Eras ill m 1 1 & 3iE:: J 1 ra 1 Li - urn a --.MS. IP e !:S'I'AII.ISIII:I IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Snbscritin--$2 00 Per Amuim vol,, iv. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, HKI'TKMUKK !:$, l!2. NO. 21 NO MliRCY POR I'LIRI I ... NVtjtonlonls tar mm vrmm y CASTDRIAI r".:::. n ..u i.ikt. '1 AVcielaWo PrconralionVof . I' . . .,. .t- I hul7iul,illl- 1 1 Sinlllilliln.urciuuui'j"'" !' i n.v i S lomnchs ami Howcls or Tt,pr..hvPromoiin4Di4ssi CtiecrralnessandResttotW iicillH-rOnium.Morphlnfiwf !' I X"f A If I. (I 1 IV 1 ""'T... , i iimvrD Pumpkin H,klt tlltt I A lio1ifiilHcnu-d- Br i I Conslip.ilio.ianUDLarrhoca. '! . 1 .. nT Jiu-Simile a i unm For Infants nnd Children. Mothers Know Thai Genuine Castoria Always Bears tho Signature of hi V'lll LW i .fv In Ex; st Cupy o( Wrapper. ,, .,.. ,.,,, c,r. Use For Over Thirty Years f ir Subdivide and Sell by Our Moden Method Results are Quick ; ciulorsrJ by i'St returns tor yuur utiid. 'nr i;iun rt'uhlv sill rmw, i-ven thnuRh rt'iilfii UT 19.MI. The PalhlmiU r full t :ntii-iilurs it may be worth huritirvils I ilullars to ye i. Ht-iul 1 r n TODAY. ATLANTIC COAST REALTY CO. J.'MW Tin- N.ime 1 h. t lu.tilivrt 1 our ' . nil Irii. e" P t. 7a5i )j Offices: l-ETKRSUUI.O.V A. r..l 01-1 KNVII.I.K, N.C. I lOOr Ri'lercn.'i-s; All)- Hunk I I IVt.-rstmra V ..r 1',- , .., ill., N.C. Halifax Coumy Real l-lsuie & Ins. Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. Local Contract Representatives. Practical Sorrow. "Jack," she asked, "was there a Eirl in l-'rance who was sorry to see ynu gn " The moon was full, the summer night was balmy, ihe hammock was built for two and it seemed a shame to break it all up. "I'd rather you, didn't ask me that question, dear," he said. "I'ut I must know. We're en gaged and you should tell me ev erything, she insisted. "Dear, I don't like id talk about it " "Then you did love her. You did, you did." "No, 1 didn't." "Yes, you did, or you'd tell me all about her." "1 didn't, say." "Yes, you did. Oil, Jack, how could you when all the time you were fiigagi'd to ine!" "l.isien a minute and I'll give you ilie whole story," he said in desperation. "She was" "Well?" "She was my laundress. I owed er twelve francs." I'UTiLI-. John, snapped Mrs. (iabbsharp ., you're the rudest man I know. Here I've been talking and you've been yawning in my face for the asi hall hour. I uasn't yawning, my dear, re plied her husband meekly. I was just trying 10 say something. WHAT'S THIi USE? Sunday School Teacher: Now, boys, there is a wanderful example in the lite ot the ant. livery day the ant goes to work and works all day livery day the ant is busy. And in ihe end what happens ? w line: Somebody steps on him. THK SOLUTION. "Hooray! I've found the secret ot si living the high cost of living!' "(,'uick, quick, out with it!" "Make both ends meet and then tie em together. MUSI KliMAHKAHI.Ii. m km m J ft 10 Per Cent. Reduction For CASH ONLY. rPO KUDUCI: STOCK I will allow I 10 ner cent, discount. Por Cash on all munis where bill j-, - to One Dollar or over. amount!) I MM l m - m m m m 4. l. swtmcK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C m m . . . . ... .... i. .4 . .in .t-J, nit tUi Ui .'L ij Teacher: If Shakespeare were alive today, wouldn't he be looked upon as a remarkable man ? Uright I. ad; He certainly would He'd be three hundred years old. CLASSIFIED. Were you a bull or a bear in the last stock market Hurry? Neither. I was the goat. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Choice Hams There Is nothing i"'""6 appetizing than a slice of our choice ham We have anlhinK ou may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned (ioods POOD (iROCLRII'S build up the system, stimulate the brain, and U increase vour eanacitv to think. And right thinking brings mltc Ml- ...... ilinl r ill in hi St'e US. mil. win in ir iii;ifi- villi iiiiuri Conscience is the red Hag that words us to avoid wrongdoing. st.vti: or (into, i ( TI'Y til TUI.KIK), mi. l.H'ASailN'I'V. J Kranl. J. t lii'ucy makeb oath that lie is si'iiior paituer of the tiiiu of V. J. C'licucy & Co., doiiiir busin iu the city ofTolf Jo, louuty ami State aforesaid, aiiJ that saiil III in ill i'y One lluu died Dulluin for eaeh aud every cane of I'atanli that catinot he cured by the uxe of Hull' Catarrh .Medicine. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before me anil uhnoriled in my preenee, Huh nth day of December A. I). IHNi. A. W. liLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cuie it lukeu mtri nut ly aud act directly upon the hhitu) uud mucous HurlaeeH ol the htt in. .1. CIIKM.Y Act i, Toledo, Ohio 'litliiiolliuh ii'iit fu e. I'liee i e,iit inline. Mild I')' ail dluK".tv I tll'n l-.illilv IMI. I,ir net ,lil ll L. E. HULL, Nrar Bstthelnr's Operii tlouacl WEl DON. N.C Dixon Lumber Millwork Co. Weldon, N C. MANUFACTUBKKSIOK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OliDF.K AND HEtiUI.AB STOCK H1ZEH. Qood M.Uri.lf . High Qr.J. Wrk-0hl Our Stofn. I'l'Usl a in. in I" be giiuil, even it be is not, niu n list make linn good. and may ! According to a Dream, ! Modern (iirl Met With Deserved Condemna tion at St. Peter's Hands. Worn Down, Oat of Heart Georgia Lady, Warn -out and Tired, Was Helped by '.iron Iron Tells How She Tonic. ( f t.'W-1.'. thing a Jliii2-at 4n Jeuthjf.arJ. iiT;U; . c .iiijuit 7'C a -i-.ui'ifu-aU ci' tz ? u'S' .. I .1 1,. '. JJ , - fJ - aAc V V Cf::d A-K an. AiUtifAurA A4- i-riUi n iW. 1 & ikiirj 1 Counlandt I'.leeker was talking 1 at Piping Rock about the modern ! Rirl. j "I bad a dream last night," lie said. "I dreamed that a modern girl died and appeared hefnrv St. I'cter. "She wore a gown of filmy, al most transparent tissue. She was very beautiful, and she had a con quering air. '"Let me in, please,' she said. 'My sweethearts were numb.-rless, but (ti y virtue remained unspotted. Though 1 skated over miles of linn iee, I never onee tell tin inch. I am a modern girl.' "Km Si I'cler fi owned ;:nd '.aid, pointing downwards with luv lurelinger. 1 condemn you to the same T or: j . i i- 1 1 1 ti m i Ninitlt.' I'lu il, . Si.lili. , (In . N jm'iM. Ik r m n tiui N "t M.m lii a v.i Ftonmi'li vvhh in; Hl".-i vv . 1 1 . I v.i I ('ul!!i!l, t 'l ilt ' .1 lit tllK'it. "I woulil set nrt of lr-art 1 v.onld fei'l iki- 1 wim it down hi L..J. lit 1 ).. ,i mound.. .1' Ml.. I'owilir Ion In n. vlll:o!i. My !. I ill.lM't ,1 .ill Hi" tllili'. nut ilt.hl't nut :in.I l.lil". i x to III' I'liti'l'itii; nf Zli'dii, mill from what i iiro It wfuililn't hurt me, I j j mi'. Hut nft.T taking in. I it n ally lit. 1 1 1. (1 in", nud 1 i ll fur muni. I uto tetter, kit' r. I am buio Ziroa s "Wi. l..;ii, 1 n .1, I ;i i If it .',.;n I h U, I 1 M.-Ilt I llllll'll u hi li.iijt.! tonic." Mnuy i. a i', who nro worn down anil ill lii iirli'iii'il, duo to stomach disorders mill in rmii i Ilia, find reiki hy tonlDg iii thrii hl.juil with Zlron Iron Tonic. Tell your ilrii"t"t you want to try Xlron ou Luir i.junoy-haijk Guarantee. i7 UTTTH UNP'f HOW CAN YOU KNOW? names to which you your foolish lovers.' " condemned (JET Till: FRESH DECK. It was midwatch emit took the whee lime. The olticer pointed out a star when the re I for the first of the watch and iusiiueied BY l-'HANK L. STANTON. How can you know what's a-comin' along? Sigh you are sighin' may end in a song; The world will roll right, though the world may roll wrong Look to the bright side forever ! How can you know but a sweet star will rise In the storm that seems blowin' 'em all from the skies? A sweet rose is born for each dear rose that dies Look to the bright side forever ! How can you know ? Daisies deep under snow Have dreams of the time when the south