l m '3! I TABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum )L. LV. WELD ON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1020 NO. 27 S. 0. S. CALLS. r7 jscftSTomii mU MMSJ For Infants and Children. 1. 1 i if : J 1:1 1 "5 Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of A At In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 lud Copy of Wrapper. n, ..,. .,. .... .nr. Kill That Cold With QUININE CASCARA AND Li Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chancee. Keep this ittndard remedy handy fat tha Ural eneeie. Breaka up a cold in 24 houre Kallevaa Grippe in 3 days Excellent fot Headache Quinlna In lhi form dual not affect tha head-Cascara is twit Tunic LaierJve No Opiate in Hill's, ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT n 1 For Cash Only CHARACTER REVEALED. The characier of the creature, whether high or low, is revealed in the things which satisfy him. The bird and the beast are satisfied with Food and shelter and kind treatment Their wants can be satisfied in the world of material things; but when a man has all his physical needs satisfied, when he has enjoyed fond and raiment and slither and the affection of his friends and loved ones, there is still within him a great hunger for the things which are intellectual and eternal He cannot idle con tent until he has found God and the hope of life eternal. It is the hunger of the soul that proclaims man's high lineage. SPOILED HIS ' POEM." The average printer considers poetry a nuisance. Much so-called poetry is all of that and worse. It takes longer to set verse than straight prose and there are more chances for errors. A newspaper versifier recently wrote a few stanzas about his little son, the first one beginning with the line, "My son! my pigmy counterpart !" It appeared in the paper, "My son, my pig, my counterpart," and the poet was mad about it. THE CONVENTIONAL THINU. Romantic youth "Why do you hesitate, darling? We could easily run away and gel married." His Fancy "My dear boy, you're too impossible! Why, the only photographs 1 could leave be hind me were taken before I had my hair bobbed!" A BOAT-ROCKER. "Only a fool rocks the boat." "1 suppose so," assented Mr. Growcher. "But when the boal contains a couple of guitars and an off-the-key tenor, there comes terrible temptation." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of ttift fiMR m Another Royal Suggestion COOKIES and DROP CAKES From the New Royal Cook Book WHEN the child ren romp in hun fry, here arc ionic wholesome delights that will satisfy the most ravenous appetite. Cooklei cup ihortttnlng 2 cup fMigur A cud milk 2 CKK Vi lea spoon grated nutmej 1 teuBpoun vunllla jx tract or gruleil rind of 1 lemon 4 en pa Hour t Ua?roons Royal Halting Powder Cream nhortenlnie arti su gar to net hi r; add milk to beaten kk9 and beat again; uld slowly to creamed shortening and mi gar; add nutmeg and flavoring: add 2 cups flour LifU-d with baking pow der; add enough mo tv flour to mak stiff dot;,J-. Itoll out very thin floured board; cut wiili cookie cutter, sprinkle with sugar, or put a rai sin or a piece of Rnjdish walnut In the center of each. Hake about 12 min utes In hot oven. Cocoa Drop Cakes 4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar legg Vk cup milk 1 cups Hour 3 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder u cup cocoa 4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream shortening: add sugar and well-beaten egg; beat well and add mils: slowly; sift flour, baklnv Dowdtr. salt and cocoa Into mixture; stir until smooth, add vanilla. Put one tablespoon of batter Into each greased muffin tin and bake In moderate oven about 20 minutes. Cover with boil ed icing. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pura Mad from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. COOK BOOK FREE Tha new Royal Took Book cuuteinint 400 dtliglilful r ripee. will be mm to oa ttm if yon will und your name and eddreil. BOYAL BAKING POWDER OO. Ill Fultoo Stmt, New York utr. A druggist recently received these notes from customers: "My little baby has eat up it's father's parish plaster. Send an antedote, quick as possible by the inclosed girl." "1 have a cute pain in my child's iagram. Please give my son some thing to release it." "This is my little girl, I send you five cents to buy two poders groan up adult is sike." PRACTICE MAKES IMPERHECT "What crime did you commit to be in here?" inquired the prison visitor. "I guess it must have been be cause I attended too many wed- dines." "I see ! You stole the gifts or drank too much champagne?" "No. it was just because I was always the bridegroom," answered the arch-bigamist. NOT WORTH TRYING. AT THE CROSS-ROADS . "This road and that road neither one 1 know I Which way is the true way that my feet should gc?" Answered he, the old man, dreaming by the way, "Blind the road of life is; bide a while and pray !" "This way or that way down each road 1 see Silent hills before me, vales of mystery !" Murmured he, the graybeard, in a musing tone, "O'er the hills and far away, go not, lass, alone." "This way or that way one may lead to tears; One to joy and laughter all the happy years I" Answered he, the old man, smiling tenderly, "Wait until adown the road Love shall beckon thee !" 210 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS. In order to reduce stock, 1 will allow a discount af 10 gt per cent, on all CASH purchases over one dollar, except on School Books. Big Stock of Publication of Summons North Curoliua, Halifax County. In tlie Superior Court W. C. I.KE, rMaiotiH', V. Rl'TH I.. LKE, Uefenilaot. l lir above-uamed defeuitant will taltr nolicv that an action entitled aa above haa been commenced aiiainnt her iu the Superior ( ourt ol llahiax county wnere lute divorce from the defendant upou atatuatorv grounda: aad the aaul tie fondant will further take notice that he la required and hereby coinman.ieu to i...r...n l.a i -lurU n( (In. .uneriiir appeal uriuic w.o Court of Halifa county, in Hahfai, .1 .... I nr llaitamh .r A. V., OU UIO lab uay ui nciuuiu. , i ..! .nuu,Br nr .lumiir tn tlia COIU- plaint of the plaintirt to be tiled in amd action ueiore me reiuru uajr nnr the relief demanded will he traiiti d I .Thin the -J-'nd day of October, lttai. Clerk of the Superior Court B FOR YOUR BLOOD 1 Tipe Why not try a home brew receipt ? Taps -It's this way. If I met a friend, under the influence of the forbidden, I'm afraid he isn't able to give the receipt correctly, and when 1 meet a man who has had a few drinks and doesn't feel any happier. I ll be darned if I want the receipt. 11 n S 9 Q To be healthy and strong, you muit have a certain amount ol iron in your blood. When your blood lacki Iron, nothing can take its place and you re bound to suffer lor iron until you get it. Pale, weak, nervous people, who sutler Irom headaches, Indigestion, rheumatic pains, lick of appetite, and who feel tired, worn-out and depressed, probably neod iron in their blood and should take ni The Scientific Iron Tonic Mr. A. R. Erwin writes from Ocilla, Ga.: " I am a man of 65; have taken very little medicine of any kind. Two years ago 1 got a pain in my back, pains in the muscles of my arm and leg; no appetite, very weak, languid, depressed, no energy, nervous and irritable ... I took three bottles of Ziron, and got all right." Oel i bottle ol Zlron Iroa Tonic Tibltu, loilir. II Itie lint bottle liken liilf to bi-nelil sou. lour money will be rclundcd, lor all good druggist tell Zirua on a muney- back guarantee. Zl. mooooaOGszTdOoof n r3 Weldon FRIDAY K NOVEMBER ) I T1. lli -ii T fT- ..a a 1 1 n iaa mi-Q a " 1 tit-1 in aV Whatever vnu wish in high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will plense you perfectly OUR PRICES WILL SATISFY. ft QN. RICKS C ' 4 ' --j "i" and other goods recently received. Come early and save IllUIICy WIIIIC IIIIS OIJUI IUIII, ion. a. $$$$ i I STAMBADK. l - w - ' ' The Busy Store WELDON, N C m (flff , T - sm f Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing man a snte u. rhnire ham We have anything you may want i,. th line of meats. All Kinds ot Canned Goods COODGROCtRlESbuildupihe system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right winning u..i.b fUllS. Our nrirco mnk vnn think. Call in tO see US. ir prices make yott thin, uw in to L. E. HULL a,. Ur "wr Batcbelor s Opera Itouae.l 1 WELDON. N. hi Lumber S Millwork Co. Weldon, N C MANUt-ArrrnRKKfl OF 8 illding; Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors waos. Mantels, Door and Window screens MADS TO OKDER AND BEGULAR STOCK B1ZK8. 