. , : ' - 1 rishnr Fmm ' "-""" - ""f ' p Raising tno Family- f aiam stop to mink how u wouia oundi . ig- 1 "- 0" irrl, j J , nrT) j 4M f It's a cinch i V"oL J ' ws,r """""H OKJ 'HAVtWHr THE MATTER. Jl Ml I VU THU r- rj sn.T- li$H to figure why - trwmiAtioHiu, cumtm CttUT ! 611 -?&at-gti '1' IT i If VjsJI tj 'I f f j ""' ' the roanoke n i- f in. ClUJNTY HOME. jjESgss-g J Y -"aMi O J U U i L I n'"i . The Ladle of Koanoke Rapids H -x, --ss- - NSs, VJ3r m.Ji mT,mM JsSxi Ct-Jjl rel'jnv rHIRSDAY., DEC. t.. IVal and Weldon Clubs Appear He- H V &Smm4l XJX J j-. ,-'ZTi fL ..rTT' Kuti ' ' lore the county Commissioner. 9 c1 VV X Irlhr . i f 1 t f3S 'i-u'. 1 II aT I I Mr- El v I ublishcd Every 1 hurtdey JOHN. Ml Mil. t lMi.r jJlntii.ir. NTKIRb AT HUKTHKUlK AT HKIlitiN A Nli'UMU-tLANH HI n KH. RUES HI-' WWI'lliAIN HMl: Due Year, (by until) postpaid, I'J.IM. Six Mouths. - " I.ihi. A weekly Democratic journal devo'.rd to the material, educational, political and agricultural interest ol Halifax and surroundiugcounties. Advertising rates reaHooable aod Tur iihed od applicatioo. In an Ohio paper is the an nouncement, "Suns up io $100 for $38." They musi be lawsuiis. New York hoiels have an nounced a reduciion in the cost of bridal suites, (pronounced sweeis.) Sixty-one head of Jersey cattle sold at the Louisiana State Fair for a total of $43, 185 or an average of $708 a head. A Missouri man runs his mov ing picture machine with a Ford. It ought to work on the O. Henry pictures, at least. A thief stepped into a store in Kansas City and walked out with an adding machine worth $250. He probably is getting ready to in stall a cost system. Merely being president is not the only advantage Mr. Harding has over the rest of us. He can now tell his fish story and get away with it. The Columbia, State says: The storm will soon spend its fury and the people of the country will again be able to see the erect and immor tal figure of Woodrow Wilson with the stormwrack swept away and in the calm light of reason and ap preciation in which his image and memory will remain. Baltimore building trades mem bers to the number of 12,000 by vote declined to accept an increase in wages of from 90 cents to $1 an hour, an advance provided for in the scale formulated a year ago. In situations such as confront the building industry at this time a little sense is sometimes more valuable than much dollars. Congressmen say there is no prospect of a reduction in Federal taxation for the next two years. A few cltrks can be laid off here and there but the saving in this way will only be a drop in the bucket. The only appreciable cut that could be made would be in appropriations for the army aud navy. Bui as the voters in the last election didn't accept the League of Nations idea, the only practical one looking to a reduction in armament, immediate relief from cutting down military expenses does not seem to be in sight. The people, having made their beds, will have to lie on them. Only those can conplaim who puinted out a better way and were over-ruled. CATARRH CAN NOT BE CURED with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physiciacs in this country for years. It is composed of some ol the best tonics known, com bined with some of the brst blood puri fiers. The perfeet combination of the U'rUieuui m hall's Catarrh Medicine is what produces such wonderful re sults in catarrhal conditions. K. J. CIlKNKY CO., Toledo, Ohio Jt-stiinonials sent free. I'riee 75 cents per liottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's KamilT Hill" for CoiMtmstioa A new expedition is going to the Antarctic to And out where the weather comes from. It will be a relief to know whom to blame for it. Qood Advice. Take Chamberlain's Tablets as aoon as you have finished supper and they will produce a gentle movement of the bowels on the following morning. They will also Miprove your digestion and auaks you feel better ;n every way. Realizing the urgent need For a more comfortable home fur the aged and infirm wards of ihe coun ty, a goodly number uf the "new citizens" (rum several townships made a visii to the Hoard of Com missioners in session ui Halifax on Monday, December 5 The delegjnon was most cour teously received and given an in terested and sympathetic hearing. ' Mrs. U'yche, of Roanoke Rapids, presented ihe petition which was published in the Roanoke Rapids Herald of Dec. 3rd, which a large number of citizens had embraced the opportunity, thereby attesting to their hearty approval of ihe movement. Mrs. J. A. Johnston, President of the Woman's Club, presenting the following petition : To the Honorable Board of Coun ty Commissioners. We, the representatives of the following organizations, of Wel don, The Woman's Club, The Book Club, The Thursday After-1 noon Club, The Junius Daniel Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, The Christian Temperance Union and Church Societies do respectfully request thai immediate steps be taken to better the conditions of the Coun ty Home, which, in its present stale, is a reproach to the County. We further request that a matron be employed, whose duty it shall be to see that the buildings are kept