L CtsaWaJi I eTAULISIHiD IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of bubscriotion $1 50 Her Annum t WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, Aril'ST 1!), I!2. NO. Hi i mil 4 Children Cry for Flefc'tar's What Will Tennessee and North Carolina Do? The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been iu use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of ff - and has been mads under his per- jC&$25js sonal BUP'visin since its Infancy. vrfoVV: -c4 Allow no one to deceive you in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-guud " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute fur Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic nnd Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural eletp. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Hae Always Bought r. w ntu com NY M F w VOMK CITV. 1 i Subdivide and Sell by Our Modem Method Results are Quick ? r ;;'1, n,;',''1i ' . ;." ihy est returns tor yuur land. Youi inn . II ie.u!v 'i ll tn.iv, even though rented tor 19.'U. The Putl.i. .1. ; i mm :. I. ill ,,iti. ul..rs it inuy be wutlli hundreds of dollars to yo .. .;..n, : t , TolJA i'. ATLANTIC ( OAST REALTY CO. "Tin Nmne Th t jualilie Your Coliltdrike" OfTu-es: PI-'.TKRSIUJi fi.VA.MiMC.K! I N VII. I. K, N.C. fit-let ern es; Any flunk i j IVdrsh.iri; Va .r t tt!t, N.C &i a V Jf- Halifax County Real Ksi.ue Ins. Co., Senil.uul Neck, N. C. Local Contract Representatives. ' u a .8.mtMUm I H i III 10 Per Cent. Reduction For CASH ONLY. IPTFor One Week Only, MM The Busy Store, rPO REDUCE STOCK I will allow 1. 10 per cent, discount, Eor Cash on all goods where bill amounts to One 'Dollar or over. MX ma m m MM m m m m m m m nm WW 4. L. SWHB4CK, WELDON, N C m urn The nt'tlun nf t h ,cjllaliirt'8 of North Curnllnii uti'l Tnim'SMce tlia lVltiiil Sulliiijii Aiiiciitlmt'iit will win Hf Iom' .illl,V vote in rrucliil StUtl'H j wli.-ii wunifii ut( fur I'letftflt'iit. ! 'I'lii'M- sliilcs iiri'! Wj Diii!iit(. ( 'iiliinuli), I'liiliu, I'liih, U'usliliiluii, Canruiiiiii, j A rl.i)iiii, KiiiiHim, Oi '):nii. Mnnlunii, I Xi'vuilu, i-v Vin t-. okliilioiiiii, Mirh- Umi, Suiiih Kiknu, ilih,,s, Nnrlh ; l',ik..ln. N.-I.nokn, lthniU- sIimI. In 'iimiu, Inwii. Miiinr. Mtitttf-Hi,! MIs sniirl, W in. ntusiii, ohiii. ArkuiiMiH imtl TfXiis. '1'lit' chuiit' tf ti few volt's In any mif clit'llnii dislrl.-t In ttnu of ili.-e sillies nuiy iiN'iiu ttiu km Hi ur htss itf nil tin; I'ltM-itn'iil nii-s I'nuii II ml siu'i'. ii i m I lliu Ki'ii) I" nf Hie I'lvsiiU-u-t In 1 (jlft'tltiii fur Miir m ri y. In President Wilson'! Opinion. "It would he a nul srnlti in I lie piiity il tul lu thi iiiilluii if it is mssl hU' fur yuti. uinlt-r tin pi-iuliar nuvl s'ttns of yuiir tittiii cuiisiiiuiluii, hitv iuiz in minil lliu lei en t tli rishtu i,i ilie Siiirfiiif I'mirt hi tin? Ohiu mstf. lo nlt ii spt'c;iil M-swiuu of ill,' l.i-ishi Mill' ul' Trlilll'.''St't' lO ci li'-'iittT lilt' sulTl'iiL'i aiiii'lidiiMit. AlUnV lilt til ui'lW MiiH very ciii'iii-stly."- Tt-'Unuii sent lo (ioM'rnur Huberts of 'i't'tuici-M-e, hy the President. "I n hi sure I ut' d not point nut to .Mm the (Thiail liufMlnnre of the ftc Hun of your tfretit suite in I lie mat Hr of Huiyrnjie uiueiHlinent."- Presi dent's teleyniiii to (iovenior llieliett of North ('iirolltm. From the Governor of Tennessee. "I will cull the Kessluii In ample 1 1 mt ftr the women to vine In t lie HU'll I'lertiuns," (Unertior Uuherts. From the Governor of North Carolina. "I will rec'oiuinind rutihYutiou." Governor UUkett. OF VITAL IMPOR TANCE TO WOMEN The Federal Suffrage Amendment tft of vitul Importunee lo every woiuun voter In lliu I' lilted Stulen. True. Women tuivu full suffrage In tlt'teeii Males und ar entitled to vote for the next 'resident In flfieeu oilier Htnt&s, hut It Is only by tlnal ratltlculton of the Federal Suffrage Amendment Umt any woman Is nationally protected In her voting righto. Let a ew York woman eross the Nrth river Into Jersey and she. loses her full sulTrae rlylits. Let a Tennessee woman move