TlrlE NEWS. I-SI Alil.lSIIIM) IN 1K(. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriotiun $1 50 Per Annum VOL. LV. WE L DON, N. C, TIIintSDAY, Aldl'ST 12(1, 1520. NO. 17 Net Contents irFluMJtaolw tASTORli f-Ai.iAiiioi.-arbii oi:sr. : AVi-tii-lrttiU- Propnfation TorAs . j-..i..i:...iu...r.,,i,l hv Mcc-llla- SIUIIII'I' . M' ' tinij t lie Stomadts mil Howls a ji Therctiy WioiiniJ Diction :i (JwrrfulncssnmiKcuwiiwii" r neither Opium. Morphine nor X .i t-wvwiifir U;Hm,,fn flavor Constipation nwl Uiifr"1' I ,i ir.., Islmoss iinit 1 ki I.-IM j,:iSS(ir.iM IX-s.illiM C- llii'rcrrom ir. liiunc? fat Simile S,4ww0t T.Z rTAHil'',w! JJlUJfLtfJ I I ftf WSflBTOffl Exal Copy of Wrapper. ..m...,...,, .w.o..c,ty Subdivide and Sell by Uur Moden Method Roo.ilto nro Onlrlr r 'X " I11"111 ,tl )OU( t"U. ItJUI muugn r-i m-u ioi ivu, i ne i-aii.i be wutth hundreds ut dollars tu yu yij-o A I AN I II. g Tin- N.inw Th i ft Ofln-es: p:TI.K:.lill. ; Any Hank i i Halifax County Rial & Local Contract $'4, n n n m 4..e 4... Aii A, ..Ai i . :W W v w X "4 n fl n I U fly 10 Per Cent. Reduction For CASH ONLY. rpo RUDUCn STOCK I will allow 1 10 per cent, discount, f:or Cash on all goods where bill amounts to One Dollar or over.J m w w I ft Ipy-For One Week Only.J 4. l smtmoK, The Husy Store, WELDON, N C GOOD GKOCl-RlliS build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to ilunk. And right thinking brings best re rults. Our prices make you think. Call m to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Ratchelor' Open House. I Dixon Lumber i Millwork Go, Weldoii, N C. MAM'I' UTUUKKSIF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOHIii:tt A.NU KKIiULAK 8T0t SIZBA 4io4 MatM-W. Hi(b Ort Wrksatnblp Our GASTORIA For Infants nnd Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of Use For Over Thirty Years It 1 LI, ' t,r S e, endorsed by n't! . :,elcts, yields you larg ii il ftail iy mU niiw, even i;i m s full -trtu utars it may S.nJ 1 ,r i: TODAY. AM K h A I Y III JuHtltira Yuur Confidence' G.VA.amlGRPrNVHXK.N.C. lYtr mburtf Vu or Gfenvillt, N. & Ins. Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. Representatives. & n 3 $ X- Jv v V flf f X -?f . ww www 1 x i - m MM m um m m mm m MM nm m ww mm ww m m ww m it- Choice Hams There is nolliin niiii'c appetizing than a slice ol uur choice ham We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned tioods W lit .DON. N.C ( ,v In IF 1U 7J I NURSING SERVICE IS RAPIDLY EXPANDING This American Rod Cross Work Flourishing in Small Towns Throughout Country. limn M7.IMI n, nl nil.' iiiii,'K l'i" ii .nr., II. , in Am, linn, llftt .j;,!,. ,,,1 !s ,, .i it.,,.1,1 'if Iiiii-iiik t, ,J.,il) in, r. ii-inu lliis I',, III,, ,1,1 I !, 'I, ,;n Him i,t ul liilllii lniv l,t-i I, 1 HI Ii li ) I .illiluili nil ,, i;i,. ri'st-i',,. of inn.,-, i.ii ii. hmiiv mill nu. It uill i Minimi,, in miiiI i In. lumls ,.f i. 1 j,., s,:il.'. I'iiI.Ii.' Ill'llllll SiM'i.V til Villi. Il II .,S l Iimh'iI i' iiiuii i,mi lull,,,, iii I,,, luwt ji'itr. II ulll U-M1 III; ,,,,,.' llUlslli); si' lrt' ii, inii'j,.,, I'.'lnill'ii ' lii'iv I lie Ariii'iiiiin It,, I i 'r... Ihm or aillilzi il luiiiial,, iis, i iimii i u. si hoiilH for miisi'M. Coin so, m , liJI-'Iciu. mi, I . in',, f tin' ii 1. Inn,. I,,', !, slHI'li'd fii' io"ii Of tt.illiill Hln, Imiu iii'MM- iwi'lvi'il iiiiy i',l,i, mi, in In lilts iltl'i'i'11,,11. Kin ill liilrsinj whl.'li win In lis hifumy u short wliili, uito llllS