04 MatMeas.lllgfc OraSa WmkamatUf Oar 'J- W kM rWILDROO will improve hair or we pay'you 5 cwnln baldneae-iria tcaly, itcha rVn,u-allowa nature to produce tha thick luatroue Lair aormal K to any I Wlldnot Would aauHH o. wnarooj - iviiiDnotni S TICK OtlAHAWTTED HAIR TONIC . tor aaat atw tuaaar I aawaac fiwraaoi t Mt iii'iinKV nun; o. Notice of Summosn North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court lira. Tempe Freeland, Plaiulia, Vs. John C. Freeland, Defendaut. The above-named John C. Freeland .i.- nntifl. th.t .u action entitled aa above baa been commenced against . : ,i..u,..r;nr f'nttrt of Halifax nim in oup. County; that the purpotie for which the aaia aciiou a.i r . rlufonrtant ,B fnr a diviirna tinagaiuai uc.i a vinculo matrimoli, the groonds for same being tor an auwuiuiu unmw aa provided by statute; and the laid de fendant, mil further take notice that he IB required and herebv command ad to appear before the Clerk of the nupenur ,wim. , , ' -0., on Tburaday.day, the 28th day of October, twiu, auu auano, u. j..nt nl tha n aintinf to be tiled trie ouuij..-. r- - before the return day hereof or the re lief denianoea merem win w i'i. Tins she ;iOtb day of September. 1920 D Bi. uani , Clerk Superior Court of Halifax county ihumY B 8TA1NUACK. attoroeT torriaiBtttt HI 7 4 I " . - 1 r 1' wr i i. ,e weddine Gift Nothing could make a better or more acceptable wedding present than a pOLE'C Ve- SANnAJtT J DOWN DRAFT RANGE Beautiful in design. All nickel ports are smooth as glass. A large room;? o-Jen. And a convenient farming closet Furnislied in blue or gray enamel or plain black finish. Nothing could be easier than cooking or baking with this rung. It is the Biides Clwicu. We invite eOerJone to our no ' to impact thb remarkable fuel-saving specialty. Savosone ,; 1 'f' fu.1 bill .JithitsHa Blast Comtiuitw"- Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Co , WELDON, N. C . A SHOW OF SUI'KEMfcLV STUPENDOUS SURPRISES EVER.V ACT A FEATURE 9 and EVERY FEATURE A THRILLI 25 Famous Funny Clowns A PEERLESS PROGRAM PRE-EMINENT" PERFORMERS ONE MILE OF MAGNIFICENT FAKADE DAILY , NOON DAY or mow, I rtrfanaiaevs- Attrntiaa I NIlM THERE is something ahead for each one ol us. Largely we are now determining what it is. Start a savings account here, add to it regularly and watch it grow plus its interest earnings. That means nothing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of you. You cannot Afford to Delay. I ?: I SSTiyK KB "tTnnTfc Vka'V'aaeVaaa n.ci I 1 WELDON. aaaauaaWaataBaaaBaaaaa1 Administratrix's Notice Havine- uualitied aa admiuiatratrix of the entate of the late Ueorg-e H. Miller, this ia to notify all persou. iuJ.lttJ to the aaid eatate to present uieir ciann iu me or to my attorney a, properly venneu on or bclole the attu nay oi neuicuiuci 1921, or thia nottee will be plead in liar of recovery. All peraona indebted to aaid eitata will pieaae mine iiuiueuiaic ettlement. . . , ANNIE. I. Mll.LC.lt, Administrator. Pippen & Pieot, Attorneya-at-uiw, Littleton, N. C. 10 7 ut Ohiidren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Grand Qold Glittering Street Parade At Twelve O'Clock. M.FRKID'S FOR Have us sell your land at auc tion. Atlantic Loast Keaiiy uom- nanv Peiprshura Va. and Ureen- ville, N. C. Write, wire or phone us at Petersburg, Va., or see Hal ifax County Heal Estate and Ins. Co., Local contract Representa tive, Scotland in ecu, in. l K EDUCTIONS On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. i roa salk lay Furveraon Drug Co., Halifax. M. C. Fair, Weldon. jy2ut STORE M. FEEID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, I P u n J1UU

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