1 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LV. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DKCKMIiKlt 2I, l!)2U. NO. 31 Children Cry for Flctt' r': The lina lou twt Always Bought, and which has been In om for over thirty years, has borne the signature ol -ff 0. n4 has been made under his per 2L477222& tonal superrision since its infancy. Allow do one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits, ImltatJona and " Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health oi Infants and Olldren Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself, What is OASTORIA Caitorla la a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance Its age Is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has been In constant use for the I elief of Constipation, Flatulency Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep Ths Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS J Bears the Signature In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Kill That Cold With CASCARA fe? QUININE FOR CeUi, Coughs rOMv AND Li Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chance. Keep this lundard remedy handy (or the nrat mease. Breaki up a cold in 24 huuri Hfliewi Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine In thil form doei not affect the head Castrate ia twit Tonic Leiauve No Opiate in HiU't, ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT m 1 J I If u. m m m For Cash Ouiy m gn PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS, gg - . ms In order to reduce stock, I will allow a discount af 10 m per ceni. on all CASH purchases over one on School Books. Big Stock of dollar, except m m Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats g & and other goods recently received. WF money while this opportunity lasts. I 4. L. SWflDtfK, Come early and save The Busy Store, WELDON, N C NOTICE. TO THE TAX PAVERS OF HAL IFAX COUNTY. There will be a meeting of all the tax payers of Halifax county who are interested in a reduction ol taxes, on the first Monday of Jan uary, 1921. This meeting will be held in the Court House, in Hali fax, and every tux payer is not only asked, but urged to be pres ent. It is hoped that all the heads ol the various departments of our county officers will be present, to gether with the County Commis sioners and our members of the General Assembly. An organization of a part of the tax payers of the county was per fected on the first Monday of De cember, and it is our aim at our next meeting to have a complete representation of the entire county and devise ways and means to se cure immediate reduction in our taxes. At that meeting every phase of the situation will be thoroughly gone into. Do not forget the date, Monday, January 3rd, 1921, at 10:30 A M , in the Court House. D. M. Johnson, Secretary Halifax Tax Payers. m Readings hy tke Author Choice Hams There Is nothing; mor appetizing than a slice ol our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds ot Canned Goods OOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. Ana ngni iiiiumhc 'n. Our prices make vou think. Call in 10 see us. L. E. HULL, Nw Hatchelor't Opera Houm.I fulls. WELDON, N.C Dim Lumber & Mi llwork Co. c. am I IN THESE DAYS physicians seldom advise the use of tonics that are largely alcoholic; more often it is SCOTT'S EMULSION Every physician knows it is the essence of purity and goodness and that it does not frrrin alrnhnl sroll ft.wTif HloomtliV W 1 10-70 I 7 Mj&,Hmk DREAMED, a. ASPIRIN N:tme ' Bayer" on Genuine I've hunted everywhere to find a man at Christmas time A little sweeter than the rest with music and with rhyme Ot Christmas spirit, and with spell of Christmas in the soul, And I should say the man who dreamed was happiest on the whole. The man who dreamed he was a boy, I met him on (he way, And, oh. his eyes were bright as joy that lights the blooms of May ! I stopped him on the little road to toil when rest was done, And listened to his golden tale, it was such golden fun. He'd trimmed a tree the night before, and when the morning came He joined the merry, romping band of children in their game. He dreamed, he dreamed he was a boy, and with the children there He felt the roses 'neath his feet, the soft winds blow his hair His eyes they glistened like light you see when silver stars Lean down to look upon the world from o'er their azure bars; rtciu wncii oc wiu me now ne teapea ana romped and whooped and lore I knew the boyhood ecstacy of Christmas time once more His dream amid that playtime sweet had brought all back again, The April of the dancing feet, the country field and glen. He raised his hands and slapped them hard loeether as he i,dt The memories of that dreadful day ol music and of told- I ' - 1. .. ... ... LI . . .