3BS ESTABLISI1lil IN 1866. VOL. LV. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$2 00 Per Annum WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SKl'TEM l'.EK 0, 11)20. NO. 1!) ! km Contents 15FluidDraoN ;-!Q !.uO AVi'4i'tabk"ftepartioii6rM 1 . . ...... r twUMiiU' IS tinBlnf'"''""1'"'"" " J L TIifrcbvIWioUntBi&sUoiij . tjifrnutncManun""- I neither Opium, Morphine nor It ; A helpful Kcnwayror i Constipation and Dwrrhcea, 'l i LVuTkhness ana i ...IBS OF SLEEP resulting thrrajjnj!W- i .1 : c,a .is facsimile s.onaisr. I NEW "VUKbj Subdivide and Sell by Our 5TTft,rinii AO I UK A Exact Copy of Wrapper, TltI ,, Co... ... e,r PoftiiU nt-P Ollirlf 0ur Scientific Ser -e, endorsed by IXCSUUS ftrc ymtlV hundreds ol sellers, yields yuu larg est returns ior your Und. Your farm will readily sell now, even though rented for ty.H). The Pathfinder Rives full -articulara it may be worth hundreds of dollars to you. Send fur it TODAY. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO. "The Nume Tluit Juiti.fie Your Confident:." Offices: PETERSBURG. VA. and GKEENV1U.E, N. C Reference!; Any Hank la Petersburg Vu or Qr-t-nvillt, N. C. Halifax County Real Estate & Ins. Co.. Scotland Neck. N. C. Local Contract Representatives. fv wrvv w w y w w w www-w m m m m m m- m m m m I u 10 Per Cent. Reduction For CASH ONLY. TO RKDUCU STOCK I will allow 10 per cent, discount, For Cash on all goods where bill amounts to One Dollar or over. m m gTFor One Week Only.XI m m 4. l. swrmcK, The Busy Store, 1 SSSSS&SSS'S SSSS8SSSSS1'M POOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and " increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings bestire rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. . L. E. HULL, N B.UMf, Orr. Houm.I WHI DON, N.C Dixon Lumber Si Millwork Go. Weldon, N C. M 1 MlhlfTllulrMKlOK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Bllnds, Mantels, Door U1 lUUKHtll AMU tutorials. Uifk Urwl w . ..n CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of Use For Over Thirty Years Moden Method w ir r w -i- ISA urn m m m urn m m m fm m n sm nu m m WELDON, N C Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods and Window Screens KEUUt.au divo - Wmrkmumklg Our Siagam. ..... . u .-.m.tfW l'Vll ( lift In YOUR RED CROSS Th American Red Cro, by Itl Congremoml charter, ie oHicially designated : To (umiih volunteer aid to the tick and wounded of armiei in time of war, in accordance with the conventions of Geneva. To act in matteia of voluntary relief and a, a medium of com munication between the Anei can people and their Army and Navy. To continue and carry on a ly t'm of national and international relief In time of peace and to ap ply the t-irne In mitigating the suf fering, caused by pestilence, famine, he, floods and other great calam ities. To devise and carry on measures for preventing these causes of suffering. OURTH RED CROSS ROLL CALL November 11 25, 1920. MEMBERSHIP FEES: Annual $ 1.00 Contributing 5.00 Life 60.00 Sustaining 10.00 Patron 100.00 Send duei to your nearest local chapter. FIRST AID TRAINING TO MEN AND WOMEN American Red Cross Is Teaching Hundreds of Thousands Life Saving Methods. The purpose of Insiruitloii In Flrit Aid to the Injured uttered by the Amer luiii Hed doss Is tu t ruin men and women tu administer Kirat Aid trtt- imnt iM-oinpity and Intelligently when emt'i'Kt'iu'k's demand It. fc'lrsL Aid treatment Is nut Intended to take the plii-e of i phyfilt luu a Hervk-e. A sur- 1,'eoii should Hlwuys he suimiioneed a prei-ttutlonary meusuie where there h uu Injury of any fuiisequeme, but when one cuniiot be secured a few m lo llies' delay may ineuu a fatality. In Hiti'li a east a person trained In First Aid is Invuluuble not only tu the In dividual, bin through hhn tu the i-om- iwuhliy In will. 'I i he lives. ThtTe Is perhaps no way uf uscer tulidn the numher of ih atha ur seri ous disitbleiiieiiis whhh result from lurk uf proper safeguards ur prompt finei'iieuey treitiiiient. It Is safe to as sert they number thousands dally. There uin be no doubt that the appll talliMi uf First Aid tuethuds tu each rase wuuld Immeasurably lighten the country's toll uf suffering and death. The dissemination uf First Aid train ing und infortimtlun has already pro duced a farreacblng and beiiettclut In fluence In the prevention, uf accidents on rallruads, in mines and in );reat In dustrial corn-ems. The benefit of a widespread knowl edge uf First Aid In the event uf great dluter, such as a train wreck, an explosion, an earthqutke, etc., la oh Ions, 1 -a y men who have had First Aid traluiuf can render ettlcieiit as sistance. Many lives may depend upon such emergency care. Hed Cross First Aid work Im-hide (1) the formation find conduct, through Red Cros chapters, uf classes for in struction In accident prevention and First Aid to the Injured uiuoiig men nd women In all communities und In every Industry; ('') the liuru.lmil.