-JESS, ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, TIIUHSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1020. Terms of SubscrlDtion--$2 00 Per Annum OL. LV. NO. 31 CITOilll For Infants and OhlMmn hi I! 1 i J, S 8 'Js '5? Ti r-niml.-a PKH UKNT. Avertable ftcfWntatrAi Cheerfulness andCil neither Opwm.M:': Mineral, not iw"-. i LtrIBfnwrvS)f and "'iV-Vp oss ok SLEEP JJEW TU" .' Mothers Know Thai Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature, of f uriu ft ,llv In Eiwt Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Kill That Cold With CASCARA K$ QUININE Cold FOR , Coigns AND Li Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy fur the first sneete. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieve! Grippe in 3 daya Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cuacira la beat Tunic Laiauve No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT f,l u. For Cash Only Li nil III V 1 I II WW W 1: 8 w m m m m m m 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS, In order 10 reduce stock, I will allow a discount af 10 per cent, on all CASH purchases over one dollar, except on School Books. Big Stock of Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats and other goods recently received. Come early and save money while this opportunity lasts. 4. L. $TlfJBCK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C & un m m m m. m m & mm i sJ n - el. aaMl I Choice Hams THE PRATICED HAND. The Rev. Mr. Smilie, off on i vacational fishing trip, was horri fied to hear a youthful angler using words that had a dark, blue tinee. "My boy," he remonstrated. 'don't you know that the fish wil never bite if you swear like that?" I know I ain't very good at it," replied the youngster apologetical ly. "But I thought maybe 1 could get some little ones on the few words 1 know. Here, you take my pole and see what you can do." DO OOOD NOW. Dr. Johnson wisely said : "He who waits to do a great deal of good at once, will never do any thing." Life is made up of little limit's. True greatness consists being great in littte things. How are railroads built? By one shov elful of dirt after another; one shovelful at a time. Thus drops make the ocean. Henee we should be willing io do a little good in little things, lit i lo acts one after an other; speaking a word" here, giv ing a smile there, and setting a good example at all times. We must do the first good things we can, and then the next, and the next, and so keep on doing. Thus only shall we do all the good in our power. EVEN THERE. Spirit Where is my mansion in the sky? St. Peter Sorry, but the spirit in it refuses to move out. appetizing than a slice of our cnoice nam. we .,htnir vnn may want BMJ"""S J " ... in the line of meats. All k inds of Canned Goods fOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase .;.,. . .h:.,t Anrt riohi thinking brings besti re- Juul lafjnbilj iu uiiitni ...... "fc runs. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Bntchtlor's Opera House. I WELDON. N.C Dim Lumber Si; Mi llwork Weldon, NJ C. u i Nit L'imi idvru nr - man v rav i u itu B 'Hdlng; Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Hli . iim i ... Gmtttia "us, mantels, Uoor ana wmuow v....- MAUK TO ORDER AND BF.ODLAK HTOCK BIZTO. " JUtvUto, Higk OnUt WfkMHif Our Wtfc WHEN YOU NEED a tonic to help renew the zest of life and that snap that de notes vigor and strength, take SCOTT'S EMULSION Its rich, tonic-nutrient properties can be a large tactor in restoring strength and building up the body. ftrott A Bnwnr.Bloomhrld.N ;. 4T Anotner Royal Suggestion MUFFINS and COFFEE CAKE From the NEW ROYAL COOK BOOK BREAKFAST is too often eaten as sx duty rather tlun a joy. The Royal Kducational Department presents here some breakfast dishes tint will stimu late the most critical appetite. Muffing ? ciipn (lour S tfaapoona Jloya! Baking; Powder 1 tableipoon augar H teaspoon ialt 1 cup milk t etrffa 1 tableipoon shortening Sift toother, flour, bak ing; powder, sugar and aalt: add milk, welt-beaten egga and mnlted ehort enlng; mix well. Grease inurrln tins and put two tablespoon of batter In to each. Hake In hot oven M to minute. Coffee Cake 1 cupi flour y, teaspoon salt i tablespoons sugar 4 teaapooni Royal Baking Powder I tablespoons shortening H cup milk Mix and sift dry Ingredi ents; add melted shorten ing and enough milk to make very stiff batter. Spread H-lnch thick In greased pan; add top mixture. Bake about 30 minutes In moderate oven. Top Mixture i tablespoons flour 3 tablespoon cinnamon 3 tablespoons sugar ) tablespoons shortening Mix dry Ingredients; rub In shortening and spread thickly over top of dough before baking. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Made (ram Crura of Tutu derived from grapi. SENT FREE New Royal Cook Hook emit dining noorea of de Mghtful, economical rec Ipea. many of them the most famous In use today. Address HOY AL 1MKINU POWDER CO. lit Fulton Html, New York Oltf. MADE THE BREAK COMPLETE. NO POSSIBLE QUESTION OK A HJ TUHE KECONC1I.IATION HETWI-liN MAHI-L AND HI'.H I OKMEH FIANCE. I am glad I broke my engage ment with Tom," Mabel observed indignantly. "He's no real gentleman." "Why. I have always thought him one." Tcss commented in surprise. "What has he done?" "Well, I sent him back his pres entsthat is. all excebt the dia mond ring and a lew other things that I thought 1 was really entitled to, considering how many times he had taken dinner at our house and all, and asked him to return mine." "Well, did he refuse?" "He did not. He not only sent back a box of cigars, unopened, and a pen wiper and a knit neck tie, but he sent also five boxes of face powder, saying that he estima ted that to be about the quantity he had taken away on his coat du ring the lime we were engaged." A HALF TRUTH. Silk Sox Did Angeline tell you the truth when you asked her whether she wore half hose? Knit Tie Yes. S. S.-What did she say? K. T. None of your business. Some people get and can all they get. all they can CASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years ORDINANCE. That no pers.n hall park auto mobiles, curs or trucks on the cast side of Washington avenue, be tween First and I lord streets All nersons violating this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of $2.50, By order of the Board of Com' missioners: W. W. WIGGINS, Mayor E. L. HAYWARl). Clerk. 11 4 4t LIKE HIS MOTHER USED TO MAKE. "I was born in lndiany," says the stranger, lank and slim, As us fellers in the resterunt was kind of guying him, And Uncle Jake was sliding him another punkin pie And a extry cup o' coffee, with a twinkle in his eye. "I was born in lndiany more 'un forty year ago And 1 hain't been back in twenty and I'm workin' back'ards slow; But I've et in ever resterunt 'twixt here and Santy Fee, And I want to state this coffee tastes like gitlin' home to me I Pour us out another, Daddy," says the feller, warmin' up, A speakin 'cross a saucerful, as Uncle tuk his cup. "When I seed yer sign out yonder," he went on, to Uncle Jake, 'Come in and git some coffee like your mother used to make' I thought of my old mother and the Posey county farm, And me a little kid again, a-hangin' on her arm, As she set the pot abilin', broke the eggs and poured 'em in'' And the feller kind o' halted, with a trimble in his chin : And Uncle Jake he fetched the feller's coffee back, and stood As solemn, fer a minute, as a undertaker would; Then he sort 'or turned and tip toed lords the kitchen door and next Here, comes his old wife out with him, a-rubbin' ov her specs And she rushes for the stranger, she hollers out, "It's him ! Thank God, we've met him comin'l Don't you know yer mother, Jim ?" And the feller, as he grahbed her, says "You bet I hain't forgot "But," wipin' ov his eyes, he says, "your coffee's mighty hot !" J9ilcltootteeps ! mgtakkealtki? S " Br vuinj Wlldrooe reiulirly , I k - my selp entirely frtiom the aching S "run of dmdruff, the cum i at tno 5 bait trouble. 1 owe my luxuriant law B -lh envy of my frieodJ-to Um S luuanteei dwdru remedy." Wlldroot tlql Bhwatwo e wllJroe4 l..miMjo oi. vli hliiii tfti S THE OUAHAKTF.BU HAIH TONIC V tuk km muur MUKFHRKY DKUG CO. D Vf5? 