-, I . " ' nis luiees were ireinoiiiig sun, ins up was quivering wuh delight And, oh, it was so good, he said, to feel so tired at night He d dreamed, he d dreamed the dew drops back. He'd dreamed the morning too. when the cobweds by ihe track Like pearls hung silver dew. He told me of new-fangled games they taught him how to play And all the winter world around turned unto dreams of May ' Then in the twilight when they said their little prayers he knelt Beside them in the dream to tell the dear God how he felt. The man who dreamed he was a boy, oh, his was Christmas true And may that dream, with all its joy, be dreamed some day by you ! Take Aspirin only m told in each Back' age t genuine Haver Tablet of Aspirin. Then you will be lull owing the direction and dosage worked out by physioiane during Ki years, and proved aue by mil liona. Take no chancel with substitute. If vou ace the Haver Cross on tablet, vou oan take them without (ear for fWds, Headarhe, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Haraohe, TxitWhc, tumlago arjjfor Pain. Handy tin boxce of twelve tlTueta cost few cents. Dmggiata also aell larger pawages. Aspirin is ioe trade mam Baye .aver Manufacture of ester of Salicylioaoid. MoBoaoeticacI & Weldon. N MANUr'aCTUHKKfl Of Hiiidinr Hat.rtai M,.Hrn Homes. Sash, Doors IUI IUI llfU' - B"nds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens atl.DK TO OKDEH AND BEUULAR STOCK H1ZK8. MatUrbta, Hi-h OraaH WirtaMawWp Our HI. Notice of Sale, Bv virtue af the autlioriiy conferred n,,nn the un .lersiirnccl Trustee by a oer. tain deed of tryst executed hy Charlie ,.n.:n r mUtith iw ilnlv rnnnhlrl AUtlUI, c . --.j .... - in the office of the Kegiaterof Deeds for llalifai oouutv, in book am, at pairc h. default having been made in Uih pay ment of the indebtedueas tli rein set ,.! nd thereby aecurcd. and being du y requested tliereto oy me leirai uoiuer thereol, 1 win on Saturday, the 15th of January !M1 at 12 o'clock M. in front of the ! oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, inree certain tracts or parcels oi munr ,, .up and heinir in Halifax Township, llalifai county, N. ('., described as follows: LOl ' NU 4. I OlliaiuillK -t- .i-n, acir, LOT NO. B. Coutaininif Wi lli acrei ivT NO. . Contaiuiiig f in acres All of said lots being a part of the ii, ..ant Whitehead land and shown on a certain map or plot thereof made by the i, dotii, I'oaat Keauv .omimnv. wiiioii man or plot is ol record in the office ol the rtegisier oi i,eei ,. tv in a plot bouk Nu. 1 paw - -. IIIIS 1110 loin uaj ui ...v. Vt'.M. I.. KNIiillT, 'trustee. NOTICE. North Carolina, Halilax Oouuly. IntbeHuperiot Court MINNIE WARD, Plaintiff Vs. MARCKU.US WARU, Uefoudant. The defendant above nauied will take notice that an act on eutilled as above has been corn inenced iu the . Superior Court of Halifax county to have the bonds of matiimooy heretofore flitting between plaintiff and defendant abso lutely dissolved; and the said defendant - ,ii frii,ir tale notice that he ia re quired to appear beloie the lerk of the Superior Court of Halifax rounty at the Court House of said county, North Carolina, on 11th day of January, Iftfl, .....t the cuuiulaint which will be Posited in the Ollice of tlie Clerk of .1,1 unr,r Court of Halifax county oo or before the return thereof, and let the defendant taku notice llistif he fails ,.iertlie aam coiuumssi winiiu ,, Have after the return day there of , he nlaintilf will apply to the Court , hr H.manded in the comolaint Uiveo under my hand andsealof said ounty, Una M totn ay o ureniuw, Clark of the Superior Court. OF SUCH THINGS ARE DREAMS. RKMAKKS THAT MIGHT WELL CLASSED UNDER THE HEAD "IMPOSSIBLE PARAGRAPHS.' "What I Only $7 for a steak with