Ili'CIl pill IllU'Ull HI trust U lll'i uili' ilirnuith lliu oik of the ilt'purlnu'iit of nursing mid lorul Itod ('ros ,'lin piers. I'ulille ht'tilili tuiisliiK tins lici'ii ei li'inlt'd tu ninny ninil coimuunltW'S unil now llourlslies ui lhcly In liuinlri'Us "f Mimll towns unit I'ounilis. Nt'urly u ItioiisBnil cflli'tiMit liuv,. ulivuil) ln'i'll ussli'iii'il o this kind of work. The ili'pui'iiniiii of htirstiiK la unit Inn with other urtjuiilutloiis In u eur' ruinpulKii In rei'iulilnii niirses for i triilnlriK xhoiits, in edin uiliiii the lieu crul public as to tun,lm,ls of nniHliit eiliiriitlon umi tn sliowlnij iMiiiinunltleH their resx,ii.slhllliy tmmrri siliools of nursing. It will enil. iivor to meet all Ihi -i' needs iis well lis tu I'nnllliue the .'lirollliient of illellllims who will h lllllleil us IliHtru, lnis III hoiii,. dielel h's. In dev.'loplii niiirltloiiiil 1'lliil.s. mid In uilliii! ilieilitHiis for the llllli'il Sillies I'llhll,' ll.ullli S.-ivI.e mill I lie I'lvllliin li,,ll;ils The NurslliK Serthv will Colillinie to offer to w.iiiieu hihI .voting yii the opporiunlty of seeiirlnK Insirui'tlon In Inline h Klein Hint riire of (he Klek In every eoniiiiiinlty In the rminiry. 'I'tils liisii'iit'ilon hus not oijy laid iIid foun dntlon for tinhllt1 heiillh hilt In some plines hus t!letl lllipellis to the I'stuh. llshinent of liospliiils nnd I'iMiiiri unity K'honl houses. "As ll eoiniimnlty profits hy the work of llie nurse." siiys Miss Clarit 1 Novi'S. tllreetor ttf the department of nuislni;, "It Is loi;l,ul Hint Hie com niunlly should he uroused to Its respon sibility. The A rliiiu lied Cross stunils ready to help In a Keneriit emu psliii of rcerulthig nnd imibt have tlie siipport, sytnpiilhy mill iintlerstiinilllig of the inedii-al profession us well us ttie Intelligent eo operulfon of th( people lit lurKe." HOME SERVICE FOR EVERYBODY IN NEED In ymi know thi' presi'iit rittv Ilttuie SrIe of itie Ann-rlCRii Ucd Miiny tnplv do not Li)w thai, fe-bM- ntiiiplfting tli work for t' mtv tif iiUMt. I'sptrhiUy Xhv itlxtiMi'tl, il pio-viili-M tlit ftnu nottliliorly s'ivtti tu f n tu 1 11 'H In Keiit'iiil t hut tt fnriueily fuiiilllfs uf sitldit'iii, Miliars and mart in". "Ihtiitr StMvlce iutri a wide ttiitl vnrifd ttt-lil," nhv ITfdtMiik C. Muu rue, L-'cneiHl intmntftT nf ttin ATiitM'ii'aii Hf I 'id vs. "It flit's ulil tu fniiiUlei 111 SolvihH Nihil H nliU'lus Us liudgMt lilnniiltii;, iiiHi'ktMlnK, tiding ni'r linn'! nf tliiini'liil itnNs, kei'pttig HillriifU In H.I I, ht'litihit'd rhlldlfh, w M- itwt ii ul drei'ti'il Hint hern, clilltli i'l) hiirkrj In stlmul und chlldrt'ii lu cuiirtlct wUli th lnws. It ri'iideis stM'v Ice tn tin1 li'iinelt'HS itml t ru nsli-nt, to tin- llliii-niff, to tciit'iin-iii dwt'llftH, to the tlhi'liiIili'V'd, umi kIm-s t i ictidlx HH-t- am! adli'P to f.nvlnn Kin-ak-lli K'"l,f " In addition to lift h ik fuiuillfs in tin' s-.hitioii of their own prohli-nm, Hotiif Service helps lu strciiictlieiilng th,' w.Mik spots III the v.i.lal life of muimuiillH's. It Joins hands with oth ers to iiiuka connnunttlt1! Bitfor, healthier and htipplcr. Oi-KanlxliiK u tt ton hIoiik lines In which the toiommdty Is already Inter-fsti-d Is one of the ohjevtd of Hume ScrvlfP. It has estahllhed romiiiunlty nifi-tliiKS, pHirlotlc ivlehrutltois.. pitK fants and plcnli-s. Host rooms, r't-re-atKm fa-lltttes, play supervisors oriJ moviiiK ptrtiires have heen pruvMetl. Through Home ServHe