itsrynk ff lift JTABLISHED IN 1866. i . A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$2 00 Per Annum f fOL. LV. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMUEll 11, 1920. 1 NO. 28 AN EXTRAVAGANT AGE. HAD FAITH IN OLD ADAGE. Children Cry for Fletcher's 2 n Uh Ilnl You Bar ilwayg Bought, tod which hai beea la um tor over thirty jtut, hti borne the signature at J? . - "4 b beea made under hie per fLL&tfa&, wntl iup.rrh.lon elnce its Infancy. ill Counterfeit, Imitation and " Just-u-good " are but Iiperlmentt that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience agalnat Experiment Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourselt What is CASTORIA Cutoria 1 a harmlesa aubetltute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drop and Soothlnf Syrup. It 1 pleasant It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. It age is its guarantee. For more than thirty year it ha bees is constant us for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Ind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverlshnes arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowel, aids the aimilatioa of Food; giving healthy and natural sloes. The Children'! Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signs In Use For Over 30 Years Th Kind You Have Always Bought Kill That Cold With CASCARA M QUININE FOR C.Ms, Cengs AND Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chancaa. Ktp this aundard remady handy (or lha lint ini. Breaka up a cold in 24 hour Reliavaa Ortppe in 3 days KictlUnt for Headache Quinine In this form doea not affact tha haad Caacarr ia Wat Tonic Caianva No Oplata in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT tm m tm tm tm tm a 9 m tm 1 rv LET YOUR CHILDREN KNOW THE TRUE VALUE OF MONEY. This isan exiravaganiage a fact never more plainly illustrated than by ihe reckless expenditure of our young fulks. The average boy or girl of today completely fails to understand the value of money, and spends reeklesslv whatever portion chances to come into their hands, and as the boy is, so ihe man must be. No doubi in many persons there are what might be called hereditary ideas about money; some are born frugal, oihers extravagant; and be ihe circumstances of life what they may, the original bias will assert itself from the nursery to ihe grave. But a great deal may be done by carefully educating children in ihe true value of money as a means to an end. There are various ways of doing ii, and some of ihem will ai first be disappointing. Different characiers must be differently treaied and an age, which might be suitable for one young person be unsuitable for anoiher. You begin to give your boy an allow ance, with much good advice on the right to spend it; and you are mortified, when he returns from his first vacation, to find that you have to pay the money twice over; for his allowance is all spent he really does not know how and the bills, which it ought to have paid, are sent home to you. When you give him the calling down that is his just due, be sure to not let mm think you feel him capable of having wilfully deceived you; cheerfully trust him again, and if he is the right sort of hoy ihe chances are ii is the last time it will happen, if it is good for boys to be trained to the use of money, it is quiie as important for girls. Not only is it an additional interest in their life, but it prepares them for ihe time when they will have lo keep house tor a husband or brother. CASTORIA For Infant and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always baara tha Signature of For Cash Only n gSIO PERCENT. DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS. tm -m sit vvj In order to reduce stock, I will allow a discount af 10 jjjjg jjgjg per cent, on all CAbn purchases over one aonar, except ggg gag on School Books. Big Stock of SS Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats tm and mhrr oaeuU rr.nuW weived. Come early and save money while this opportunity lasts. m Busy Store, titt The m fill Br m WELDON, N C m Choice Hams Publication of Summons. North Carolina, Halifai County. In the Superior Court. W. C. I.KK, Plsintiir, Vs. RUTH L. LKK, Defendant. The above-named defendant will take notice that sn action entitled ai above has been commenced against bar in the Superior Court of Halifax county where in the pluntilf is demanding an abso lute divorce from the defendant upon statuatorv grounds: and the said de fendant will further take notice that she is required and hereby commanded to ppear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax county, in Halifax, N. C, on the 1st day of December, 19-20. sod answer or demur to th com nlaint of the plaintiff to be tiled in aaid action before the return day hereof or the relief demanded will be if ran led. This the 2iad day of October, I mat. S. H. (iARY, Clerk of the Superior Court. There is noliiing inure appetizing than a slice of our choice ham We have anything you may wan I lu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Ooods POOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re ruin. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, NM Batchelor'a Opera Moum.I WELDON. N.C Dim Lumber & Millwork Co. Weldon, N C. MAN U FiX'TUKUKH OF Blildlnv Mntrtt fnr Mnrlfrn Homes. Ssh, DoOiS Bl'nds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OH DEB AMI) EEUULAR STOCK 81ZK8. MmtmMt, ttfch Ond HummmUUt Owe MbmM. Vfly fiabfis sdhj now "WlUrooS Liquid Shampoo I delightfully different. "It Is so easy to use and tt doatn't dry my hall as ordinary soap does, yet It cleenKt perfectly. "It makes my halt so soft and silky and to tasy to do up I" miDROQT laid mi 0minJ ai MUltPllltKY OKl'U 0 Notice of Summons North Carolina, Halifax Counly, In the Superior Court sirs. Temps Freelsnd, Plaintiff, Vs. John C. Freeland, Defendant. The abote-named John C. Freeland will take notice that an actiou entitled aa abore has been commenced against him in the Huperior Court of Halifax County; that the purpose for which thm iri fttinn ia brought by the plain tiff against the defendant is fork divorce a yineulo matrimoli, the groands for mil heinr for an shaolute divorce as provided by staluU; and the said de fendant, will further take notice that k. .. nuioiri.,1 and hereby command ed to appear before the clerk or the o...rinr Court of Halifai county. N. C. on, the 28th day of October. l!CiO,and anawer or demur lo the complaint ol the piainnn 10 r nieu before the return oay uereoi or ui w iir demanded therein will be granted Thia aha IKHb day of September. 1920. 8 U. GARY, Clerk Superior Court of Halifax county ASHLEY B. HTAINBACK, Attorn btJf iomtiS. 10 7 Another Royal Suggestion DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the New Royal Cook Book DOUGHNUTSI There is nothing mure wholrsome and delightful than duuKh nuts or crullers rightly made. Doughnuts I tnblciipooni ill or tailing cup auKar 1 ewr i i'mp milk 1 tfaipoon niitmpf 1 tensjmon ault 3 cuia flour 4 tvaapoona Ttoyat Ubking I'owder Cream shortening;; add sugar and well-beatvn tgg: stir In milk; add nut meg, suit, Iluur and bak ing powder which have been lifted together and enough additional flour to make dough stiff enough to roll. Roll out on floured Itoanl to about H-lnch thick; cut out. Fry tn i lee i fiit hot enough to brown a piece of bread tn tQ second h. Iiraln on un Klaied paper and iprlukle with puwdvrd sugar. Crullers 4 tablaspoons shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 3 cupi flour 1 teanpoon cinnamon teaiipoon salt 5 teaspoon Royal Baking Powder cup milk fre am shortenlnir: add Htigar gradually and beat en eggs; sift together (lour, cinnamon, aalt and baking powder; add one half and mix well; add milk and remainder of dry Ingredients to make '.ft dough. Roll out on (loured board to about H tuch thick and cut into ktrlpi about 4 Inches long and Vlnch wide; roll In hands and twlit each strip and brlnif ends to aether. Pry in deep hot fat. Oialu urn! roll In powdvrvd augar. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Mad frr Cream of Tartar dar tbd from grapes. FREE N.w Royal Conk Book con taining iheie and icorei of tthcr delurhti'iil recipa, Write fur It TODAY. UOViL BAKINtl POWDER CO. Ill l-Vton Wrfit. Maw York City HOW FALL BEGINS. This is the way the fall beeins A bugle of beauty upon the hill, A tingle all over yourself of pins, A touch of magic thrill, A strange, dear light when ihe moon is low, A mist thai floats like an elfin veil, And over the forest a banner of glow, Like a fairy ship with a purple sail. The sound of an ax in the old oak lot, A hurrying in of the logs to dry; The conch shell on the old whatnot Breathing a mournful sigh. The squirrel in ihe hickory by the door Swift as an arrow from limb lo limb; The river a ripple of rainbow floor Where the ancient dolphins swim. The winesaps gleaming like globes of red In the orchard, smelling like wine When the first sweet toast to the world was said And a new love was thine. The pippins just mellow, the Bartleit pears Blushing like school girls, and down the lane The chicken grapes and the rabbit lairs, And the katydids' refrain. Chinquapins with open burs, And persimmons ready to drop; A partridge suddenly drums as he whirrs, And you listen and want to stop. Delicious in your nose and mouih Of ripeness and honey and mellowing things, And the unseen bird hosts journeying south, And a joy in the heart that sings. rm A Wonderful Range Equipped witH COLE'C HOTBUkSTs? FUEL SAVING SYSTEM f Combustion. Tkil iWU gi'to you a poatrJa fuel sattng of one-third e one Mfenyouf fuel bill, k ntaane mmt Work for the houtrrfite lh Me c r?en heat and iu irholJiiuj outl.dM. Qe the W ihe bft thai mont$ can Uy. Come In and let ui toll you wf the many fuel Mn feetuns oi Cole's Dotfn Draft Range he tvmerkaUtf rust-miitiiul com t nation end Its Military deagn. In blue er n9 enamel or black fmih, You Will With u that It a a beauty ane) aaJiilatthildl that )Ml Wall it i.k Jui.r I.I.u.. Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Co., WELDON. N. C. JOHN D. KOCKEHFXLER ENTERS MEAN MAN HE ONCE KNEW IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP STAKES. John D. Rockefeller once suid to a New York reporter : "The poorest way 10 wealth is the mean way. In Kichford, where I was born, we had a mean man, a very mean man; yet the fortune he left was a sniull you niiuhi say a mean one. "Al a church supper one uigM this man cut the cm ner of his lip with his knife. All searched their pocketbooks, but nobody had any court-plaster. What was 10 be done? The cut was bleeding. "Finally the parson proJuced a iwo-ceni stamp and said : " 'Put this on the cut, squire. It will siup the hemorrhage, I be lieve.' " 'Thank you,' said the squire gratefully, and taking out his wal let, he placed the two ceiu stamp in it, extracting ai ihe same nine a one cent stamp of his own. which he proceeded to stick on the cut. " 'Thank you parson,' he re pealed. 'A penny saved is a penny earned.' " Fair Parisienne-"Master Willie, your lather informs me thai you had a leeile sister this morning." Nice Boy-"Does mamma know it?" H For" y Torpid i Liver H "Black-Draught Is, in my opinion, the best liver medicine on Ihe market," stales Mrs. R. H. White side, ol Keota Okla. She continues: "I had a pain in my chest alter eating light, uncomlorlable feel ing and this was very disagreeable ind brought on headache. I was con stipated and knew it was indigestion and inactive liver. I began the use of Black-Draught, night and morning, and It sura is splendid and certainly gives relief." Tiiedford's DLACI.-DflAUGIIT For over seventy year this purely vegetable I orepsratlon has been found beneficial by thou sands oi persons suffer ing from effects of a tor pid, or slow-acting liver. Indigestion, biliousness. colic, coated toneue. diz. linen, constipation, bit ter taste, sleeplessness, lack of energy, pain In back, puffiness under the ; eyes any or all ol these symptom often indicate that there is something the matter with your liver. You can't be too careful about the medi cine you take. Be sure that the name, "Thed- ford's Black-Draught," is on the package. At all druggists. Accept Only the Genuine. in Administratrix's Notice Having qualified as aduiiuiatratiix of tha male ol Ihe late ueorse H. Miller, thia la to notify ail person indebted to tne saia emaie to present tneir claim to me or to my attorneys, properly vended on or befofe the 'AHh day of September Wli, or thisnotice Hill be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to id estate will please mate immediate settlement. ANNIE T. MILLER, Administrator. Pippen 4 Picot, Attornevs-at-Law, Littleton, N. C. 10 7 6t Have us sell your land at auc tion. Atlantic Coast Kealty Com pany, Petersburg, Va. and Green ville, N. C. Write, wire or phone us at Petersburg, Va or see Hal ifax County Real estate and Ins. Co., Local Contract Representa tive, bcoiland Neck, N. C. hxS:. I I UTIXAti Mfej "Didn't Rest Well" Prominent Georgia Lady Suffered from Faint Spells and Sleeplessness Relieved by Ziron. PEOPLE who gut to feallng waak every now and than, and who do not seam to get tba proper re freshment from rest, sleep and racraa tlon, nwd a tonic to help their blood revitalise and build up their system. For tbls, you will find Ziron Iron Tonio vary valuable, as the tealmony of thousands already has proved. Mrs J. w. Dysart, lady of a prominent Oaorgla family residing near Carters- rills, says: I didn't feel like myself. "I didn't rest well some nights. would be Just as tired when I got uri In the morning as when I went tol bed. 1 would get weak, and have kind of falnty spells tt times hardly able to do my housework. "I heard of Ziron, and felt maybe' a tonic would help ma. I thought would at least strengthen me. "I believe Ziron has done me good. I feel better. 1 am glad to recommend) It as a good tonic." Try Ziron. Our money-back guaran tee protects you. At your druggist's. Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perfectly. OUR PRICES WILL SATISFY. ! C.N. RICKS f TH Li HK is something ahead for each one of us. Largely we are now determining whut it is. Sian a savings account here, add to it regularly and watch it grow plus iis interest earnings. That means nothing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of you. You cannoi Afford 10 Delay. 4. i . WELPOW-N c M.FREID'S FOR REDUCTIONS On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. 1 n 1U It ii 11 sssacjiva-iiiii,.. . STORE M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER. 1 p tt rp jlull Furgerson Drug Co., Halifax. M. C. Pair, Weldon. jy 28 tWt Better and mere peasihjf than any mua Havana, cjdar. fck 21.1 J)... r . I ffyour deaer cant supply you tvriff w Ltwlb CIGAR MrG.CO.NEWASK.N.J. Largest Independent Cgar Facton) inlSe 'VorH

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