.A ... n.7 ivuiog a nod. USTABLISiiliL) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. NO. 7 VOL. L VI gcgjapi lEftJjfl HI faK,fl lab 9 - ( ii 1 II 1 Pfal""T 1 tJis ALCOlVol--3PBH UENT. . i , . A t -I.U IWijlrAtinflfbr As . . ...... iLa hi Ri-ouls- simtiiiiiis"-""". . tinC IhoSlomnchsnnd mwH T Tliorfln'roraoUn4Diiic5li ntfUlierOpium,Morphlnen T.i f.,ini.niedvfof Consllu.ilionaiiQUKu "7- facsimile Snstre NEW U""-Lj For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know "M Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of ft .$v ll Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years MANY INDUSTRIES TIED T0T0BACC0 Prohibition of Weed Would Mean Big Flnanolal Loss to Allied Trades. WHO USES THE MATCH? The Smoksr Mainly Also Responsible for Spending Hundreds of Millions Annually for Lloorloe, Sugar, Coal, Cigar Boxes, Tin Coll, I to. I TV. TUC CSrlTAL . OMiArlV. Hrw YOUK C um um mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm um mm mm mum mmmmnm mmmmmfm-mi UM At Cost For Im Only m MM 1AM offering my entire stock of Shoes, Men's Suits, Overcoats, Mats, Ladies Dresses and Coats at wholesale COST to EVERYBODY. No goods charged at cost to anybody. Come early and get your pick of these bargains while they last mm mm 4. L. SW1BICK, um UM um m um um UU .UK.- -Vtl mm mm The Busy Store, WELDON, N Cg MM Choice Hams There is nothinz more appetizing thanja slice of our choice ham. we nave anvthinz vou may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. nnnn r.Rnn-RlFS hnilH nn the svsiem. stimulate the brain, and li increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings bestl re- rults. Our prices make you think, uau in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batchelor's Opera House, WELDON, N.C Dixon Lunik k Millwork So. Weldon. N C. MANIKAC1 UKKrW OF Building Material for Muster n Homes, S!h, I .. Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screen. MADE TOOKDEK AM) RKUW.AH STOCK SIZK flood MtUrttla Hlrh (Iradr Wnrkmaonhip Our !,- r The Citizens Bank HALIFAX. N. C. By QARRIT SMITH "Got match V Rn many tlm day U tint 4M Hon aake1 In ttioa United StsteaT How many mora time Is the question unuwtssnrr Ixchiim most p"fkct tiro kpt well supplied wMli the uetfal little arilclfl Anyhow, lnumuch as It Is vsttinutnl that iliere are 80,01)0,000 totmeeo users In the country, we would guess that the answer to that question would run Into tlie hundreds of mil lions. For If It weren't for the smokers In these days of electrlo lights how many matches would he used) A pretty smalt proportion of the number of these "sticks of biases" produced In the country every year. Abolish to. bacco and the match huslnsss would ti shot to pieces. But the match business Is only 00 of a dozen or more allied Industries which derive large revenues directly or indirectly from the tobacco trade knd would suffer heavily If national pro hibition of tobacco were to go Into effect as some of our reformers would have It. The annual sales of tobacco products, bused on retail prices, Is es timated at (1,687,000,000. Of the cost of producing and selling this quantity of cigars, cigarettes and other forms of the weed, some hundreds of million dollars are paid out for other things than the raw tobacco and labor of making It up. 125,000,000 a Year for Boxes For example, the tobaoco trade con sumes each yivr 45,000,000 pounds of licorice, SO.dOO.oOO pounds of sugar, both used In flavoring tobacco, and 630,000 tons of coal. It Is estimated that the value of wooden cigar boxes used Is f'AOOO.OOO a year, qolte an Item to the lumber business and to manufacturers of the botes. Tn making these boies 330,000 pounds of nails are employed. Other large Items used In making and pre paring tobacco for sale are tin and lead foil, paper for bags and cigarette wrappers, cloth for tobaoco bags, la bels, coupons, etc., luvolvlng the print ing trade extensively. Then building contractors and manu facturers of machinery are largely In terested. Investments In plants and machinery employed In manufactur ing tobacco are estlmoted at $102,000 000. Replacement, up keep and Inter est nn the Investment make no small stun annually. And let realty men note there art approximately 823.000 tobacco farms In the country, with a total estimated valuation of $160,000,000. Of further In terest to real estate men Is the fact that there are 7(lO,(iO retail establish' ments selling tobacco, Involving a total rental and up keep Impossible to esti mate, besides the large amount of of- fli-e space occupied by administrative branches of the general business. The Insurance men, too, have their share of the pickings. The tobacco business pays out annually 17,000,000 In premiums In the United Stales. And there are the railroads who reap jevenne from 2,210.000 tons of tobacc6 products every year. As for the advertising