Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum XO.2 HS I'ABLISiliii) IN HUM). A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921. VOL. LVl LIVING HAPPY. Can We On Anything at Training Ourselves in This Direction? WITH YOU AND AD REAM Children Cry for Flet?' r's UY FRANK L. STANTON. 1 n J The Kind You Rave Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, hai borne the bignature of - and has been made under his per x r Mna supervision since its infancy. AUow no one t0 deceive you jn tnis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-guod " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself, WhatisGASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort Ihe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of f a In Use For'Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ll At Cost For IT Only 1 mm m 8KB am J mv nf irt atitck of Shoes, W I Men's Suits, Overcoats, Hats Ladies m S2 1 Dresses and Coats at wholesale COS! S'S to EVERYBODY. No Roods chared at m ... tn ,.hHv f nme earlv and get J your pick of these bargains while1 they last E2 m 4. i. swmoK, 4S The. Busy Store, $3 MM MM The ditti-rence between a happy persmi and a miserable one is large ly a nutter of appreciation. The lormer sets ihe mercies and bless ings and opportunities of his life, and enjoys ihcni; the latter does not si e litem. It isn't that there are more ol them in the one case ih.in in the other; indeed, strange as n may seem, it is quite frequent ly the oilier way. Some very un happy people have a great many tilings that ought to help to make then, happy, while others contrive sonii how io enjoy life reasonably well t .ii decidedly slim pocketbooks and a mtag r menu of opportuni ties. Nearlv every man's life would seem to have the possibili ties 1 1 real happiness in ii if only he could ne brought somehow to see and use the ihings that make life happy. The miserable person is not ihe one who hasn't this" or thai or the other," bui rather the one u ho hasn't yet learned the art of living happily. Can we do anything at training ourselves in this direction? That is an important question, for we cannot feel that to go through life with a smile on our face and song in our heart is a reasonable and right and Christian thing to do. And if we are not doing it, is it not a fact that not only are we robbing ourselves of something that heaven clearly meant for us, but we are as well spoiling our lives of much of their usefulness? Since the world began an an unhappy man has never been a very useful or inspir ing one. It is possible for us to do some things at schooling ourselves into happiness. It may not be easy to do, and we may not succeed in our efforts all at once, but the end to be gained is surely worth some struggle and persistence. It will help some, indeed it will help very much, it we will consistently and persistently try to keep our thought upon the mercies and blessings and opportunities of our lives, op portuniiies thai, even at the lowest estimate of them, are so many and so wonderful, and that, if rightly seen, ought 10 till us with apprecia tion and gratitude and zest, the very materials out of which real happiness is built. 1 know not what sunshine lights meadow and stream I dwell in the shadow, with you and a dream ! A dream o' the years, with their hopes and their fears, And the garden whose roses are rimmed wiih Love's tears! How strange ihe world echoes, that drift to me, seem, I lere in the shadow, with you and a dream ! Tor the world will have dreamers, as Day, That hide in their sad hearts the sweet dreams away; Dreamers of tresses once kissed and caressed As the winds o' the world tossed them over Love's breast ! A light in the darkness a blur in the beam, They hear in Time's valleys the steps of a dream. And Life, with its wisdom, seems little of worth, For the sake of a dream that brought heaven to earth; That peopled the thorny and desolate sod With the lilies of light and the angels of God ! Oh, heaven itself but a shadow shall seem, Lost to the joy of a beautiful dream! CALL ME SWEETHEART BY DORA RIZliD GOODALL Choice Hams Th-rp i nothinirirmore appetizinglthanfea slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want : the line ol meats. n Kinds of Canned Goods, rults Our prices make you think. Call in to see us.. L. E. HULL, Oh, the green fields where laughed and dreamed logether, in a wnr hi or song ana ttowers s What to us were toil and trouble, wind or weather, While Rose of Youth was ours? Call me sweetheart now the golden locks are white, dear, Now the step and pulse are stow; We were sweetheart