ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LV. WELDON, N. C, TIIUKHDAY, DECEMIJEK 0, l!20. NO. Children Cry for Fie to' J.' 1 rmaain il Ihe Kind You Haw ilwayi Bought, and which has beeo w uiw iui ra mui yean, nas Dome the s imatur nf and has been made under his per sonal supervision since lis Infancy. Allow tin nm 4n jl..! .. r All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishnesa arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep The Children'! Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Kill That Cold With QUININE CASCARA for vM&y AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chanci. Keep this itandard remedy handy for the first ineeie. Breaks up ft cold in 24 hour. Rrlieve Grippe in 3 days Excellent fot Headache Quinine In this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tunic Lai stive No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT m m m m u ID v SI For Cash Only 1 urn i ssta 1 uuss MM 310 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS. SI m jjjjj In order to reduce siock, I will allow a discount af 10 Per cenl- on a,l CASH purchases over one dollar, except jfcjjj on School Books. Big Stock of H Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats and other goods recently received. Come early and save J2 money while this opportunity lasts. nm m m m u m m The Busy Store, WELDON, N C urn fib . - - : Choice Hams DEVICE INVENTED BY AMERICAN SCIENTIST IS ACKNOWLEDGED VAUJAHLE FUEL SAVER. Baking bread and roasting meal on ilie summit of a mountain with out fuel is possible by the use of a device invented by a scientist of ihe Smithsonian institution, Wash- ngton, I). C. The intensity of the sun's rays is harnessed, the unusual energy is capitalized, and lood can be cooked bevond the ine of perpetual snows. An astronomical mirror at the Smithsonian institution is capable of receiving and measuring the en ergy of ihe sun rays, calculating ihat in summer the solar luminary transmits upon each acre of land equivalent to 7,500 horse-power. I he so-termed "solar cooker" consists of a hall cylinder of iron lined with mirror glass, which catches ihe rays of the sun and concentrates them upon a metal lube thai is the half-cylinder's axis. The tube contains oil, which ex pands and becomes lighter, by the heat as it passes through the tube. The latter is continued to form a loop outside ihe half-cylinder, thus making a sort of endless chain, Passing through the loop, the oil cools. However, the sun's heat forcing the oil through the portion of the tube inside the half- cylinder, compels the cooled oil to follow it, otherwise there would be a vacuum. So while the sun shines there is a continuous circulation of oil. The "loop" passes through a box which contains an oven. Heat from the oil warms the oven and does the desired cooking. SOON TO HAVE. There l nothing flmore nnptizinir than a slice oi our choice ham. We have anything you may want in the line of meats. All L inH. f r untied Goods I l IU.1 w - CWD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, ana ' increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings besti re 's. Our prices make vou think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Ht Batchclor'i Opera Houss.l wtLDON. N.C lixon Lumber & Millwork Co. Weldon, NJ C. MANUKieruKEiu or Buildlflar Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Ulinl. Mantels. Door and Window Screens ., USING THE SUN AS A STOVE. I Visitor-Been doing any work in the nude? Struggling Artist No, but I will be if men's clothing don I come down. 1 In Front-Rank Cod-liver oil stands first on the list oi fats, in the ease with which it is assimilated. This explains why SCOTT'S EMULSION of super-refined Nor wegian cod-liver oil is so helpful to those ol any age who are run down in body. Scotl ft IV.wn. Bkwtufield. N t ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuina Waning! 1'nleat you see the nama "Bayer" ob package or on tablet you .... t.inj uiinn A.nirin ur. icribed by phyurians for twenty-ona Aipirin only M totd in the Buyer pok tre lot Cll, HwuUrhe. Niurlgii, l3ieumtiem, Kreh T.mthwhe, Lum bago tint for Tain. Handy tin hni o twelve Bayer Tablet of Aspirin eoet few otnt. Ini!giti el" tell larger na' agea. Aapirin ia the traile mark oi Baver Manufai-lure of Mouoetioaoid enter of .slicylioacid. ty"- 'Its easy to wash wy hair now Wlldroot Liquid Shampoo It cat and pleaiant to uie and tt doetn't mak my hair brlttl th war ordinary aoap doe. "Mr Klp feel better nd mf hail DM Itoppea conuni oui. Shampoo MUKI'HKKY DKUU t'O. . "UI IM UKDEH AMU BEUULAnoilR" M Materials. Wf k Orate WrkauiUl Our Slotfma. Ohiidrou Cry rUK utitnm CASTORIA Another Royal Suggestion 3-Egg Angel and Sunshine Cakes From the New Royal Cook Book AM Angel cake that fairly melts in your iiiuutli. Instead of eight okk it curt be matte with three and the yolks of