business, here sgaln It Is Impossible to form any estimate of the enormous annual eotlay. The prohibition of tobacco nmilil alse knock a good sized hols In the receipts of the United States government, The Internal tvenne receipts from tobacco for the fiscal year 1020 amount ed to f.'OT.RiiRr.ri 44. Customs duties provided an additional $23,000,000 In round figures, making the total revenue return to the government $320,000,000. Influence on Popular Sentiment It Is this Interlocking of the tobacco business with so many other Interests and the vast amount of financial loss that would be Involved In the abolition of tobacco that Is one of the most se rious aspects of the proposal to pro hibit the sale of tobacco, a proposal, however, which has little support by public sentiment If the newspaper edi tors of the country are correct In their estimate of that sentiment. In s no" of the editors msile recently by the Tobacco Merchants' Association of the United Stales, through the Press Service Company of New York City, 93 per cent of the 7.847 editors who replied expressed the opinion that the people of their cnmmun'tles were oi posed to any law ansluat tobacco. As these editors represent some 8O.0n0.n00 resders the results form a pretty gen eral test of national opinion. Iu their remarks accompanying their replies many of the editors express! It as their opinion that tne oppos hub of their communities to the abolltloa of tobacco was bused to some eitent at least on the damsge such a change would do to the business Interests of the community. This was particularly true In the tobacco growing states and centers where there were large tobacco plants. But when the extent of the business Involved In the allied Interests of the tobacco trade Is considered, as above briefly outlined, It Is clear that there Is hardly a section of the country that would not be affected directly er in directly by abolishing tobacc W E Invite the oeonle ol Halifax and surrounding; country to pat rnnize ibis Rank. Whv not have a checking account ? It Is necessary In these times. It saves you n.oney, and you have a re int in.t navment to vour ci editors. Besides It elves you I ...ortin. in vm.r community We have every facility known for Sound Banking;, and Invite you to ape" n "" with us. The smallest account receives as much attention as'lthe largest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Come in and talk It over wlUi us, W need yen, M WHAT WOULD YOU TAKE ? BY EUGENli FIELD. She was ready to sleep and she lay on my arm, In her little frilled cap so fine, With her golden hair falling out at the edge, Like a circle of the noon sunshine. And I hummed ihe old tune of "Bambury Cross," And"Three men who put out to sea." When she sleepily said, as she closed her blue eyes : Papa, what would you take for me ? And I answered, "A dollar, dear linle heart," And she slept, baby weary with play, But I held her warm in my loving, strong arms And I rocked her and rocked her away. Oh, the dollar meant all the world to me, The land and the sea and the sky, The lowest depth of the lowest place, The highest of all that's high. All the cities, with streets and palaces, Wilh their people and stores of art, I would not take for one low, soft throb Of my little one's loving heart, Nor all ihe gold that was ever found, In the busy wealth finding past, Would 1 take for a smile of my darling's face Did I know it would be the last. So 1 ro,ckeiJ my baby and rocked away, A I ftit such a sweet content, For the words of the song expressed more lo me Than they ever before had meant, And the night crept on, and I slept and dreamed, Of things far too gladsome to be, And I waken'd with lips saying in my ear, Pupa, what would you take for me ? IRD'S rn 1? TILE DESIGN FALSE GODS. Why exult in earthly treasure That blooms, and blossoms for a day, Why count your gold with pleasure The fickle god soon fades away? Why behold wiih anxious vision The things of others not your own, But guard against such earthly weakness Ignoble ideas, leave alone. Should some flower of gorgeous beauty Suddenly make your pathway bright, When around you seemed disaster And your way as dark as night: Would you deem such flower an open All for good, your gloom dispel, Or would facy quickly teach you No false god could do so well ? Be not deceived, in giving tribute Homage pay no earthly shrine, AH gods are false, save Christ Jehovah Seek that God that's Divine. The hour must come when all false ideas Will vanish, if we the race would win, Nothing short of truth from Heaven Can make u fit to live with Him. Allurements strong the world is placing In man's pathway to beguile, Many fall while least suspecting Reaping all that's low, and vile. Look well comrades to your laurels Evasion will not count, or do, None at "Roll-Call'! Eives your answer Bear in mind