play the ponies like a man, or any game of chance; Who looks upon the wine when red and chuckles in her glee, And imagines she is only iweniy when, in fact, she's sixty-three. But, oh, for that old mother, whose hair was while as snow, Who has passed the pearly gates, and with the blest I know; Just one more lime to feel her hand upon my aching head, And lo tell me that she loves me before 1 go to bed! To Society and her children and to the Kingdom Come, She played a nobler part than many mothers do at sixty-one. You may lake your bright-eyed mother who shares in all your joys, Who fox-trots with the modern girls and "shimmies" with the boys, Bui leave to me the memory of the mother of long ago, With lucking comb and lace caps on a head as white as snow. 811 H WAS PUZZl.lil). j Ma in-law had descended in the first bliss of the marriage life, "just for a few days, dears!" And she ! as there yet. Hubby stood two years of it; then he broke loose and one morn ing, wiihoui even packing a clean j collar, he bolted. In tears the de serted wife told the tale to her mother. "I suppose there is some nasty low woman behind n," said the old lady grimly. "There is, moiher," replied the unhappy wife, desperate with her grief. "Her name?" demanded nta-inlaw, palpiiating with rage like a motor lorry. "You are her she, I mean!" reioried ihe daughter dramatically. "Me!" was the pu.led com ment. "Well, I'm sure I never gave him any encouragement." Lon don Answers. UUDITP COD DDIPyC We handle in large Mill I L I Ull I IIIULO ui qualities and can fill your orders Iroui slocks ol Southern Millet, Clow I'eas, Velvet Hcaus, Suja Beans, Soudan Crass, Sorghums, Crimson Clover, Grasses and ( Hovers ot all kinds, Harrison's Quality Baby Chick and Scratch I ced. bull line of Poultry Supplies, including ihe celebrated Buckeye Incubators and Brooders, Buck Wheal, l)waii Hssex Rape. Write for our CROP MLSSLNGLR giving valuable information of interest to every farmer and gardener. I'Rlili. Let us put you on our mailing list. W. H. HARRISON & 00., Inc., 17-19 Washington St., PLTLRSBURG, VA. i '.'ii '.a A 1.0N0 PROCESS. your "1 don't quite understand position in this nutter." "I might explain it to you," said Senator Sorghum, "but I'm afraid it wouldn't do any good. You wouldn't understand the expla nation either." Washington Star. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A WHAT SHE SAID. Mrs. Nextdoor Did you really say that I was bad-tempered with my children? Mrs. Gabbs says so. Mrs. Ovenheway No, indeed, dear, I told her, on the contrary, that you must have the disposition of an angel to put up with them at all. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA HHH ADVICE. Dim Lumber Millwork Co. Weldon. N C. MANiKAcruHKasjor Building; Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDKB AM) KKOiliLAH STOCK S1ZK& Om4 Materials, Hif h Oratft Workman"! Out Stoft-aa. He was one of those fellows who thought he could do unyihing, an opinion shared by some of his friends. "I can'i decide w hether to go in for panning or poetry," he re marked one evening to ihe young lady he bored with his vain chat ter. "I'd go in for painting if I were you," replied ihe girl. "Then you've seen some of my paintings?" "Oh, no!" she told him, cruelly. But I ve heard some ol your poetry." Houston Post. Fa SALE- HY KurirersoD Dru( Co., Halifax. 