jgii ' gSTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER f OK THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LV. WELDON, N. C, TIIUHSDAY, NOVKMIiKIi lr, l!2). XO. 30 IE r's Children Cry for Flet A A The Kind You Have Always Bought, and wlihh hus been ia use for over thirty years, has borne the signature ol i ana nas Deen made under his per sonal super vision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive vim in ttil All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use Fop Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought r cvNTAim cdm.ahv Nr Kill That Cold With QUININE THE TONGUE. WE USUALLY TALK THE THINGS THAT AkK IN OUR .MINI). The siory is told of a school muster who, when several little boys were absent from school, asked ol them the reason. One little hoy said, "Moiher kepi me at home to lend the bahy." "Lei me see your longue," said the schoolmaster. He put forth the t mi;ue and it was black. The iruih was known, just as the leach er hud surmised; they had been off in lite pasiure picking berries. 1 lie Doctor comes to the home to visit j p.uieiH. He says let me see your longue; ihen he prescribes for the patient. The Apusile James took into ac count the tongue when sizing up a person's religion, and declares thai he who bridleih not his tongue his religion is vain. Again he says "ilie tongue is a lire, a nrli of iniquity," and pro nounces ilie in in a perfect man a perfect njan who is able 10 con trol it. I have many limes come in con laci wiih men that by iheir tongues 1 have been able 10 form an opinion of their Spiritual condition. We usually talk the things that are in our mind; ihe tongue is a very good indicaior of your spirit ual health. CASCARA for Colds, Coughs OMV AND Grippe Neglected Cok!s are Dangerous Tke no chances. Keep this atandard remedy rur.ly fur tin- tiist stwvt. Breaks up a cold in 24 huura KMieven Grippe in 3 days Kxcellent for Headache Quinine in this form docs not affect the head Cascaru in ,Wat Turn.; Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT n m m m K K I I II II i JLfUU For Cash Only i m 4-5. m m m. - fr in ncn pcmt nicr.iMMT cno on nnv? In order to reduce stock, I will allow a discount af 10 WW .--i . . i . - . I .. vian . per ceni. on an lami purcuases over one uuuui, tH" gjjg jgj on School Books. Big Stor: of Vftfj Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats f and oilier goods recently received. Come early and save Sf E money while this opportunity lasts. M X 3&S WELDON, N C Whai ship is it that no woman objects to embark in? Court-ship. Is a boy's moiher his father when she is a sigher? It is a man's head that enables him to Foot his bills. Many a woman keeps a dark secret in a bottle labeled 'hair dye.' W'h-if Ini-t rtnnir..i llii ntlpn finn of a physician? Lock-jaw. What kind of essence does a young man like wheii he pops the questionr Acquiescence. BEST EVIDENCES l The plump, rosy cheek, ! J a well-nourished body, are the best evidences of strength and vigor. SCOTT'S EMULSION is usrd in tens of thou- j. i i day. It improves the r.ppetite, pro- irjf motes growth and t St It. V .ift!firll N I 20- KiHM rtiiotuer Royal Suggestion Griddle Cakes and V affles From the NEW ROYAL COOK BOOK t nuking v,;,, .li.s, i j on v. ill, itn vt ' CJllii'I f.li. ; irt iti k i-.iti lit- r..k's or '1 llK'lll wli.U lint it is an easily and Mitiml if you i rsulit recipes, r :n'i,'i, f course, is Iu! li.ikinif I'ow der. GridJle Cakes 3 rup flmir Hteiifp'x.si.-nlt 3 tt-a:: -i'its Hnyal t;I.H,; I'nwitcr 1 Vi: Mips j i . i i I : 3 tuliU 3p(Hiii slirirti'nlng Mix fi!: i slfl dry in-n-tti- f lib ; ii'li! ! .it !i ( milk ii:n iin-?t- ! . 1.., u ti lliK: niix wi-li. :':.