in a sanitary condition, and wholesome and nourishing food and comfortable clothing provided for the inmates. We urge that a suitable location be secured on which at the earliest possible date a modern home be erected, which shall be adequately equipped and efficiently managed. We recommend that a Visiting Committee, consisting of three women, be appointed by the Coun ty Commissioners; these, with the County Commissioners, to consti tute a Board of Supervisors for said Home. Respectfully submitted. To this was affixed the signatures of representatives from each of the above-mentioned organizations. Mr. George C. Green, county attorney, in behalf of the Board, stated that they fully realized the need and for two years had been considering the establing of a new home, but had been unable to se cure suitable location. In response to the petitions pre sented by the Weldon delegates a Board of Visitors, consisting of the following ladies to serve for a term of two years was appointed: Mrs. J. M. Jackson, of Roanoke Rapids; Mrs. J. A. Johnston, of Weldon, and Mrs. S. M. Gary, of Halifax. This committee was also instructed to find a suitable location for the home, and report to the Board on the first Monday in Jan uary. It is hoped that at an early date we may have a building which will not only be a credit to the county, but by its accessibility may afford an opportunity for those so desiring to bring cheer and com fort into the lives of ihe inmates. Over fifty years ago a young Dhyaiciao practiced widely in a rural district and became famoua for hit uniform euecvsa In th curing of disease. This was Dr. Pierce, who afterwards estab lished himaelf in Buffalo, N. Y.. and placed one of hit prescriptions, which he called "Golden-Medical Discovery," in the drug stores of the United State to that the pub lie could easily obtain this very remarkable tonic, corrective and blood -maker. Dr. Pierce manu factured this "Discovery" from, roots and barks corrective remedy, the ingredients of which nature had put in the fields and forests, for keeping us healthy. Few folks or families now living have not at sometime or other used this "Golden Medical Discovery" for the stomach, liver and heart Over twenty -four million bottles of this tonic and blood remedy have been sold In this country. SAVK MONEY BY USING: A Ford passenger car m which to attend to your business. A Ford Ton Truck to do your hauling. n A Fordson Farm Tractor to do your farm Q worK. We can make immediate delivery on any Ford product. Please make a visit to our service station. We maintain a large repair shop, have competent Ford mechanics, use nothing but GENUINE FORD PARTS, and give honest service. Our service station is your Ford Home and the latch string hangs on the outside for you. Weldon Motor Company, Telephone 328 WELDON, N. C. HALIFAX SRPERIOR COURT. List ol Criminal Cases Disposed Of Last Week. The following is a list of cases disposed of at the November term Halifax Superior Court: Russell Peebles, c. c. w. $50 fine and costs. Henry Clark and J. M. Haw kins, affray. $25 and costs. Guy Stephenson, c. c. w. 30 days on county roads. Ransom Whitaker, a. and b. $25 and costs. Willie Smith, c. c. w. $50 and costs. Garfield Boone, et al, gambling. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. Bennie Vincent, a. and b. Judg ment suspended on payment of costs. Geo. Gibson, a. and b. Judg ment suspended on payment of costs O'Hara Staton, house breaking. I. and r. 8 years in State prison. Tom James, liquor. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. Charles S. Smith, liquor. 2 years on county roads. Hankins Hicks, a. and b. Judg ment suspended on the payment of costs. Joe Soloman, a. and b. $10.00 fine and costs. Wm. Flythe, c. c. w. 8 months on roads. Isaac Mitchell, c. c. w. 30 days on county roads. S. J. Hudgins, a. and b. $10 fine and costs. Percy High and Geo. Powell, affray. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. Harry Newsom, resisting officer. Judgment suspended. Bert Sherrod, a. and b. Judg ment suspended. Jas. S. Wilson, forgery. 12 months on roads. Henry Boyd, assault. Judg ment suspended. D. L. Vick, house breaking. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. S. D. Forester, c. c. w. $50 fine and costs. Eddie Crawford, gambling Judg ment suspended on payment of costs. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Now is the time to lay in a supply of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. It is almost sure to be needed before the winter js over, you will look a good while before you find a better remedy for coughs, oolds, oroup and ti)ooping cough or one that is mora pleasant to take. It meets with favor everywhere. Buy it now and be prepared. KPKIA Li a T Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA L. KIITKER'S SHOE STORE. O PECIAL PRICES from now until Christmas on an anoes, Boots and Rubbers of every de scription. Come and let us fit you from our care fully selected stock. REAL SHOES at Real BARGAINS Shoes, Boots and Rubbers for Men, Women and Children. Do your Shopping "Early" and avoid the rush of the Coming Holidays. LKITTfJER'S SHOE STORE Next Door