11. C. Pair, Weldon. jyttWI INSURIi YOUR CURING BARN AND CONTLN ISWITH l.UTHLRC. DRAIMiR AGUNT, WLLDON, N. C , IN THL N.C. 1I0M1: INSL'RANCL COMPANY, RAL lilGH, N. C. CAPITAL $ lil(l,()i)i) 00 ASSl-TS $m,8l.H2 SURPLUS To Policyholders $072, Hi.Wlt) DHLAYKD APPLICATION. An insurance man tells this one; "Not long ago there rushed into one of our offices in the South a very excited woman; so excited, in fact, thai she was out of breath and could speak only with diffi culty. "What's the trouble?" asked one of the clerks. "I want a policy at once at once," exclaimed ilie woman, when she had recovered suffi ciently to articulate. "Our house is on firs." SOMETIMES. A teacher was telling her class liule stories in naiural history, and she asked if any one could tell her what a ground-hog is. L'p went a little hand waving frantically. "Well, Tommy, you may tell us what a ground-hog is." "Please, ma'am, it's a sausage." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA THK LAST NOHSI: SHOW. Two men thrown together at a horse show were discussing their adventures with the equine tribe. "A horse ran away with me once, and I wasn't out for two months," remarked the nun wiih the Trilby hat. "That's nothing!" replied ihe man with a bowler. "I ran away with a horse once, and I wasn't out for two years!" CHICHESTERS PILLS SOMETHINO IN ONE LESSON. "Do you iliink you could learn to love me?" asked the young man. "Well I don't know," replied the sweet young thing, thought fully. "I have $5,000 in Libeny bonds, $10,000 invested in good-paying stock" "Go on: I'm learning." "And $50,000 in well paying real estue " "All right, dear; I've learned. Believe me, you're some teacher!" Yonker's Statesman. DEATH RATTLE OF Dodion ii Destroying Sale Dangerous Drug with Hit "Liver Tone." of You're bilious, Dliipiilsh, conllpated and believe you need vile, dangerous cal omel to atari your liver and clean your bnwala. Here Dndaun'e puarantwl Ask your druK'"t '"r bottle of DodMin'e l.lver and Uke a Buoonful toniuht. If It doenn't etart your liver and atraHjIiten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you alrlc I want you to go bat-k to the etore and vet vour money. Take calomel todtfy and tomorrow you wil! feel weak and ili'K and naueeaieu. llon't loe a ilay'e work Take a spoon ful of liariuleae, vegetable Dodaon's l.iver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great 111 perfectly harmleee, ao give it to your children any time. It can't sali vate ao let them eat anything after-varda. DAVID'S SALVE Is great forLcema Itch, Piles, Sores. Cuts, Poisons, Uuios ll will nul ii 1 ioiic die Icndci est skin is soothing. Gel and use one box and you will always keep it in the family. Ii is not made to compete with other salves, for ii is in a class entirely 10 iisell. Ii was made as a home remedy for many years and has without effort, gone into every State in the Union. Cut out this adv. and take to your druggist. II he cannot supply you, send 7.5c. and you will be mailed a large size trial package If after using it you are not entirely satisfied with the results your money will he refunded without question. Take no substitute. In sist on OAS' ID'S or none. DAVID REMEDY CO., HLNDLRSON, N. C. jy M 41 DIAMOND X5uk BRAN0 Trw l's, Lift offCorns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freotone costs only a few cents. Bank Vice-President Tells How Ziron Iron Tonic Helped His Daughter After Operation fur Appendicitis. A J'hlt fniy Hfi!(. is !;:n-- ,t. Un til .4 tlilli ; u l li'itli i- s ti ti 11U lii Kin to t;-t aicii.M yuur l:i'k cl tr nsiU and t'ii: w a tired, wcuk TUw sooner you yet your utretiRth tuck tMf boit'T. Tim thing to do tb tn tut iiijiity of Rood, tiourtshiiiR food, fct i all the fn sh ulr you can, t-xt.-mse connervatlvely, and take Ziron Iron Tonic three times a day. Vour doctor will tell you his la luuud advlcu, and urge you to lu.tow it. Head JU 1' ft-r from Mr. J. II Kelft', vln' j.r. ...