ll ' ' IsTABLISHliD IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LV. WELDON, N. C, TIIU11SDAY, OCTOBER 14, IJ20. NO. 24 Children Cry for Fletc The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use lor ever winy years, nas borne the signature of -ff - anJ has been made under his per- UffiJZjfc, 6nal supervision since its infancy. WuV -cuc44Z Allow no one tu dcccive you Jn All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Eipriments that trifle with and endanger the health of fnffintK flnrt Children TrTnfrtpno nnni i? i Never attempt to relieve your baby with a - A mm A. t A a l m rcuicuy in a i yuu wouia use tor yourself. What is OASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains' neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in conutunt use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic nnd Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought I2G Kill That Cold With QUININE CASCARA CuiJi, Coughs tomv AND La G ! i i c i l.vtfil 0Ms arc Dun'.-rouM Ttiltf .. I iiu i-fi, ; tiiii '.(an,' ltd n-tnrtiy li.in.ly ..r tli- t.iM : h.t, i :.tiki, up u i-iM in ii Itdiim Ki-lii-vr.. ('uippu jtiJ i! iy.i - Kxii-llenl tor )1 .itlUi Itu Qtiiniiif in liiis luftn does not u!lWl the hfad -Cast-aia it, Ik -.i 'I'. . i v.'.i N. i ipi:av 11. Hill's. ALL n RUG GISTS SELL IT j $$$34 4-3 flr if K For Cash Only 1 m m glO PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS. Sj m -m In order (o reduce siock, I will alio .1 Ji.juint of 10 per cent, on all CASH purchases over une dollar, excepi on School Books. Big Slock of Winter Clothing. Shoes, Hats and other goods recently received. Come early and save fM money while this onoortuniiy lasts S3 t. L. SWflBACK, m MM m The Busy Store, WliLDON, N C Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods GOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinkinbrings best re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in 10 see us.fc L. E. HULL, Near B.tchelor'i Opera Hou.e.l WELDON. N C SOMETHING JOB NEVER DID. possibly an experience liks mr. urown's would have SHatti:ni:d his reputation or path-nci:. l-'illed wiih pride, Mr and Mrs. Brown stalled nut lor a drive in their new uiiiiuic.ir. Mrs. Brown was hiipiiij; the 'Neighbors were watching, hut her husbund was loo busy steeling to hope uboui any thing. Aiack ! Before they reached the cud of 1 he ro.ul the car snipped, am! stayed that way with a mule like persistency. Mr, Urown tried evetylevir and handle in turn. Then he gut down from his seat and began 10 investigate. Presently he lay down and crawled ui dei neaili ihe car until only his 1 umber nines were left visible In a lew moments the car gate a -.mlddi juli and then slopped, ai d a terrible How ol lan guage, more forcible than poli.te, became audible. "Oh, John," exclaimed the wife, in hiirriried tones, "don't swear so! Have patience, like Job did." "Job," shrieked Mr. Brown, in a stifled voice. "Job would have sworn, too, if he'd been under neath this beastly car with his mus tache caught in a cogwheel," Qrlp. (i rip usually sttrta just the mme as a cold with a watery discharge from the uose. You are much more likely to contract the Riip wheu you have a cold. For tkat reason when grip in prevalent you should tro to bed as soon as you foel that you are taking culd and stav in bed until fully recovered which should not lie long if you take Cham berlain's CoukIi Remedy. Three days in bed oow is better than three weeks later on Dixon Lumber I Millwork Co. Weldon, N C. MANlKA(TUKEKH OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TUUKDKH AND KKUULAK HTOCK alZEH. 4m4 MsUrlata. Hlfb ar4 WM-kMulii Our SICM. WITH HIS POCKETBOOK. "Bibbles looks depressed." "So he does." "Is his heart in the grave?" "No, it's in Cuba." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A girl admires a man who doesn't smoke, drink or swear, but she usually goes to the dance with a man who does all three. uaiaaiauiHBaBBaMBBai Bays Drug Acts Like Dynamite on Liver and You Lose a Day's Work. Thi-re'i no reason why a person should tak tirkniinx. salivatiiix ,-alomel when a few rents buy a larnc bottle of Dod una I-Ivit Tme-a perfert substitute for calomel. H i a pU'iiMHit. veiie table liquid which will stsrt your liver just a surely u ralnmel, lint it ihiesn't make you sick ami can W't salivate. lliihlrin ami grown f"lk can lake IMson s Liver Tone, ban it Is per fectly lllirillle-i.. Calomel i a ilanitenius drill). mercury ami attacks "iir tMines. Taka a lose of im-ly ralmiicl tly and you will feel weak, slik ami nauseated to morrow. Don't le a ilsy'a ork. Taka a siHHinful of Hudson's Liver Tone to. stead and V"il will ' "P ff llnK C""' No more biliousness, coii.llillu, slug iiishness, Urads.lie. waled tonnue or sour tumacli. ..nr ilniuplst ys Tu don't Itml Doiiiou's Liver Tone acts bet ter than horrible calomel your money ta waiting for you. roa ALt ay Furirer'iii iNuiM'u, MuliiuK. M. V, Pair, Wclduii. jy 2tt m Sand far Sale. I have sand for sale and can