'sfpl ILI) liF Ml tea W-l 1 HSTABLISHI-I) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE- PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription .$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, .JUNE 2.5, 11)21. NO. S KISSING HEALTHY PASTIME. The Dear dirls Seem to Agree With Radical Views of College Professor. LIFE'S RESPONSIBILITY. ! v Children Cry for Fie !( sf'HBNrawiwalwiMWg'gfaWBt fl -1.;.; "..i The Kind You Eave Always Bought, and which has been in use lor over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- finnill Klinprvlstnn etnfa iia Infnnxw . r - - . v...vv M .ll.UUW. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infante and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself, c What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine not other narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS pBears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought mm mm mm mm MM; mm mm it"CosFor June Only mm mm mm mm mm mm mm I AM offering my entire stock of Shoes, Men's Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Ladies Dressos and Coats at wholesale COST to EVERYBODY. No goods charged at cost to anybody. Come early and get your pick of these bargains while they last m urn mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm. mm, mm mm mm mm 4. L. SWtmCK, The Busy Store, mm mm mm WELDONN C mm mm Htm '&mmmmmmmmmmmm:mmmmmmmmmw $mmmmmmmm.mM mmmmmmmmmmmm w Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizingUhania slice of our choice nam. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods GOOD GROCERIES build up iheBsysiem, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings best! re ruin. Our prices make you think. Call in 10 see us.; L. E. HULL, Netr Batcbelor'g Opera House. WELDON, N.C Dim Lunik I Millwork Go. Weldon, N C. MAN UKACTUKEHfl OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Slinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDER AN U REU ULA R STOCK SIZES. Good Materials High (Irad Workmanship Our Klocsi The Citizens Bank HAI 1FAX. N. C. W B Invite the ptople ol Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize Ihls bank. Why not have a checking account? It Is necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re celpt agalntt payments to your creditors, besides It gives you a (landing In your community, w e have every facility known tor Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attentioniasltheiilargest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly en Savings. Come io and talk It over ltb us. We nttd you, yon need us. Are American girls opposed to kissing? The illuminating state ments on osculation accredited to Dr. Simon Louis Kauoff, A. M., M. D., before a meeting ol the Bridgeport Philosophical Society inspire this question. "Osculation is the greatest disinfectant ever dis covered. Kisses are dangerous only when cold," says the author ity. "Love is the mightiest force for the creation of health and pro longation uf life. We are suffer ing from lovelessness." A com posite humorous interview with co-ed and college men obtained by the news department of "Topics of the Djy" lilms via kiss jokes in American college magazines is worth reading. The answers "she" gave "his" questions seem to prove itiat the girls heartily agree with Dr. Kutzoffs claims for oscu lant n ; "What would you say if I kissed you?" 1 wouldn t be in a position to speak." "1 wonder whether kissing is bad for one or not !" "Let's put our heads together and find out." "May I steala kiss sub-rosa?" "Don't you think it would be better sub-nosa?" "What would you do if I kissed you?" "I'd call my brother." "How old is he?" "Two years old." "Would it be wrong for you to kiss me on the cheek?" "Well, it might be a bit off col or." "What would you do if I kissed you?" She pouted. "Say, did you ever kiss a girl in a quiet spot?" "Yes, but the spot was only quiet while I was kissing her." "What's to prevent my kissing you?" ' "Well, my goodness." "It's a crime to steal a kiss from me." "Well, you're guilty too for re ceiving stolen goods." "I promise you I shall never kiss you!" "Do you always keep your promises?" "Well, I keep within the law." Undoubtedly the girls see no harm in kissing and rather like it, which accords with Dr. Katzok's theory but, their answers refute the scientist's claim that "We are suffering from lovelessness." K. P. Erwin Regarding His Troubles. "A year ugo last winter I had an at tack ul indireHtiuD iollowed by bilious ueHB ami corMipatiou. Seeing Cham berlain'H TV. -u go highly recommend ed for slon it Mix I lioitflit aboU tie of them and lliey helped mu right away" writes It. I-'. Krwin, I'eru, I ml. II you have apy tronlile with your ili-gt-tttion (rive these tahletsa