I M 2s 1 Terms of SubscriDtion-i 00 Per Annum A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, N. C, TIIUHSDAY, MAY r, HS TAULIbi IN IJSoo. NO. VOL. LVl tX- Afejtii2KS3? r i p Net GontimlsiriFluid jjfMhw ABRAHAM LINCOLN. hen You Become Discouraged Just Remember This. PEACE. . . i in. II i.KNT. AVo4cl.Hik-ProparalionW.ta SMiiilulMiillwroo'lC1"", . . I. ,,IIU.vlM HTI,er,.,vlrnniolinW'w' ...: vi.irnh neno' Mineral. Not NA";0T,C MM H, rm Prd (inM ' ConMipalionanrlDr' rac-SiraileSiiniSL01 WW For Infants and Children Mothers Know Tha Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of LW a .W In Use For Over Thirty Years Exaa Lopy of Wrapper- ttr...., ,.,..! bukhiit r ti'i i imiMiiii'W hi 1 1 """ T "r''txsaxsa m f w m mm m m v n n mm m it Cost For April Only VC hcr Abraham Lincoln was a j young inuii he ran lor the legisla ture in Illinois, and was badly swamped, lie next entered busi ness, failed, and spent seventeen years nf his lile paying up lite debts of a worthless partner. I le was in love vuili a I e it it 1 1 1 til young woman to whom he became engaged llit-n she died Later he married a wo man aIio w as a constant burden ft) him LiHcring politic- again, he ran lor congress, and again, was badly defeated. He then tried to get an appmiment in die United Stairs land ollice, but laded. He became a candidate for the United Slates senate, and was badly de feated. In 185(5 he became a can didate for the vice-presidency and was once more defeated. In 1S5S lie was deleated by Douglas. One lailute alter another bad failures great setbacks. In the face of all this he eventually became one of the greatest men of America, whose memory is honored and loved throughout the world. When you contemplate the etf'ecl of a series of setbacks like this, doesn't it Diake you feel kind of small 10 be come discouraged, just because you think you are having a hard lime in life? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA BY II H N R Y W . l.ONCil-'l-LI.OW. Were half the power that rills the world with terror, Were half the wealth bestowed on camps and courts, Given to redeem the human mind from error, There were no need ol arsenals or forts. The warrior's name would be a name abhorred! And every nation that should lift again Its hand against a brother, on its lorehcad Would wear lorevermoie the curse ol Cain! Down the dark Ititure, through long gener.iiions, The echoing sounds grow fainter and then cease; And like a bell, with solemn, sweet vibrations, hear once more the voice of Christ sav, Peace! Peace ! and no longer from us braen portals The blast of War's great organ shakes the skies! But beautiful as'songs of ihe iinnioi tals, The holy melodies of love arise. BIRD'S .... -jt ; iff E2Hf aiM? V-3 TILE DESIGN SUNSET m urn tm m m m m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m m wm mm mm SOUNDS SUSPICIOUS. 1AM offering mv entire stock of Shoes, Men's Suits. Overcoats, Hats, Ladies Dresses and Coats at wholesale COS I to EVERYBODY. No Kd charged at cost to anybody. Come early and get your pick of these bargains while they last m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm VVELDON, N C i-Wt m.w itzztmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sunset and quiet; and the crimson glow Of Twilight's halo on the western hill! Over the fields Dusk walk and curtsies low, And sprinkle incense on the grass; the rills, In muffled measures, croon a cradle song; Hocked by the winds, ihe weary saplings nod; To the leafy tents the beetles trudge along; Day-burdened birds fly just above the sod, Seeking iheir nests; ihe drowsy wild beasts yawn; l-'rotn downy clouds the stars spring into sight; liarth seems with Heaven to meet outon the lawn: And West comes tripping to the notes of Night. Sunset and quiet; and the call of home! And as ihe echo sounds throughout ihe glen An age-worn heart looks upward from the loam, And still, undaunted, dares lo dream-again! f-rL (? wr"M" m , avt. r,. 