1 1 jgfl CiStblastS ffi3PM4 FUEL SAVING jl neaiH3k system MLj-1B1' f Combuttion. This Vill IJ half on ouf fuel bills, h means eerier tfork for the houMWif Vith its constant "fen Heat ana! Its rekoUing aualtUet. Give the tfife the bttt that nwwjl can lW- Come In and let us tell yvu cf tk nwny ful av'ing features 4 Cole's DovJii Draft Range Its rtmarltttble ruit-reuiting con mutton and Its Mnilar Jign. In blue ar gray entrnwl or bUck pnuh. " mm Wall 941 VitK u tltat it u a boauiy aiwl wtttwiliiug that yMl want in ur l.ut.,4. Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Co , WELDON, N. C. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA r STICK BLUE r Y l TMC riNSST BLUE MAO VJ .(MHotM?ooNanELi.Lco Mf rs. wummj MADE WILD WAVES WILD. They were at the seaside with the well-known moon overhead. She was cuddled in his arms and for hours they had been murmur ing sweet nothings. Finally she said the word that made him the happiest man in the world. The moment of sweet sorrow of parting came and, after a long caress, he tore himself away and dashed to ward the station. But just as he disappeared, the look on her face changed from joy to consternation, and a sob rose in her throat. "Great heavens!" she wailed. "I clean forgot to get that fellow's name I" K Pains 5" WrW STH Terrific . ..... aa m ncau now nira. MiDeri Gregory, of K. F. O. No. "mj 1, Bluford, III., got rid of STB her H- "Outing ... I was awfully weak . . . my pains were terrmc. I thought I would die. The bearing-down pains were actually so severe I could not stand the pressure ol my hands on the lower Fart of my stomach . . . simply fell as if life was for but a short time. My husband was worried . . . One evening, while read ing the Birthday Alma nac, he came across a case similar to mine, and went straight for tome Cardui for me to try. TAKE CARDUI The Woman's Tonic "I took ft faithfully and the results were immedi ate," adds Mrs. Gregory. "I continued to get bet ter, all my ills left me, and I went through . . , with no further trouble. My baby was bt and strong, and myself thank God am once more hale tand hearty, can walk miles, do my work, though 44 yean old, leel like a new person. All 1 owe to Cardui." For many years Cardui has been found helpful in building up the system when run down by dis orders peculiar to women. Take Cardui ran Have us sell your land at auc tion. Atlantic Loast Kealty com oany. Petersburg, Va. and Green ville, N. C. Write, wire or phone us at Petersburg, Va.. or see Hal ifax County Real Estate and Ins, Co., Local Contract Representa live, Scotland Neck, N. C. Bnnnnnyaa--i:-ai-aa Ml WEAK, NERVOUS Mr. Enoch Moore, ol Oconee, S. C, tells liow Znon lu lpcd him: "I was nervous, and my limbs seemed to ache as llioui I w.is scarf J-or some such leellng, I can hardly describe it. I would have weak "trembles." I was sallow, had a draggy, worn feeling; didn't rest well at night. I read of Ziron and thought if it had helped others it might do the same (or me. I knew I could at least try it. 1 began using The Scientific Iron Tonic and very shortly I felt better, ate and slept more, and the weak, nervous feeling gradually left me. It was a tonic a builder I needed, and Ziron seemed to hit the spot." If Mr. Moore had not been benefited by the first bottle of Ziron he took, lie could have gotten his money back, for Ziron is sold by reliable drug,;ils everywhere on a money-back guarantee. Insist upon Ziron Iron Tonic. When you need Ziron, there's noth iiitr as cood. so refu&e Imitations and substitutes. . n ' Me A your druggist for Ziron. Accept no substitutes. ZJ.3 U Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic iewelrv. in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perfectly OUR PRICES WILL SATISFY. f) C.N.RICKSC THERIi is something ahead for each one of us. Largely we are now determining what it is. Start a savings account here, add to it regularly and watch it grow plus its interest earnings. That means nothing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of you. You cannot Afford to Delay. M.FREID'8 FOR Fia SALE BY Funjrerson Drug Co., Halifax. M. C. Pair, Weldon. jyaeot REDUCTIONS On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. ST O R Elf M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, n i n 1, All ! ftft n K av - ms I pin rr J I bill

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