it must be you. Weldon, N. C, May 13th, 1921. J. B. T. R P. Erwln Regarding; His Troubles. "A vearso-o last winter I had an at tack ol indigestion followed by bilious ness and constipation. Seeing Cham ber Isin's Tablets so highly recommend ed for stomach troubles I bought a bot tle of them and they helped me right away" writes R F. Erwin, Peru, Ind. If you have any trouble with your di gestion give these tablets a trial. They Kill do yea food. CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Ud Wai Sick For Three Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous and Depressed Read Her Own Story of Recover. Paint Rock. Ala. Mr. C. M. Btegall, of near here, recently related the fol lowing Interesting account of her t covsry: "I was in a weakened con dition. I was sick three years In bed. suffering a great deal of pain, wsak, nervous, depressed. I was so wsak, I eouldnt walk across the floor; just had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still 1 didn't get any relief. I couldn't eat, and slept poorly. I believe If I hadn't heard of and taken Cardul I would have died. I bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me what It did for her. "I began to eat and sleep, began to tain tun strength and am now wen and strong. 1 haven t had any trou ble since . . . t sure can testify to the good that Cardul did ma. I don't think there Is a better tonlo tnadt and I believe it saved my life. For OTer 40 years, thousands of wo msn have used Cardul successfully, In the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you suffer as these women did, take Cardul. It may netp you, too. At aU druggists. H IS THE COUNTERSIGN. inirsty: Any way to get a drink around here?" Wise: "Sure. Just walk around till you see a fellow wiih a glass eye, then you make a wry face, and the job's done." HOLD 'EM. You say you were graduated from a barber college. What's your college yell? Slice, his lip! Cut his jaw! Take his face off, raw, raw, raw! FOREHANDED REVENQE. REQUIREMENTS. It reauires dollars to gel into the fast set. ' And sense to keep out of it. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of -A a. JtrrrjVN -KM MM Utm V I .... IJi-l -1- ... -w j a i m ' . i&MSs&Ar--- s A Bungalow with Art-Craft Tile Design Laid HorUonUlIy sM Directly on New Roof Boards i SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF? IT'S ART-CRAFT! CEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have the secret of Bird's Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity it gives to any building the charm of a high-priced roof at a remarkably low cost. Weather-proof and spark-proof. Absolutely reliable. Also idid right over old wooden shingles. Come in and let's get down to figures. The cost will be less than you think. BIRO & SON, inc. (Established 1795) East Walpcle, Mast. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. 1 Phone 235 WELDON, N. 0. DM! LUMBER Si ILLIOEE GOB i "Mrs Van Gotmuch didn't speak to me today. Bui I got even with her." "How?" "I didn't speak to her yester day." SLANQ, BANQI He (walking by a graveyard) : "Wouldn't it be terrible if all the dead should come to life again?" She (yawning): "Ho, hum. I certainly wish one of them would." CONFUSINQ INCIDENT. "How was your after-dinner speech received, dear?" "Not so well. While I was talk ing one of ihe guests actually snored." "You should noi have stopped for a little thing like that." "I had to stop. The other guests woke him up and wanted to know where he got it." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Warning! I'nless you see the name TtavAr" nn nfu-knm or on tablets vu are not getting genuine Aspirin Jire scribed by physicians for twenty-one years ana proveu saie oy numwin. Aspirin onlv as told in the Haver pack age for Oulds. Hesdm-he. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Karache. Toothache, Lum bago and for Puin. Handy tin boxes ol twelve Baver Tablets of A.pirin iwt few Cents. imiggists also Wll oirrr ges. Anpirin is the traile m&rk of Bim Maiiufartiire of Monoaoeticacid- nur of Kalicyluaeid. w Suffer Wlr Monthly pains, iS neuralgic, sciatic "s ;i a it thouniatic pains, headache, backache and all other aches are quickly re- Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Contain no dangerous habit forming drugs. Why don't you try them? Ask your druggist THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow 10 have around. When ati opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnltivated him properly. Why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mfrrvr,,,, 1 Weldon. n.c. The more yon smolrlhem - The better you'll like tkm . Write fr our Pierninio C it ilog No 4 1. 1 EW1S CIGAR MFG. CO., NEWARK. N. J. I ".rt lr-'T in' I C, :-r Factory in Ihe World. ti it ! - 'u "J 1 ! w s i i i i "e

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