once when heart and foot were light dear, In the days ol long ago. Youth was brave with many a plume and wreath long tarnished. Rich in many a gallant guest! Wit and fancy, pride and mirth have vanished vanished; Love outlmgers an tne rest. Call me sweetheart though the locks are scant and white, dear, Though the step ana putse are siow; We were sweethearts once when heart and foot were light, dear, In the days ot long agu. Childhood's Eden we shall nevermore recapture To behold the visions mere; Npver tread again the morning peaks of rapture, Nor tne wiiic-y- - . , ,. . rati me sweetheart now the golden locks are white, dear, Now the step anu "'V lt , , . We were sweethearts once when heart and foot were light, dear, In the uays oi iu"k BE PROOFREADER'S NEMESIS. ; MEANT GIFT TO BE USEFUL. HAKU 1.IVINU. The tramp, who had been to the house prospecting, came out and joined his companion on the road side. 'What luck? asked the wailing one. None." growled the other. "1 don't like this business of ask ing lor bread and getting a stone." "Well, said the hrst one in tone of philosophic resignation and orim humor, '"taint as bad as askin' lor bread and getting a bull dog." MAJESTY OF THE LAW. Mistress; "I should think you would be ashamed to let that po liceman kiss you." Maid: "Yes, but how could 1 resist the law?" An Account of the Wedding. "What's the matter?" inquirea .h. inmn. as he entereu wc sanctum for copy and noted the editor's bleeding nose, swoutn forehead, puffed, red eye, and tat tered, dusty coat. fan .... ,.. .hai " re- stairs? INO-OMiy ...... plied the editor, pointing his linger to a paragraph in me papei him "It's our account of the Crapley-Smith wedding. Ii ought nrM,l 'Miss Smith s Uimpicu, shining face formed a pleasing con- .-. wiih Mr. Crapley s strong, bold physiognomy.' But see how i, is printed." And the toremau read, "Miss Smith s pimpteu, m"" ny face formed a pleasing contrast with Mr. Crapley s stony, ,u physionomy." "Crapley was just in here," continued the editor, throwing one bloodstream nauu t.rhipf inm ihe waste-basket and tMina in his nockel for a clean one, "and he-but )ust senu mat fool of a proofreader in nere There's tight in me yet! Sending Wedding Present Knew Quite Well What Her Sister Would Need in Time. "What a peculiar choice for a wedding present," remarked an Lnglish-woman, trying not to laugh as she inspected a huge flatiron which her charwoman had just purchased. "Aim it, ma'am?" said the char woman. "It's my sister that's getting married, and I'm repaying her for the gift she sent on for me on my weddin' day." Did she send you something very ugly, then?" "Deed, no, ma am. Her s was beautiful present. But, you see, ma'am, a Ifnle bird whispered to me that her future husband's a man of violent temper, ami i thought I'd send her something that would be useful in case of family disputes. She has the straightest aim with a flatiron I ever seed!'' DISAPPOINTMENT. Ntir Btchelor'l Oper Houe, WELDON, N.C Dim Lumber Hi MiUwork Bo. Weldon, N C. MANIiMrilUiKlt OK Bulldlnt Materia, for Modern Homes Sasr, Doors Hlinds, Mantels, ooor auu " MADK TOOKKKR ASI imiW.AUKWK Sim flood 5i.UrUI. High Or.de Wotkm.n.hlp Our Wf.. Tired "I wis weak nd run down." rflites Mm. Eul Burnett, ot nlion. G. "I thin ind tuat felt tired. ll the time. i iii.in'i rut well. I wain't rer huniry. I knew, W thii. I needed a tonic, and thert ll none better than THE FAIR SEX. good GARDUI The Citizens Bank HALIFAX. N. C. WE1v,te,hepeon.eo,H...,.ndSUrround,ng country U p.1- Th..rn....t.ccoUn, receive. ..much .ttent,on the Lnte.t ), I aiept If I took K m well,-11 ileep. fl I ban '& el that H The average woman is a actress off the stage. It's hard for women to keep money as secrets. Nothing melts a dignitied gi like ah unexpected kiss. Lver notice how gracefully the average woman doesn I eat.' When gossip meets gossip, then comes ihe wagging ol tongues. A woman isn't necessarily in dusirious because she has a busy tongue. Most girls are aware that big i. nuke met till I"-' feet look smaller. ti, mnsi changeable thing .i,., ...ri,i i :i woman. I he nex lilt w " is another woman. Success is apt 10 come to those ...u. ..... uprv eent and maKC WHO Li'uin ' - everv cent count Nvt m having a good complex ion a woman would like to have a ffood husband. Nothing pleases a girl more than her ability to keep some man away from a designing widow Why it flatters a woman to be told that she looks like an actress is more than a mere man can un derstand. The Woman's Tonic I hum uilni Cardul," I 'co'ntlnuee Mra. Burnett. V "After nj flrat bottli better and ate better. four