wind shall blow! They know the spring's comin', for God wills it so Look to the bright side forever ! How can you know?. . . . Let us trust to the years To lighten the burdens of crosses an' cares, An' ever in the desolate rain of our tears Look to the bright side forever ! him to lay his course by it. Some time later he returned. Jones, he asked, are you still on your course? Please, sir, asked the recruit plaintively, can I have a new star? 1 passed the other one log ago. WON PLACE BY A WHISTLE. I THE BEAUTY THAT'S HIDDEN. "I'M COIN! TO BUY MOTIIhK A COAT. SHE IS n-AHINU ONE YOU CAN Shli TIlKOrCH-IT AIN'T RIGHT. TIIEHI- IS A GOOD DEAL Oh HEAII I V HIDDEN IN THIS WORLD, AND IT 1'AYS TO DIC, I'OK IT. Chamberlain's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy in Michigan. Mm. A VV. Hall, l ai-enlle, Mich., Hays: "I ish to thank you for your irraud ifood ini'diciiie, I haniheilatii's i',. in. u, I Hiarrhiiea Keinedv. We are never without it in the house, and I am sure it saved my baby'" life tliin um mer. " Mrs. Maiv Cariinittoii.l'aseville.Micb. sa vr: "I liave lined t haiuhcilain'x Col ic and luanlioea lieinedy fur ycais sod given prompt relief " FOX SAIL BY Kurirerson Drug Co., Halifax. M. 0. l'air, Weldon. jyittrJOt He was an odd-looking figure as he came merrily whistling down the street the morning after the big j snow. His nose was red and his hands were bare, his feet were in shoes several times too large, and his hat was held in place by a piece of paper on the inside; but he piped away like a steam engine, and car ried the big snow-shovel much as a soldier carried his rifle, "How much? from an imposing looking man, who was asked if he wanted his walks cleaned. "Ten cents." "A nickle's enough." "It would be if I couldn't do no belter; but I've got to do the best I can, and business is rushing. Good morning!" And the merry whis tle rilled the air as the boy started away. 'Go ahead and clean 'em!" called the man, whose admiration and better nature had been aroused. 'Just see the little rascal make Ihe snow fly!" he said laughingly to his wile, who stood at the win dow with him. "Why, he's a regular snowplow, and he does it well, too." "What a liitle mite! And how comical. I wonder if he'sh nngry?' I he wile called to the latl as soon as he had linished, bin he would not take time for more than a cup of collee. "Too busy," he said. "What are you going to doiwiih the money ?" asked the man as he insisted on settling at twenty-rive cents, instead of ten cents the boy asked for, "I'm going to get mother a coat. She's wearing one you can see through it ain't right." On he went, with glowing cheeks and his cheery whistle. Kut they bad h's name and address. It was the wile who look.the coal to the mother, and it was the husband who installed the sturdy shoveler as oltice boy, in a bright new uni form, and with permission to whis tle when he feels like it. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S. CASTORIA There is a little town in Virginia ! which is now world famous for one j of the most beautiful caverns in be j i i i i r fit. iimiiu on mis pi.inci. i.ungeom-! ders and spacious chambers are ! hung with stalactites and studded wiih stalagmites, glistening when the light falls upon ihem, till the observer is fain to believe himself in a palace of gems. Massive col umns rise from floor to ceiling and cascades of gleaming while falls in stony cataracts over the rocks. The discovery of the Luray Cav erns came about thus : A visitor to the town judged from external indications that there must be a cave somewhere in the vicinity. He searched for many days, and at length discovered in the hillside an opening from which air was es caping. Atier clearing away the rubbish which chocked this apert ure, he was lowered by means of a rope, and passing through anoth er opening