i-JTAliUSIIlil) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$l 50 Per Annum WELDON, N. C, TIIUHSDAY. Al'UST ll, H20. NO. 15 Net r.onoils lSFluirt Drachm' f ') si- T. ti .is: ( "! ASTORIA AlCOIIOL-3 VliW UBNT- Afo6otnblcrrcpafa1ionror.s ti not he Slomflcfis ami How or Tlicrcbj' lYomoiin Di:s1Iotv, Cheerfulness am s m.uh" ncKhcr Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic jMjoiducmiMiinm jhct,l.Mtt I Remedy for tosliiKitionunilUwrrnoca liml Ft-wrlsnni M . fuc Simile Signature of -ir.inmvnC.ONMJor. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears ' the Signature. of fa ft .IrV ii Use For Over Thirty Years -ATI Exact Copy of Wrapper. ,,,,0 IMMMMHMMHMHWMUMUHi U-EBUbUkBM. trTfl fr ! Ill II II III IHiW I Subdivide and Sell by (lor Moden Method R R Mill t ft Afft OllJrlc 0 r Sl it'!lti,lL'Si r . endorsed by IsJ - , r. i. ii-t',:; ul w ilt is, yields you larg- iij. est rvturns fur your land. Yuur .jim v. ill n'a,!ily soil now, even though fftitcii for 192U. 1 he Pathfnuh i (;iv. : full j artk ulars it may be worth hundreds of dollars to yu . Und i"r it TODAY. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO. "f tin Name Tli, ; JuBiifit's Yuur Confident" OftictwPKTKKSDUl G.VA. aruIGK KKNVILLK, N. C. References: Any UanUl.i Pftfriiburij Va or Granville, N. C m t .g Halifax County Real I-staie & Ins. Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. Local Contmct Representatives. J L I J ill U 1 it 10 Per Cent. Reduction For CASH ONLY. rpo REDUCE STOCK 1 will allow .1- 10 per cent, discount, For Cash m m m on all goods where bill to One Dollar or over. amounts m t WFor One Week Only.T52 1 U4 f The Busy Store, 4. l swmcK, 1 WELDON, N C Choice Hamc 1 1M1 a m There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of nur choice ham We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned (loods GOOD GROCERIES build up ihe system, stimulate the bruin, and .hint And riphi thinktne brings best re- rults. Our prices make you ibink. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Bvtchelor'i Opera ltmie, W I I DON, N.C Dim Lumber' ft MM h Weldon, N C. MANUKACTOBKKHflOF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOKDER AND EKOULAB STOCK blZKS. Onl MaUrlata, Mlgli Uradt Waikmaoslilp Our Slogaa. ADVERTISED BY ITS GREAT ALLIES A chiisi, Is known hy III friends, Ki IcimIh j i ill Hii)iiiii'U.rs of WHiuun nf filial' i iv li'Blim unit liic.'l in lo prui'tl' '"It ' iH'i'.v lliMili'llllul urifiinliiilloil, Hialu nml l in 1 tot in I. A piirllul list fol Iiiwm : Bunnen Organliatlom, Allll'llillll llllHllll'HH WllllllMl'H ASSO rlnllrtll, Wlilill'll (ll'lilii (Il-IIWIMS' Ahjjo- i'IiiIIimi, iliimil riiiiiii'll i,r I'iiIIwI Com inoi'i'liil 'l'invt.i'i,1 Niulnmil Aiiiirloun LtltiT I'linliTs' AsMii'lmluii. Industrial Organlzatlona. Natliiiml Women'a Trnile Union I.eaKui', UtiHciI Mine Workers, Aniiil (tiiiniili'il Ansoi'lnttiiii of Slivet mill KliTlrli- Kiilhvny KlnpliiyceM of Anier len, U'esiern Kt'ilcrntton of Mlni'm, Unllcil Textile Workers of America. Professional Organizations. Nul lomil Edllorlnl Aisoeliillnn, In termillnnnl ('otinell of NurseH, Aiimrt run Nurses' Assoelutlon, Natlonul I.enpue of Xurslliif Kiluenlli'li, Amerl eiin l''o,leralion of Touchers, Nut tonal Eihiotitlomil Assnelntloo, Assoelotton of Collejilme Aluninno. Religious Organjzatlons. Metlioillst Hiilseopiil C'lmreli, flen ernl (.'onferi'tiee ; Nnttonul Soetoty of KrlenilH. United Presbyterian Church es of North America, Centml Confer ence of American Italibls, Nulional Conference of Unitarians, Jewish Con cress, t'resliyterlan Church of the United Stales of America (General Assembly), General, Sunday School Convention of Universalis! Churches, Kastcrn Council of Iteformed Hahhls. Fraternal and Benevolent. National Order of Mnccabees, Inter national Order of Good Templars, Grand Lode ; National Women's Ke llef Corps; the Great Hive, Ladles of the Modern Maccabees ; Women's Be navolent Association of Maccabees. Agricultural Organizations. National Grange, Formers' National Congressi. Women's Organizations, International Council of Women, representing over 7,000,0)00 women; ieneral Kederution of Women's Clubs, representing