US TAflLISi IliD IN ltf(6. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, TIIUHSDAY, Al'JtIL 7, Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum V )L. LV. NO. 4.1 SMSKI 3235nH5na5EHSB2En;a HAVE YOU SEEN HIM? Net Contents irPluid Draohin I.:hs f- -i. :: ft JLI.r.ullOL-31'BRUKNT. AV.-oetnlilc ProDarationfor.s isimilnlimiUicFoodliyRciuH- i tint theSlotiuchs ond Uowcism Thereby IViiniotini Digestion Chcrrfulnc s and HcstConlato neither Opium.Morphuienor At. t i..i..r..iPimcdvlbf ConMip.itionandDiarrhoc" and KrvcrtsmwM .- i." Kl FPP ;resultr''ilhtfrora'in lanv- Tuc Simile 5iinw of CSS i 31.11 For Infr.navd Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of L W. :.LCC t ?.2 U KT II .if ii Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TNICINUUIGOMUNf NtW vo em. m it Cost For April Oily m I m m ... Shoes, Ladies AM offering my entire stock of Men's Suits, Overcoats, hats, Dresses and Coats at wholesale COS I jjjj 10 cvckiduuv. iM) goous cnargeu i cost to anybody. Come early and get UM yur P'c ' inese bargains while they last uu urn urn . uu 18 4. L. 8WmOK, II wit The Busy Store, WELDON, N C ft ft a - M Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizingthan a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods GOOD GROCERIES build up (he system, stimulus the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings besti re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us, L. E. HULL, Neir Batcbelor'i Opera Hotucl W FLDON, N.C Dixon Lumber I Millwork Co. Weldon, N? C. M A N U K A Cl' U II E K.' UK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OHDK.R AND KKHU1.AR HTOCK SIZES. " flood MitarUU rilth (Iradt Workmnhlp Our toan. The Citizens Bank HAl IFAX. N. C. W E invite the people nt Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize thl bark, Vthy not hove a checking account? It is necessary in these times. It saves you n oney, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors Besides It Rive you a landing In your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention as the largest with us. W pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Q Cttaw la sad UUfc it avar wHa us. Wi need you, aeea us. PRACTICAL FAITH. (lazing at the Vhinn ot His Faith. I'p in the Catskill Mountains there lived a mountaineer who be lieved thin he hud been called to preach the gospel, He got a li cense, but he could gel no church lo pffiieh in. Indeed, ihere was no church within m.iny miles of w here he lived, I'm a while Dominie Joe, as he w,a billed, preached in the school house, but as he was always say ing, what he wanted was "real proper house of worship." Du ring week days he was a hard working fanner wiih meagre re smitces; and whenever he spoke of a church to his hard working neighbors they would shake their heads as if they thought him a little queer. But the dominie did not give up his plan indeed, as time went on he thought of little else. He even selected a sue for the church a preliy knoll at the edge of his farm. One evening when he came in from milking his face was shining. "Maria," he said 10 his wife sol emnly, "the trouble with me is thai 1 haven't had the real kind of faith. Alter milking this evening l'kneeled down in the corner of the cow yard where I could see the little knoll, and with my eyes open I prayed and prayed, until I saw the church just as plain as I see your face. It was white with green shutters and had a tall stee ple; and on top of the steeple, Maria, was a bright star.' Dominie Joe's wite was worried; she feared that his head "had gone quite wrong." In the middle of the night the dominie awnke and exclaimed, "Maria! Old Josjah Sturgis's tan nery! Some une told me that Jo siah had sold the old tannery .site to a city man for a summer place. I'll bet ihat city man'll pay to have the tannery pulled down and car ted away! And there's the stuff Fur our church!" No one could withstand Domi nie Joe's enthusiasm; thai winter the farmers got logeilier and car ted the timi'er and the boards of the old tannery 10 the place where today stands a pretty and neat a country church as you can see any where. Dominie Joe himself was a fair carpenter. Country masons and carpenters gave their work. During the afternoon of the church "raisin'' word went round that the city man had offered to pay for a steeple and buy u bell. A visiting fisherman who fre quently passes Dominie Joe's church says that he never sees the big gilt star on the steeple with out thinking of the mountaineer ktueling in his cow yard and gaz ing ai the vision of Ins faith. 