furnish to private families as well as to contractors at a price ofdtH A A the load r.VJW delivered anywhere in Weldon, of ONE-HALF CUBIC YARD to the load. J. S. TURNER U4w THE "OLD RELIABLE" I THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT White Haired Alabama Lady Sayi She Has Seen Medicines Coma and Go But The "Old Reliable" Thedford's Black-Draught Came and Stayed. Dutton, Ala. In. recommending Thed ford'f Black-Draught to her Iriends and neighbors here, Mrs. T. F. Parks, a well known Jackson County lady, said: "lam getting up In years; my head Is pretty white. I have seen medicines and reme dies come and go but the old reliable came and stayed. I am talking of Black Draught, a liver medicine we have used lor years one that can be depended up on and one that will do the work. "Black-Draught will relieve indigestion and constipation if taken right, and I know lor I tried it. It Is the best thing I have ever found lor the full, uncomfortable feeling alter meals. Sour stomach and sick headache can be relieved by taking Black-Draught, it aids digestion, also ssisls the liver in throwing off impuri ties. I am glad to recommend Black Draught, and do, to my friends and neighbors." Thedford's Black-Draught is a stand ard household remedy with a record ol over seventy years of successful use. Every one occasionally needs something to help cleanse the system of impurities. Try Black-Draught. Insist upon Thed ford's, the genuine. At alt druggists. (j, 7a E POLISHES 1 BEST FOR HOME SHINES-SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS Fo'BU'l'SwrS'Sd?"''B"wn THE F. F. D ALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD., BUFFALO, N. V. A WEDDING SONG, And on her lover's arm she leant, And round her waist she felt ii fold And far across the hills they went, In that new world which is the old. Across the hills and far away Beyond their utmost purple rim, And deep into the dying day The happy princess followed him. And o'er them many a gliding star And many a merry wind was borne, And streamed thro, many a golden bar, The twilight melted in the morn. And o'er ihem many a flowing range Of vapor buoyed the cresent barks And rapt thro" many a rosy change The twilight died into the dark. And o'er the hills and far away, Beyond their utmost purple rim, Beyond the night, across the day. Thro' all the world she followed him. DONEGAL BAY As I sit by the window high up in my room, Midst the smoke of the city, its noise and its gloom, Down the dead years, ashore, I am drifting this day, To that old sunlit harbor of Donegal Bay. The liRht touch of your hand and the curve of your cheek And my heart throbbing back to the soft words you speak, With ihc lift of our boat to the waves' lilting play And the bright sunlight dancing on Donegal Bay. The llighi of the wild gulls and wind whistling free, The wide full-swelling salt and the swing of the sea, And the salt, stinging kiss of the fast flying spray, With ihe sun laughing down on Donegal Bay, The wide waters around us, and gleaming on high The white clouds and the blue shining arch of the sky; Oh, 'twas Junetime and lovetime, now vanished away, Bui the sumis still glinting on Donegal Bay. Just a lad and a lass, sure the tale's nothing new! Bui the black sorrow's on me, I'm longing for you And the tones of a voice that is silent today. Though the sun jewels snarkle on Doni-gal Ray, CASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean tht Signature of A young lady at a party recently asked a gentleman if he would take her for eighteen. "No," he re plied, ' but 1 would lake you for life." dot Her Good Health r-fom A Bottle. Mm Edward rUifanidiir.Wahaah.Ind., aaya that ahe owes her tfuod to Cham berlain'! Tthleta. She mltWi'd finni dutrfu after eatiDn anil couatipatiuu auJ tva romph'li-ly rurad by the uae ul these tablets. Can breaking into society be call Cd social burglary ? THE LONQ AWAITED. As the minister had a deserved reputation for longwindedness his congregation had dropped ofT little until, on this Sunday, here was cily one occupant of the pews a batchelor girl of some fifty sum mers. Siill the pastor was deter mined to deliver his sermon. Ascending the pulpit, he began ''Dearly beloved" The coy young thing jumped to her lee! Oh, Doctor Higgins, she cooed, this is so sudden. Children Cry ' FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Laugh and the world laughs with you; growl and the world laughs at you. NO SUBSTITUTE FOR REST. REST IS ONE TH1NO t-'OK WHICH NATURE NEVER MADE A SUBSTI TUTE." Young persons often say: "I don't need much sleep; 1 can be up late every night and never feel it." It is surprising how much abuse of that sort Mother Nature will stand. But payday finally comes. It is a good deal like the case of the man who starts out with money in the bank left him by his father. He spends freely without thinking whether he is spending more than his income. Then one fine day he wakes up to discover that he has been paying out more than has been