over 2,!00,000 wo men ; forty State federations of wo men's clubs. Women's Christian Tem perance Union. Population of North Carolina Over Twenty-one Years of Age While women, 358,r83. Colored wo men, lW.'JUtl. Thereto, there are ltii,;W7 more white women In North Curolllin than colored. White women. !IM,S83. Colored men and women, ,10,1,1)88. Therefore, there are over "iO.ikiO more white women In Nnrih I'liroliim than colored men and women toyeiher. Population of Tennessee Over Twenty-one Years of Age White wolnen, llli.ilin. Colored wo men, VA!.7n7. Therefore, there aro 20tVti:','. i e white women III Tennes see than colored, or more than three times us many white as colored women. White women, -1111,010. Colored men uud women, iHl.Rlti. Therefore, there are 177,717 more white women In Tennessee than colored men and wo men together. EVERYTHING TO GUN BY WOMAN SUFFRAGE MEN LOSE NOTHING they keep their votes. THE HOME WILL GAIN A VOTB In addition to the one It had before, THE WIFE WILL GAIN more In. teresta In common with her husband. THE MOTHER WILL GAIN the power to reduce the high cost of liv ing, to get better schools and recrea tion plaoes for her children and decent working conditions for hsr older eona and daughters. THE CHILDREN WILL GAIN double protection when the father and mother both can vote, THE FARMER WILL GAIf 1 be cause farm women will vote for farm Interests. THE STATE WILL GAIN becauee It will have the service of experts In housekeeping. GOVERNMENT WILL GAIN be cauee It can use the Intelligence of ALL THE PEOPLE Instead of only one-half. WHAT THE ANTIS DON'T TELL YOU Antl-Buffriiglsts tell you that between 10111 and 1018 the Socialist vote In creased per cent. So It did, but what the anils don't tell you Is that the tncrciiKtt came to the year ltild-ltH7, when women were not voting. The Socialist statu vote for governor In 1018 was 'JH.ttiifl leas than the city vote alone for mayor In 1017. City vote: ly 10, for governor B&fflS 1017, for mayor 145,828 1018. for governor 80,427 A deorease of 98,901 In the olty So cialist vote In the year women voted. If you are going to disfranchise any body for being a Socialist, disfranchise the men. They contribute the bulk of Socialist votes. IOH. .'.ALL BY I'utixerson lliug Co, Halifax. M C. Pair, Weldon. jy SI not For Good Service And Quick Repair OO TO THE RED STAR GARAGE, 7 my IUUFAX.N.CL Makes his truck farm net $250 per acre Real farming methods and real overalls Herman Moeller has found them both rTEN years of fiimiinj,' and I today Herman Moeller nmkes his farm net lH'f0 per iiore in garden truck. Herman Moeller suvs lie's tried a lot of overalls in those ten years and now he sticks to Blue Buckle OverAlls every time. lie lias found that Blue Buckles stand up under every test of farm work he gives them. And millions of other men, getting iu crops, working in factories, running railroads men on big jobs everywhere have found the same thing about Blue Buckles, 'ilwy stand the tent on every job. Find out for yourself abimt Blue Buckles. Test Hie long-wearing denim cloth, the wide dotible-st itched seams. Keel the com fort of the roomy Blue Buckle pattern. Blue Buckle OverAlls and ( 'oats never bind or rip. Solid workmanship in every detail is bound to give you real value. All si.cs Men's, Youths', Children's. Ask your dealer today for Blue Buckles. "Every puir of lilue llnclden M ulivtiin bit), st ron tu nil comfortable." (Sigued) 11.11. Moeller I llii ilii ri . j. iv 0 a sit mKLJ WaaaMaV itm .1- Blue Buckle OverAlls , Biggest selling overall in the world FOR more tire mileage, more miles to a gallon of gasoline, greater riding comfort and for the best possible tire investment Next Time BUY FISK These tires arc built to this Ideal : "To be the beat concern in the world to work for and the aqueureit concern in existence to do business with." WliLDON MOTOR CO., Weldon, N. C L. J. BRADLEY, Jackson, N. C 1 1 " ''j2&rJ'i'c3 liSii1.sJO dT"l' "' 1 1 1,1 Gained Ten Pounds Bejore Taking Z1RON, Alabama Man Was Weak, Nervous, Had No Appetite, Bui is Now Strong. EVKKY man end woman, who is In a urn iIowd. weak condition, with bail complexion and