the eggs ran be uaiii for .1 Royal Sunshine cake. Angel Cake 1 clip aujrnr l1 rupH llnur IcusiHion cream of tartar 8 tiiK)unnn rtoyal Bak- int,' J'owdcr Vt tcfi)io(in salt ctip Hcaltli-d milk 1 U'aHioon almond or vanilla extract whiten of 3 'KKS Mix and sift rlmt flvo In Kreillcnts four timei, A'lcl ml Ik very ulnwly, whlln (till lnt. bfiitiiiK continu ally; ftdi! vanilla; mix well and fold In whlti-n of pkkb Itealfii until IlKht. Turn Into titiern'tiHCfl angel cake tin and hake In very slow oven ahiitit 45 minutes. Jteinovp from oven; In vert pan and allow to nlHiid until cold. Cover top and Hides) with either whlU or chocolate Iclntf. Sunshine Cake 3 tablespoons shortonlng cup fin far yoliLH of 3 cfTPS 1 ttjaspoon llftvoring extract H cup milk 14 cups flour 3 teaspoons Royal Bak Inir Powder Tn am shortening; add ciikTHr gradually, and Mtn nf eRKS which have 1 i UMiten until thick; i iliivurinK; sift to rt 1!.' r llnur and baking piul. r nnd add alt-r-n:itely. a little at a time, with the milk to first mix ture. Rake In greased loaf I tan in moderate oven 36 o 46 mtmit :. ('over with white king,. TOYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Mad from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes FREE Hy all means get the new Koyul Cook Hook Just out. Contains thee and m other dfKghtful, help ful recipes. Free fur tho bttkltiK. Write TODAY to ItOVAI, ItAKINd PnWlKH(t). lift Tultou Ktret, Nuw YorkCilf A WISH. What would I ask For thee, wish fur the sweet ? Skies that are peaceful and calm ? Seas that are siormless and winds thai are soft As the low breath of a psalm ? No, as 1 love thee, 1 ask not that life Be from all bitterness free; Something of sunshine and something of strife Dear one, is better lor thee. Yet would 1 ask for thee out of my love More of its sunshine than storm. With just enough of life's shadow and strife To keep the heart tender and warm, Faith to look upward in gladness and gloom. Hope 'mid the direst defeat; Strength in all sorrow, and patience in pain, These would I ask of thee, sweet. These and yet more would I ask for thee, sweet; Grace lo be faithful and strong; Meekness to bear all thy crosses and care. Courage to battle with wrong. May the good angels who watch o'er the good Guide thy dear feet as they roam And in the land that is better than this Give thee forever a home I EVER BILIOUS? Charleston. Miss. Mrs. R. V. Heins, of this place, ssys: "I have never had to use very much medicine, because if 1 felt headache, dizziness, or colds, bad taste in the mouth, which comes from torpid liver, I would take a dose or more of Black-Draught, and it would straighten me out and make me feel as good as new. We have used In our family for years THEDFORD'S and it certainly is the best liver medicine I ever saw. It has not only saved me money, it has helped keep my system in shape, and has never weakened me as so many physics do. I recommend it to my friends and am glad to do so." Black-Draught is the old, reliable liver medicine which you have doubtless heard much about. When you feel badly all over, stomach not right, bad taste in your mouth, bilious, or have a headache, try Thedford's Black-Draught. At all Druggists. R . Always Insist on the Genuine! gSEE ME FOR Live Stock Insurance 0! All Kinds, DR.W. A. CARTER Compare mv rates with the value ol your stock BOOKKEEPERS 1 STENOGRAPHERS. lace, l .k. aHM .ak aSBsa .akSaasBsaiSiiBah -C3 TKIITII IS Till- SUMMIT 01' Bi:iNG; JI.'STICR IS Till: AI'I'ICATION 01 IT TO AITAIltS." Oharacier isguaged by the mod icum of Truth possessed. Toward it all good miliiutes, and even evil acknowledges obeisance. The per son of real character is ihe compos ite of what is best in mankind, for "all things exist in the man tinged with the manners of his soul." This quality tie exhales upon ilmse about him, like a fragrant lluwer in the midst of noxious environ ment Through time he excites the emulation of his fellows, and his precepts and example are the blessed heritage of posterity. "Men of character are the con science of ihe society to which ihey belong." Impurity is inefficient and des tined to eventual failure. It is nec essarily narrow in vision, seeing only immediate eB'ecis, and content with sensuous or brief achievement generally attained by questionable methods. Character is courageous, though often beaten down by circumstances beyond its control, it never, to it self, acknowledees defeat, but with inherent strength, arises to the battle with new weapons of ex perience gained in each conflict. While circumstances constantly change, these alonecan never re pair defects of character. Wrong doing, if deliberate and with malice-afore-thought, leaves an indelible blot on the escutcheon. The wound may heal, but the scar remains despite the balm of time. Those capable of fear are always finding terrors. To such, mole hills assume the