coming in, and his bank bal ance is gone. Medical science has arrived at two important conclusions. One is that very much ill-health is caused by fatigue, the other thai rest is one of the most important of remedies. It is common experience that we catch cold more readily when we are fatigued. So with other germ diseases. The bacteria are on the watch ready to make an attack whenever the resistence of the body is lowered. One of the common ways by which the resistance is lowered is by fatigue. Fatigue plays its part in so sim ple a matter as walking. The scarcely perceptible pause between steps gives enough rest for a per son to walk a long time at his na tural gait. If he hurries a trifle he loses this rest and soon gets win ded. A person uses about the same amount of energy in going upstairs, whether he walks or runs. But the lack of rest in running up stairs makes the exercise from it far more violent. A boat crew in order 10 be successful is supposed to rest between strokes. The crew that gets in a hurry wears itself out. When we become tired all sorts of things may happen. Sometimes we may have a sense of dizziness or of nausea. In that case the stomach is the weak point and the weak point and the symptoms are from weariness of that organ. The eyesight of some persons is affected by fatigue, and they think they are going blind. Occasionally our symptoms con vince us we are losing our minds, Every person is familiar with the little lapses that are so annoying the inability to remember a name soon after it has been heard, or just read, the sense of being far failure to retain the sense of a page away, of general unreality. All of ihem are evidence of fatigue. One of the curious things about getting tired is that often we are not conscious of it at the time, or even the next day. People who work long hours on Saturday often do not feel the effects until Monday or Tuesday. There are very few diseases that are helped by drugs Not more than six or eight out of one hun dred and fifty. But poor health pretty generally is improved by rest. Sleep, of course, is ihe great rest agency. Most people need at least eight hours; more than less. Nobody need worry about sleeping too much. Often the great trouble with sick people is that they go to the doctor expecting him to give them some thing to make them well while they keep up the bad habits ihat made them sick. They want to take medicine instead of sleep. But rest is one thing for which Nature never made a substitute. KUTTYHUNK BLUE 5' "Felt Like Eating" Man and Wife, All Run-Down from Farm Work, Were Greatly Helped by Ziron. an Y WIFE mid I, alter a hard iprlng on thP farr.i, were urea ami run-uuwn, says Mr. 10. IS. Mulkcy, of Route 1, A,-vortli, Ca. ,'We neither ft; 1 1 wi ll. I ki.iw iny blood was had, as 1 hud little bol'a on the back of my nerk, j 'We felt we needed n builder. We had heard of .Iron nd thought It must be what we nt-wli-d. It certainly wan. We took It fullhl'ully, and alter a week or Buch a mailer we boean to feel belter. My who tit like cuokinc, and I aura felt Ilka eating. ".Iron aure did ua good. It made ua both fuel atronier and better fori the full work, which everyone known Is 'Borne work' on a farm. My bollJ Megan to dry up, tnou(b juat at Hint mey seemed worse. "We are much better and can highly recommend Ziron, and gladly do ao fori It sine did ua good. Zlron la a aafe, reliable, tonic medi cine, good for men, women and child leu, when au Iron tonic ta Indicated, it la eaay to take and conialna na hablt-furnilng drugs. Aak your druggist or dealer. Liiai. Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perfectly. OUK p r i c.i; s W I L I. SATISH Y. It C.N. RICK'S? er-" ctr- it eixv .tir r a THERE is something ahead for each one of us. Largely we are now determining what it is. Start a savings account here, add to it regularly and watch it grow plus its interest earnings. That means nothing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of you. You cannoi Afford to Delay. In the finest made and the beat value a woman's nickel ever boUKIlt. Diamond. McOoimMl C., Mtnulaiann. 40V N. 4th L, Ptita. "DIAMOND DYE" OLD GARMENTS LIKE NEW Any woman I'ttn dye faded, shabby wurfiur iDimrel. whether wool, tilk, cot ton, linen or mixed goods to any color, uat Iiu new, by fnILm hik simple direo- 1b acb package 01 "Uiamona vjmr iakLUaiaatU M.FREID'8 FOR REDUCTONS On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. I P U T Jill 11 S TORE M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, Loam Stenography-Be In Demand The efficient faculty of the Smiithdea! Business College will advance you rapidly. You are assured of their personal interest in your suc cess. Young men and women go forth from this reliable school fully eauipped to assume responsible positions of Stenographers, Type writers, Bookkeepers, etc. Many desirable positions awaii our gradu ates. Write for catalogue. Iusiiaess" College tIIi and Broad 3U.Kjchmend.Vi bJjDE-ST BUSINESS COLIEQB IN THE SOUTH