ISTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtlon$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LV. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMHEH 10, l.)2). NO. 33 DISLIKE SONS TO GROW UP. BEAUTY MARSHALLED FOR CZAR. iiiox r 'fi -t r ' 'in ijiilJitiii mm itf i .i.t.u1LAAkMfwiinru SimiHiIiroJuierowi 17 tin$ the StorMCasandjjoweB w - W For Infnntganrl Children. Mothers Know Th J Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Of neither Oolum, Morphine ni i ilinertu. n ot w";" - A W baaf V Aaiw5 Ae?efnWpaisVAiS rtaiiWJ"' to,-..!,- 1 l Domtfrfvfrf L Constipation Dlfrrtoe-; ftc Simile 5in2L NEW TUWIV; V.vr Mir ft illv In Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Kilt That Cold With FOR foldi, Coufhi CASCARAKf QUININE AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Ttkt no cham Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneazt. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 9 days Excellent for Headache Quinine In this form does not affect the head Caicara is bust Tonic LsiativeNo Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Wf-'Sf. l WW 1 1 w -yt WW m am id i it it: i' m m FEW MOTHERS WELCOME THE TIME WHEN THEIR BOYS CO OUT INTO THE HARD WORLD. Almosi every mother keeps her boy in "knee cams" iust ns Inno as she can; she hates to see him becoming a man, for she feels that he is getiing away from her. A mother sees only wiih reluc tance the boy pass from the love and care and peace with which she has surrounded him, out into the world of pitiless endeavor in which he must play his part. The mother's selfish fondness discloses iiself in the ludicrous child's garment and the wornout, home bred horse wiih which she sends forth die would-be knight. These are to the modern analytical mind painfully symbolic of the un conscious inierference on the pan of Parents wiih the nrnnpr nrluli equipment of iheir children for an maepenoeni lite. Their apparent fondness conceals the unconscious wish thai ihe child will find himself Ulieauinned for the DTHulr iLnrtH and compelled 10 mm back 10 ihe sneiier. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A SOULFUL PLEA. I Stranger (at the bar) "Slip me a shot, won't you?" Barkeeper "You may be a dry agent for all I know." Stranger "Nobody knows how Jry I am!" For Cash Only m m dcd rcwT nicrmiwT cno 3n rum m I Lll ULI1 1 UIJUUUI1I IUII uu vnioi w m m In order to reduce stock. I will allow 8 discount uf 10 percent, on all CASH purchases over unc dollar, except on School Books. Big Stock of Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats and oiher goods recently received. Come early and save money while this opportunity lasts. i 4. L. SWflBtfK, m m m The Busy Store, WELDON, N C m m m m m m m m m Food for Energy Cod-liver oil ener gizes and creates a Buttress of strength that fortifies the whole body. scorn EMULSION is cod-liver oil in its best possible form. jjt If winter is claim fiing its toll upon your vitality, take Scott's Emulsion. Scott ft Itownr. Bloomfirld N ). ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Choice Hams There is nothlnir JJmore appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods POOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and " increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best re rulis. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, NBitchelor'i Opera IIoum.I WELDON. NX Dim Lumber & Millwork Go. Weldon. NJ C. MANUFACTURERS OF J'Hfiing: Materiel for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors u,,no, Mantels, Door and Window screens MAMS TO ORDER AND REGULAR STOCK HIZEK. MaUrUb, Mick OrMa Wackaaaartip Our Slf. Rpwarr! t nliva jim te the "lt)W" m!' or on tbk4 you tf n'4 gitting K,tlullu Aapirin pra tonlinl tiy pliyMifiarw fur twtmtT-tme ytttn unit nnvl Mfe lir miUiom. Take Aaptnii "ill; u.i V )! in the Byr package for (Wlii, llnulailip, Nruralfiia, Itbt'iuiw timn, Kararlii', Tiithiu'h, Lumbago, awl for IWn. Ilaiwly tin buxoa of twlvti Bayur IWIikU of Ann'rin coat t nnU. Inig viaU alw n il lnrv'T parkawa. Aapirin ia tlie trailp tniLrk of Bayr Manufacture it Moiioan-ticaculrattir ul SaJicjUoao. WILDROOT will Improve hsircrvvc pay you I WildrotHUaauarantaaderaoarano 3 whick vm riaM at th bwa eam; s of conuoa Wdnaaa-tha acal. Ittbir 5 1 duidTulf. Wildroot raowvi lb cniu-allowa oaliira to oniduca g the thick luauoua fcaU annul Is am a baalutr cl. J wild root llll ikaawoa at WlHtooJ s VILDnOOT! i