L TABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SulscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum OL. LV. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOliEl. 21, 11)20. NO. 25 I UHd I UillM IS,. IIS she ..'-1". c vf..:j T.nwl j Net tonienw urmm ".ir.oHOL-aPEB CJJNT- AVoi olAblc rYcpar tio6rAs i lint the Stonwfr andBcwtbrf Thereb5-PromoUn4Di4!5ti Chccrfulnf 55 neither Opium.Morphlnen UiteraloT(AK1"v Misfit I l lull T7" 'Conslipalionand DitfrtaH. ... . v -ichnrss ana aim fa-Simile Siw NEW TfUKiv. fed; I.' '. fcr. .. f- mm HI r r Ei-t Copy of Wrapper. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know Tha Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of I WW ciMir ( ,TV In y Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Kill That Cold With cascaraE) quinine FOR Coldi, Coughs Neglected Colds are Dangerous T.k. no chances. Keep this Btanda. J remedy handy for the hint .iiu;.. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieve. Grippe in 3 daysExcellnt for Heuduch. Quinin. in this form docs not affect tht head Cascara is best Tunic LaxauvaNo Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT n I m m. m iiiii : LLWUU For Cash Only 1 m i m m m m m m m mm dcd pent nicrniiMT m Qn nflYQ m feat iu r lii uliu . uiouuuni iuh j wnmi m In order to reduce stock) I will allow :i discount af 10. per cent, on all CASH purchases over on? dollar, except on School Books. Big Stock of and other goods recently received. Come early and save Sxf-iHf money while this opportunity lasts. m A. L STAIN BACK. U m ' ' ' m Thi R.., ct WPI DON. N c Sf , gyg m m m Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want u the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods P(OD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinkingbrings best re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, THE WHITE JIATHERN APRON. BLESSED IS THE MAN WHOSE WHITE LKATHERN APRON IS NOT SOILED, AND HAS NO MARKS OF A COURSE NATURE UPON IT THAT DEFILE ND DEBASE. John Henry Wiseman was a Freemason of whom many said : "He's such a peculiar fellow. His lite is so blank. He is absolutely devoid of culor. There is nothing suriliiig in his way of living. I here's nothing more to his life than an 0 with the circle rubbed out. One day John Henry Wiseman died, and the statement was made: He didn't owe a cent to any hu man being when he died." His whiie Masonic apron was not mar red by a single debt. As far as that went he left it as white as the day it was handed to him, When he died it was said that he didn't owe any man a single grudge, thai he left this world free from any ill-feeling against a human being, and iliat it was remarked that on one could recall that he ever was in trouble wiih man, woman or child. His life had been blank. very blank, and his white apron had no stain of passion or ill-will upon it. When he died people said that he didn't owe any person an apol ogy, for he had treated his friends, neighbors and acquaintances with uniform courtesy and never in fringed on their rights. When he died the public voice reported that he didn't owe the State a single penny, but had paid all that the law demanded of him for the protection he had received for his life and property. His white apron was free from stain of shirk ing from his duty to the govern ment that had guarded and pro tected him. When he died the papers stated that he was not in debt to society for any favors that he hadn't paid for. He maintained a manly, hon est, straighiforward course, and had not involved the public in the expense of lawsuits and trials oc casioned by unlawful and criminal practices. He had been decent and respectable and no charge of immorality was ever recorded on his white leathern apron. When he died the universal ver dict was that he had paid in full all that he owed to his brother-man, that he had helped the poor, nursed the sick, fed the hungry, cheered the disheartened and made the pathway of life less difficult for those whose feet were tired. His apron was free from any stains of neglect of the suffering. When he died the preacher said that he had paid as far as it was possible for a human being to pay the debt he owed to God, by lead ing a clean, hopeful, trusting life, and that he had left the world with the rich promises of God laying before him a bright pathway to glory. His life was "colorless" like the sweet air of the fields. His life was "blank," like the sheet of snow on the mountainside, He was peculiar like the people God speaks about in the Holy Book as "Peculiar people, zealous of good works," Constant complaints never get piiy. Nr Bauhelor'i Opera Houac.1 WEI DON. N.C fan Lumber & Millwork Co. Weldon, N C. MANUKACTIIREKH OF Gliding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors RllnI. .a . . ... . iim-Ja,ii Srppani , nianieis, uoor ana ytiuuuw MA HE TO ORDER AND RFUULAR STUCK H17.KS. 0M Material, illfk Urala WartaMMf Oar Uwa. , FOR. SALfc BY Kuniersoa I'm Cu , Halifax M. ('. Pair, Weldon. jjr SI (lt KUTTYHUNK BLUE 5' K ilietinrat luadr and the beat v.ltie a woman's nickel erer homrht. Ol-ia. ataow C. Maaelatlam W N I b.JY "DIAMOND Ltu" DON'T RISK MATERIAL Each packaiff of "Diamond Dvei" con tain, liractions ao simola tliat au7 woman oaa dya any material witliout atrl.ig, fading r running Bruffltrt at aurd-llttt M i iS' As Doad atho Dodo Every druggist in town your druggist and everybody's drug gist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead 1 Dodson's Liver Tone it personally guarftntaed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy rtlief in every case of liver sluggish oess and constipation, you have only to uk for your money bark. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. T.ilti' a .;hijiiuI at night and waktj up ff'tlii' lint-; no biliousness, sick lic-a diu-lie, la-ill HtoiiMt-li or constipated bowels. It Ju ;,u'i ripo or cause in convei.irm.-p .i!l il.r ih"ct ilay like vio lent calomel. Taki a ilmn of calomel today and tt-ri;,- . t,i. will feel weak, sii-k and iuun-ntnl. TVn't lose a day' work! Tak.- Dutlton's Liver Tone ioalvaJ unj led Udu, full oi vigor and ambition. BEST PLACE OF ALL. When I feel bad and things are wrong with me, Then Grandma's lap is the best place to be, There's a place on her arm jes' fits my head, And her lap's cushiony, jes' like a bed. Sometimes she covers my foots with her dress, Her lap's the best place in the world, I guess. When my nightclothes are on and my prayers said, And my ma says, "Now son run up to bed," An' I'm a-standin' 'roun' a-bein' slow, Jes' cause I'm all time a-dreadin' it so, My Grandma gives her knee a little tap, An' I slip over and and get in her lap. Then Ma looks real hard at me, an' Grandma, An' then she turns aroun' an looks at Pa; But Pa he jes' smiles and says, "Let him be, it used to be the same way with me." Then my head finds that place on Grandma's arm. An' she tucks me in good all snug and warm, An' she sings to me then, so soft an' low, The songs she sung, way long time ago, Then she tells tales 'bout when she was a girl, 1 know her lap's the best place in the world. SLIP OF THE TONGUNE. THIS WONDERFUL SIN-CUSSED COUNTRY OF CALIFORNIA. Last winter, writes a contributor, there occurred in southern Califor nia a very amusing case of lapsus linguae. At the Sunday morning service of a large down town church he pastor recognized among his congregation a well-known writer for the denominational weekly who had recently arrived from the Hasi. At the close of the service the pas tor mentioned the presence of this brother and invited him to come forward and say a few words of greeting. This the writer was pleased to do, and he began to re late the thrilling tale of blizzards, zero weather and snow that he had encouniered on his trip. Reaching a climax, he said, "Only those who come, like my self, from the bitter cold of mid winter in the East, through the awful storms of the Middle West, can really appreciate what a great privilege it is to be in this wonder ful sin-cussed country of California!" iNot until the phrase was com pleted did he notice his shocking error, and then, red-faced and stammering, he repealed the last sentence, substituting the well known word, "sun-kissed." THE MISSINQ LINK. THE LOVE OF COD, God's boundless Love and arching sky Above us when we wake or sleep, Above us when we smile or weep, Above us when we live or die. God's tireless Love! Beside the cot Of her sick child the mother sleeps. The Heavenly Father ever keeps Unweary watch He slumbers not. God's patient Love. Misunderstood By hearts that suffer in the night. Doubled yet waiting till Heaven's light Shall know all things work for good. God's mighty Loye ! On Calvary's height, Suffering to save us Trom our sin, To bring the Heavenly Kingdom in, And fill our lives with joy and light, God's changeless Love ! The wandering one, Forsakes, forgets, dishonors; yet, Repenting, going home, is met With no reproach "Welcome, my son!" God's endless Love! What will it be When earthly shadows flee away, For all Eternity's bright day The unfolding of that Love to see! Got Her Qood Health From A Bottle. Mrs. Edward Kaifanider.Wabagli.lnd., ays that she owes her irood to Cham berlain's Tablets. She suffered from distress after eating and constipation and was completely cured by the use of these tablets. Why is love like a canal boat? Because it is an internal transport. Grip. tirip usually starts Just the same aa a cold with a aatcry diicliarjc from the nose. You are much more likely to cuntract the irrip a lien you have a cold. For tkat reason when (rip is prevalent you should go tobed as soon aa you foeltbat you are taking cold and Slav iu bed until fully recovered which abould not be lung if you take Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. Three days in bed now is better than three weeks later on There is silence. a reward for faithful Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Astronomers say that there ii everv reason to believe that hu man life on Mars is much like it is on the earth. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children ! In Us For Over 30 Years j Bigaani of A man came into a store with a very small dog under his arm. An irishman was standing near and after a few moments of close ob servation he asked the stranger what breed his dog was. The man replied that he was a cross between an ape and an Irishman. "Faith then," replied Pat, "he is kin to both of us.', Alabama Minister Relieved Stomach Troubles Made Him Feci Sick at Meal Times, But Now Always Enjoys His Meals. D O YOl' rnliiy viHir mi'iilH? Kut without Itae dieitd ot tbo uflcr elfi'i-lii? Lru-k u( iit.jieiito, :i!id a dlsgrr-euble, aii'U -m llic .itmiHi u li Inn; utter mealH, UEuuily In. limit) tliat your digestive rRan; ura n ,t working properly. As a roi-uit. you w ill fed ,vi-:ik, lose weight and luck the n-'iy. i'.Mt ia to be de rived trom well-dim. -:1 (nod. A valuable lu-lp In corrocllne; r-uch aonditlons Is mentioned by the Rev. L K. McKeluie, of Kunle 1, Section. Aln., who willew: "I had st'itnnrh trou We. V lien I .mild no to eut, I would turn sick. I toolc one bottle of Zlroii, and il cured tne. Am always ready for my mcuis and enjoy them, I think It Is a fine medicine." if your tuod hurls you, if your appe-1 tlte is poor, If you are pale, weak audi run-down, aud have other symptom. that lii'licate your system needs help, try Zi !',!'. It will put iron into your blood and help build you up. Take II according to directions, and if not I -eiii-flti d by the flint bottle, the money i u-k guaiuiit'v will protect you. -k v.... - 1st. iliaamcnal high tirade, artistic Whatever you wish in designs, our assortment will please you peiT?cily jewelry, in charming new 0 U R P R 1 C i; S W I I. I SATISFY. C.N RICKS t NECESSITIES Op LIFE. Opinions as to the "necessities of life" are wont to differ. Atten tion has been called to the fact that our forefathers lived "without su gar till the thirteenth century, with out coal till the fourteenth, without butier on their bread till the Hf- teeth, without tobacco and potatoes till the sixteenth, without tea, coffee and soup till the seventeenth, with out umbrellas and lamps till the eighteenth, and without trains, tel ephones, gas and matches till the nineteenth." T ? LOOKS THAT WAY. Who won the war?" asked the bright young goof behind the soda counter. "Huh," ejaculated the ex-ser geant gruffly as he dug up the war tax, "1 think we bought it." CORRECT. What are the two principal func tions of United States mnnry? asked the teaeher. To have and to hold, answered the bright young person. A PROTEST. "Backward, turn backward, oh, time in thy flight," warbled Hor tense Magee. "Stop it!" cried her father. "What are you trying to wish on us? Don't you remember it's only a year ago that the seventeen-year locust was with us?" ran' i S Was Very Weak "After the birth ol my baby I had a back-set," writes Mrs. Mattie Cross- whitli nf filliU Qnrlno Vi. "1 was very ill; thought 1 was going to die. I was so weak 1 couldn't raise my head to get a drink of water. I took . . . medicine, yet 1 didn't get any better. 1 was constipated and very weak, getting worse and worse. IsentforCardul." M TAKE Ml i WHOA, LIZZIE. Did you hear that Mr. Hiboy was killed while traveling in Ken tucky? No. How did it happen? In a feud. Good Lord! And I've caution ed him a dozen times against ri ding in one. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A The Woman's Tonic "I found alter one bot tle of Cardul I wai im proving," addi Mrs. Crouwhite. "Six bot tle! ol Cardul and ... 1 was cured, yes, I can say they were a God-send to me. I believe I would have died, had It not been for Cardul." Cardul has been lound beneficial In many thousands oi other cases ot womanly trou bles. If you leel the need ol a good, strengthen ing tonic, why not try Cardul? It may be just what you need. 6 MS M All Druggists THFK'li is something ahead for each one of us. Largely we are now determining what it is. Start a savings account here, add lo it regularly and watch it grow plus its interest earnings. That means nothing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of you. You cannot Afford to Delay. M.FK KID'S FOR REDUCTIONS On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. null) loli cm STORE M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, Stenography-1 ypcwritinjc-Bookkcepins Study These Courses. --You Are Wanted At a Good Salary. Let your training be thorough and reliable. The Smithdeal Busi ness College offers you- an opportunity to raise your own salary or equip yourself for a refined and lucrative position. . Our faculty will advance you rapidly. Write for catalogue. rnismess College 9th and Broad SUjSchmondVl OLDEST BU31NBS3 COLLEQEe IN THE SOUTH

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