potatoes? Well, I must say that is very reasonable! Here, waiter, take this $10 and keep the change." "Spiffkins, the boss says you can have a two months' vacation with pay, instead of the usual two weeks. And he wants me 10 no tify you that he will pay all ex penses." "Stay out as late as you please, dear, and have a good time. A married man is entitled to jump the fence once in a while " "Dear Sir: We want you to try our new brand of granulated sugar and beg you to accept a ten pound sample free of charge." "Isn't this near-beer delidous? I think it is much superior to real beer, don't you?" "Come on down to my house, Jim, and I'll give you a case of whiskey. I've got more than I can use myself." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of What kind of sickle is most seen in winter? Ice sickle. How To Be Healthy. If you would enjoy good health keep your bowels regular and your stomach and liver in good working order. This is easily done by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. These tablets strengthen the stomach and regulate the stomach and bowels. They re easy to takeand mild and gentle in effect. They only cost t quarter. "Pleased to Meet You." );.'-: f. 1'i 1 1 IX, aaaterlriaL Pasts is pwsaiA rfltHOR tumic-nemoR oimnny iMt-af. OlrriatrWt . Tt roa sale ay Kurgerson Drug Co., Halifax. M C. Pair, Weldon. jy SI Hilt IS YOUR HEALTH GRADUALLY SLIPPING? Utareitiai Experience of Texas Lady Who Dedarei That if Mora Women Knew About Carui They Would Bo Spared Much Sickneu and Worry. Nivtaoht, TexatMrs. W. M. Peden, of this place, relates the following interest ing account of how the recovered her luingth, having realized that she was dually losing her health: "Health ia the greatest thing in the world, and when you feel that gradually lipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. That is what I did some time ago when I found myself in a very nervous, run-down condition of health. I was so tired and felt so lifeless I could hardly go at all. "I was Just no account for work, I would get a bucket of witer and would feel so weak I would have to set it down before I felt like I could lift it to the shelf, la this condition, of course, to do even my housework was a task almost im possible to accomplish. "1 was . . . nervous and easily upset. I couldn't rest well at night and was . . , just lifeless. "I heard of Cardul and after reading 1 decided 1 had some female trouble that was pulling me down. I sent for Cardui and began it. . , "In a very short while alter I began the Cardui Home Treatment I saw an im provement and it wasn't long until 1 was an riM good appetite, splendid rest. and much stronger so that I easily did iny house work. "Later 1 took a bottle of Cardui as a tonic, lean recommend Cardui and glad ly do so, for if more women knew, it would save a great deal of worry and sickness." The enthusiastic praise of thousands ol other women who have found Cardui helpful should convince you that it is worth trying. All druggists sell it J. 11 Q STICK BLUE rt r . 13 THE FINE45T BLUE MAOC U DIAMOND, M?DONMfcUit. CO HfRS. PHlMEUrIA. Alabama Minister Relieved Stomach Troubles Made Him Feel Sick at Meal Times, But Now Always Enjoys His Meals. DO YOU enjoy your meals! Eat without the dread of the after effects? Lack of appetite, and s dlsgreeable, llrk-at-the-stomach feeling after meals, Usually Indicate that your digestive arcana are not working properly. As result, you will feel weak, lose weight and lack the energy that la to be de rived from well-digested oo. A valuable help In correcting such aondltlons Is mentioned by the Hey. i K. iicKensle, of Route 1, Section, i Ala., who writes: "I had stomach trou ble. When 1 onld no to eat, 1 would turn sick. I touk one bottle of Ziron and it cured me. Am always ready for my meals and enjoy them. I think It is a flue medicine." If ycur food hum. yon, If your appe tite is poor, If you are pale, weak and run-down, and buve other symptoms tnat nidi, -ate your fsystein needs help. try Zhou. It will put iron into your blood and belp Lulld you up. Take II according to directions, and if not benetlted by the first bottle, the monej. back guarantee will protect you. Ask your druggist. WOE? OIS at? "I A i d C All I sing ol sweet