CTI wfh lift TrSJii ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion$2 00 Per Annum VOL LV. WELDON, N. C, TIIUH8DAY, J AN 1 1 Alt Y 0, Children Cry lor Fletcr's T1i4. !FJJLi FJi ha, been su up v. wiu TC.ua, III pome tha t irn.t,,,. i and hu been made under hij per onal tupervislon lince its infancy. ... -a i T""" ? lu oece'e you in this. AU Counterfeit!, Imitationi and " Just-a-good are but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Experience against Exoeriment Never attempt to refieve ylur baTy with a remedy that you would use for yourself. r What IsOASTORIA Castoria ia a harmlen aubrtitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Dropa and Soothing Syrupa. It Is pleasant It coitulna neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it hu been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying FeVerishnew .S therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilatioa of Food; firing healthy and natural sleeo. The Children'! Comfort-Xhe Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of V) In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMK CIWTU C8HS-ANV, NIWVODH OITV Kill That Cold With CASCARA k QUININE FO JtM AND Colds, Ceifhs TOMV Grippe Neglected Cold i are Dangerous Talta no chancaa. Kaap thia alanda: J remedy handy fur t)i nrst atiasta. Hraaka up a cvM In 24 huurs Ki'livvss Grlppa in 3 djys 1. :cllvnt lur lle.i,!i.clis Quinina In thia form doaa not aH't.-i the head Caacara la belt Tonic Latauva No Opiata In Hill's, ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT m m m m m I V U. For Cash Only SIjIi m urn m mm Pa IS 10 PERCENT. DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS. m. xm PXt In order to reduce stock, I will allow a discount of 10 $4 pet cent, on all CASH purchases over one dollar, except tj-jjj on School Books. Big Slock of i$ Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats S ind other goods recently received. Come early and save j? money while this opportunity lasts. I J. l. swtmcK, I m Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizing; than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may" want iu the line of meats. All kinds of Canned Ooods. POOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and " increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings besti re rlts. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batchalor'a Optra Houm.I WELDON, N.C Dim Lumber i ilwork k Weldon, N C. MANUFACTURERS OF B illding: Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors B"nds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens KADI TO ORDER' AND EGUI.AH STOCK BIZBH. wl aUtsriats. Hisk Ora.lt Wertusaaalp Oar Mat The following bulletin against worry has been issued by the Pub lic Heshh Service of ihe United States with a view to the elimina tion of certain causes of nervous diseases : "So far as known, no bird ever tried to build more rtests than its neighbor; no fox ever fret ted because he had only one hole in which to hide; no squirrel ever died of anxiety lesi he should not lay by enough nuts for two winteis instead of for one, and no dog ever lost any sleep over the fact that he did not have enough bones laid aside for his declining years." SOMETHINO SOOTHING Waiter! called the customer in a restaurant where an orchestra was playing. Yes, sir. Kindly tell the leader of the or chestra to play something sad and low while I dine. I want to see if it Will have a suftenins in flu em-,. on sieak. OH, THOSI: HUSBANDS. Wife I won't stand your stay ing out so lute nights. Hub Really, my dear, you are reasonable. You know vrrv wrll (acquired the habit while courting you. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CHANGE ITS SPOTS Mr. Dodson, the "Liver Tom" Man, Telia the Treachery of Calomel. 1.. l luu Aw1 Vnn Vnnm jflut ealotnel la. It's mercury; qulck ilver. Calomel la dangeroui. It rrtiHlien into amir bile lika dynamite, i:rn,i,iK ,iu ..tiv, ,-. attaikii the bunea and ahould never be put into your ayatem. nen you loel Ollioua, aiufflriea, cuu atited and all knocked out and believe nu..) a il.ua nf Hn(,Pnl,B oaiamel jut remember that your druniil't aella tor a lew reniw a large oiie ui ijnevu Liver Tone, which la entirely vegetable ml iileauant to take and la a xierfect autmtitiite (or calomel. It ia guaranteed to mart your liver without atirrtng you up Intiide, and can not salivate. li...,'t tut- -.lnmi.f It ean not be trusted any more than a leopard or a Wllu-CAt. lajce LJOoaou a ui.er ivu. which straighten! you right up and vnt, ful fln. Oiva it to the children becauae it ia perfectly htrmltM Administrator's Notice. Having- uualilied aa atlniiniatrator of the eHtate of L. O. Bummerell, deoeatied, latent the county of Halifax, North Carolina, this ia to notify all prrannn having claims again-t the estate or the said deceaaed to exhibit them to the undesigned at Koaemary, N. C, on or before the '.''