IfABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscrlDtion$2 00 Per Annum )L. LV. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, NOVEMI5EH 18, l!)20. NO. 29 jlggpBBBs .ji jjuji" 011111 i 'if iij: Hi w T, :Hi)L-a PER OKNT. i v,t,.f l,lc Prrtlifatiootf M ',th,F.odKBrtuU :AlHh TwPmmo'tin4DI4M neither Oplam.Mtonl ConMipnalDi,; andFeverisnn"'--oss or Sleep 7 9 ill jiissfe E't Copy of Wrapper. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of LW Use For Over Thirty Years CAS rORIA Kill That Cold With CASCARAjJ QUININE FOR t ANU Colds, Coughs OM Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Tak no chancss. Keep this standard remtdy handy for the first utieeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves 0 rip pa in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara is beat Tunic Liiative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT m m m ft; K J u in U A SSI For Cash Only II 10 PERCENT. DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS. I II I uum m m ft jjjg In order io reduce stock, I will allow a discount af 10 jjjjjg per cent, on all CASH purchases over one dollar, except jggg on School Books. Big Slock of Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats ft and oiher goods recently received. Come early and save ft money while this opportunity lasts. is a. l. mnmcK, jjg The Busy Store, WELDON, N C g Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our cnoice nam. we nnvs anything you may want in the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Uoods POOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, a increase your capacity to think. Andright thinking brings best t fits. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. I p2 1 11 nd L. E. HULL, Nir Hatchelor's Opera House.l WEI.DON, N C hi Lumber Si Millwork Co. Weldon, N C. MANUKACTUKKKH OF Biildlhg Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Bl'n8, Mantels, Door and Window Screens made to okde and kkuular stock sizm 400 CHAPTERS ARE READY FOR 4TH ROLL CALL Rivalry Keen Among Southern Town To Get Quota Of Red Cross Membera First. Allanlu, Ca. Nov.-Mure than tour hundred chapters of the American Red Cross mid ulioiil three hundred chap tor liruucliMH are organized In the southern division (or the Fourth Red t'ronn Hull Call, November 11-25. "Ity organization la meant that these . ImuKira and branches have chairmen, I'ommitteos and the enthusiasm to make the Fourth Roll Cull a sure suc cess In their communities," suld J, L. Mc.Milllu, southern division man user of the lied Cross, today. "Wc. have reports from every one if them that they are only awaiting ihe date to begin the campaign. First ihe workers themselves will renew their memberships In the Red Cross. Then every old member will be called upon to re-enllsl under the lied Cross banner, After that, every effort will lie made to gei In the territory of each .:huiicr us nearly a one hundred per cent membership In the Red Cross as It is possible to get." The southern division includes the five states of Georgia. North Carolina, South Carolina. Tennessee and Flor ida. Last year the division, for Its population, made as tine a record as any part of the country In enrollllng Red Cross members. This year It It the eager purpose of every chapter to put the southern division on top again. A friendly but keen rivalry eilate among the various chapters to be the first to report that their quotas are secured. A different system has been used this year in assigning quotas to the various chapters. Instead of de termining the quota tor the division first and then dividing this out among the various chapters, each chapter carefully estimated the aniouqt of It's Made Right Cod-liver oil is as delicate as butter, it must be made right to assure palatability. scorn PULSION is decidedly palatable and easy to take. It contains purest Nor- t7 wegian cod- liver oil that is made right Irom the start. Sr.it! X- B wtir, RI,Mttnti-ll H J IO-5 Notice of Qualification As Administrator. fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax Co. on the 1st day of November 19tiO, as nilirtnistrator of the estate of W. K. tiniitl , leceased, hereby notifies all persona to whom Ins intestate is in debted to prcsen' their claims, duly vended, to li i tn at the Bank of Weldon, Weldon, N. I ., on or balore twelve months fjom the date of this notice, or the same will he pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This tlir 4th day of November, 1930. E. H.SMITH, i.tmr nf A.tatA nf V. R. Smith, dee'd. DANIEL A HANIEL, Attorneys. 