old Christmas, ilif best day of them all, When people's hearts grow lender, if ihey ever do hi all. It makes the world a child again, graybeard and little tot, For sake of Him who loved them so, and said: r-orbid them not The day ihai thus makes children of the great as well as small, And brings the big and little, both, within His gentle call: Thai makes us so much better by its sweet and simple art, Must sanctify the season of which u is a part; And Christmas comes in winter ! Right in winter s very heart! Those Christmas days are milestones along the road of time. How tender is our love of them so simple yet sublime. There's a sweet and clinging paih.w in those frosty days of old That is dearer 10 our aging hearts that aught than can be told. Look back to how we longed for them; how joyous when they came- With the folks all home to dinner-which will never be again. We see ourselves a child once more, when mother gave us toys That brought us much more pleasure than our later costlier joys; And then we see her dear old face, and think, with sad, sweet pain, How we'd give all future Christmas days for one old one again. With moiher there to give us toys and scold us now and then. A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Bluff is often for brains. a good substitute Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA DODSON WOULD STOP SALE OF CALOMEL Bars Calomel ia Meroory sjp4 Aota Like Dynamite on Yro? I4v. Doiion is nuking a hard fight against calomel in the Smith. Every druggist has noticed a Kreat falling off In the sale of calomel, f key all give the aam reason, Dodson'a Liver Tone Is taking Its place. "Calomel is danverous ana people Know it, while Dedson's Liver Tone ia perfectly ate and gives better results,'' said a prominent local drult. Cwdwja Liver Tone la personally guaranteed by every druggist. A large bottle costs but a few cents, and If it fails to give aasy rebel is every cans of liver eluggialuasa and constipation, you have only to aak for your money nacjt. Uodsooe uver tone is a pli Laituur. nurelv vegetable remedy, kamv lew to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at mgbt ana waits up imubk One; no biliousness, sick headache, aeta stomach, or constipated bowela. It doesn't gripe or caua inconvealeaot all the next day like violent ealosaaL Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow ou will feel weak, sick ana Museaua. wt lou a day's work I Take Dad- none Liver lone ineieaa kuu mm full of vigor and ambition Administrator's Notice. Having qualified aa administrator of the estate ol L. u. Hummereu, deceased, late of the county of Halifai, North l aiolina, this is to notify all persons bavina claims airainst the estate of the said deceased to exhibit then to the undersigned at Hoaemary, N. C, on or before the 23nd day of December, 1MI or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their reooverv. All peraons indebted to said estate Kill please mate inimeniate payment. This the 14th day of December, 1991 ALLEN U. BULLllVr Admr. of L. O. Summered, dec, U 18 ttt THERE is something ahead for each one of us. Largely we are now determining whai it is. Start a savings account here, add to it regularly and waich it grow plus iis interest earnings. That means nothing but Success, Prosperity and Happiness ahead of you. You cannot Afford to Delay. iejfeawijiimMPM gfesa:P..ri,fl t Weapon, n,c.J Wmy Speio LL You You might get sick or hurt be prepared for It You might w ant to make an investmentstart now, lakes money 10 maKe money, you Know You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving hauit U a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts 3 THE BANK OF HALIFAX $i HALIFAZ. IT. C. I. L. Stedman P. C. Qregory, P. H. dregorw I't,li1eut lee-Praatrleat. Caehlor ij'pfi'iiliiiif-liiiiKeppio? Study These Courses.You Are Wanted At a Good Salary. Let your training be thorough and reliable. The Smithdeal Busi ness College offers you an opportunity to raise your own salary or equip yourself for a refined and lucrative position. Our Faculty will advance you rapidly. Write for catalogue. Dusmesa College Mi and Broad SU,bchmoniVl OLiDBST BUSINESS COILEGB IN THB SOUTH 0 v

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