3IP don't Carry STTfA jirM'L money and wnl.t TOftwdWBaW muur (over clothing) it wa will I Mlid jou one for trial. Potlago prvptij. I ttMO iftUIEMIUPAMilON INSTITUTE 1 in 't carry than, land mona and wnit cnaaaur (over clothing) 4 wa will nd jou one for trial, Pottago prepaid). ttMO iftUIEMIUPAMIION INSTITUTE Pa, M 23 Irviai fltra Hew Tfc A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION IS ALWAYS ADMIRED II you take a lew does ol CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS, you will see they do more to clean up the complexion than all Ike beauty treatments la CrCBiion. ao imperfect CARTER'S IITTLE I IVP PILLS complex' Ion I caused by a sluggish Liver. Mil lions ol old, young and middle age iiiHe inem ior vunsnifa.ivu. Biliousness, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and tor Sallow. Pimply and Blotchy Skla. These little pills elimi nate all waste matter from the eystem.and clean up the com plexion la a lew weens. EVER BILIOUS? H t I ( I Charleston, Miss. Mrs. R. V. Heins, of this place, sa;, ?: "I n;ive never had to use very much medicine, be:v;rc if I felt headache, dizziness, or colds, bad taste in the mouth, which comes from torpid liver, I would take a dose or more of Black-Draught, and it would slraighteii me out and make me feel as good as new. We have used in our family for years THEDFORD'S 1 m f.nnniirMT and it certainly is the best liver medicine I ever saw. It has not only saved me money, it has helped keep my system in shape, and has never weakened me as so many physics do. 1 recommend it to my friends and am glad to do so." Black-Draught is the old, reliable liver medicine which you have doubtless heard much about. When you feel badly all over, stomach not right, bad taste in your mouth, bilious, or have a headache, try Thedford's Black-Draught. At all Druggists. Always Insist on the Genuine! i.n LOVE TREE. The love tree grows in the valley of dreams, Under the hill of song; Its fruit is sweet to the lips of youth, Its roots grow deep and strong, Its shadow is just so wide that two Can sit 'neath its branches fair; Together we'll flee to the true love tree By the rosepath leading there! Its blossoms are fragrant to breathe and pluck, Its essence is sweeter than life; Its evergreen shade is a beautiful glade To hide from the fever of strife, There are doves in its branches so constant and true, It is beautiful just to behold The tender devotion of hearts to one notion In that beautiful valley of gold. The valley of dreams and the summits of song, Ah, sweet, let us try them again, , Down the path of the bee and the bird and the bloom To the end of the evergreen lane, There shall come to our cheeks as we stroll hand in hand Forgetting our rue and our ruth The old happy thoughts and the old happy words And the old. tender whispers of youth. The path is the same that it always has been, And the love tree still in its place, While the songs will awake and the dreams will arise, And the joy will come back 10 your face; Your lips will grow red as they were on a time, Rosy red as the fruits of a kiss, And the bells will sing silver, the fields will burn gold, And our hearts will brim over with bliss. The love tree grows in the valley of dreams, Under the hill of song, The path and the shade and the joy are still there, And the fancies, how quickly they throng! Come back from the shadows again, hand in hand, With youth in the soul set free. Let us follow, dear heart, where the roses are red, And the dream singer sings in the tree! IN iaaahstt Bntarrae HER DYING MESSAGE, Raise the window higher, mother, air can never harm me now, Let the breeze blow in upon me, it will cool my fevered brow, Soon death's struggle will be over, soon be stilled this aching heart, But I have a dying message I would give before we part, Lay my head upon your bosom, fold me closer, mother dear, While 1 breathe a name long silent in thy fond and loving ear. Mother there is one you know him oh, 1 cannot speak his name. Y.iu remember how he sought ik, how with loving words he came. How he gained my young affections, vowing in most lender lone. That he would forever guard me were my hejn but his alone. You remember how I trusted, how my thoughts were all of him Draw the curtain higher, mother, for the light is growing dim. Need 1 tell ou how he left me, coldly putting me aside, How he woed and won another a. id now claims her as his bride? Lite has been a weary burden since those hours of deepest woe Wipe these drops from my forehead, they are death marks, well! I know. Gladly I obey the summons to a bright and better land. Where no hearts are won and broken, but all form a happy band. Do not chide him, irtoiher darling, though my form you see no more, Grieve not, think me only waiting for you on the oiher shore. Do not chide him, mniher, darling, though you miss me ai your side, i forgive imii. and I wish him )oy with her so soon his bride. Take this ring from offiny finger, where he placed il long ago, Give it to him with a blessing thai in dying I bestow. Tell him that it is a token of forgiveness and of peace Hark! I hear his voice; it passeih; will those watching never cease? Hark ! 1 hear his footsteps coming. No, 'tis but the rustling trees. Strange how my disordered fancy caught his footfall on the breeze. I am.cold now: close the window, fold me closer kiss me, too. Joy I what means ihat burst of music? Tis the Saviour s voice, 1 know. See Him wailing 10 receive me! Oh, how great a bliss to die! Mother, meet your child in heaven, one more kiss and" then goodbye. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A OBEDIENT. At Palm Beach said mother to daughter "Show good form, dear, down at Hie water." 1 heard just today in a rounda bout way, she really showed more than she'd oughier. Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of Calomel CI. io'dr It attnpL-. i the bunoa ami paralywa the liver. Your dealer eu eacn Dome m pienwui. j liarmleftR "Dodfww'fl Liver Ton." under i nn ironclad, money-hack guarantee that it will regulate the liver, atomach and I bowels letter than calomel, without aii'keuinK or salivating you 16 mUlioa ' botthm aold. IIVouHove, Will You Be Kind Enough to Point Him Out? The man who dresses very plain, and thinks a little with his brain, and reasons right and understands, and works a little with his hands. Who makes ilie Golden Kule his guide, and never gives away to pride, and sings a little every day, and lakes a little time to pray; who keeps a bridle on his tongue, and says no harm of old or young, and helps no scandal on its way by tell ing what he's heard 'em say; whose word is equal to his bond, and goes a little way beyond, and will no confidence betray, nor act the hypocrite for pay; who rates his honor as a man as high as any body can, and loves his wife and pays his debts, and smiles a heap and never frets if you have seen a man like thai, I wish you'd tell me where he's at, and show me how to find the place, and let me see his blessed face. Men will do almost anything for money some will even work. M RELIABLE! There are tens of thousands who real ized the benefits of the growth-promoting properties of SCOTT'S EMULSION in childhood, who now give it regularly to their children. You may depend upon Scott's Emulsion! Scott & Bowne, BloomfieU, N. J. ALSO MAKERS OF ItHlQIDS (Tablets or Granules) ESB.INDIGESTION New Grip On Life follows the use of Dr. Miles' Liver Pills For many years The Standard Medicine for Torpid Liver, Biliousness, Constipation and other disorders of the stomach, bowels and liver result ing from failure of these organs to perform their duties in a natural manner. They relieve promptly action mild yet effective, and their vse establishes no habit requiring their con stant use as they tone up and strengthen the weaken ed condition of the organs. Money back if first box fails to relieve or satisfy. Get a package today and relieve your troubles. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Administrator's Notice. Having qiialilii'd a a.lminmtialur ol llie t'NlaU) of .lull Vincent, ileeciiKeil, late nl Halifax county, N. (',, Hum in to notify all perNona having claima a;amnt the eiitate of the Haul ileceaHed to ex hibit them to the umlfrHiiriieil at Inn oitu'e in the Town of Ychtuu Mate, of N 01 til Taiollua, on or lietore the J4th day of Mareti, lii-'J, or tins notice will he pieaaed in nat 01 tneir recovery All neraontt indebted to aaid-eatate will pleane make immediate paymeutto the uudi'iRiirned. This the 'J'.'nd day of March, IH'JI. II. ti. KOWE, Admr. of estate of Jim Vincent, dec. A. it. STAIN HACK, Attorney. :t 24 (it (ligr) Administrator's Notice. Having qualitled as administrator of the estate of koxie liaruer Vincent, late of Halifax county, N. C, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the ctiUte of the said deceased to exhib. it thum to the undersigned at his office in the town of Weldon, Htate of North Carolina, ou or before the 24th day of March, IHW, or this notice will oe plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the uuderained. . This the ?2a& day of March, 1931. il. O. KOWE, Admr. of Koxie (iarner Vincent, dec. W. L. KNIUHT, Attorney. 3 L'4 6t (hgr) 6i Prevention better than cure" applies to battery ills, too! Get that examination NOVp IN spite of the old proverb, it IS sometimes too late to mend. When plates are buckled and terminals are corroded through neglect or unusually hard service, there is little left for the battery-man to say but "New battery". Don't let it get that far. Drive around to day to the Prest-O-Lite Service Station and have a thorough examination made. Some trifling fault may be uncovered now that may result disastrously if not remedied. Anyhow, find out. That's what Prest-O-Lite Service Stations are for. You will get courteous treatment and, what is even more important, honest advice. When you do need a new battery, you'll be glad to know that Prest-O-Lite is back to pre war prices and that an allowance will be made on your old battery. Get that examination now FRANK S. MOORE, Weldon, N 0. Uses Zeis than one four-hundredth of tit power-reserve for a tingle Pull up where start and the generator quickly you see rail's sn replace that. raasMi PB-ll-m I I. I 1 THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When ati opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down it YOU have cnliivated him properly. Why not start thai account today and be prepared 10 laugh at adversity? it1Y SpEfio hLL You Em? You might jret sick or hurt be prepared for It You might want to make an investment start .low, "Takes money to make money," you know You might be visited by thieves or firean account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts 3 THE BANK OF HALIFAX g H.A.T-iT.iF'-AJX IsT. O. N. L. Stedman P. C. Gregory, F. H. Oregory President . Vice-President, Cashier. Better and more pleasing than any mud cigar. Ave your ckrttr for yourfavarje age Ifyowdtoler c.wt supply you writi us. I.LEW15CICWMFG.C0.NLmRK.N.J. Largi 4 Independent Cigar Factory inlht WoHd