.'nil day of December, 1H2I, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indented to saw estate will please make immediate payment. Hue thp llth day or iecemrr, irei. AI.LKN V. ZOLLICOFKER, Admr. uf I. O, Hummerell, dee. 12 10 lit A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION IS ALWAYS ADMIRED If you Uke a lew doses l CAKTEB'S LITTLE UVtH FILLS. you wUl sea they do mora to clean op the complexion than U the beanly trcatmcnta ia sk. crealloa. An CARTERS nsimBlatar Ian la caused bjr a sluoolaa. Uvar.MU-. liana al aili. Id, yoanp; and mlddta aoc take them lor Constlpatlasj, Bllloaaaeas, Dlzalneaa, Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and lor Saltow.Plmply and Blotchy Skin. These llllle pills ellrnl. wmtm mil uiaala mailer Ifl lha aystem, and clean np the planum in n lew weeafs. Sauimi Saul lew Sauarrke ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine TWwarel 1'rrksa TotT aee ihe "Bayer" n pack age or oa Ublato you are not getting genuine Aspirin pra eeu'ied by ph;-aiciaM tor twantyoae years and pnued a(e by aailliflna. Take Aspirin only aa told la the Bayar paakat tor ClJila. llealaohe, Neuralgia, Hheuirav tlam, Kararhe, Toothaohe, lAtmbago, and for IVun. Handy tin buiaa of twelr Bayer TVbleta of Apirin coat lew erats. Drus- I lata also ecu larger psMaasa. Aeoiian I the vraide mark of Bayer Maoufaaturs al Maawiiatiiaieil aetar of aajasjllianaal, J l aa. IrrrovrvtT c nnurrrrtQ 11 Its a cinch to figure why Camels sell! V You should know whv Camels are so unusual, so refreshincr sn satisfying. First, quality second, Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which you'll certainly prefer to either kind smoked straight I Camels blend makes possible that wonderful mellow mildness yet all the desirable body is there I And, Camels never tire your taste! You'll appreciate Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor I For your own satisfaction compare Camels puff by puff with any ciga rette in the world at any price I Camss ars soM avarrarian, in utimnimcmllr ssifetf pae, of 30 erfs MMss; or fan packigmm 200 (.-Jifarertec) in a gUatirf-papmr-eonrmd earton. We Wrongly ncommmnd thi carton tor thm homo or otfioo oupply or whon you Irorol. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Winatop.Salem. N. C, A CnDWi, UF W1LD ROSES. BY JOHN JORDAN DOUGLASS, A crown of wild roses tor thy brow O Princess of golden dreams. No costlier gift will love ullow; 'Twas plucked by ihe crysul streams. For thy face is as red as the new pressed wine, And thy lips a rosebud rare; With a ripple of brooks in ihy eyes divine: A glim of gold in ihy hair. A crown of roses a gliuer with dew; (Ah, I see ihee smile wiih teeth of pearl) For a lovelier crown a queen ne'er knew, My bonny, blue-eyed girl. Mayhap I could bring ihee gilis from ihe sea, And the jewels of many a mine; Bui naught could utter my love for thee Like roses fresh from the vine. Within them the gold of the sunlight gleams. And the silver of April rain. Their petals palace a princess o' dreams; Bui ihey vis with ihy beauty in vain. For thy eyes are ihe blue of the arching sky, ' The rose of dawn is thy face: The swan that swims on the lake nearby Haih naughi 10 rival thy grace. A crown of wild roses modest and sweet, With the breath of ihe woodland so wild: Where ihe brown doe hastens with velvet feet And a man hath the heart of a child. Though weulth could wreathe ihee a garland of gold, Thou art tired of ii hong ago. For love with such bunbles e'r groweth cold Like a violet covered with snow. So ihus I would crown thee my queen of the May, As it were in the olden time; Whilst Pan with his music pipes sorrow away, And the rivulets ripple a rhyme. And we'll dance like dryads neaih murmuring trees, As the South Wind croons so low, And the West Wind touches the magic keys Whence Love's soft zephyrs flow. 0 Queen of the roses, I bow to the crown; The woodland is bending, too; For Queen Guinevere of the ancient renown Was never so bonny and true. The violets are smiling, the daisies are glad; The buttercups hold thee a draught of the dawn; 1 drink to thy beauty with eyes of a lad, Ere the vision of youfh is gone. And then we will'hasten down to the sea, Where the angel of diwn