1 O-frHa A Bungalow with Art-Craft Tile Design Laid Horiiontalljr Directly on New Roof Boards m mm mm 4. l. mwBhOK, mm mm mm mm mm The Busy Store, mm 1: Choice Hams lohnson had been one of the niosl diligent church workers in his lown. hen the war came he pnlisifd and came back a wiser, if not a sadder, man. li. was t lie first Sunday, and Johnson bud intended church from force of habit. It bad been a long and tedious sermon, but at the close, the minister, seeing his old r, , i ivhmnpr w uh eves closed as if rapt in meditation, said : "We will close the services with prayer. Mr. Johnson, will you lead?" Johnson snapped into it with a start; "The devil 1 will," he snorted. "I just dealt." SHEKR ACCIOI-NT. "The bride and groom met by accident." "Very interesting. How come?" "She got a speck of dust in her eye and he thought she was wink ing ut him." OKDBKS ARE OHDIiHS. On a I HIS troop train these two orders were pasted on ihe wall: Divisional: No liquor is per mitted aboard troop trains. Regimental; Don t throw bot tles out of the windows. PRESSING DAD PRETTY CLOSE. Youth's Last Question Certainly MiRht Have Been Called Poin ted and Personal. There is nothingl.more appetizinglthan'k:a slice of nur choice ham. We hae anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. GOOD GROCLRIliS build up the system, stiinuuie the brain, and increase yemr capacity lo think. And right thinkmg brings best re rults. Our prices make you ihmk. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, IDEAL. A most promising youth recent-! ly sought information from ms father touching lamily affairs : "Dad," said he, "do you like mother?" "Why, what a question ! it rnurse 1 do ! "And she likes you? "1 am certain she does." "Did she ever say so?" "Thousands of limes, my son. "Did she marry you because she loved you?" Whereupon dad became augi, and said : "See here, young man, you re getting entirely too personal. LUh 1 don't mind idling you thai she Jid-" The boy scrutinized his parent closely, and after a pause added : "Tell me this, dad; vtas ma us near-sighted then as she is now?" THI3 CATCH. A New Lngland spinier was very much enamored of a neighboring farmer, but the affection was not returned. One day, starting on one of his weekly visits jo town, the maiden came rushing out, cry- I HOSE I 001. QUESTIONS. The car had broken down, and the pair of legs protruding Iroui beneaih seemed lo indicate repairs were being made. "Had a bust up?" inquired a passerby. "Oh. no; only playing hide and seek' with the works!'' came in muffed tones from the voice be longing to the legs. But the questioner w as not easi ly daunted. "What power car is it?" "Pony-horse." "Whai's wrong with it, any way?" "Well, as far as I can see," an swered the car's owner, "ihirty nine of the horses haye bolted, and tho remaining one it loo upset to answer questions." Mrs. North: "My husband spends all his evenings at the club.' Mrs. West: "What a happy home life you must have!" Add a lablespoonlulof powdered hnmv to the hath, as it will soften the water and prove very invigo , Near Batchelor'i Opera House. WFt.nOM, N.C Dim Lumber I Millwork Bo. REGAIN STRENGTH Weldon, N C. ilASliKACTUKKIW OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Ull-H Mnntp U. IJOOr anu