to Alnhittua and she loses her Presi dential and municipal suffragu rights. lu 1P1K the Ienmorftilo party vote reireseiited a tcaln uf from 20 er cent to 'Jtl per cent over the HH4 election. In woman sulTrae stales the per .rentage of piln was from 70 per cent to l'jtl per cent. After Wilson's tohociiey of woman Buffnik'e, ten woiiihii sutTrajje states that had formerly been Kepuhllcuu, Went Iemociatie. After the U-mocrutlc senate of the Sixty-lift Ii Congress turned down woman suffrage, nine of thane suffrage states returned Republicans to Gu g re. HOUSEKEEPER NEEDSJHE VOTE Ballot Is Necessary to Protect the Home Under Changed . Conditions. Win: uml I, nrtT .1 hHid "IH lliK mi I hf fru, wi n' tlri'ii hihI rim ilnwii " bhvh Mi. K. Ii. Mnlki-y, ( Humo 1. A.-x-nrlb, i Cu n 1 1 h r fi ll v I. I kiiivv n.y blnoil wax li.nl, hi I lluli. iHii'a uu the bin k of my in rk, I "U'e ti'it wi! nt'iilul a liullilir. We' hail lH-nid of him uml tlinucht It j must ba what wn ni'cilcj. It rertulnly I was. We took It faith! ully, and after ft wnfik or burh a mutt it wo heEan to Iiiul bettor. My wile fult like uookinK, WOMAN'S VOICE IS NEEDED. S"V rS r , 4ft i iMr WWW'ft w w -.; r Tr X J Choice Hams There is nothing ni tre appetizing than a slice of our choice ham We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods GOOD GROCliRIl-S build up the system, s.iinuiluie ihe hnim, und increase your capacity 10 ilunk. Ami nulu thinking brings best re ruhs. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batchelnr'i Opera House. I WlU.nON. N.C Dim Lumber & Millwork Go. Weldon, N C. MANUKUTUKKKSBOF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAUK TOOKIJEK ANU KKtiHi-AKHTOt'K S1.KS. Oaad Material, High Urade Workmanship Our Slot an. lloUHeket'pliig today Is not what It used to be. One hundi'i'd years ago our great grandmothers spun the cloth and inude thti rlnlheK for the family. They employed the family cobbler for a week at a time, who made shoes for the yenr from leather cored and tanned on the premises. They baked the hread, churned the butter, cured the meat, and made the candles; In short, hoiiHed under their roofs all Ihe activities that ministered to the necessities and comforts of the family. Today all these processes are car ried no outtride of the home. The shoes are made In factories, the clothes go tlirough the sweatshops, the incut Is cured by big companies, the bread Is made at the bakeries, and the butter enmes from the cream eries. ' Instead of living In bouses open on til sides to the sun, we have the tene ment house; Instead of water directly fp'tn H we" or .nrlng we tieve piped writer; Instead of the simple problem of letting the small amount of gap buge decay In the tun, we have the vast problem of t clty'e disposal. All of these matters of food, clothes housing, water and garbage art sub ject to legislation. The tttte has taken the place of the partntt. The question of regulation of all of these matters so vital to a housekeeper Is one of collective opinion, expressed bjr the ballot. f sytuua ' Hi 1 Yes Sir-ee! i' syf We made this ciga- 6M rW rette to meet v your taste! jn I j tl. r&Esr i , iws it I llllWll llal sal IN tM SEPTEMBER 6,7, 8,9J0Jlf SIX BIG DAYS ! U SIX II Hi NIGHTS! fMWl MZLLWA I WIMTI! iHiUsiu .sm ii mmmtrwmr K. VA IWk J "Felt Like Eatine" Man and Wife, All Run-Down from Farm Work, Were Greatly Helped by Ziron. anil 1 an: - f. it like eatlut;. "Zh'i!, B-ir dlil u.i Rood. It made iih hot Ji ti'fl Htmni-'i'r and better for the full wnrk. whith everyone knows; U 'hnnie work on a farm. My bollS braan to dry up, thmiph Junt at first, ttn-y erenied worse. j "We are nun h better and can highly m-omniend .Iron, nnd cladly do bo fori It pine did ns cnod." i Zlron In a eafe, rellahle, tonic medb cine, good for men. women and child-' n ti, when an iron tonic Is Imllrated.) It Ih cany to take and conialtrs no,' habit-forming di usr, Ask your diuiiKist or dealer. CAMELS have wonder ful fnll-VmHiprl mpllru mildness and a flavor as refreshing as it is new. Camels