(! lit 'if Ma Hrft National Hank, liiai evlik, Kla.r "My daughtoi1 had bo ii In hud auiiitti flluu lunt April. Mho waR oiHTiiti il on for appendicitis. Shu has t.i-tii inking Ziron fur two weulo. Jlur appetttii Ik littler than It hari he n. Hr nerves are bettor, and une nays nhe feola bettor ... I know that Ziron la guod for weak end fot-blo People." Zlron U a prlentlftc, reconstructs tonic, prejmred from valualile strength tmtldintT IhKrt dientB, for weak people with thin Mood. Imu'sU's isell Zlron on a money-back guarantee. Try it. IfiAST CAROLINA Teachers Training School. A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina, livery enerjry is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. F:all Terms begins September 2). 1920. For catalogue and other information address ROBF.RT H WRIGHT, President, 7-l-2m liKEIiNVII.Ln, N. C. Lams 1 A.k j.ur Dnnl.1 (or Cnt-CHB Tgl S A LI1MOND bKAND PIU.S In Bid ndA Cold metallic bote., teiled wall BluetO) Kibbnn. r.II HQ OTIII. BarrfTeury Drum!, aid a.k tor CIII.CUai.Ta a V VIAUOND BHAND P1I.LB, for twrtitf-Bvo year, rrg.nlrd aa Bc.l.Safeal, AIwiyi Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS $S& EVERYWHERE JE&'A T ill- TIM I: l-ul' SAVIM i .nul tlLiiint! iihcuJ in ihe gume of life is NOW . Wiih ;i H:ink Auouni Mjncd and steadily growing you ill expi-nentu a pleasure of accomplishment in saving thai conies Irnm naughi else. The best way is m ciune in and start an Account To-Day. l)on'i delay on amount ol the .nnount you have for the start. 1 WELDON- N.C. I8 For Qood Service And Quick Repair 00 TO THK RED STAR GARAGE, 7 221Y HALIFAX, NX With your linr-' Y'-u r.m lift off any hurd com, oit i ..mi. .r nun U-tftt?tn the t(Mrt, ari'l Hit- (mrd -km mltu-i'i) from bothira of fret. A tmy htitiit- nt "l-'tfi . ti.-" rot little t any (ltu Kttm; .ipply fiw ilropi upon ihe cum r c;iihi-..' lntant!y it Blunt hurting, tlu-n alixitlr ,Tku lift that but her kuiiu' cnin tir enHm riht off, root ml nil, w it rnmt i it h' )i t uf (Mill pr iur t'rie Truly! No liumltig! AN ORDINANCIi. " Tor Box and Can Privies Only, That a fee otTtti reuts per tnivy uuit per ni(tiitlt oliall he paul in advance to the rliiefof Police Kitlnu tlie UimI leu ilaya of each month for seaveinfmit' the pnvieti, which nliall he June each week by the tow.i If the ahove lee is not paul 111 advance asabuve staU'J, twenty Live centH extra shall he aiUlc.i to each uiuuthly fee. ty of order of the Hoard of Town Com iniaaiouer: W. W. WltiiilSS, Mayor. K. L. HAYWAKD, Clerk. Ladies Suits And Coats Of supreme quality, greatly reduced in price Immense line of Ladies' Dresses in Silks, (ieor. Xetts and Voiles at reasonable prices. Fntire line of Voile., Organdies and l laxons re duced for the next ten days. Prices cut on all low shoes during next ten days THE '1 4 5ir I n 1 1 r j 1 U ll S T 0 H E M. FREID, Proprietor. WKLDON, N. C. LADIliS AND GliNT'S Ob'Tl lTTER, Wanted BOOKKEEPERS ! STENOGRAPHERS. MONEY TO LOAN. -Money 10 loan on improved land. Long terms. A. B. STAINBACK, Weldon, N. C. The demand for young men and women who are well trained in these callings is greatly in excess of the supply, and will continue to be. Smiihdeal graduates are recogni.ed hi business man 10 be above ihe average in competence. The faculty vull take a special interest in fit ting you for a good paying position. Attend our Summer Session you are needed at a lucrative salary next Fall. Vi rile for catalogue. College 9th and Broad Sti.ldchmond.Vl OIjDDST BUSINESS COUEGB in the south oSmfwail THE ROANOKF NEWS TO HE A VISITOR TO EVERY HOME IN WELDON AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. SUBSCRIBE NOW. WANTED

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