- La nied lately on hut tjiiUUlu. Waffles 2 ct'pft flour 4 U'aHputinr Ttnyal Jinking I'ou'tier 1 ti'!tprtuii salt eitp.H milk 1 tUtilfcpnon mcltr-d shortening Sift flour, hakini? pow der and milt tnfther; add milk to yolks of pkbs; mix itiormirhly ami add to dry lnpivdU-nts; add melted idiortenliiff and mix In bent en whites of pj?frs. 1'ako In wetl-nrenaed hot varfte iron until brown, fiorve hot with maplp ny nip. tt should take ahntit 1 minutes to bitku each waffle. MM POWt Atjsolut&iy Pure ' 1" Maite from Ceam of Tartar, derived frum rupet r.EE "r-..- tI (' ml; Tifif,!: ron tdinint; liit- nii't Hi-'jtt'H vl iilit-r ilnliciitful rcrii Writo f ir it to-day. V.v.W.WWs" : "i tv p !i! iii, IP I KNEW YOU AND YOU KNEW ME, I y. L. SWfBACK, The Busy Store, Notice of Qualification As Administrator. iMivinv iiiiHlilif..! tin. fori' the Clerk of tlir Superior ( ourt ol ll..hr.,v l'n .,n (lip Kt flnv nf November lr;i), an administrator of tlie estate of V. K. Smith, deceased, hereby uotilieH all persona to whom his intestate is in debted lu present their claims, duly veiille.1, to him at the I'.an!; of Weldon, i-..t.l., v (' m nt- liRfure twelve months fjom the date nf this uolice, or tlie same wm oe pieuui-u i u ipi iiiciw.. All persons iniieniea to saia esuio are reiiiesieu iu iimsi- iu.i... ....v (..... Uleul. This tin- 4th dav of November, lli-.'ii. ' 1-: II SMI i ll. i.i...r ,.r..-i . .. .. v It smith, dee'd. UANIKI. .V lAMi:l., Atunneys. 11 u m V Choice Hams There is nothing jjmore appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We havt anything you may want iu the line of meats. All L in.ii: nf i niined Uoods iiu.' " CWDGROCtRIES build up ih.- systfm, stimulate tlie Drain, unu " increase your capacity to think. And rigln ihinking brings best re rulis. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near H.fch.t M W ELDON. N C my Im Lmk I Millwork Go. Weldon, N C. MANUtACTUKKKH OF building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors D''nds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens UAOE to order and rf.oui.ar stock H1ZES. a Hatarlata. Hl(k QnU Wrkwortlp Our 8I0. ORDINANCE Th:ii nn nerson shall Dark ouio mohiles, cars or trucks on the easi side of Washington avenue, be lu epn First and Third streets. All persons violating this ordinance '. ,i L u-. ... .. u .... r e.n snail De suuicci iu a "- By order ot the isoaru ot t.om niietcidfinrs " W. vt vt KitillNN wnyor li. 1. HAYWARD, Clerk. i li If I knew you and you knew me, Tis seldom we would disagree; But, never having yet clasped hands, Boih ofien Fail to understand That each intends to do what's right And treat each other "honor bright." If 1 knew you and you knew me. Whene'er we ship yon by mistake, Or in your bill some error make, From irritation you'd be free If I knew you and you knew me. Or when the checks don't come on lime, And customers send nary a line, We'd wait wiihoui anxiety If I knew you and you knew me. Or when some goods you "Fire back," Or make a "kick" on this or thai, We'd take it in good part, you see, If I knew you and you knew me. Wiih cusiomers a million sirong Occasionally things go wrong Sometimes our fault, sometimes it's iheirs Forbearance would decrease all cares; Kind friend, how pleasant things would be If I knew you and you knew me. Then let no doubling ihoughis abide Of Firm good faiih on either side; Confidence to each oiher give, Living ourselves, lei others live; But any lime you come this way, That you will call we hope and pray; Then face to face we each shall see And I'll know you and you'll know me. L i-ir ' i ui r s.' , i t- .'