11 11 til. ORDINANCE. That no person shall park auio mobiles, cars or trucks on the east side of Washington avenue, be tween First and Third streets. All persons violating this ordinance shall De suDject to a nne ur ji.ou. By order of the Board ot com missioners: W. W. WIGGINS, Mayor E. L. HAYWARD, Clerk. II 4 4t Dandruff was killing my nair a I 3 I a. . . a i. -a. J ..tai raiKlw ami tnf Mr waTcomSf out bv Uxhendluf. Atiwa.csticfl.oIWildrloen it latluckcf tad owiMMtiiu. than ever. Wlldroo tlqotd Bbpoo OfJ f tldml Sass i Bararcas-as i VZlUBIlfiOI TOB GUARATTE E D HAIR TONIC Fur ttk lurt rndtr ' awao-tac awnitN Ml'KPHREY DRL'U CO. iioney needea tu tmunce its needs &na J ts plans during the coming year. The haptur's quota wait then based on this - amount, and the quota for the entire i division made up from the various ' chapter quotas. Thus, the Roll Call this year is more liun ever a local proposition In each community. When local people sub scribe to the Red Cross, they are sub scribing to meet local needs, and for every dollar paid for membership in ihe Red CrosB, fifty cents will be kept by the local chapter to finance Its plans for neit year. The other fifty j cents goes to national headquarters, to maintain the national work ot the I Red Cross. We challenge every other chapter In the southern division to beat our Roll Cull record," wrote one Roll Call hulrman in North Carolina. "We in tend to be the first 'over the top. for we are laying our plaua to get our full quota of members early in the morning of November 11." This spirit Is typical of the way the vast majority of chapters are awulllng the Fourth Roll Cull. It is a rare eiceptton where chapters are not thoroughly organised and plans worked out to secure the quota of members easily and quickly. Hundreds of newspapers throughout he southern division will co-operate with the local Red Cross chapters to uke the Roll Call a success. Speak- iiik of the view witn wnicu mom Amer icans regard the Fourth Roll Call, one t Inula paper already has called upon Ml, intone to Join the Red Cross la the following editorial language: The Red Croas Roll Calls are not dr.vea', not attempts to raise large luiiis ot money for untried causes, but they are Institutions In the nation'! life, the one lime of tho year when BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DON'T RISK MATERIAL rh n&ckftM of "Diamond DyM eon Uini direction iimple that any woman oan dye any material wifwl , rtrtmkiAf, feting or rawing. Iiruggin , Another Royal Suggestion Biscuits and Cinnamon Buns From the New Royal Cook Book BISCUIT, So trnder lliry fairly melt in the mouth, and of inch glorious flavor that the itppetile in never satis fied. These biscuit Anyone ran make with Koval Baking Powder and these unusual re cipca. Biscuits 2 enpH flour 4 Uflnptionn rtnyal Hakintr Powder U tennitoon Malt 2 tablespoons nhnrtpntng cup milk or half milk and half water Sift toRothur flour, baktnr powtlor and Halt, add phortenlnjr and rub In very lightly; add liquid nlowly; roll or pat on floured board to about one Inch tn thickness (handle in little as possible); cut with biscuit cutter. Bake In hot oven 15 to 20 min utes. Royal Cinnamon Bum 214 cups flour i teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 9 tablespoons shortening lRg Mi cup water Uj cup sugar 9 teaspoons cinnamon 4 tablespoons seeded raisins Sift I tablespoons of meas ured sugar with flour, salt and baking powder; nib shortening In lightly; add beaten egg to water and add slowly. Roll out vlnch thick on floured board; brush with melted butter, sprinkle with su gar, cinnamon and rai sins. Roll as for jelly roll; cut Into 1-lnch pieces, place with cut edges up on well -greased poo; sprinkle with a little su gar and cinnamon. Pake in moderate oven 30 to 36 minutes; remove from pan at once. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Mod from Cream of Tartar, derived from (rapes. FREE Write TODAY for the Ne Royal Cook Hook ; roil' uine 400 other recipei juit u delightful ii theio. Addreil KOTlL BAKING POWDKRCO. US FnltoB BUOtt, Now York Cllr MORE KIND TO HER DOU. ihe Aiue'ricad peopVS; old and young, are asked to renew their membership. In the organttatlo'i that Is so expres sive of the national spirit and so great a benefit to the nation as a whole. "The American Red Cross is differ ent in thlB respect' from the Red Vr n ot other nations, in most of which it Is maintained by large contributions from the wealthy. The American Kid Cross is essi'iitlally democratic, it wua founded by the American peolo. They maintained It for nearly forty years. In the war, thousands of them found In it the opportunity to serve ihey so ardontly sought. "So, today, Ihe Hod Dross bclonps 0 the American people. It gives lucui ihe chance they all want In their liearta to do some good lu the world, Singly, their dollars for memberships might amount tu little; but matched by millions of other dollara from ev ery part of the country, they become a mighty factor in curing for our sol- Hers and sailors; lookiug after the interests of the wounded and maimed j( the war; safeguarding the dlscharg- i service man and his family; doing .he same thing for thousands of un ottuuate civilians; bringing public lojilth nursing and good health to huu hens of communities; training our ,oys and girls in the way they should o; doing many other things that en r into the peace-time program of the 1 Cross which, in the two years 'lice the signing of the armistice, has el, demonstrated to all as one ot 1 finest agencies for public welfare the life of the country. Thai is what Ked Cross member up dollars can do. It would seem jt hi- Americun cltlien, witli the i.;d of his country aud his own com mit)' at heart, would refuse to loll I'JUim Ji ii- A mm mi itm 7mmmm frv i wsl vfc mHr f .'Vy - fftK i'ssbh si i;f:v; x im w t v II. I UJL A7 Plenty of Time for CjupcJ; No wcmin wtnti to work In iht I in hr, It tlit unit. Cole' Sanitary Down Draft Ranga with n perfect (ttt kolJing, cook ln and bctttni retulit mtirn (hit the fiouMwilc aa ifu thi tins to do hrt work profMrlv Not rtrtrttirr to tch lite SWvt evv tnmutt ot ihe time. HoIJs Fire Ofer Night ;s CO L E V HOT BLAST FUEL SAVING SYSTEM el CoriIhiMioa nwini ont-thlrd toone-Kalf mvim uf ihelurl bill; mr an pudtivccouk ill and likinn rrtulit nut luund tn uthcr n.kltci ut iinbei, and me.ni pirnif it iirrtt tu ipend with yuut aueitt. iKin't he drud-e tu an uilrnot nogr I'tim.' ki tu mi SI imuc itd til tu elt fuu till Juut il.tt MuJeilul luvl, Iwud atul Ubui wvei. Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Co., WELDON, N. C. STICK BLUE O IS THE FINEST BLUE MAOtT VJ Through the dark, wintry night two dear old pals strolled home ward. It had been somebody's birthday or something. Anyway, it was very late now, As the church clock struck the hour of three one of the wander ers suddenly exclaimed : "I haven't my latchkey!" "Well, won't your wife get up and open the door for you?" "Not much! Will yours?" "You bet! I'll scratch at the door and whine and she'll think her dog has been locked out," There is just us much authority in the home today as ever, but ii has been transferred from parent to children. Suffer? li Cardai"Did WondenforMe," Declare Tbii Lidy. "I ftllffereil tnr 9 inna Q time with womanly weak pfQ ness," says Mrs. . R kv Simpson, ot SI Spruce St.,Ashevllle,N.C. "I U fW Anally got to the place SkpTsj where It was in effort for rsfl me