THE OUAMANTEBD HA1H TONIC S J far itUtm tmd awK.lwaiwiuiMi Br MUKHIIHKY DU1H1 . rOK. HALE BY Fur(eraon Druft Co., llalifbi. M O. t'bir, WeltloD. Another Royal Suggestion MUFFINS and COFFEE CAKE From the NEW ROYAL COOK BOOK BREAKFAST is too often eaten as a duty rather than a joy. The Royal Educational Department presents here some breakfast dishes that will stimu late the most critical appetite. Muffins ? cups flour 3 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 1 tablespoon sugar W tettjnoon nail 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon shortening Sift Wether, flour, bak ing powder, sugar and salt; add milk, well-beaten eggs and melted short ening: mix well, flrease muffin tins and put two tablespoons of batter In to each. Hake In hot oven 20 to 15 minutes. Coffee Cakft S cups flour H teaspoon salt S tabUBpoons sugar 3 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 2 tablespoons shortening H cup milk Mix and sift dry Ingredi ents; add melted shorten ing and enough mllK to make very stiff b attar. Spread H-lnch thick In greased' pan; add top mixture. Bake about 30 minutes In moderate oven. Top Mixture ? tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon clnnnmon 3 tablespoons sugar J tablespoons shortening Ml dry Ingredients; rub In shortening and spread thickly over top uf dough before baking. TOTAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Puro Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes SENT FREE New ttoyal C?ook Book containing Henreg of de lightful, economical rec ipes, many of them the moHt famous In use today. Address ROYAL BAKING POWDER OO. Ill Fulton Htrttt, New York City. RUSSIAN MONARCH SELECTED BRIDE' KROM THE PRETTIEST MAIDENS OH LAND OVER WHICH HE RULED. In Russia, in the Sixteenth cen tury, the choice of a bride for the czar was made from all the pretty girls of the country. Ivan, who ruled 1520-1584, being ready for a wife, ordered all the beauti ful girls in the country to come to Moscow. Preliminary contests were held in each province, and candidates selected. In the ma jority of cases the contestants were delighted wiih the chance to go 10 Moscow, and still more delighted with hope of becoming ruler of Russia. An immense hall was built and, on the day of the choos ing, 1,500 of ihe most beauiiful girls in Russia were ready to con test for Ivan's favor. Accompanied by ai) aged cour tier, ihe czar simlled ihrouli the hall, all the girls smiling shyly or openly ai his highness as he passed them. After a process of elimina tion was gone through wiih, Anas tasla, daughier of an ancient bin poor family, was chosen, and made empress of 50,000,000. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of "Felt Like Eating" Man and Wife, All Run-Down from Farm Work, Were Qreatly Helped by Ziron. prlng od the farm, ware f(H Y WIFE aud I, after a hard 1V1 tired and rundown," aaya Mr. K. B. Mulkey, of Route 1, Aoworth, Oa. "We neither felt well. Ikotwu.y blood waa bad, an 1 bad little botli on the back of my neck. "We felt we needed a builder. We had heard of Ziron and thought It Bust be what we needed. It certainly was. We took It faithfully, and after a week or uch a matter we began to leel better. My wife felt like cooking, and I mire felt like eating. Iron xure did ui rood. It mad ita both ti't'l BtruimtT and beltor foi the full work, i.lihh eeryone know. is some worn ou a fiiriu. My bolli beuan to dry up, though Jut at flrnt mey neemed worse. 'We are much bitter and can highly I recor mend .Iron, and gladly do bo for it aure urn us koou. Zlron la a tnfe. reliable, tonic medt. I cine, good for r,i .::, women nnd child i !, when an Iron tonic In Indicated. It Is easy to tK and con. ulna no hablt-foMni;. dm:. a. Ask your dnist or dcalor. YOUR BEAUTIFUL HAIR, BY FRANK L. STANTON. For love and for life you have left me but this Only a ringlet to clasp and to kiss ! And ufier ihe fear, and the tear, and (he prayer, Only a tress of your beauiiful hair ()i your silken, soft, shadowy, beauiiful hair ! Hair that l.ove crowned ihut his lingers unwound In moments when even the Silence seemed sound And speech was immortal! U'hen the rise and the fall Of a flower on your beautiful bosom said all ! And eanh moved in music and Life was Love's thrall. You have left me but ihis, of your love and your trust; The love thai lies dreamless in daisies and dust; But over my heart, in the night of despair, I shall feel the soft fall of your beautiful hair 'Till I drift 10 God's Morning and meet wiih you there ! As Dead auho Dodo Every druggist in town your druggist and everybody's drug gist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel Is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone Is perfectly safe and gives better results," said i prominent lout druggist. Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead ! Dodaon' Liver Tone i personally guaranteed by every druggist who sella it. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver sluggish ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone ia a pleasant tasting, ' purely vegetnble remedy, aarmleas to both children and adults. T.i!:e :i looiifnl at night and wako up fcellii line; no biliousness, sick hendache, ucid p'.umurh or constipated, bowels. It diie:n't gripe or cause in convenience all ilie inxt'tlay like vU lent calomel. T .ke a done of calomel todsy and tinmitruw you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a dAy's work! Take1 Hudson's Liver Tune instead aud feel line, full o vigor and ambition. RRTORT COURTEOUS. He was very modest, and to his great horror was called upon to say grace at his first dinner at ihe old-fashioned country housel He quavered and said : "For what we're about to ceiveer thanks awfully.'" How To Be Healthy. If you would enjuy good health keep your bowels regular aud your stomach aud liver in good workiug order. This is easily doue by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. These tablets strengthen the stomach aud regulate the stomach and bowels. They are eay to take aud mild and gentle iu effect. They only cost quarter. SETTINO HIM RIQHT. He "Darling, I dreamed of you as my own," She "But dreams, you know, go by contraries." Whatever you wish in hiah erade. artistic iewelrv in rhnrminonew designs, our assortment will please you perfectly. OUR PRICES WILL SATISFY, h C.N. RICKSC y Was Very Weak WiiY Speio Ju You Euf7 You mi&rht get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start .imv. "Tnke-t monev to make monev." vou know) You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. I he saving nabil is amigniy ood one to get Into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ngs Accounts 3 THE BANK OF HALIFAX g HALIFAX. 1ST. O. N. L. SUdruan1, P. C. Orefory, P. M . Grefory President Vice-President. Otuhler. Ohiidren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Learn Stenography-Be In Demand The efficient faculty of the Smiithdeal Business College will advance vim ruDidlv. You are assured of iheir personal interest in your suc cess. Young men and women go forth from this reliable school fully eouinrjed 10 assume responsible positions of Stenographers, Type writers, BOOKKeepers, eic. many uesiraoic pusinuiie nwmi uui kiuuu- ates. Write for catalogue. lousiness College th and Broad StftchmontLVl OLDDST.BUSLNCSS COUEQ& IN TtUv SOUTH "After the birth ol my baby I had a back-iet," writes Mrs. Matlle Cross white, ol Olade Spring, Va. "I was very Ul; thought I was going to die. I was so weak 1 couldn't raise my head to get 1 drink ol water. I took . . . medicine, yet I didn't get any better. I was constipated and very weak, getting worse and worse. IsentlorCardul." TAKE 61!! P aj "I found alter one bot tle of Cardul I waa Im proving," addf Mr. Crosswhlti. "Six bot tles of Cardul and ... I was cured, yes, I can tay they were a Ood-send to me. I believe I would have died, had It not been for Cardul." Cardul has been found beneficial la many thousands ol other cases ol womanly trou bles. II you leel the need ol I good, strengthen ing tonic, why not try Cardul? It may Im iust what you need. ah Druggists P THERE is something ahead for each one of us. Largely we are now determining what ii is. Start a savings account here, add to it regularly and watch it grow plus its interest earnings. That means nothing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of you. You cannot Afford to Delay. M.FH KID'S FOR RK irn I II II III I AM awl On all winter goods. Many Cash Bargains Await You. STORE M. FREID, Proprietor. WELDON, N. C. LADIES AND GENT'S OUTFITTER, 2HviniJ OJi(Jtij(jglrJ STRAIGHT l$ MaaUaHtawai Better and more pleasing than ny mud navana agar. suit your acjr for your avar sge ll your dealer canr supply you'writl vj. I. LEWIS CIGAR MFG.CO.NwARK.Ni largest Independent Ffl r-foru WirM 1 I'M "at t i

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