Yiiiu" Mabama Lady Was Sick For Tore Year, Suffering Pain, Nervoni and Depressed Rd Her Owa Story ol Recovery. ing: , . "Yoohoo, Mr. Simpkins, . do you mind taking me with you?" The farmer considered warily h.t finnllv allowed her to climb in. In vain the lady tried every topic of conversation without eitemns response and finally in desperation fell back on ihe passing wis or scenery, doing by the minister s house, sheened: "Oh, Mr. Simp kins, what a beautiful hitching post Pastor Watkius has." "Go! durn," cried ihe other, cracking his whip. "I knowed hprp was a hitch in it somewhere. nhhin uiddao. Ma m, tnat s fer hosses only." FOR THE W'OKLIVS TITLE. TO MAKE IT EVEN. In a front line trench, not many yards from the German lines, a dusky doughboy with a mighty grievance and two African field nieces was iust starting to reach a distant poini in the shortest length of lime when hauled back by his sergeant. "You aims lo suicide, boy?" in quired the latter. "Whah you all mi'lnis will ilpm cll.;in' rpr.oli.i2 "Leave me be, sergeant," re torted the doughboy. "Ah'sgwine back to find dat big Gummun what hit me in de haid wid a iron potato, and All's gwine to cut him down to mall si.e den bus' him in de motif dat's all." SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF? IT'S ART-CRAFT! SEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have the secret of Bird's Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity it cives to any building the charm of a High-priced roof at a remarkably low cost. Weather-proof and spark-proof. Absolutely reliable. Also aid right over old wooden shingles. Come in and let's get down to figures. The cost will be less than you think. BIRD & SON, inc. (Entablished 1795) East Walpole, Wan". OUR SLOGAN nnnri Mn.t.firifi.l and Hieh Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. DIXON LUMBER I MILLWORK BOIMT, Phone 235 WELDON, N. C. .. . , i. ,v,i AKHTtKK Sl.tX The Citizens Bank HAUFAX. N. C. i. i ii.ik.h and surroumtlnil country to pat W E invito the op.e n 8.Urtneeklni; .count ? It I. Z 5' . U-. . you n ...uyand you h.v. . , re- t payment, to your Tr Th.11-t account receiver..!, much attention! aa the l.rRe,t with us. P.lnf Hock. lt.-Mr. C. M. Stegall, .... hm. rocently related tho fol lowing Interesting ccount of her re covery: "I WBi In a weaiteneu con dition. I was lick three yeare In bed. lufferinf'a peat deal of pain, weak. Dorrou depresed. I aa o weak. I couldn't walk across the floor: Just hail to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still I didn't get any relief. 1 couldn't eat, anu B.rpv v"- -believe if I hadn't heard of and taken Cardul I would have died. 1 bought ,lt Dottle. after a neighbor told me what it did for her. "I neiran to eat and Bleep, becaa to rain my strenRth and am now well fnd strong. I haven't had bl, eince ... I rmre can teutlfy to the good that Cnrdul did . I t th nk tnere is ,; ..j i mii... it saved mr life. luiu i i...'" - For over 40 years, thousands of wo men have used Cardul .ucccsatully, " the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you euffer as these womou. did. Uke Cardul. It may help you, too At all iruggW. " Patrons ol a Boston restaurant noticed tacked on the wall a sheet ..