quality and Camds expert blend of choice Turkish arid choice Domestic tobaccos win u on merits. Camels blend never tires your taste. And, Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty aiteftaate nor unpleasant cigaretty odor I What Camels quality and expert Mend e:tn mean to your satisfaction you should find out at once I' It will prove our say-so wliuii you compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Cawit.fi ur told 0vrywht'rr in rn-iuntiHi-hlly seilii packa& Ciirttt; or fen package i JUU eiii.irpttem m it i,isiao-itiffr-(uvt-rfit cgrton. W atrongty riTunimem tltn. car fori lot tlj tiomo or u&W $upply or whan you trawl. ft. J. REYNOl.ps TOBACCO CO. Wimtun-Saltin, N. C. liASTOAROLLVA Tsachers Training School. A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Hvery erergy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition fite to iill w ho aeree to teach. Fall Terms begins September 29. 1920. For catalogue and other information address KOlil-RT H WRIGHT, President, 7 I - 2 m (jkEHNVILLI:, N. C. ;irinnif rrrifffiffiinrifjifFiniiniifinriitiifMirrinTniiHiinimiminniiTifmTi OPTIMISM. "I see by this paper thai a cele brated Knglish doctor says the hu man family is likely to become a one-toed race," said the pessimist. "Well, that means fewer corns," replied the optimist. An Old f ault Tinder. An irritalilc and I'aull tiinlinir dispo sition Is often caused by linlitrcstion. A niau with a good dnreslioii and Utwcls that act regularly is usi.ully t:iioil nu tureJ. Wheu trouhlcil ilh iniliti-stino or constipation liiket'liauiherlain's Tub let's. They slreiiirtlieu llic stoinaeli aud enable it to pt'il'oiin its I'uuctiutis naturally. They ulso cause a irenlle movement of the bowels. The sting ol iieteai is tell long after the sweetness of victory dis appears. A Traveling Man's Experience. You may learn sumcthini; I'vnut the following by Y. II. Iielainl, a tiaveline salesman of Louisville, ky. "In the summer of Iishn I hml a severe attack of cholera morbus. I uuve the holol porter lifty eents and told him to buy met bottle of t'liamberlatn'sColiciinil lharrhoca itcmedy aud to take no sub stitute. 1 took a double iloe of it ac cording to the directions and went to sleep. At live o'clock the next inuui inif 1 was called by my order ami took a train for my next stopping place, a well man." The man who is on the level is ofien compelled to make an uphill fight. A Oreat kemeily. The merits of ( 'liamberlain's t'olie and liiarrhoca l!i nieily are well known aud appreciated, but there is occasion ally a man who had no acquaintance wvitli them and should read the folow- lugliyi-. ii. near, a uoiei man at i'u puyer Mont., "t our yeais ago I used Chamberlain's Colic ami Iharrboca Hemedy with such woudcrful results that 1 have since recommcuded it to my frienVU." The successful man doesn't boast of what he is aoing io do tomorrow. TOR SALt BY Kurgerson IMugt'o., Halifax. M. 0. l'air, WeldoU jy '.D Utlt For Good. Service And Quick Repair GO TO THE RED STAR GARAGE, fSXlr HALIFAX, N.C. $100 R!:WAUI). $100. The uaJtii 8 of tins jiapfr h ill bv pleased to learu that tlu'iv is at leat one ilicad e disease that ueit'iice hat lntn adit lo fun iu all iIh ntukfH, and tl at utuirli Hull's t'atauli ( ure is thi' tuily positive cult1 uow L nun ii to the uit'dival liater iiity. I'atarrh lu'inw a contiHitunial diHcane, t'equiit'H a otuiNlittiliuimt ticat uat'Ut. lialUV l 'alun h t 'uic is lukt-n in tt'inally, acting tlm-etly upon the mu cous ut laces ol I lit systrin, tlit-reliV dt1 alloying tin rouiitliilioii ol the dii-ae aiidivin t lit patiriil fttrcnlli by tu,ld inup tlif coiHlitiitioti and assihlnikf in doiujf its work. I lie piopiirloiH have no much faith in its tutulivt' iowimn tlmt they oil'tM One Hundred l-ollum fur any rase that it lailn to cure. K. J. CMKNKY Wt., Toledo, Ohio TeBtimoDiala nent free. Trice 7Ti ceutB per hottle. Sold hy alt druists. HbM'b Tamily I'lll- Inr (lonwtiivaticn Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA m J Agricultural Horticultural I- Live Stock Poultry tfJtllllllliliUliilM TJiMKANU MONEY Are the most precious things of every huinjn bei' g. To save your time you must save your money placed herein a saving account il will grow and yield an income for life. Begin your savings account today even il you have to star! it small. 