trial. Tliey will do you good. FORCEFUL ADVICE. He What did your lather say when you lold him that my love for you was like a gushing brook? Che He said- "Dam it!" Chamberlain Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy. Every family -mould keep this pYipa ration at html rtwly for iusluut use when needed. Severe attack of colic and cholera murium often prove fatal before medicine eun he procured or a physician summoned. The uuifonn ui'eess that has attended the use of this remedy ami the prompt cures which it has ollecteil have made it a staple article of trade. MODERN MY. Old Fashioned bridegroom : "Oh, for the brand of biscuits mother used to make!" New Fashioned Bride : "Oh, for the brand of cigarettes father used to smoket BY 1: D G A R A . GUEST, The following beautiful lines were given us with request to publish. This is a thing I would have you learn nothing is yours to keep, And never you'll rest from the need of toil till the last, long final sleep; There's never a place or a time in life when nothing you'll have to do, Whatever the post you shall come to here, it shall call for the best in you. You may dream of riches and all the joy which silver and gold can buy, But the greater the wealth that shall come to you, the greater your care shall lie; j For the more that this life shall give to you, the more to life you must ' give, i For this the great unwritten law, no man to himself can live. Has God bestowed on you talents rare by which you may rise to fame? ! Then upon your soul He has laid the charge with courage to use the j same; Nor skill nor power can bring you ease, for this you shall find is true He who has much to do with here, shall ever have much to do. j For life and talents and wealth and fame are given to men in trust, ! And each must work with the gifts he has till his flesh returns to dust, For this is the law which governs all and this is the common test He that shall come to the best life has, must give to the world his best. I DOUBT IT. When a pair of red lips upturned to your own, With no one to gossip about it, Do you pray for endurance to let them alone ? Well, may be you do but I doubt it. When a sly little hand you're permitted to seize, With a velvety softness about it, Do you think you can drop it, with never a squeeze ? Well, may be you can but I doubt it. When a tapering waist is in reach of your arm, With a wonderful plumpness about it, Do you argue the point 'twixt the good and the harm? Well, may be you do but I doubt it. And if by these tricks you should capture a heart, With a womanly sweetness about it, Will you guard it and keep it, and act the good part? WpII mnv be vou will but I doubt it. NO SUBSTANCE IN DREAMS. Writer dives Reasons tor Her Re fusal to Have Any Belief in Common Superstitions. The mind during sleep reminds mo nf n nnuphtv child, writes Ma rion Holmes in the Chicago Daily News. With a normal person au rino wnkine hours reason controls it and when it seems inclined to let loose, a foolish train of thought re bukes it with "Nonsense! behave yourself!" But when reason goes to sleep and the mind has seasons of wild capering. It makes you dn ihinos that when awake would scorch you with blushes. It causes you to go to church dresseu in imitr verv best except your shoes and stockings, which you find you have left at home. It makes you marry a dark man with big black whiskers when you already nave a nerfectlv satisfactory husband who is blond and smooth faced. There is nothing that it will not do uncor. trolled by reason. Therefore I never have had much faith in the nrnnhetie nualitv of dreams, al though there are persons who pin their faith to those so canea warn ings. We have heara tnem say. "I dreamed last night I had lost a tooth. That means bad news," or "1 dreamed of walking among mined huildines. That means that somebody in the family is going to be ill," and, like loriune telling, the predictions that do not "make good" are forgotten. A recurrent dream is ol no im portance. I have known the same stage setting with its incidents to he nresented over in sleeping visions without ever reaching its counterpart in reality. An uncom fortable position during sleep, or the fact you are not leeltng wen often occasions troubled dreams. JUST LIKE A MAN! Mrs. Binks What was it I told you a little while ago, John5 Mr. Binks I don't know, dear, I reallv wasn't listening. Mrs. Binks Now isn't that like a man? ii is mo nrovokinsl And I can't think what it was 1 said to him. WRECK! Dora What shall I sing for you, Jack? Jack Have you a song with a retrain? Dora Yes. Jack Well, then, please refrain. Why That Headache ? When you know the cause ofadisease a cure may often be effected. This is particular ti ue of headache. Headache often results from constipation or a dis ordered condition of the stomach which may be corrected by taking a dose or two of Chamberlain's Tablets. Try it These tablets are easy to take and Catarrh. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly io ttuenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is Tonie and Blood l'urifler. Ily clrausinft the blood aud building up the system Hall's Catarrh Medicine restores norma! conditions and and allows nature to d its work. All druggists. Circulars free. K.J.CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio HEARD ON THE STREET. How long since you've been in toxicated? Why, you insultin' pup! I'm intoshicated now! Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA THE CANDID HOSTESS. Do make yourselves at home, ladies, said the flattering bride when a group of friends called to congratulate her on her marriage. I'm at home now and I want you all to be. urea "I was weak and run-down," ralates Mrs. Eula Burnstt, of Dalton, G. "I was thin and Just felt tired, all th time. I didn't rest well. T wasn't ever hungry. I knew, by this, I needed a tonic, and as there Is none better than GARDUI The Woman's Tonic ... I began using Cardul," continues Mrs. Burnett "After my tint bottle, I slept better and ate better. I took four bottles. Now I'm well, feel Junt tine, eat and sleep, my skin Is clear and t hare tatned and sure teel that Cardul Is the best tonic ever made." Thousands of -.;..3 women have Mrs. ' inlti' Just 9 .t did. It should .ruggtsti. E.I7 Stop Scouring Pots! Put tome Red Devil I. ye in the water and fill greasy iron port and pans and skill ets with it... let them soak. They will not need hard scouring. This wonderful 1 y e softens the water, loosens the ijrime, dissolves the grease, gets tin ware shining in a jiffy, saves kitchen work in countless VCV ii ways! At i Keep a Can Handy for the Mean Jobil KEDDmLhfE Wm. schield mko. CO. ST. LOUIS. WO. . U. S. A, IM IMJ m '..T..-'ii,rjnwtmtr i s. IL llllll 'llll'i .,.'-; t'- , . .: ' III III! III III III ll'l t-'.. ' . f, JWYI!!! Will WW I -,-, '.V i-x - V'ii-ZJ'" ' I Ml! ' ' I . .. ,f,r Our Advice Won't Cost You a Nickel AKE the old buildings just as comfortable as the YA new ones, and just as good looking, by putting on handsome, fire-safe, weatherproof, and long-lasting BIRD'S ROOFS Whether it is a dwelling, barn, garage or factoiy that you want to re-roof let us show you how little it will cost to use the right Bird's Roof. Every dollar you invest in Bird's Roofs will surely return one hundred tents in satisfaction as honest value is built into cvrry square foot of Bird's Roofs. Whether you need Bird's ParoiJ, Bird's Art-Craft. Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Bird's Granitized Rouimys, or BirdV Twin Shingles our advice as to the correct roof to select ' t your building won't cost you a nickel. We know ! uh ";;-ienv lint Bud's Roofs make good, and that is the reason vv. ;,.ll limit. BIKD & SON. inc. (frn.M- ! !;r..!e, Mass, OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. U LIKR ilLUM MFMT, Phone 235 WELDON, N. C. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Beware! yni aw the lUimo "Bayer" in jmcknt or nn talik-t you are not flowing yenmno Aapirin )n cribwl by pliyttitinrm fr twenty-me years ami nmvwl iaft by rtiilliofw. Take AHpirin only as Mil in the Bayr niokap for (VJIh, Mctulni he, NVnralpin, RlHunva tim, KdrHriM1, Toirtlioflie, Luinlwt, aiul for lNiin. llaiwly tin Ikxc of luvlv liaycr 'lahletB of Attiiirin rt few is-ntH, lni pi(tfl aJso wll lAiyer parkaii. Aspirin M th trwli) mark of ltayw "Mawifiu-tirro 4 Mdhoaoittracidtar of SaJicyliiAUAd. Vvf' Mu'itl'ly paina, tit'iiraluic, sciatic a n il iliciiinalic pains, ln.ail;uliL', backache and all other aches are quickly re tieveil by Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Contain no dangerous habit forming drugs. Why don't you try them? Ask your druggist CASTORIA For Infante and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear m Signatura of f". v j " mm t S fc.kvfirr-T,afl , V vL' ... It . Sfc-. THE BEST FRIEND YOU will tver have is your biiiik book. In case of trouble or sicl.tu ss lie is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity comes for investment w here you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, 111: won't turn Y()l) down if YOl! have cultivated him properly. Vi'hy not start ih at account today and he prepared to lauc.li at adversity? 7 I! E I ywr Jcfi. ."Tjk T- ' " i WELDON M C t, 1 " HH-1ITIIIIIIMM1H II I II 1 1 1 The more i i yon smoke fhc-m - The betlur ytu'11 lik tk"n7-fW Write U our IVju-iitm 0 ,1 ito N, 4 , ' ' n: ' 1. 1 EWtS CIGAR MFC. CO., NKWAKK. . J. ' ; " nt-tt Ir' u . f : Kiirtw 'V Voild; "'Wiivl'ti mild and gentle id eflect.