to Weldon Drug Co. WELDON, N. C HIGHER EDUCATION. The State of North Carolina has one gigantic task before it in the immediate future. If it is to retain its title as one of the great, pro gressive states of the union it must at once set itself to the task of building an adequate system of higher education. Higher educa tion has broken down in North Carolina. There never was a time when trained leadership was so much in demand; there never was a time when young men and young women were so eager to secure training; and, there never was a lime when the educational insmu lions ot norm Carolina were so helpless in meeting ihii need. The co!!c;:s of ilic State are overcrowd ed. At lean two thousand five hundred North Carolina young men and young women were re fused admission in our university and colleges this autumn. No State could be proud of this fact. Of course the State should be proud to know that its sons and daughters are seeking education. but it must be a matter of shame to know that such education cannot be provided by the State. The challenge seems clear, Nonh Carolina has wealth. This State is as capable of furnishing education to its people as any State in the Jnion. The people want that education. The only question which now remains is this: Do the citizens of North Carolina pos sess the sentiment and the will to translate wealth into terms ot ever lasting values? N. C. Community Progress, Report or TH.coNDiTioN or THE BANK OF HALIFAX, At Halifax, in the State of North Cm I na, at the close of business Nov. IS two. 3 V' UliBRKfSH & Dawisrfcjs I BLEND V You should know whv Cflm.ie are so unusual, so refreshing satisfying. First, quality second Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which you'll certainly prefer to either kind smoked straight I Camels blend makes possible that wonderful mellow mildness yet all the desirable body is there I And, Camels never tire your taste I YouH appreciate Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after, taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor I For your own satisfaction compare Camels puff by puff with any ciga rette in the world at any price I Ctmml trm told mnrywhtr in arMnfiSea: canon, w ttrontly fcomBMid lilt tupptj or when yoy trtrml B, J- REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Wii.to.-Stl.,, R c. ) in a Miii-pap.oin4 carton fa tit tlomt or aOca jM&V vW. j&fc v4t m 8 WELDON OPERA HOUSE m FRIDAY, DECEMBER IU Cosmopolitan Productions. usaasss -mjllaw,f I HUMOR K8QUE A Photoplay Featuring Alma Rubens THK sordid clatter of the New York Ghetto. A tittle lad there, hug ging an old violin A mother, her soul aflame, watching, Riving, dreaming, as the hard years pass. A radiant girl waning. At last, fame! U'ealth ! The appLiuse of countless, crowding thousands for "the master of ihem all." One night, a gala free concert to his own of the great East Side. '-Humoreque!" they cried. And he played it in farewell played it with a breaking heart, then smiling, flung his career and his wondrous an away. Some called him "Fool!" Not all. You will know why when you see the end. THE SONG in a mother's heart made visible; the dream of a moth er's life come true. A melody of love and tears and laughter played silently on the screen. OMISSION: m n , TV vaV ADULTS 50 Ujt Gov. Tax, 5 o -jawawM yaaw- x -sjaass -ssssv-( -aawaaa-( , n , I CHILDREN, Cov. Tax, 27 3 Resources Loans and discounts $167,071.26 iJemanu Loans, i gg q uverdrans, unsecured S,fJ1.97 I'. 8. and Liberty Hoods 8,.Vi.0u r urnnure and futures, Ml. 02 A It other real estate ow ued 4,03. tut irvrnur niamps, 12.1)7 i asn in vault and net amounts due from Hanks, Hankers and imst t ompames 20,2x8.61 T011. S'J05,673.51 Liabilities Capital stork paid in Il4,?u.oo Surplus fund, IMHI.OO I'ndivided protlts, less current expenses snd tales paid 708 BD Dividends unpaid 72.00 Notes and bills rediseounted 21,600.00 Deposits subject to check 72,01.1.44 Savings Depoiiu 71.7Se.24 Cashier's checks outstanding 3,Ht2 IS Due to National Bsoka Total, 206,072.51 State of North Carolina, County of Halifax, ,: 1, Fletcher H. Gregory, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above is true to the best ofmy knowledge and belief. FLETCHER H. OREOORY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this fttih day of Nov. W. f. COHFEDUE, N. P. Correet-Attest: N. L. HTEDMAN, S. M. GARY, Directors. w I-. i.ni Ml:! Weldon M. E. Church Invites you to worship with the congre gation at these hours, Sunday, Dec 12; SUNDAY SCHOOL 945 f Efeniag t 7s30. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7:30 o'clock Workers' Council following Prayer Service Musical Program for 8unday Evening Service. WELDON METHODIST CHURCH , L. D. HAYMAN. Pastor. BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DON'T RISK MATERIA! Esrh packsge of "Diamend Dyn" coa-i tains directions so simple that snyl womsn o.in dye any materiel withwt' etrealuiuj, lading er raming. Druggus) Jsaa aaaar eaaaV-lata m otasr ijml mm til H Hi' ejf tj iiQiitn EASES OUlCrU.Yl f APUDINE ma . . . Tnv TT ' ??) DEPENDABLE ABJOLUtELt Sj TOR HEADACHES

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