f i I -ilABLlSMlil) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum Vol. lv. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, (KTOUEIi 2, 15)120 NO. 2( GAVE HIM UP IN DISGUST. IgMJI jll 38 Children Cry for Fiiets The Kind You Hay Alwayi Bought, and which has been la UM tot over UHrty years, has borne the signature of ana nas Dee a made under his per onal aupervislun since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive vnu in thta. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Exnerlment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself, What isOASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS i Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Kill That Cold With CASCARA& QUININE FOR AND CoUt, Cough! H)MV Li Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangt roua Ttke no rhancaa. Keep this standard remedy l.ai.Jy t the Utut m.im', Breaks up a cold In 24 hours K.-lit-vt . Grippe ini days Kxcrllvnl fur tlt-tuluilie Quinine In this form does not affwet the head Cancan ia best 'i.m.- Laxativa No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT CAN'T PURIFY THE DANCE. Preacher Speaks of It as 'Bait ol the Devil.' Dr. John Roach Siraton, preach ing noi long ago in Calvary Baptist Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., attacked the modern dance a "a bait of the devil." Referring to the recent convention of the American Na tional Association of Dancing Mas ters, he said : "Tlte plea these men make that thev desire to purify the dance' and make it safe idle and entirely beside the point. ou cannot purify a polecat!" The action of the dancing mas- tors in naming their new dance The Wesleyan," Dr. Siraton de clared, was an insult to the entire hrisiian world. I he new dance, he prophesied, will "soon be urned into "The Wesleyan Wig gle," and will be followed by "The lippiscopal Embrace," "The Con cretion Canter," "The Presby terian Promenade" and "The John the Baptist Bounce." The only way to fight this "bait of the devil," he said, is to destroy root and branch. "The weak xcusesof that people make in justification of the modern dance are idle. Some say we ought to dance for the sake of grace, but the only grace in the modern dance is the disgrace of it." Got Her Good Health From A Bottle. Mrs. Edward Kaifituider. Walanli.Iuil.. huvk that hIi,' uwub her good to Clmm- rlaiu 11 Talili'tK. She millVied from Imtreas after rating and constipation J wan completely cured by the use ol Iichc tahletH. ill m K m m n m H uu l Ulm m m uu Give the devil his due, my dear, he said. Well, replied the little wife, it's hard to give you up, John but the will of Providence be done! drip. II rip uHually tttartti just ttie name at) a cold with a watery dirtcharge from the DoHe. You are much more likely to contract the Klip wheo yuu have a cold. Kur laal reaHuit wlieu grip in prevalent you nhuuld ko to tied as hood an you fuel that ymi are taking cold and stav lied uutil fully recovered which hould uot In' lontf if you take Cham ht'rluin'ri Cui iili Iteliiedv. Three days 11 lie. I now is tieltel than three weekH Uli'i 1111 P III nnnnrii For Cash Only uu 310 PERCENT. DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS.K In order to reduce stock, 1 will allow a discount af 10 per ceni. on all CASH purchases over one dollar, except on School Books. Big Stock of Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats and other goods recently received. Come early and save money while this opportunity lasts. 4. L.swmcK, m m m m m m uu m m The Busy Store, WELDON, N C m uu uu m Choice Hams There is nothing; more appetizing than a siice of nur cho te nam we nave nnvthlnir vou may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Ooods ponn npnri.Dinc k..:i.i cim ciiimilate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right ihinkingbrings best re- uiii. uur prices make you mints, t-an hi to u. L. E. HULL, Near Batcbclor't Opera Houie.l WELDON, N C Dim Lumber I Millwork Go. Weldon, N C. MAN UFACTUliKKH OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors B"nds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDER AND BKUULAR STOCK SIZfS, OaM MaUriata, tllffc Oraia Wffcwaaaalp Our Mo. lie kissed me, and I told him to tell no one. And wh;tt did he do? Why, !t w.isan't two minutes be fore he repeated it. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of THE FLAPPER. Mother "Why don't you dress sensibly, Marie? Daughter Oh, ma, it would seem so foolish," Financial Loss Due to Colds. It is estimated that the average man limes three days time each year from inability to wort on aceuuut of having a cold. Much of this loss cau he avoid ed by treating every cold an soouat the lirBt avtnuluiua of the disease. ( ham herlsiu's Uouirh Keiuedy has won u wide reputation and immense sale hy its curea of this disease. Try it. on are certain to be pleased with us ulu41.au1 taste and tho prompt relief which it at oids. Notice of Summosn North t'aruliua, Halifax CiiiiiiIv, In the Superior Court Mrs. Tenipe Kreeland, I'laiiitiS, Va. John I'. Freeland, Defendant. Th uluivp-uaiiifd John ('. Firelaud ill take liolue lhal an aelioli entitled above h" lieeu entuiiK'iieeit airaiiisi .in it. Hi. ..in. iiui 1'i.uit of Halifax '.uo.iv ilmt the nuihiiMe for which the said action li hrouitlit by Hie plaiu- It aKaillsl Uu il.'lenoaill is 101 a urnm-i-vinculo uutilllloll. Hie siouiiits lot line belii tor an absolule ilivoiee a pioviiled liy slaiiiu, ana me naiu uu- feudaut, Will lUlllier take uonee luai he is required aud hereliv command- d to appear lielore Hie iieia 01 uie luperior Court of Halifax couuty, N. ' ti.m.u.Iuu ,lv III.' L'ttlh ilav of October. ItWti, ami answer or demur to the complaint of the plaiutill' to he tiled before the return day hereof or the re lief demanded therein will tie Kianteil. This the :Wth day of Vpteinlier. l'.CO. S M. (IAKV, Clerk Superior Court of Halifax couuty ASHLKV B. STAIN HACK, Attoruey fur t'luintill'. 10 i 1t ed EVER BILIOUS? Charleston, Miss. Mrs. R. V. Heins, of this place, says: "I have never had to use very much medicine, because if I felt headache, dizziness, or colds, bad taste in the mouth, which comes from torpid liver, I would take a dose or more of Black-Draught, and it would straighten me out and make me feel as ood as new. We have used in our family for years THEDFORD'S Cotton Storage. We have sprinkled warehouses with sufficient capacity to store 50,000 bales of cotton. Ship same to us at Henderson for storage. Best cotton market in this section. CAROLINA BAGGING CO., Henderson, N. C. oet7 la and it certainly is the best liver medicine I ever saw. it has not only saved me money, it has helped keep my system in shape, and has never weakened me as so many physics do. I recommend it t ) my friends and am glad to do so." Black-Draught is the eld, reliable liver medicine which you have doubtless heard much about. When you feel badly all over, stomach not risjht, bad taste in your mouth, bilious, or have a headache, try Thedford's Black-Draught. At all Druists. Always Insist on the Gen.v.s! 1.77 SHE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS rr B1"l'ij luuS',,?"1 a"m THB P. F. t) ALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD.. BUFFALO. N. Y. rpsi.:.r (far I ' V-L - ilia, J Tho Successful r 1 Cole's Sanitary DovJn Draft Runge vJith its V-J HOT BLAST fe;ruL'L SAVING SYSTEM of Combustion Insures eOcn taking on all sides. Everything comes out t f tke o Jen perfectly baked. No disappointments jcr tKe hcisewife. The Husband is interested bcccuca of its one-t'nird to one-half fuel saving rc:i;lt'3. Cola's Hot Blast Com bustion burns oil of the combustible fuel gases (wasting nothing.) With fu:l nttd food at its present high price th.se orp things that ever Kibuni and wifd will find of interest in Cole's Dov.'n Draft Range This range is furnished in blue or gray enamel or plain black finish. Come in and lot us tell you of its many vultiuble ft-.it ures and shovJ ou its beautiful end sanitary construction. Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Co., WELDON, N. C ItMlQIDS (Tablatt or Granulu) Ess INDIGESTION Tak dry on tontfu or with hot or oold wt, QUICK RELIEF! PriM, 2S-50-7SS MAAK BY SCOTT ft BOWNK MAKER OF SCOTT'S EMULSION n FOX SALE Kurtrpraon irurCo.. Halifax. M. C. Tair, Weldou. Jy 211 (Hit COl.OKI'.l) AMKKICAN I'UT AI.GI--K'lAN TO THE Slll'HKMK TliST and iih:n di:i.ivi:i(i:i) sti-hn VIUDK.T. The ititul luck ol'coitipiuhciisioii between the American ncgni and his Algerian brother will (jn down in history its one of the ouistund iiiR femures of the war. There was, for instance, the case of the dusky stevedore at lirest and one of the colored troops on duty there. Long and laboriously the Yank tried to establish some means of linguistic communication, but there was no response. Then a brilliant thought struck the boy from Georgia. He pro duced a pair of ivory cubes and rolled them enticingly under the Algerian's nose. Intelligence still registered zero. "Matt," said Sam in disgust. "You ain't no cullud pusson. You ain't even no human. You is just a corpse." Improve Your Digestion. If you have a weak digeHliourat Hmr injrly of meatH, let at leaxt live liourtt elapse between meal, eat nothing be tween ineaU. Oriuk au abundance of w ater. Take one of Chamberlain a Tab lets immediately after supper. Po ttiL viul you will improve your digestion. MARRIED A NATIVE. Repair The Wear Hard Work Often Breaks Down a Person's Health and Creates a Need for Ziron Iron Tonic. They were looking at the kan garoo at the 200 when an Irishman said; "Beg pardon, sor; phwat kind of a creature is that?" "Oh," said the gentleman, "that is a naiive of Australia." "Good Invins!" exclaimed Pal ; "an' me sister married one of ihim." WOKl) TO I HE WISE. MKN and wuim'ti who do hard lalrar, nun as liulldlnK, farm ItlK ur null. IC'.'p.nK, Itlul thorn' who do exhiiustlVH linilu work of vurl oua Itlnds. often f . 