other ageiulei are tnfliieiuvd to tiring ahout liuproed riHiiineri-lul ati.useinents and belter school fullltlei and to promote travel ing llhrurlea as well as to seen re coun tv agi'lruliui ul and huine demount ra tion agents. If you need assistance at any titim. jo to the SBcretary of the lien rest Ued Cioss chapter and descrihe the situa tion. Your confidence will he sacredly respected and every possible effort will be made tc aid you. American Red Croii Roll Call. The Fourth Annual Hull Call of the Mneilcan Ked Crows will he held this v,.iir from Armistice Otty. November It, to Thanksgiving Iay, November 2ft nclustva. Onrlnn this period the men i,d Tcr.itn of the Tnilcd States will v their ftnnuul due and r nevf the! iihetxlilp. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A roa SAIL BY Furtrerson Omg Co., Halifax. M.0. 1'tir, fV'eldoo. As Doad atho Dodo Iff,' ,.; v ' y Every druggist in town your drnerjst and everybody'i drug gist has noticed a great fallitu; nit in the -,ile of cilunicl. They all give the same reason. Hudson's t iver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives Letter results," said a prominent local druggist. Take "Dodson's Livt-r Tone" Instead I Doilson's Liver Tone is pe rami it My guaranteed by every Jruiat who Belli it. A hirge bottle costs but ,i few cents, nnd if it faiU to give cy relief in every ease of liver sluggish nBg and ronstipation, you have only to ak for your money bark. Dodson's Liver Tone in u pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, bariuleas to both children and adulu. SEPTEMBER 6 SIX BIG DAYS 1 U Agricultural Horticultural Live Stock Poultry Gmt NORFOLK Fair ! Send lor 1920 Premium List. hntries liarly. AllTOMOHlLt-; SHOW AND INDUSTRIAL DISPLAY t2 high class cim:ns ACTS 12 HOKSL, AUTO and MOTOKCiYCLL KACLS LVLKY DAY. BliST TRACK IN THli SOUTH. Pain's Gorgeous t-'ireworks Kvery Day and Night Kxcuisiuu ui,,l .spi eial n.liu'i'il iui.s ou ull railiuuits aiul steainliuiil hues to t lie Noilulk l air See ymii airi'iit and Match Hie papers, for further in I'm in at ion, u.ldiess mi.liKhli't KAI-TON, Munaun. tijo liu'ltson lliiildini;, H MM INSl'Rl: YOl'K CURING BARN AND CONTIN t S NX ITU I .Ul HI 1C. DRAl'lR AGL.NT, i:LD()N, N C, IN Till- N.C. HOMI-: INSURANCi: COMPANY, RAL lilGH, N C. CAPITAL S Itio.oito 00 ASSLTS $SHh.St2.2 SURPLUS To Policyholders $ii72, 1 li.VHti 7 IN II An Old f ault Under An irntulile and fault limhinr depo sition is often eanseit hy in,lu:estiou. A man with a L'ooit iliirestion an, I luniels that act reiilaily is usually irooil na tureil. Whuu troutileJ with luilineslion or constipation taket'liaiulieilaiu's 'I'ah let's. They Mre niMheu the stomach anil euatile it to perform its functions naturally. They also cause a ifeutle movement of the l.owels. Counterfeit tickets to heaven are good to almost every point on the oiher route. A (Ireut Kemedy. '. It The titt'iil- ol I 'liaiulieilaiu s t otic ami liiuilioi-a l.ruo-,lv aie well known ailil appicenit, ,1. loll fliele H 0,'C lloll' ally a man who lu,l no ai',uiiuit:ince rt ilh tlii'iu ttinl 'Ii nil. I ica! the folow uikt ly I II. I', a,, a hotel man at 1'u puyer Monl . "t out vears ato I useil t'liaiiiheilaiii's t Vilic and Ihanhoea Hi llleily will) such wolnlell'ul results that I have since recommc uileil it to my Inen.l- " Some men ilunk they are almost goiid because they are afraid io be very bad. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beats the Signature When you fiei and Fume at the petty ills of lift-, miieintirr ihai die wheels which go round wiihoul creakinf 1 1 I longest. Cliiitirou Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA j 1L, W t J . if' i 'II T . ..wi.'ul :it night and wake i i ' i.f' ''. ; if l.i'..!'ii-ne-a, sick li 'I . i. i tit: H h ur citintlpate-tl bct . '-. ! i ' .- ii '. .'! ifn' iir eause in loin, uu-in c ,.11 ill. tu xt liy like vio lent ruUmi. l. T.d.. .i duM' of cilnmel today and tmno: y.m will feel weiik, sirk and . i l I . Oim't lose a day's work' Tikf Dud-nn's Liver Tone iu.ttcad and icul hue, lull of vigor and amhition. J, 8,9, 10, II SIX BIG NIGHTS! 3 Mike N 1 1 r I 'i 1 1 . K , 'a- MM MM Siile siepping limv uill give you pk'iiiy of cNcrcisc, but no strength. $100 RliVVAItl). $HH). Tlie iruileis of th paper will lie please! to learn thai there is at h if-l one lieaW e.l diM-ane thai M'ti uee ha- Keen aide to cute iii all its Mtaties, unT thalisCatunh Hall's t atari li ('me is the only positive euie now kmmu lo the timlieal fiater uity. (atanli heiotr a eoilitiiluinal lisiase, ietiiiieM a coiotitulioual treat uieiit. Ilallf 's ( 'atari h ( 'me is taken iu lenmlly. aetunr ilireetly upon the m 11 eous xiii faces of the system. Iheiehy tie MtioyiiikT the ftuiihlation of the ilisease uu.l tfi viuir the patieiilstieiigth hy luiibl um up the v-uti-tittttioii aii'I assisting in o'oing ittn wuik. The ptoprietont hve so uiuelt faith in its dilative powers that they utteiOur llutoheil Miliars for any case that it fails to cure. F. J. (TIKM'.Y M'O,, Tole.lo. Ohio Testiniotnals neut free. Price 7.' feutu pel liottle. Sohl hy all iliutfgist. Hall's t mini v Tills lor t'oustipatioii ASPIRIN Name "Dayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" ii frenuuu Acpinii uroved fe by millioBij and pre eribud ly phyirtuit for over twenty yeare. Aocept only an unbroken "Payer parkas" to whim ooniaina proiwr un to relieve Headache. Toothaehe, Earache, NeuraWift, Raeumattsm, (olln and Pain Handy tin boies of 12 tab lets coat few cent. Druggists a Wo sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin ia trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mooo EXHIBITS NATIONWIDE FIGHT AGAINST DISEASE American Red Cross Will Have Health Centers in All Parts of United States. The Amerl. un Heil Cross lm Inuneh el upnii a nutli'tt hle cumi alu u( fltchtliig disease ami tlislrul defect aniottK the AtnerliHii peniiie. A new uiol tniHiue health Instil ul lull none. Into heinj; us the result of seeral uionths' study hy the Ue-I Cross Ih-nllh Hervh e I teptiiinieni ut Nultoiatl Ileud quui let s. UnVhils lu ebarye of the department piedlei that before lung this new heuMh activity will be lu aetuul uperntlon all oer ttie emititry. ami (Imt the slj:n "Aiiierl.iin lted Ci..-s H.-itlth (Vnier" - will hemnie its f;iioiliur to the pert pie everywhere as uiv now the h1 lkS ' the teletjriipli companies. Buty Long Before War. The Interest of the Amerhnn lted Cl'o.-P lu the lillt linlllliKt ll-ease Is not, however, of ret-ent oilt:in, I.onif before the uur the otnanlnliou heKuti tliN h.'tiltli v.itvUe Itiiouurll il S IM.ttiral UIillH III (llsilst.