J3W ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER fOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LV. WELDON, N. C TIIUKSDAY, SKl'TEMHKlt 30, 1920. NO. 22 Children Cry for Fletcf r's The Iln4 You Bin ilwayg Bought, and which has been in w o uv muijr years, nas Dome the signature of 0 and has been made under his per- jUpigtrfa onal supervision since its infancy, wcarv. wfc jmow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health o Infants and Children Experience against Experiment Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What isOASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the Signature of In Use For'Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Kill That Cold With CASCARA QUININE Coldi, Cougbi 0M La riPPe NYU-ctrd ColJs an Dangerous Tk no i-hutups. Kev -'-n-1-'! u-i.u J t--i..!y for Un lust snt. Bid a. 4 up uM t.i J 4 living - Hi-lie veil Unpir ii i Jjy:. I Xvrllri.t lui ll-utJawhi; Quinint in tbis tin. Ju- not it.? I.ijJ Linr is bst Tonic Luv) No Opikttr in MiliS ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT m m m m G REDUCTION SI hi; m m m j MM H WW ww WW WW 10 Per Cent. Reduction For CASH ONLY. 11 m m m m m m TO REDUCE STOCK I will allow 10 per cent, discount, Tor Cash on all coods where bill amounts to One Dollar or over. 7For One Week Only.XS The Rnov Stnr. WELDON. N C , m m m m m m m WW ww w ww ww ww UM ww WW Choice Hams Ttaere is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice nam we nave anything you may want iu the line of meats. All kinds of Canned Goods POOL) GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and niiicasc your capacity to mm. nu rigm uniting x.,,... rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us.k L. E. HULL, Ner Batchelnr's Opera Moult.) DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO QUIT. MR. rLAfJLER AND ENGINEER j BROWN. I When Mr. Henry M. Flagler was engaged in building his won derful railway over the sea from j Mainn io Key West, -'la., he had j in his employ a young engineer j we will call Brown There was , one Mrcich of water between two I keys where more than one engineer had declared that, on account of the peculiarities of the currents, no bridge could be built. But Mr. I'lagler and Engineer Brown held to the opinion that it could. So Mr. Flagler put young Brown in charge of the work, saying to him: "1 want tli .t bridge built. It can be dui:c; I Know it. So. whatever happens, don't you quit, but Slick to it." The young man regarded Mr. Flatln ruinesily as he replied : " Inn I undertake anything, Mr. Flagler, I stick to it till it's done. I don't kiio how to quit." The work went steadily from ttcck to wrek; then one day there came a terrific storm which not only considerably injured the work already accomplished, but carried out to sea the house boat on which were the young engineer and sev eral of his workmen. Days passed, and no tidings of them came They were given up for lost. In his New York office Mr. Flagler said to his secretary : Poor brown! That was one job he was forced to quit." He had hardly spoken when a telegram was handed him. It was from Brown, and the contents were like this : "Sorry to have to quit for a time, but couldn't help it. Am back on the job." A few days later Mr. Flagler had the story. The house boat drifted far out to sea. The men aboard were picked up by a passing steam er. So the young engineer who did not know how to quit went back to his job and finished it. s'l'ATK u (HI to, ) (TI'V OKTOI.K1KJ, ss. 1.1'CAS Col NTV. J Frank .1. I lit ney males oalli that tie in senior paitiirr ol'ttie lirui of P. J. flieuey A to., tloiug business in the city of Toledo, County and Mate aforesaid, in. I that saul lirm mil pay Hue Hun dretl liollai for eaeh au,l every case of tutauh that cannot he cured hy the une of Hall'i Catarrh Medicine. FRANK .1. I HKSKV, Stioru to hefore me aud HuhHcnheTiD my presence, this (ith day of liecemher A. II. Isfil. A. W. liLEASON, N otary Public. Hall's I 'alanh Cure is taken internal ly ami acts directly upon the hlood aud mucous surfaces of the system. V. J. CHENEY AC0 Toledo, Ohio- testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per hottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Familr Pills for C msliutti u WELDON, N.C HOLY CUT. Customer I see that the barber across the street has slashed his prices. Barber Yea, and if he'd only confine his slashing to prices his customers wouldn't holler. Chamberlain's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy In Michigan. Mrs. A. W. Hall, Caseville, Mich., says: "1 wish to thank you for your grand good medicine, Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. We are never without it iu the house, and 1 am sure it saved my baby's life this sum mer." Mrs. Mary Carriugtuo,Caseville,.Mich. sa vs: "I haveused Chamberlain's Col ic and Diarrhoea Hemedy fur yeais aud given prompt relief." IT ALL DKPKNDS. An old plug of a man may give automobile horn just one little tool and the tivenge prrsni! wsms to lynch him, hut a pretty girl may blow the blame ihing slam out of the frame and nobody pays the slightest attention to it. Isn't it funny what a difference ii makes ? Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA PI1DD0D0QDDDDBS3B0DD00D00D n flnlHs ft TT.flHflrliA D Q D D D n n D D a a D n a a a a a u a a a Tor years we have used Black-Draught In our family, and I have never found any medicine that could take Its place," writes Mr. H. A. Stacy, of Bradyville.Tenn. Mr. Sta cy, who is a Kulherford County farmer, recommends Black- urau noia ror use in me prompt treatment ot manw .... .w H khiiiviiuih vvuiii Him!, ivvuiiiiuciiua uiiik fraught as a medicine that should be kept In every house old for use In the prompt treatment of manv little ills to ore- vent them from developing into serious troubles. S3 II n D ti a a a a a a a a H M BLACK-DRAUGHT g a ii loonies me uver ana aoes me woric, ivu. Stacy declared. "It is one of the best medicines I ever saw for a cold and headache. I don't know what we would do in our family if it wasn't for Black-Draught. It has saved tts many dollars ... I don't see how any family can hardly go with out it. I kikiv it is a reliable and splendid medicine to keep in the house. I recommend Black-Draught highly and am never without it." At all druggists. THEDFORD'S H a a D D D B MOUNT VERNON. Accept No Imitations 3 39 on aoetJLanLinnninnnnnnnnnnnnn FLEETING AWAY, The fad brings us all to the realization that life is fast fleeting away and as the shadows lengthen we find that we are A little more tired at close of day, A little less anxious to have our way; A little less ready to scold and blame, A little more care of a brother's name; And so we are nearing the journey's end, Where time and eternity meet and blend. A little more love for the friends of youth; A little less zeal for established truth; A linle more charity in our views, A little less thirst for the daily news; And so we are folding our tents away, And passing in silence at close of day. A little less care for bonds and gold, A little more zest in the days of old; A broader view and a saner mind, A little more love for all mankind; And so we are faring adown the way That leads to the gates of a better day. A little more leasure to sit and dream, A little more real the things unseen; A little nearer to those ahead, With visions of those long loved and dead ; And so we are going, where all must go, To the place the living may never know. Dixon Lumber & Millwork do. Weldon, N. C. .VUNUKACTUKEHH OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screen kUDETOOKDEH AND REUULAK STOCK SIZES. 04 Material. High Oratls Wertmanihlp Our Slsgaa. row. & Ait. wv r'urmsuu DiuirCo., Ilulilai. M. ('. I'air, Weldon. jy 2M Wit BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DON'T RISK MATERIAL Each packajs ot "DiaawnJ Dvst" eoa tains directions so simpls tbat any vniDitn oaa dya any material without atnakuuj, iaduuj or runuuic Druggiat fas aoaor asra lak 4M mt dpi GROWING OLD AND SAD. SADNESS IS THE LAST THING THAT OUGHT TO CHARACTERIZE OLD AGE. It is a common belief that as a person advances in years he be comes not only a wiser but a sad der man. That one should gain knowledge as he grows older is thoroughly in order but that he should become increasingly bur dened with the cares of life and saddened because of hopes that have not been fulfilled is not a ne cessary condition. It is true that the clouds that gather about the setting sun do take a sobercoloring from an eye that has kept watch on man's mor tality, to paraphrase Wordsworth a bit, and that the thought of con stantly lessening activity and pros pects which age emails, is enough to make one pause and consider. But consideration that goes tar enough will reveal that all time, whether of this world or another, is an unending opportunity for pro gression. After all, the whole matter of age, is something that has to do with the mind rather than the body. And when the body begins to fail, when gray hairs appear, the step becomes less springy, sleep more difficult and joy in things that used to please an impossibility, sadness should not be the result. The mind is a great crucible which receives and transfuses in some fashion impressions from all the objects and facts of life. The will is the master which determines what the transfusion shall be. A man can let his will relax or he can keep it active, regardless of age. He can make of his existence a heaven or a hell, whether he be old or young, rich or poor, in a favored spot of the earth, on de sert soil orTallen on evil days. When the entire family employ themselves in telling Alice what a nice tellow Tom Green is it is a sure sign she is going to marry Billy Smith. CASTORIA For Infants and Children I In IUa FnrOvarSO YAara Slf oaiu of THE SINUINQ TRER. A curious African tree, belong ing 10 the acacia, or locust family, has an Arabian name, "soffar," which means a flute or pipe. It bears thorns, and the larvae of in sects work their way into the bases of the young thorns, which then swells into round capsules an inch in diameter. The brown insect escapes from this chamber by a circular opening, and when the wind blows into these holes it causes them to emit a flute-like sound. African travelers speak of the strangely sweet melody pro duced by the wind playing through a grove of acacias with these cu rious Aeolian harps. COMPANY. "It would be lough to be fool but for one thing.' "What is that?" "There are plenty of other fools lo go around with." INDIFFERENT. BOTH SIDES RESPECTED THE HOME OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. In those tragic years when the Civil War was raging, the banks of the Potomac were the scenes of many bloody conflicts: armed ves sels patrolled the river, fortifica cations were erected on its heights, armies camped along its shores, and the sound of cannon or mus ketry daily echoed over its waters. Homes and fields were abandoned by their owners, for no one fell safe against the raids of the scout ing or foraging