-(- T .. , I! i Oive uour child clean.healtht) dair j Shampoo rttuhrli) with Wild- S toot Liquid Shampoo Soap. S Clan-. p-rfcc:ly, yet do g not mak.: hair and K.p harah and dry :. moit iop doea. I Made by tlie malicta of Wild- g toot Hair Tonic I WMtpgt I MUltHIRKY DKL'O CO. X, -l" ( t3f mr V li 'i. TT M WW m-lfJ Perfect Baking and Absolute Fuel Saving pOl.E'C MOT BLAST J FUEL SAVING SYSTEM Don't waste your food! nno! fuel. Cole's San itary Down Draft Randa vJill sava c te-tliirj to om -half on your fuel bill anJ tfill give you perfect baking and cooking results tltat 'oti Kaa a!vnjls wantLJ. Let us ex plain to you tltd Jon Jet ful features founj on tliii up to tlie minuk! .aiv; b.e us ut once. Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Co., WELDON, N. C. ,'Cm.tsl STICIBL-UE 13 TMC FIN66T BLUE MAD I DUrtOND,MDONWEU.kC MFRS. PhMUADtLPMIAv APPEAL FOR ORPHANS OF STATE. ONI- DAY FOR ORPHANS' MOVF. MRNT WILL KF. USED AGAIN. The public committee of tlie! North Carolina Orphan Associa tion has issued its appeal to the people to contribute during tlie coming Thanksgiving season some thing to the support and mainte nance of the orphans of the Stale. The "One Day for ihe Orphans" movement wasinauguruied several years ago and it has been a won derfully successful means of bring ing to ihe attention of the ciiiens of the Slate ihe duty they owe ihe wards of society. The object of the movement is not particularly to care for the orphans who are al ready in the various institutions in North Carolina, but to make it pos sfhle for these institutions to reach out and take in the thousands who cannot be accommodated. "In order that more adequate equipment and support might be provided for ihe faiherless and motherless children of the Stale, ihe "One Day for the Orphans" movement was sinned, calling upon all people to add to the stream of regular contributions a special Thanksgiving ottering equal io a day's income. This is a reasona ble request, for anyone can share with the orphans the earnings of one day out of 365, It is practica ble, For rich and poor alike can participate in it. It enlists our people of all creeds and classes in beautiful co-operation for the sup port of a needed civic and Chris tian philanthropy. While it depos its a handsome aggregate in the orphanage treasuries, it also deep ens and enriches the life of our people. The cry of the orphan who can hear it unmoved? And whose heart does not thrill with joy at the j thought of twenty-one orphanages ' in North Carolina housing many hundreds of dependent children ! and training them into individual - efficiency and good citizenship? j Yet everyone of the splendid insii ' unions needs better equipment and I larger support, and everyone ol ; them is besieged by applicants for ; admission. And, as a mailer of fact, j in this good State of ours there are I literally thousands of orphan chil dren dependent and deserving, ; who must he handicapped for lite, unless in their lender years they can have the sheltering care and culture offered in our orphan homes. "Make your offering on or about Thanksgiving Day. Make it on the basis of your earning capacity for a single day more, if you will, less if you can do no better. Make it through your church or lodge. Make it wiih the prayer that our orphan children may be led into the larger life here and the life eter nal hereafter." The Pythians of Weldon Lodge 237 have appointed Mr. T. E. Brown as a committee of one and requested him to see every mem ber of his lodge and friends of the Orphans, and to raise as large a sum as possible. This is an opportunity for real service and it is earnestly hoped that every member of the lodge and all others interested will call on T. li. Brown at once and make a liberal contribution for this most worthy cause. Bank Vice-President Tells How Ziron Iron Tonic Helped His