1U20 I'lvinium hntnes H:iily. AU IOMOKI1.1-: SHOW AND INDUSTRIAL DISPLAY HIGH CLASS CIKCliS HOKSfc. AUTO and MO I ORCYCLI RACliS liVLKY DAY. HI: ST TRACK IN Till: SOUTH. Pain's (iorareous Fireworks Every Day and Night Ivu'tusiou and special reduced latis on all railroads and steamboat hues to the Norfolk ' l air See your agent and waleh the papers, l-'nr fuitber mfol inatiou, adiliess r'HI'.llKliK'CHM'TON, Manage ;! Dickson liuihling, N(il:ni: Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A One nice thing about being rich is that people will listen when you want to talk. SHARP. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use ForOver 30 Years Always bears the Signature of "The lawyer for ihe defence is a sharp fellow." "Do you think so?" I "Va, Tl,. I. a cou. ilia I L. I III. II I V.I 1 i- I I I 111- .Iill. till jurors gelling interested in the fair plaintiffs ankle he cut short his cross-examination and called for the next witness." When a man is good because ii pays he may pe judged by his motives. Lift cKorns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Fteezone costs only a few cents. With your finger!"! Ynu enn lift off any hnrtl com, suit corn, or roin between the toes, and the hard nkm on liases front but turn of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freoznne'' costs little at any drug store; Rily a few drops upon the corn or rail us, Instantly it tons hurting, then shortly you lift that botnersome corn or rilhii right off, rout and all, without one bit of pain or iora fteas. Truly! No bumbugl Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA It's awfully hard for some peo ple to he both good and interesting. OllUk WI WllkWIIItaki Ladies Suits And Coats Of supreme quality, atly reduced in price Immense line of Ladies' Dresses in Silks, Oeor. getts and Voiles at reasonable prices. lintire line of Voiles, Organdies and I laxons re duced for the next ten days Prices cut on all low shoes during next ten days THE I v yM ft lfSL n 11 rr Sayt Calomel is Mercury and Acts Like Dynamite on Your Liver. Hudson i in.ikijig a hard fight agajnit calomel in the South. Hvery druggist has noticed a great falling off in the sals of calomel. They all givo the aame reason, Hudson's Liver Tone is taking its nlacs. "t'alomel is dangerous nnd people know It, while llodson's Liver Tune is perfectly enfs and gives better renults," said a I imminent local druggist. Dodson's .iver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist. A large Imttle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every ense of liver sluggishness nnd constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. IliMlson's Liver Tone la a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harm less to both children and adults. Taka a spoonful at night and wake, up feeling tine; no biliousness, siek headache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't grie or eaUBft inconvenience all the nent day like violent ealomel. Taka a dose of calomel toilsv and tomorrow vou will feel weak, siek and nauseated, bon't lose a day's work I Take Dod son's Liver Tone instead and feel fin, full of vigor aud ambition. S T 0 R E M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GliNT'S OUTI-1TTLR, Sudy These Courses.You Are Wanted At a Good Salary. Let your training be ihorotifih and reliable. The Summer Session oi ihe Sniithdeal business College offers you an opportunity to raise your own salary of equip yourself for a refined und lucrative position, lie ready for an active Kail. Our faculty will advance you rapidly. Write for catalogue. BtlsIlslOSS College 9th and Broad Stt.1tichmond.Va OLDEST BUSINPSSICOLIEOEIIN.THB SOUTH mwwm

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