poor appe tite, due to luck of Iron In their blood, should find Zlrou liul:lul and strength kulldliiK. It Is a scientific, reconstructive tontc, eniuiioseil of Ingredients recommended b badliiK medical authorities. iJescrlliliig his experience with Ztron, Hr. Ueorge W. S. Lunler writes from Jones, Ala.: "Sometime hack, I was In a tervllile condition. I was weak and nervotiR, anil had a tired feeling all Uie time. My ukm was muddy. I bad no appellta, and at morning I iIIqu t feel like getting Up. I was reading of Ztron and decided I would try It . . , "Will say that Ztron Is a Rood medl cine. I hare gained ten pounds In four months. Am strong and have a good appetite." I Ztron Is a mild Iron tonic, good fori young and old. ft helps to restore! the system, when run-down by ovor-j work, under-nourlabment, caused byj Btoniach or bowel disorders, or as a result of some weakening Illness. Get Ztron from your drugKlst. Ha sells It on a money. back guarantee WA ST CAROLINA Teachers Training School. A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Terms begins September 29. 1920. For catalogue and other information address ROBERT H WRIGHT, President, 7-l-2m UKEENVII.LE, N, C, Get the best of a man if you would see his worst side. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C AS TO R I A il takes mere ilwn public nener osiiy to correct pi ivate gi eJ A Traveling Mnn's Experience. You may team Minielhiiitf fi iu the follow mi; hy W. II Ireland, a tiaveling salesman of Louisville, Ky. "In the summer of ISsH I -tiuil a seeie attack of cholera morbus. I tr u e the hotol porter tlfty eeuts tin, I told him to buy mea bottle of Chainheiluiu'fi Colic and Dmirhoea Remedy ami to tal:e no sub etitute. I took a double ih i: ul it ac cording to the directions tint vuiil to sleep. At live o'clock the next morn ing 1 was culled I y my older ami took a train for uiy next N'oppin r place, a well man." The noblest duty is the nearest one, None ever regretted burying a slander. CASTORIA For Infants and Children - In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 1 "Are angels playing croquet, mamma?" asked a little four-year-old ihe other evening, when she saw the nieieors shoot. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST QAR I A . People who are Ipreceded by a brass band, precede their obscuri ty and go out with the toolings of self-blown horn. The outcome of ingrowing pieiy is pjin for every one. ' ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine k v "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is genuine Aspirin proved Bafe by millions and pre- i ,r nhuuiMana for aver twenty years. Accent only an unbroken "Bayer pacK&ge which wi,.o, tkms to relieve Headache, Toothache, Rrch NeuraUria. Rheumatiira. Colds puin tlan.1v tin boxes of 12 tab lets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer package." Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Hogf! astiwsJdefter of SaUcjUcacid, THti TIME FOR SAVING and gelling ahead in the game of life is NOW. With a Bank Account started and steadily growing you will experience a pleasure of accomplishment in saving that comes from naught else. The best way is to come in and start an Account To-Day. Don't delay on account of the amount you have for ihe start. Ladies Suits And Coats Of supreme quality, greatly reduced In price Immense line of Ladies' Dresses in Silks, Geor. getts and Voiles at reasonable prices. Entire line of Voiles, Organdies and Flaxons re duced for the next ten days. Prices cut on all low shoes during next ten days THE 1 U S T O R E M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, Learn Stenography-Beln Demand The efficient faculiy of the Smiithdeal Business College will advance you rapidly. You are assured of their personal interest in your suc cess. Young men and women go forth from this reliable school fully equipped 10 assume responsible positions of Stenographers, Type writers, Bookkeepers, etc. Our Summer Session will prepare you for active work next Fall. Many desirable positions waiting for you. Write for catalogue, Bwsmess College 9lti and Broad SUjuchmondYl OLpBST BUSINESS COIyIEQ& JN THE SOUTH dmmam