-ii uf courses uf Instruction In high schools atid colleges. The Hed Cross Is prepared to supply First Aid book und equipment at rea sonable prices. Every prison In this country able to do so should. In his own Interest, re ceive Hed Cross First Aid Instruction. Information about the course and In struct tun classes may be had at the nearest chupter heudtiuartem. RED CROSS EXTENDS RELIEF TO POLAND Mure than $!.IHIO,0O0 lias been spent by the Aim-rli-mi Bed Cruan In aiding the atrlrlteii pvuple of Poland. The organization has uurscJ the sick, fed the starving, riuthed the naked, shelter ed the lioint-lt'xx. m'liooled the ihlldreu anil cured fur the orphans there. It has I'oniluited a relentless tight against t)yuu, cholera and other terrible dis eases. Ku toduy minium of men and women In that n'surreited nation speak In gruleful appreciation of "The Greatest Mother In the World " Nearly !"-' A rlinti Hed Crow workers are now engaged In relief ae tlvltlea In I'olBiiil. rniir Inrae relief buses are In oiierilllon and eleven inn bile uiilia aie In ll- Held. Duling lust twelve nths ihls orgnnlratton was largely tnstrunieiital In the reea iKhllshuient of a million refugees at a cnH fur general relief of more than tlUOOOCO. Last winter one-half mil lion ar orphans were aided material y, and atnee then a series ef large or phanages have been established to give them permanent cure But for American Ited Pros aid, of ficials of l'olund declared recently, mil lions of people In that country would ksve perished of dlseaw. exposure or starviitla.i the lut eighteen months And the work lliern must be kept Uf for another yean. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A FunretBOO Dru? Co., Halifax. U. C. Fair, Weldon. IS YOUR HEALTH GRADUALLY SLIPPING? loterettiog Experience of a Texai Lady Who Declares That ii Mora Women Knew About CarJui Taejr Would Be Spared Much Sickness and Worry. Navasota, Texas. Mrs. W. M. Pcdcn, ollhis place, relates the following interest ing account oi how &he recovered her slrcnlh, liavinii realized that she was actually losing her health: "Health is the greatest thing in the world, and when you feel that gradually slipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. That is what I did some time ago when 1 found myself in a very nervous, run-down condition of health. I was so tired and felt so lifeless I could hardly go at all. "I was Just no account for work. I would get a bucket of water and would feel so weak I would have to set it down before I felt like I could lift it to the shelf. In this condition, of course, to do even my housework was a task almost im possible to accomplish. "1 was . . . nervous and easily upset. TAPESTRY Let us take to our hearts a lesson no lesson can braver be From the ways of the tapestry weavers on the other side of the sea. Above their heads the pattern hangs, they study it with care, The while their fingers deftly move, their eyes are fastened there. They tell this curious thing, besides, of the patient, plodding weaver; He works on the wrong side evermore, but works for the right side ever. It is only when the weaving stops, and the web is loosed and turned, That he sees his real handiwork that his marvelous skill is learned. Ah, the sight of its delicate beauty, how it pays him for all his cost ! No rarer, daintier work than his was ever done by the frost. Then the master bringeth him golden hire, and giveth him praise as well, As how happy the heart of ihe weaver is, no tongue but his can tell. The years of man are looms of God, let down from the place of the sun, Wherein we are weaving ever, till the mystic web is done. Weaving blindly but weaving surely, each for himself his fate We may not see how the right side looks, we can only weave and wait. But looking above for the pattern, no weaver hath to fear; Only let him look ever into heaven, the Perfect Pattern is there. If he keeps the face of the Saviour forever and always in sight His toil shall be sweeter than honey, his weaving sure to be right. And when the work is ended, and the web is turned and shown, He shall hear the voice of the Masier, it shall say unto him "Well done!" And the white-winged Angels of Heaven, to bear him shall come down; And God shall give him gold for his hire, not coin, but a glowing crown. WILL HE GET AWAY WITH IT? A HINT TO EMPLOYERS. "These holiday urrmigemems are a nuisance!" said a business man chatting wiih a friend. "I al ways have a bother fining every body in." "It's easy for me this year,' re plied (he other. "I have two ty pists and neither of them will take a holiday." ' "liy Jove, that's strange, isn't it?" "Not very," laughed the friend. "You see, I recently engaged a head clerk - a very handsome young chap - and neither of the girls is willing to go away and leave the other with a clear field." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Ue For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signatuia of Every Democratic paper is lu ing called upon to "Raise a Demo cratic campaign fund" to help elect Cox. The Republicans are goinp io rai'tf and spend 5 millions "openly" and 95 millions "secret ly," so we Democrats will have to raise and spend ten millions hon estly and openly to keep the "Grafters" out of Washington. I couldn't rest well at night and was . . , ust lifeless. "I heard ol Cardui and alter reading I decided I had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent for Cardui and began it . . "Ina very short while after I began the Cardui Home Treatment I saw an Im provement and it wasn't long until 1 was all right good appetite, splendid rest, and much stronger so that I easily did tny house work. "Later I took a bottle of Cardui as a tonic. I can recommend Cardui and glad ly do so, lor if more women knew, it would save 8 great deal ol worry and sickness." The enthusiastic praise ol thousands ol other women who have found Cardui helpful should convince you that it is worth trying. All druggists sell it. I. is WEAVERS, llNDER the existing income tax law as framed by the Democrats, such men as John D. Rockefeller, Pierpont Morgan and other multi millionaires pay Uncle Sam $2 out of every $3 they get. The Republicans beiieve in "taxing the poor" and allowing the downtrod den rich to go free, so long as they furnish the dough for buying the election for Harding. Chnmberlaln't Colic and Diar , rhoea Remedy In Michigan. Mrs. A W. Hall. I'aevill. Mirh., says: "I wish to thank you fur your ifrand irood medicine. Chamberlain's Colic anJ Oiarrhora Uf im-dy. We are never viithout it in the house, suj I am Mute it caved my hahy's life this sum mer." Mrs. Mary ('amnion, C'aseville.Mich. save: "I have used Chamberlain's Col ie and lnarrlioea hVtuedy for years and given prompt relief." KM1DID5 (GRANULES) E2S INDIGESTION Tail good, do good; diMohre intUatly on tongue or in waterf take- u aweded. QUICK RELIEF! ALSO IN TAB. IT PONM fOR THOSK WHO eWtFlW TH1W. hdi mr cott t bowni MAKER! OF acorra itmulbion COR SALE One baby stroller I can, in hrst-class condition. Ap ply io Mrs. S. J. DIXON, Weldon, N. (j. sepaZtf AMERICAN RED CROSS TO GIYE RURAL HELP Program tor Public Health and Community Welfare Is Now Well Under Way. Itural communities and towns of lest than 8,m) populutlun heneMt lu a very j large pml by the public healtrT and cuiijimuilty welfare work uf the Aineri cuu Ueil Cross. Almost all of Ihe ! It, (KM Ited Cruas chupiera hue tome rum I sectioiis In their territory. There fuiv the Hed Cross Hurul Service, Briefly, Ihe purpose uf Hurul Serv ice la to assist people to jjet out uf life inure beulth, wealth and hupplnesN. In this purpose public health Instruction und general educatlonul progress uf both children and adults play a big part. KtH-reHtlon is found tu be one of the biggest needs In rural life. There is luck of sufficient pluy-llfe for the chil dren and social life for the intuitu, Ticnlcs, pugeuntH, debating clubs, busebull leugues, community singing und other social events which bring the people of surrounding communities together have been organized und cur ried on under the gulduuce of Hed Cross rural workers to greut advan tage. In many Instances solving rec t'eatlonul problems and getting people together proves to be the awakening of the community to ether conditions which may be ImproTed hy united action. As u result of community organiza tion, townships In which there hud been neither plans nor Interest in community progress have been organ ized to work together with the unified purpose of bringing their community up to the most enlightened stundurds. Lecture end musical entertainment courses have been started us a result of community meetings, as well us cir culating libraries, Red Cross school, of Instruction In Home Nursing, Cure of the Nick and First Aid. In the lurger towns the need for rest rooms and pub lic co in fun station Is being met. Play grounds for the children have been established and recreational art v I ties worked out for the year. In order that there may be concerted effort lu currying on the programs of the various welfare agencies in the rural districts. Ked Cross It unit Serv ice helps the organizations Hlieady on the f round. The main object of the Henries? is to lend a hand everywhere and take the lead only where neces sary . JUNIOR RED CROSS ACTIVE IN EUROPE Garden seeds for Polish orphuns, milk for anaemic Creek hahles, car penters' tools for Czecho-Slovuklsn cripples these are only a few of the gifts thut young Americans are send ing to the war-crushed children of the Old World. Through the Junior Hed Cross the boys and girls uf the Uuited Sutra are giving a fresh start In life to little war orphans scattered all over