proportions of mountains, pigmies become giants, the cry of Victory does not ring out, they hear naught but the wail of defeat. They become syco phants at ihe feel of Success. Character does not always wear a chaplet of palms, but Frequently bleeds beneath a crown of thorns. It always carries its cross bravely, and reviles not its pigmy detrac tors, but raiher pities them and says, "Father forgive them for they know what they do." Character "is never less alone, then when alone,'' for it makes its own environment, sustained by an exaltation that is the consumma tion of the ages, a transpport that is a sparkling stream ever Fed by eternal springs oF Truth. Character is always Positive, and in almost constant warfare with all forces of negation. Love is its strongest weapon. A word, warm from the heart, will often disarm the selfish foe, and cause him to surrender ut discretion. Contrast the deathlike cold of atheistic philosophy, with the glow ing fire of life diffused by charac ler, whose component elements Divine in their attributes. "Character is Nature in the highest form J' The perfect man, since Cl.hris is yet to be; but let us strive to live so that those we leave behind may think of us as benefactors to the race, and may our monument con sist of a halo of stars of thought and deeds, that shall forever shint in the firmament of recollection CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwaya beara Iht Btgnatura of Gained Ten Pounds Ikjore Takimr ZIRON, Alabama Man Wus Weak, Nervous, Had No Appetite, lhitis Now Strong. EVKIiV n i h ii anil wuiimn, who la In a lun down, w. uk cumlltlun, with hail ioiiiili'iuti and poor appe. tlln, dun to lurk of Iron In llirlr Wooil, thoulil find Zhou liolplul and BtrrliKUl tnllillng. II In a HpintlflR, iwonntnirllvB tonlr, comiinml of liiKi.'illpntii rrronimondiil fcy h'lwlllit; lllrillrul nil I hnrlt IrH. DtwrrlhliiK Ills nspi i 'h'lire Willi Zlron, tr. OeorKB W. ! I.nnlrr wrllrn from Jonrs, Ala.: "Sonic I Imp hark, I wan In a ti'Mhle condition I wn wpnU nm! ihm voiu, and had h tired fwllnn all i Uie time. My ak.u was muddy. 1 1 tmd no npiipllt.., nnd at morning I dldnt Ilk., ai.tiinit ut. I wan ri'iidlim of Zlron and dicldcd 1 would try It . . . "Will any that Iron I a food medl rlrio. I have gained ten pounda In four montha. Am strong and hart a Kood appetite." Zlinn la a mllil Iron tonic, Rood for yoiiiin and old, 11 helps to roatoro the Byti'in. when rundown by orer work. und'T-nntiriphnient, cauaed by Eiomiirh or howi-I disorders, or as a ruKiilt of Homo weakening lllnesB. (let .Iron I rom your drueKlit. Ha bi-IIh It ou a I'louey-huck guai-uutea Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perfectly. The demand For young men and women who are well trained in these callings is greatly in excess of the supply, and will continue to be. Smithdeal graduates are recognized by business man to be above the average in competence. The faculty will take a special interest in fil ing you For good paying position. Write for catalogue. Buaisiess College th and Broad SU.Kdimanii.Vi OLDBSTJBUS1N6S9 COLLEGE. IN THB SOUTH HIS HOUSINQ PROBLEM. A Missouri farmer who caileJ his newly employed hired man out of bed at four o'clock in the morn! ing was surprised a few moments later to see the man walking off down the road. "Say 1 Come back an eat break- Fast fore you go to work ! "I ain't going to work," the man called back, "I'm goin' to hunt somewhere to stay all night. How To Be Healthy. If you would enjoy good health keep your bowrli regular and your ttomach and liver In good working order. This ia eaaily done by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. These tablets strengthen the stomach and regulate the stomach and bowels. They are easy to takeand mild and gentle in effect. They only cost a quarter. Many s man wishes his running expenses would slow down to walk. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A OUR PRICES WILL SATISFY. ts C.N.RICKSC -MWaMMW(kfr Isfca aA" -.ef.rv jr i mv .nr i THLRIi is something ahead for each one of us. Largely we are now determining whai il is. Start a savings account here, add to il regularly and watch it grow plus its interest earnings. That means nothing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of you. You cannot Afford lo Delay. '5CaftWi5. Hii mi mi iiiiiiiiiiiasaaaaaai M. FUND'S FOR RKDUCTI0N8 On all summer goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. VT.v. w ", i n i n j l u n S T 0 R E M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER. '0 ylB8Jl?a STRA,GHT thanl lV J ,v &, Better and more pleasing anu mild Ifavaha. cdar. Stk ow-aAr canTaufiph you writ us. fZ?:is' LLLWIOUIjAK MrU.LU.NEWARK.NJ. I -.x.,tt Ll J...,!- T;..,.. r- ni 1 1 kuijji-oi mucfjtiiiutiii wj,ai i auunj mine world. M '.'- - "."VW3 i 1 j ;i it '4 Mi V El 9

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