to go. I would have CkO kej bearing-down pains In RTi Pj my side and back es- K4 jm peclally severe across my Z. vkSm back, and down tn my r grj HUG Mlfcl UN I (l Ut gJHS mrj flcat ot soreness. I was rA nervous and easily lip- tSI TAKE 19 The Woman's Tonic "1 heard o! Cardul and decided to use It," con tinues Mrs. Simpson. "I saw shortly it v. as bene fiting me, so I kept it up and it did wonders for me. And since then have been glad to praise Cardui, It Is the best woman's tonic made1 Weak women need tonic. Thousands and thousands, like Mrs. TTA Simpson, have found IV laruuioi Dcnent unnem, Try Cardui for your trou ble. ALL DRUGGISTS 1 1 a tvel Administratrix's Notice Having quaiitied as administratrix of the estate of the late (Jeorge H. Miller, this is to notify all persons indebted to the said estate to present their claim to nie or to my attorneys, properly veriiied on or befofe the 2oth day nf September lf-l, or this notice will be plead in liar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. ANNIE T. MILLER, Administrator, Pippim A I'icot, AttornevB-at-Law, Littleton, N. C. 10 7 tit Have us sell your land at auc tion. Atlantic Coast Really Com pany, Petersburg, Va. and Green ville, N. C. Write, wire or phone us at Petersburg, Va., or see Hal ifax County Real Esiaie and Ins. Co., Local Contract Representa tive, Scotland Neck, N. C. ai-ii'awiw:-wai.KiA-sT-ij Furgeraou Drug Co., Halifax, M. O. l'air, Weldon. jy out Worn Down, Out of Heart Georgia Lady, Worn-out and Tired, Tells How She Was Helped by Ziron Iron Tonic. THE personal experience of Mrs. Nannie Phillips, ot Powder Springs, Ua is printed below In ber own words: "I was In a worn-out condition. My stomach was out of order. I didn't leep well. I was tired all the time. I couldn't half eat, and didn't rest well at night. "I would get out of heart and blue. I would feel like I was going to be down In bed. Vet I l.rt dragging round. "We heard of Zlron, and from what I reud, I was sure It wouldn't hurt me, If It didn't help me. But after taking It, I found It really helped me, and I sent back for mora. I ate better, felt much stronger, I am aur Zlron is a splendid tonic." Many people, who are worn down and disheartened, due to stomach disorders and nervous Ills, find relief by toning up their blood with Zlron Iron Tonic. Tell your druggist you want to try Zlron on our money-back guarantee. Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perfectly. OUR PRICES WILL SATISFY. II c. "ricks t THHRK is something ahead for each one of us. Largely we are now determining whai it is. Start a savings account here, add 10 it regularly and watch it grow plus its interest earnings. That means nothing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of you. You cannot Afford to Delay. P WELDON. n.c. n M.FRRID'S FOR REDUCT0IN8 On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. Publication of Summons. North Carolina, Halifax County. In the Superior Court. W. C. LEE, Plaintiff,! Vs. RI TH L. LEE, Defendant. The above-named defendant will Uke notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced airainst her in the Superior Court of Halifax county where in the piaintin la demanding an abso lute divorce from the defendant upon statuatorv grounds; and the aaid de fendant will further take notice that she is required and hereby commanded to appeal before the Clerk of the Superior Court ot tlaiiiax county, n tialirax, N.C, on the'Hat day of December, ItrA). and answer or demur to the com Alaint of the plaintiff to be filed in said action before the return day hereof or the relief demanded will be granted. iTuie the 22nd day of October, im, 8. M. UARY. Clerk of the Superior Court, 1H n i i m i J n III STORE M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER. 10 al5UiliW STRAIGHT ,3f fl Deuer and more pJeasmd than Vii? . k any Havana- cjtfar. ?sTO.m Ask vow c.'er for vour favorite aiye Ifyourdealer san?aurply you twr7? us. Laroeit Independent C6ar FacToni irvlht World II IB rTHF.R