1 liu- need of sonio thlnK to help renew UKKi-d fori-eu itnd tooe up Hi - sj'Htetn. To holp repair the wear rnused by over-work, to Kuln nie'wed ftrength and enerRy, niuny lune olilalned Rood results from taking .Iron Iron Tonic. ZlroD Is a perfected prcimrutton of pure medicinal Iron salts, combined with other valuable strength-giving tonic Ingredients, whtrh are rucom iio-ndi-d hy lending physicians. Mr. 11. 11. Converse, of MclOwen Tenn., writes: "I hnd been workltm1 very li mil, and was getting weak and rundown from hard work. YYhon I roiniio nced taking Zlron, In a few daya I fell mrunper, and now I havo taken two liotth'a I feel na strong as ever, nltlioui'.h 1 have kept at work all the time." You cannot lose anything by giving Zlron a trial, but very likely will gain much. Your druggist will sell you the first bottle ou a money-bacK guarantee. f f Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please yon perfectly O U i P K I Cli S W I L 1. S A T 1 S I' Y . m C.N. RICK sc "vX hat are you cutting out of the paper?" "About a man gelling a divorce because his wtte went through Ins pockets. " "W hat are you going to do with it?" "Put it in my pocket." VERY MUCH SO. " This uuturiunate collision sent my whole stock ot eggs down the hilt." "Too bad. What you might call a depreciation in rolling stock. " YOU WOULDN'T IB! TO HE A WILD CAT Hi. Dodson Warns Against Use of Treacherous, Dangerous Calomel. Calt jaol 8iilivatpH! Tt'a mercury. Calomel actn like dynamite on a slug- Kiah livtr. hen rulonul vumm utto contact with ttuur bile it irasliva into it, causing cramninp and iuuiHtu. If vou feel bilious, hcadaohr, constt-- pat t'd and all knocked out, just go to your drugfnttt and lnttlc of DoU aon'a Liver Tom fur a few cento which ia a harmletfii voicUMe substitute for danpeniun rahmiol. Take a oot.fut and if it doenn t atari ymir uver anu strjiilitt'ii you up Mter and quicker than natdy Valnmel and without making you aick, you jmt t'o hm k and pet your money. If you tke ralumel today you'll be alck and miurtt'iUed tonmrrow; beide, It may xalivitte yu, wliili- if yuu take lkxlson' Liver Tone you will wak up feeling emit, full of ambition and ready for work or play. H'a harmletm, pleai aut and eufe to give to cbildreu; they Ike It. THliKli is something aland for each one ol us. Largely we are now determining what it is. Start a savings account here, add to it regularly and watch it grow plus its interest earnings. That means noihing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of ou. You cannot AHotd to Delay. . M.FH KID'S FOR Administrator's Notice. The undersigned having qualified in the Superior t'ourt of Halifax County on the atltli day of July 11120, as Admin iiitrator of the t-Htate of Wm. It. Keiil. deceased, tierutiy notiliea all pernonH holding claiuia auiQtit ttie eHtate to preMeut ttieui to liim at the hank of Weldon, Weldon, N. C, duly verilied, within twelve month from the date of thin notice, or the Hame wilt be pleaded iu bar of the reeovery thereof. All persons indebted to said cbUU are hereby notilied to make immediate payment. , thm the ISth dav of Sept. IHLU E. II. SMITH, Adinr. of V m. H. Keid, deceaaed, U lti Ot UKDUCT10N8 On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. Uj i S T ( ) R E ay Administratrix's Notice Having qualified aa adniinitratrix of the estate of the late tieorg-e H. Miller, this in to notify all peraonN indebted to the said eHtate to present their claim to me or to my attorneys, properly v?nlied on or hefofe the 2itli day of September lM'-'l, or Huh notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persona indebted to auid estate will please make immediate settlement. ANNIE T. MIMJSH. Administrator. TippMi A I Moot, Attorut'VH-at-Law, Littleton, N. ('. Id 7 ttt Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Have us sell your land at auc tion. Atlantic Coast Realty Com pany, Petersburg, Va. and Green vine, i. c wrne, wireorohoiiL- u5 at Petersburg, Va , or see Hiil- ifnx County Real Estate and Ins Co., Local Contract Represents live, Scotland Neck, N. C. M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, wanted BOOKKEEPERS I 'STENOGRAPHERS. The demand for young men and women who are well trained in these callings is greatly in excess of the supply, and will continue to be. Smithdeal graduates are recognized by business man to be above the average in competence. The faculty will take a special interest in fil ing you for a good paying position. Write for cutaloguc. rusiifiess College 9th and Broad Stt,ltichmotid,Vd. OLDEST BUSINESS COLIEQE IN THB SOUTH -Q v Q)muwm