Europe. They have set up orphuns' homes In France, school colonies In Belgium und Montenegro, und day schools In At banlu. They are sending dozens of young Syrians, Montenegrins, und Albuulans to American colleges In Constantinople Hiid Helrut, and maintaining more thun a hundred orphans of French soldiers at colleges and trade schools. In or phanage and farm schools up sud down the peninsula of Italy there are neurly 500 wards of American Juniors. I.ust winter a thousand French chil dren from the Inadequate shelters of the dfvusted reglous were sent by the Junior Hed Cross to spend the cold months In wanner parts of France. At the same time Ave thousand little HetglMiis were having a hot lunch every day tit Junior Red Cross school cub teeus. American school children have al ready raised something like a million dollars for these enterprises, and they are still hard at work. In China, through campaigns of ed ucation, the Junior Ilea Cross Is help ing to combat widely prevalent blind ness and cholera. RED CROSS RELIEF IN CENTRAL EUROPE But (or timely assistance of the American Hed Croat during the last year, large proportion of the 20.000, 000 papulation of the Balkan States might have starved or perished from dlseas or eiposure. Six million dol lars worth of food, clothing and medi cal aupplles have been sent to the RaU kana Roumsula, Bulgaria, Alhaula, kluntoiiegro, Hernia, ltesnla and Oreece sluoo the beglunlug uf Ked Cress re lief operations In Central Kuriiie, while millions of dollars worth of fuod slone hat been sent to the needy In these atates. The money eirwnded by the Red trt thtt stri'-ken portion of En rope has been used to set up hospitals, orphanages, dispensaries, mobile ine'll ral units and to help to the general re conatructltin of derastated areas Amer than tractors aud other farming liniile nieuta have been aeut to the agricul tural regions where aid hea been glf et In plowing the land. By the last of this year prohuhly all American Red Cross agencies ail mlnlstvrtug relief In Central Europe wtll have withdrawn. By that time, II la believed, the people will have ap prouched a normal atate of living and L will b Me through their own agencies whhh the It cil Cross has helped aat up to tn-ovlile fur themaelvea. CHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND BRAND 'V LADtl "r 6 r" for cm-CHM-TII S A uauND ukiND fills la o .oiJa Ooto aaetsluc boxes, sealtd with BlaKO. Ilbbom. Tail CO orass ara(TvV rwiitae h at a. cui-oats-Tla s y tliaoSB 11110 PILLt, for twenty-lva mra regarded ft Sett, lafcat, always Rrttable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS kt" EVERYWHERE J2SS "Didn't Prominent Georgia Lady and Sleeplessness PKOl'I.E who K"t to feeling weak every now and theu, and who du not seam tu gut the proper ro freshmeut from rest, Hlri-p and recrea tion, need a tonic tu help their bluud ruvltallzti and ImUtl up their system. For this, yuu will find Zlrou Iron Tonic very valuahle, ns the tenltnuny ot thousands already h.oi pruved. Mrs. J. W. Dysart, lady of a prominent Georgia family residing near Carters vllle, says: ' "I didn't feel like myself. Whatever you wish m high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perlectly. OUR PRICKS W I 1. 1 S A T 1 S !' Y . rm a r io M L llM Jit 1 V IN asl-ej'MIHy Are the most precious things uf every human bei' g. To save your lime you inusi save your money placed herein a saving account it will grow and yield an income for lite. Begin your savings account mday even if you have to start it small. HMMMWItw4WeUiara M.FREl'im FOR REDUCTIONS On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. UD K j . S T 0 R R M. FREID, Proprietor. VVI3LDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, CU Ann..,. Ill Tl Til KJ I l II I H J' II (J I j' V Study These Courses. You Are Wanted At a Qood Salary. Let your training be thorough and reliable. The Smiihdeal Busi ness College offers you an opportunity to raise your own salary or equip yourself for a refined and lucrative position. Our faculty will advance you rapidly. Write for catalogue. n ..ii i 0niulaiI OLDEST BUSINESS COLLE.G& IN TUB SOUTH Rest Well" Suffered from Faint Spells Relieved by Ziron. "1 didn't rest well eome nights. I would be Just as tired when 1 Rot up In the morning as when I went to bod. I wuuld Ret weak, and have kind of fuliity Biclla -at times hardly able to du my housework. "I heard ot Zlron, and felt maybe a tonic would help me. I thought It would at icuut strengthen me. "I believe Zlron Iikh done me good. I feel helter. 1 uni glad to recommend it as a K""1 tunic." Try Zlron. Our money-back guaran teo proUcis you. At your druggist's. S C.N. RICK S C IIMCIM KB HltWlllllillWlllllllWH i i ii,wr U iUUIN Ih L n 2S 1 ' I' mm All'lil 1 1 ii rw D II I lllll 1 I 1 1 1 17 IT A All l n vi r r-n kk r 1 o Business College 9th and Broad Stvfcchmond.Vi "ain.... .