with a shell Sounds the morn of melody Like a far-toned silver bell. Where sea builds castles of sand and foam, And the gray gulls whirl and dip; And beside it there we'll make our home, . Till we beckon the golden ship: The ship with billowing purple sail, With roses climbing the mast, Wiih jeweled prow abreast of the gale, Her decks with pearls o'ercast, For that is the ship for a rose crowned queen;' It sails for the Isles of Rest. Where ever the woodland's tender green, Far out from the golden west. And humming-birds drink the wine of the rose While the dolphins pilot the way; The lotus scentsevery vphyr that blows - Ah, me, I was dreaming lis day 1 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A FIFTY-FIFTY. "Hear you've cut out gambling here," said the traveler to Arizona Peie. "Reform wave hii you loo?" "Sort of, but mostly because everybody's plumb disgusted with the cheatin' that's been going on," returned Pete. "While ago a slick liasierner comes down here with a crooked deck and cleans every body up. That disgusts all the natives. Then ihe Easterner dis covers he ain't won nothing except counterfeit money. That disgusts him. So we decided to reform." Why Jj Eg Suffer? U Or Jul "Did ' Kjj Wooden lor Me," WA CP Declares This Lady. J3 "I luffered for a long timewlthwomanlywealt- VTA VJX nest," lays Mrs. J. R fj m Simpson, of 57 Spruce ryi DC! St.,AshevIlle,N.C. "1 Kd Un finally got to the place J mJ4 where it was an effort for Aa4 FatJ me to go. 1 would have basvl W bearing-down pains In WJTjt p2 xiy tide and back es- ktcic bivas) u, back, and down In my tide there was great deal ol lorenest. I was nervoui and easily Op- 3 TAKE E3 CAR DDI The Woman's Toole 9 "I heard of Cardul and Pkl decided to use it," con l l Uauet Mrs. SimDSon. "I VTA taw shortly It was bene- rjmm lltlns ma aa t Irnt It un and It did wonders for t?f YjX me. And since then I UtS have been glad topralte Cardul It is the best wonuurf tonic nadeS Weak women need tonic Thousands nd thousands, like Mrs. Simpson, have found a. - cajouiot oeneiit lonnem. sw. Ki TryCarduiforwtrou- iot feS AIL t SI DRUGGISTS M VA enaaaaDDaaDoaiaDnDaauQaQODia BO nn A SYSTEM -BUILDER People who have been sick, need a tonic In lidi lhi-in rcu'mi their strength. After severe Illness, you know Ihe Ural, n .i:, no-accoiml feeliiiKthat hatis on, alter you get up and briii lo ,o :i' ..l. 'I he sooner you gel your slrenRlh back the belter, and you sh'iuld rive valuable assistance, in enriching your blood, reiieninii yo.ir :ip.ie:,ie, helping you to digest your loud, and to build up your sysiem, by tailing a The Scientific Iron Tonic a a a n a a Mr. Ervin Morton, a prominent citizen of Morion, Ala., writes: "I have been taking Ziron, and it is a wonderful medicine. It helped me more than anything else, after I had the influenza. It is a great system builder. I appreciate what Ziron has done for me." The merit of Ziron has been proved by the good results obtained by thousands of men and women who have taken it. You should try Ziron. Your money will be refunded if '.he first bottle of Ziron fails to help you. HQ Ask your druggist for Ziron. Accept no subslilules. ZJ. 2 aajjj uunnaannunnamasusiiiaaGnnaatii I??ytsaaaMaTaMiiiai 1 1 , ,, , mXLmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmm.m STr iSi! jslI ,, Better and more pleasing than V any mild Havana, cidar. Ark i,w JtviA',' Ay vour f.ir,ri,'n .vn Mi'.Viii.'v ', Oa li your dealer cm-.r mibdIv uou writi us. lsf i J I. lfwis f un M'Ff, rn nrvrMi i 12 kiTitr SlZKrt 1) Larpat MepeJ nlcVarFa'Tin r WW-: in KULfift Bui Dmi'i Worry Aboui the Past The important lime is TODAY-NOW. Begin Right, Come Wiih Us, spurred on by a new determination to save, and next year the record will be all in your favor. Start your Account Here with only $1 if you wish but START ii. One days delay may lengthen into years. TrMiKiasa-a aft ii fl laMi'" Weldon. n.c. i VI MY SpEflo ULL You Eifi? You might jjet sick or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start low, "Takes money to make money," you knowj You might be visited by thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We nay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX. IT. C. N. L. Stsdman P. C. Qrefory, P. H. Gregory President VlwrfMiff.Dt. Oaahisr. ?7 Whatever you wish in high grade, artistic jewelry, in charming new designs, our assortment will please you perfectly. OUR PRICES WILL SATISFY. c.nTicksI f l STICK BLUE fl V is rue riNiiBT blue mad VJ w01AMONOJIMOONMU.eLCO MfRS. pmJvumCJ

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