-f relief work tiinl It" I department or Town anil County Nurs hit;. Inn-lilt: the war ami followinjt the iiriiiislhe tltou-uiols of American Ked Cross otlh-lals luive heeii tiylit luy disease In the war st rlekeii eounlries. At the same time tens nf thousand of local lted Cross ohVlflls have been en KitKed &t home tlKlitfiiji disease, nota bly during the Intlueii.n epidemics. The Amerleun I'ed Cross has de termined that nil tnu valuable experi ence In health service ubroml mid at home shall not no to waste. So loutf as there lire n half a mil ! ton people dliii yearly In this Munlry from pre ventable en lines, and so loon as more than one third of tne Aiuerlenii bll dieti and oiih people lire vft tttns of phlml deferm, the U.-d Cross re. og- the iirK'-nt need for .niiilnued Hed Cro-s ht nlth service at home. How Organization Work. The Hed Crm Health Center In g.ivetued by huslne-.s pilmiphs, ap plies business met boil-, and. In Its more, simple fotm, ran be established and condm t 1 b. lav i pie. It proceeds upon the d inoiisiniied fact that bralib Is a "in dity that eiin be ho'mht Hiol sold like hn i and noap. Tlieiefore, It eslablwhev it self In a storeroom tn the prinrliinl business Hertton of the community. It displays Its Hoods In the form of at tractive health eililhlts In Its show windows. It advertises constantly umi extensively. And It uses every busi ness and social device to attract cus tomers. TU lted Cross Health Outer Is of service to the sick In that It gives out reliable nnd complete Information about eilsilnir clinics, hosp:tHls. sana toria and other Institutions for the sick and the defective; ahout avallahle nurses, both trained ffntl practlcul ; about when tn consult it phvsb'laii und why to slum the itiH'k and his nos trums. Teaching Disease Prevention. The Red Cross Health Center Is. however, nf even greater service to the well. It teaches people how to pre vent sickness snd disease This Is done In tunny Intel etlni: and at 1 1 active ways Mrs! of till, by the distribution of popular healili literature nnd through health lectures MPisi raied with lantern slides or with health motion picture Minis. Then ipeclal cihibits are given, one after the other, on various health subjects. Practical demonstra tions are made ; also health iiaylets by children to Interest and Ins met ttum If1 Ives and their elders Classes are organized in personal hj (tlene. home caro of the sick, first aid and In fond selection and preparation. Health clubs, both for younger and older peo ple, are formed: also Mttle Mot hem1 I.eagues. Nutrition nnd growth clinics are conducted for children. Already more than n hundred of these Red Cross Health Centers are In actual operation throughout the coun try. Many of them also conduct med ical clinics, but the one chief, out standing feature of the American Red Cross Health Center Is Its health edu cation service which teaches well peo ple how to keep well. FRENCH PRAISE FOR OUR RED CROSS WORK Lauding th work Hconmpltsheil hy Amort, -un philanthropy for war atrteken Krams. Andrf Tanlleu, form er high commissioner from ttmt na tion to tht t'nltut States, In a recent article widely commented on through out the French press, says : "Tne American Ked Cross hat ac complished work which .alia for the heartfelt gratitude of eery true Frenchmen In 1MI8 this great relief organization spent In bch&if of France nearly 8T.iki.iXsi francs, ami In Ipm Its eipeiiillturea on cnarltuhle projects tn our euuiitiy attained the tremen dous total of IT1.0isi.ksi It hus re cently turned over lu the K relicli rc!! t orgatiUattona hugw stocks of sup pile) hoe value must he counted In tb hundreds of thouaauds