Daughter After Operation for Appendicitis. ya I I KH liny m -i ions IIIiipsh, Ihe '"t lh'nK 'Jl1 H'Hiix' wlipu jou lii::in to '. ;iro:.;nd Ls your lu-k o: tn ..ytu mil tiu iy a tiroil, wuuk fi-i'lliig. Tlie soonrr you ti"t your strength bark thn but n r. The thin to do ta iu i at Imtnly nf !, nourishing food, fci t all the i'lvbh uu- ynu ran. exercise coiiRervatlvoly, anil i:-,ko Ziron. lrqu Tonic three times a fiay. Your doctor will tell you this ls apubd advice, aud ui-e you to follow it Head this letter from Mr. J. D. Kelly, vice president of the First National Hank, lira.evllle, Fla.: "My daughter1 una uocn in Hud health since last April She was operated on for appendicitis She baa been taking Ziron for two weeks. Her appetite ls better than it has been, ller nerves are better, and una saya sue feels better ... I know that .Iron ls good for weak and feeble people." Ziron ls a scientific, reconstructive tonic, prepared from valuable strength, building Ingredients, for weak people with thin blood. Druggists sell Ziron on a money-back guarantee; Try It Whaiever you wish in high grade, artistic iewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perfectly. OUR PRICES WILL SATISFY. $. C N.RICKSC Administratrix's Notice Having iimlilied an ailminislratrix of the estate of the late (Jeorne II. .Miller, this is to notify all pcrsoni indebted to the Maid I'Hlate to prem-nt their claim to me or to my attorneys, properly venlied on or befofe the I'uth day of September llL'l. or tins notice will be plead iu liar of recovery. All peisons indebted to said estate vi ill please make immediate settlement. ANNIE T. .M1LLF.K, Administrator. I'ippen & 1'icot, Attoruevs-ttt-lAW, Littleton, N. C. 10 7 tit Have us sell your land at auc tion. Atlantic Coast Really Com pany, Petersburg, Va. and Green ville, N. C. Write, wire or phone us at Petersburg, Va., or see Hal ifax County Real Estate and Ins. Co., Local Contract Representa tive, Scotland Neck, N. C. TH Li K li is something ahead for each one of us. Largely we are now determining what ii is. Start a savings account here, add to ii regularly and watch it grow plus its interest earnings. That means nothing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of you. You cannoi Afford 10 Delay. M.FREID'S FOR IOK iALL UY I utKi'imu. Irutf o., Halifax. M, ('. 1 Air, Wfltlou. jy & (Mil Publication of Summons North Carolina, Halifax t'ouuty. lu the Superior Court. W, C. I.KE, PlaintiflJ Vs. Rl Til h. LKE, Defendant The above-named defendant will take notice that an action entitled aa above ha been commenced atfainHther in the Superior Court of Halifax county where in tne piaiutni is demanding an armo- lute divorce from the uelemtant upon Htatuatorv grounds: -and the Raid de fendant will further take notice that she in required and hereby commanded to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax county, in Halifax, N.C., on the Ut day of Deeember, Ht-20. and annwer or demur to the com- nlaint of the plaintiff to be tiled in eaid iction before the return dav hereof or the relief demanded will be (ranted. This the L'L'nd day of October, 8. M.UAKY. Clerk of the Superior Court. KKDU0T0IN8 Ou all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. i r r . . ! - - . : I.... au.--- STOR K M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER. ill 1 P IT T j i u n W:-JaWf7iniw STRAIGHT 10 10 I m h4 mjtM STRAIGHT - r .... -.( :..F'(, TT-V19 m3 tVAliiBa; 'idLiaMam. xf 'v y,. Better and wore joeasing than ,-: rt'vo ' 3. A va:." 'Lr for xiour thorite she .sizes tiiw Laijj..l hiJependci-i. u. f f;i :Tc-- i.i'liy 4i-rV. . SWS--. X. . ' !o:" " Kr your t Va'? '.-- xAVS V'Wrf.'afe- . '.vjof.hl th-tt uiriti us. I. LEWIS CIGiR MFG.CO.H.