parlies of the Union and the Confederate troops.. But there was one exception. Both sides respected Mount Ver non. Neither army sought to oc cupy or to fortify it. No forcing or plundering took place within its precincts. The old furniture stood peacefully in the old rooms; the old irees stood in the old grove. It was ihe one bit ot neutral ground in that long and bloody war. Rev erence for Washington's home and memory was implanted in the heart of every soldier, whether he were from the North or from the South. There was a story current in those days, says Mr. Frederick W. Seward in his reminiscences, that the old mansion was left in charge of two persons, a man and his sis ter. He was la Union man; she was a sympathizer with the Con federacy. When the visitors ap proached from the riverside they were presumably from the Union gunboats, and he went out to meet them. When they approached from the landward side they were presumably from the Confederate camps, and she went to greet them. But it made little difference. Whichever they were, they all came as friends, and were received as such. When Prince Jerome Napoleon, with his suite, visited Washington during the war he inquired about Mount Vernon. "Is it in your hands, or held by the enemy?" "Neither, prince," was the re ply. "It is sacred, and treated as neutral ground." One of the French visitors re marked, "A present vous avez la guerre, mais pour lui, e'est tou jours la paix." It was an augury of the coining time when we should find that there were some things we could not divide. We had found that we could not divide the glory of George Washington. In due time we were to find that we could not divide the Union he had founded nor the flag he had unfurled over it. Gladys "And when the conduc tor found you hadn't got the fare in your bag, did he make you get oft the train and walk?" Nora "Only get off. He didn't seem to care whether I walked or sat down'" ON THE MEND. M. D.: How's the patient's heart acting this morning, nurse? R. N.: Splendid, doctor. He's proposed to me twice aleirdy. The Better Way Never disobey Nature's warn ing. It's far better to forestuM weakness with nourishment that protects. Scotf s Emulsion after meals for child or adult, ie S a wonderful help in forestalling 1 weakness. Atk for Scott's. I Icott a Ruwnc. BlomnSeld. N. J. 4) SEPTEMBER GLEARANCE Bank Vice-President Tells How Ziron Iron Tonic Helped His Daughter After Operation for Appendicitis. All Kit fcny s. rl.ius IIIiiokh. the first I'll n k uii notice when you begin to gut srouud Is your lack 01 sli. utlh and em raya tired, weak ferltnif. The sooner you it your strength tuck ths belter. I h thing to do is to tut punty of goud, nourishing food, gel all the livsu air you cau, exercise conservatively, and ;,ka .Iron lion Toole three times a day. Your doctor will tell you this is Sound advice, and urge you to follow It. Hunt this letti r from Mr. J. n. Kelly, vice iiresiikiit of Hie First Natloual bank, (irmcvllle, Kla.: "My daughter1 had liocu In hud health sluru last April. She v.u o rated on for appendicitis. She bus li'.n tuklng Iron fur two weuks. Her appetite Is tetter than It has been. Her nerves are better, and sho soys she feels better ... I know that Zlron Is good for weak and feeble people." Zlion Is a scientific, reconstructive tonic, prepaied from valuable strength building Ingi'i'illentH, for weak people wltn tlilu blood. Druggists sell Zlron on a rii'iney Lack guarauteo. Try It Whatever you wish in high grade, arnsiic jewelrv, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you im.'ectly OUR p r I c i; s W I L I. S A T I S I- Y . 3: ifC.N.RICKSC 'JiflUliaaUHsltllUltl attttUttUI till 1 1 1 ItllalUi BUUattill LiMU tliiatsBati U HliUaaaatlaU Sand for Sale. i have sand for sale and can furnish to private families as well as to contractors at a price of (H AA the load qpl.UU delivered anywhere in Weldon, of ONE-HALF CUBIC YARD to the load. J. a TURNER. 16 4w Biggest Shoe Bargains Of the Year, MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN BE HERE EARLY. Everything in Summer Footwear reduced to sensationally low prices that will clear them out now. Room for Fall lines now arriving forces these goods out at these rad ical reductions. We have gone over our entire stock and bunched accumulations from the season's selling at these low prices for the final days ot this big Clearance. KITTNER'S SHOE STORE, L. KITTNEK, Prop. Opposite Postottic Weldon, N. C MM 1 11 T I UMliUr 1 LIU Vj A IN U lLl Are ihe most precious things of every human beirg. To save your time you must save your money placed here in a saving account it will grow and yield an income for life. Begin your savings account today even if you have 10 start it small. E weldon. n c. j M.FR KID'S FOR REDUCTIONS On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains AwaitJYou. 11 Uj VIUaa. IP UT jllltl S T 0 R E M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, lal PQMAN WANTKn To n 0 lici orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints Salary or commission. Address THE LEN NOX Oil & Paint Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Study These Courses. You Are Wanted At a Good Salary. Lei your training be thorough and reliable. The Smithdeal Busi ness College offers you an opportunity to raise your own salary or equip yourself for a refined and lucrative position. Our faculty will advance you rapidly. Write for catalogue. EBusiness College 9th and Broad St1.t1ch1nond.V1 OLDS ST BUSINESS COLLEX3B IN THE SOUTH