of francs "Klfteeu inllllon Anierlcnn bos and glrla, handed together In the Junior Rail Crosa uf America, are hack of a movement to establish the closest ttca between themselves and France's yeunser generation through the char itable work they have flnjincen umi are now carrying out among our little war sufferers. "The k md of friendship hetweei Fran, v umi America Is cemented will, niutiiiil ailiuliutloii, rerpect and gratl hide." A Traveling- Man's Experience N ou may learn something from the It IU wiug by W. II, Ireland, a traveling sales mau ol l.uuisville. Ky "In the suinim i of l"r I hal a severe attack ol elioleia moibus. 1 gave the hotol portei titty eeuts and told htiu to buy me a bottle of Chamheilain'sCohcaud 1'ianhoca Hemedy and to take no sub stitute. I look a double doee of it ac cutiluif to the direction ami went to sleep At live o eh-ck the next mom inv I wa-' ealleil bv my order aud took a tiaiu fut n.y next slopping place, a we lt man." Alabama Minister Relieved Stomach Troubles Mode Him Feel Sick at Meal Times, But Now Always Enjoys His Meals. DO YOl' enjoy vuur meal? Kat without the Un'iid of llif1 after effects? I, if k ul iippcilte, and a dt-gi n abb', lick si tb Mou.aeh U -h:;g after mealh. tlsu.tlly iioin ae tt, ,i our dlp-stlve igans are not woikinq properly. As A re.-ntt, you will feel weak, lose Weight ftnd lack the rnci that l.s to be de rived from well dig, t.-,i fuud. A valuable help in correcting such ondKlons Is mentioned by the Key. ft. K. McKenzle, of Route 1. H -ctlnn, Whatever you wish hi high grade, uitimic ieweliv, in channing new designs, our assorimeni will please you pu-tectly OUR p r i c i; s V 1 1 I.' SATIS I V . nam -iJj.'jaL i Jm TLMEAiND AION KY Are ihe mosl precious things ot every human hei 1 g. To save your lime you must save your money placed herein a saving account it w ill grow and yield an income for life. Begin your savings account toda even il you have to start il small. JI.FR KID'S tor RE nUCTONS On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. S T 0 H K M. FREID, Proprietor WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND HUNT'S OUTITTTLR. Wanted The demand for young men and women who are well trained in llu se callings is greatly it, excess of the supply, and will continue to be. Snulhdeal graduates ate recognized hy business man to he above the average in competence. The faculty will lake a special interest in fit ting you lot a good paying position. Attend our Summer Session you are needed at a lucrative salary next Pall. Write lor catalogue. oimfisfil OLDDST BUSINESS COLLEGEf IN TH& SOUTH Ala., who u i Hi : "I bad sl'Uiim h trou ttie. Win ii I i,ii!.l en l,t -. r I wolllit turn si. u. t".-k oiW. hidtie of ZlrouJ and It ciircd in", Am aiwajn ready! for nij ii.i . iK uut i-njoy tie in. I tbiiiH It In B fine lu ill- Hie," r If your fund Iiuim jou, If your app' tltH In poor, If ymi are pale, weak and run it own, and hav otle r pymjitonis, that liitti.ate ytmr systtm neciia help, try ti.-n. it a ill j ut hou Into your, blcod and help hulld you up. Take Iti according to dm ctinnn, and if not hfn''flti d by the first, bottle, the money back eiiiuatit will protect you, A-k you; dtm-lst. ryTsv sS4jaui h C.N.RICKS Cl iMIllBMIIIIllllllllllllllWBIInlllllM mm )jiaiuittuuitiiaaii .intitwiuiMitiiumiiimiiiuuitmioiiuiiuuaiiioiuiuiiuiii J BOOKKEEPERS ! STENOGRAPHERS. BllsillC89 College 9th and Broad SU.tKfcmond.Va. . I"