boltlea. Now I feel luat fine, eat and mf akin ti clear and iinnd and aure fe .... i. ik. ha! fnnlA BTtr UftlUUl U MM " M made." V4 Thouaandi of other women W have found Cardul luat at ll Mra. Burnett did. It ehould K help )"u- J . . , rt Maiidruffiau. jfj Children Cry S2 K FOR FLETCHER 5 FvCJrM I r ASTORIA Our Advice Won't Cost You a Nickel i MAKE the old buildings just as comfortable as the new ones, and just as good looking, by putting on handsome, fire-safe, weatherproof, and long-lasting BIRD'S ROOFS Whether it is a dwelling, bam, garage or factory that you want to re-roof let us show you how little it will cost to use the right Bird's Roof. Every dollar you invest in Bird's Roofs will surely return one hundred cents in satisfaction as honest value is built into every square foot of Bird's Roofs. Whether you need Bird's Paroid, Bird's Art-Craft, Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Bird's Granitized Roofings, or Bird's Twin Shingles our advice as to the correct roof to select for your building won't cost you a nickel. We know from experience that Bird's Roof make good, and that is the reason we sell thetn. BIRD 4 SON, inc. (Eatabliihed 1795) Ea.t Walpole, Maw. OUR SLOGAN ttnnri Mnt.firial and High Grade Workmanship. w w ehaat vw w w - Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. DIXON LUMBER Si M ILLWQRK COMPANY Phone 235 WELDON, N. C. 'You said you would be home at eleven, and here I have been keeping awake this last two hours waiting for you to come in! said an anerv wife. The delinauent leaned aeau st the wall and prepared to remove his boots. "And I," he said softly and sor rowfully, "have been waiting out side for this last hours so's you'd go io sleep !" TOO 0001) TO BE TRUE. Wife John, a man called this afternoon and said ne would sup ply us with enuuifh electricity to liurii our huuse. do all our cooKing and run the washing machine for only $1 a month. W hat do you think of that? Hub You should have told him that when we want current ncnon we'll get it at the bookstore. HE OOT HIS. Polygamy is severely punished, remarked Jiggers. Don'i I know it? gloomily re plied Jageers. 1 married my wife's whole family. Administrator's Notice, j HavluK qualilli'd as aJuiiuistrator of, the enUle of Jim Vineeiit, ilrwaned, ! late of Halifax euuntv, N. L'.. this m to ootify all pithuo liaviim claims against Ihe entate ol the nam uiwaaeii m hihit them to the uinlersiirneil ut hi j olliee in the Tun of Wcl.lon stale or , North Carolina, on or helure the -J4th lav of Mareh, 111'--, or this uoiire viu be'plea.leil Id ha of their recovery Allnerons imlehtetl to mill estate will please make imuieiliate payment to the unilersiinie.l. This the -iM ilav of March, lif.'l. II ll KOWK. Ailmr. of estate of Jim Viueent, ilee. A II. STAlMll.M'K, Altoroey. 3 2t (it thlfrl NOTICE. North Carolina, 1 Halifax County. I t'u.ler anJ hy virtue of the oer contained in a certain deed of trust to the undersitne.l, hv c t.. n nitm anu Amanda Wriidil. default havniK been made in the payment or the ilehl there by socured, 1 will on Saturday, the 14th ol May. IV2I, at W o'clock uoon, in front of The Hank of l.ittlelou, iu Lillletou, N. I'., oiler al uuhhc !. ful !'. theiolluaiug piece Ol paioal ol lanj i-yiuf uu uciu, Hah In county, State aforesaid, and more particularly ilescnne.i as ronows Hein lot No DO aaine as denfruatcd on Map of furirerson eslaln, as inaile liy Charlea K. t'osler, on Auitusl :Ust, 1(1111, which said map is recorded in theoihee f Hevister of Heeds for Halilax eountv. N ti . in l'lat Hook 1, at pai(e 141, to which reference is hereby niaile, and being a lot purenaseu uu.u Thomas K. ltailey. This the Kith day of April, ld'.'l. JllHN M. 1'IUOT, Trustee. CASTORIA For InfantJ and Children In Us For Over 30 Years I r mm THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When ai, opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, Hli won I turn YOU down if YOU have cultivated him properly. Why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? Dodaon't Liver Tone Killing Calomel Sale jjgS t WELDON. N.C.I 11m1, a,.,l.n .,r ulivttl VltUTfielf tit ' paralyie your aenitie liver hy aakinfl ealorriel whiek is quicksilver. Your . dealer tells each b ittle nf pleasant, harmless "Hodson'a Liver Tone" under j an ironclad, moner-back guarmntea that it rtyiiUWs the liver, stomach and bowels better titan ealomel without mak auf jou atek 14 aullioa auttlM aoU. ii w I'a v Keep Well! When you feel nervous, tired, irritable; when you're ill with any disease caused by 'disordered nerves, don't give up until you try Dr.Miles 'Nervine 4 1