( lu.'li printed in bold cbarai it-rs: "Th,. iimhrellu I" lb1" sl"lul l,e helom-s m the champion heavy K.,i,,..i- ,.l i he wor d, ne r-iv? minutes later umbrella and t,,,.i itisinneared. In their vai"- -' nlace was another nonce: "i i.i-,4i,i in now in Dossession of the champion Marathon runner of the world. He is noi couhuk back." i. i much r.dkine over your fidelity if folks do noi find you friendly CASTORIA rr r, f mic and Children ; In Ue For Over 30 Years THIi WAdES OH SIN. Bredren! exclaimed the preacher as he came across a portion of his (lock engaged in pursuing the god dess ol chance. Don't yo' all know it's wrong to shool craps? "Yas. nahson. admitted one par ishioner sadly, an' b'lieve me, All's payin' fo' mail sins. MISTAKEN IDENTITY. Mister, whined the beggar, will you give a poor man something for a drink? You bet I will, said ihe pedes- . . . , inuii hnu uemni. MOW tnuui you got Willi vou? MUST BE UNLIMITED. Administrator's Notice li ihlii'.l n il.ltlllllt'.ttllltil ll. rulatf ol .Inn nu'i'iil. .!! !. lal,. ,,f lluhlas CMintv. X. '.. Hi' nnlil'y all H'rn liavinir i'l:lim auaml . I. ....-i..t.. ..I' tin' h:lhI .U.rilr.l t. i' hlhlt tin-Ill t tin- Illtilri-ICIlril ollice ill tin-W-.l.l"ii ni Nmtli fuioluKi. " "i l.fli.if li"' ,1 ,f M'.ivl, Ih-'l'. .'I lli nun.' l''ili'U.k.l in Lai hi llim :..'.m'iy All immiUi in l. l'l. 'l I" I .- Hill pli'asi. makf lillllli iililU' .:1 ini-nl I tin- timli-i niLTin-. 1 Tins till- -J'-'ml .lav f Man'l'. h'-l-II i; litiWK, A, lint. iil'iMiiii" "I .Inn inoi-nt A. II. STAIMl.U l, Altimuy. ' ', U'l lit !l,i!i NOTICE. Always bears the Signature of You say ibis doctor has a large practice? It s so arie that when a patient has nothing the matter with him he tells him so. BEHAVE I Gladys celebrated her binhday last week, announced Alice. r Did she lake the day off inquired Virginia? The day? She look aDoui iwo years off. (Jiiuaren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA North Cat.ilnni, ' Halifax futility. I 1-n.lt-r ami lv virtue nf I lit- i'r containt'.l m ft i-iMlam .li'i'.l "I tmt 1" the iHnii-iv-tiriii-'l. ny " r,"1 Vinun.la Wiil'IiI. ilt'lault liavmir ! iiiH.lt' in tin- piivmi'iil or the ilel' H"' liy stH'llH.1. I will Saturday, the I Ith ol May. I"2I. at I " O l-lot'k tlnnn. ill I'tntll i.r t'lie r.:t"k of I Itlli'tnll. I" Littleton. N "Her -it .,,,1,1,0 naif, tin a-ia 1 1 - ll' I"11"" I'" ''' r i ..i i.. ... I I .in.; ttml lii'iini ni Ol intiri-i .'. '' - ' . Halifax I'iniiiiy, Mali- iilniein.l. ami mote .ititi. iii.nlt .K -iiil" a :.' I Itrinil lot No. mi same as .Icsiiriiiitcl " Map l I'lllL'i'lsoll esiaie. us ..m'.' I huili's K. foster, on AumiM :ilt. I''11' n,.i sunl map is lei'ouleil in tlie.nlo-e of Hie llemsler ol lieeiis lot llalilax coui.lv. N.'., i" l'lat l-.o .U I at pa -e 141, to (tlilt'll telerem-e is lli'teliv Ina.le. ami Itt-int! a lot ptiH'liase.i noin ...... Thomas I. itaiiey. 'tins tlte linn nay oi ."tpn . JOHN M. l'HMl, Irusli't'. I' I l . - m 1I!'ik I I'll - us mtiW!W wa"OSllUSMIia. J .i .V.. .. -..' i. s. .. ..rj. r; v ! " V - - 1 J 1 Ck "HI THE BEST FRIEND YOV will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. U ben i, opportunity conies lor investment where you can better vuut'si'll and sou need some money quickly, 111: won t turn YOU down il YOUi.iu- cnlmaled turn ptopeiiv. Why not si , n that aec.'iini itul.iv and be prepared to laugh at adversity? Dodson't Liver Tone Instead of Calomel .,..1 1 t. ni,.. silver. It Ulllli'ks the ml rr"1'',' '"l'r- "r dealer sells each bi'tU "f plesatll.. harmless "Dislsou's l.iver T.me" under an ironclad, moiiev tmek iiitiraiitpp tliut it will rt'iriiliile I lie liver, stomaeli and W't'ls hetter 'than calomel, without siekeninK or salivating you IS miUion bottled BoKt 1 .... - - mmmsnwai'SS I fiSfKB WE1.PON. N.C. j. j I 11 ; J Keep Well! SR- When vou feel nervous, tired, irritable; (Vwhen you're ill with any disease caused by ,i;cr.r,l,.rrl nerves, don't eive un until you try Dr.Miles4Neryine 1 a. iieJI5?TWW 0