so small that at first it almost escaped his attention, he found himself in the majestic space which has since been christened Lntrance Hall So overwhelmed was he by ihe beauty he had dis covered that he stood speechless and motionless, till his companion became alarmed and followed liiin. There is a good deal of hidden beauty in this world, and it pays to dig for it. The1 e are people shy and constrained in supeilicial in tercourse, who are cordial and kindly when you come to know litem. You have acquaintances without any doubt, who are gifted in one way or another, but their lack of self-confidence keeps them from exercising their talent, and you, as wen as outers, never sus pect its existence. There is often a vain of poetry in the matter-of-fact old fanner, and almost roman tic chivahy in the ragged newsboy, a saving tenderness of heart in the one whom the world counts be yond the pale. The superficial never suspects these things, Others acknowledge that they may exist, but will not take the trouble to look for them. Comparatively few know how well it pays to dig down to the beauty that is hidden. 3 Why I t Suffer? M Cardui "Did Wonder, lor Me," Declares Tins Lady. "1 suffered for a long lime Willi wominly weak ness," says Mrs. J. R Simpson, of 57 Spruce St., Ashevillc, N. C. "I finally got to Hie where it was Sn tliort ior me to go. I would have bearing-down pains In my side and l- k es pecially severe aero s my back, and ilov.n in niy side there was a great deal ot Eoreii.'ss. 1 was nervous anil easily Upset. k i k.JT'z.r in ,rm i.i mm iw i c "1 tr ..a . .r V- W'i" W ' -s-'J&. " l I -n. . r r. iriTii w .rv-f ux.--- m r.ea tr m aa -ai ai a'';iV-, tn ,i,rzrm 1 jf a m, w o-r. b'J ft r-SOT!!-' m v rlftH Ilia J !IHIi 10f Ait s-.-: a ' t H1 6 VJil J -it Jr ; -v, fa hi V.i Wh.tiev. r you wmi in high grade, :ir designs, our as .m tiiieni will please you ruling new OUR ! U I t I-: v 1 1 : 1 IM Y Hfv C.N. RICKSCl - i llffiiTTi- p ' ' it: r4 (Us. y TAKE The Woman's Tonic "1 heard ol Cardul and decided to use it," con tinues Mrs. Simpson. saw shortly it was bene fiting me, so I kept it up and it did wonders for me. And since then 1 have been glad to praise Cardui. It is the best woman's tonic made' Weak women need a tonic. Thousands and thousands, like Mrs. Simpson, have found Cardul of benefit tcrthem. Try Cardui for your trouble. ALL 2 TTA DRUGGISTS :!:Vi:,,lll!i!ijiillilluuiJliltll!lllullllilllllliilliy!l) AM) MON10Y Are the most nicciiuis ihingsol ciciy human ben g. To save your tune you miisi sour nioiuy- placed herein a saving account it will grow and yield an mci ane lor hie. Begin your . . . .ti account t'.dai - uuiit you to stall u suiau. -avmgs HWIWIi WEI.DON. N.C. POR sbRKDUCTIONS 0 On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. AT. J n (GRANULES) INDIGESTION DUsolv Inatnntly on toncua or in wiiter hot or cold; do Piot have to crush. QUICK RELIEF! ALSO IN TABLFT POHM fOW THOSK WHO PHCFER THEM. MADE BY SCOTT BOWNC MAKERS OF i'.COTT'S EMULSION S T 0 R K M. FREID, Proprietor. WI-LDON, N. C. LAIMI S AND GL.NT'S Ol'TLlTTLR. rp "DIAMOND DYE" OLD GARMENTS LIKE NEW Any woman n 1y faJil. snlihy wearing ftpvnri'l. whetliiT wool, oilk. cot ton, lintMi or ihimmI nwU to any color, iuHt like m'w. lv foil- im! simple direc tion! in eacli i' t.'"k kg vt "Dmmomi lyi." Loam Stencgraphy-Beln Dsmancl The ellicieni faculty of the Snhiihdcal Business College will advance you rapidlv. You are assured of their personal interest in your suc cess. Young men and women go forth from ibis reliable school fully equipped to assume responsible positions of Stenographers, Type writers, Bookkeepers, etc. Many desirable positions await our graduates. Write for catalogue. Busmoss College 9th nd Brosil SU.Richiunnd.Va. OUVCST BUSLNDSS COUEG& IN THE. SOUTH

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