i qhit WHIPS A DOQ. fiSTABLISill-l) IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Sub.scriDtion-$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI WELDON, N. a, THURSDAY, .JULY 14, 1921. NO. II ' --its Net Contents 15 fluid Dfaohmj I 1 1 -.r.:.'--Lll i i ,iiml. -.1 PEK liBNT. AVootn1.li'IV0flf(lti006f AS ..:.,,..;.,.HhrFoodtlvlWuU- tint Ihc Stomachs Biwl Bcwel Then.lnrl'romoiin4Dic5llMi Cheerfulness and Resist"! neither Oniara,Horiauii lliieral.NoTJHiiu.v JmvtmSml Jirmiit H,KhUt h'tim S4 ifatiiffrtn hnf i i..i.,f.ilBpmeilvbr ConslipaUonandDiWhoM resultuiiiiS!' facsimile Siinat.jrep1 NEW T" BASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature, of Use Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Over" Thirty Years CASTORIA TM eiNT;.t roMPftNV. NW VOUs. ITT. m it Cost For July Oily .m mm mm mm mm mm 1AM offering my entire stock of Shoes, Men's Suits, Overcoats, Mats, Ladies Dresses and Coats at wholesale COST to EVERYBODY. No goods charged at cost to anybody. Come early and get your pick of these bargains while they last mm mm m mm mm mm mm mm mm j. L. SWtmCK, mm mm mm mm tut UU The Busy Store, WELDON, N C mm Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want lu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods NEEDED COURSE IN WISDOM. In Ancient Days It Was Well Re cognized That the Young Re quired Proper Instruction. Instruction of the young by the old was not out of date when "The Wisdom Books" were writ ten, according to Dr. josiah H. Penniman, acting provost of the University of Pennsylvania. "The people who wrote the Bi ble were very human," declared Doctor Penniman, and he illustra ted this with many passages from the Scriptures. "The book of wisdom told the people what to do, and most ot the people needed it," Doctor Penni man said. "There were just as many wise as foolish virgins and probably the average has been maintained." Among Doctor Penniman's oth er sayings were the following : "They offered money to Job when they knew he did not need it. "Be sure your sin will find you out," he quoted, and then added, "You know perfectly well a lot of your sins will find you out," "The tongue has always been one of the greatest mischief mak ers, as witness 'where there is no whisperer contention ceases.' " "I need not explain 'he that winketh with the eye findeth sor row." " "Sob stuff was apparently used in olden days, for Delilah said to Sampson, 'Thou hast told a riddle unto thy neighbors, but not unto me. " 'What does he get for it?' was asked of Job as it is today of those who get into the public view." Doctor Penniman declared Job was the most artistic of the Wis dom books, and in some respects of all the books of the Bible. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA nAnrvrDnpuDinc k.,:M .u . .1,. k.,: ..a uiuL.iiuj uunu uj uic ysicin, Miiuuiutc 111c uiaiiti uuu increase your capaciiy to think. And right thinking brings besti re mits. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batchelor'i Opera House, WELDON, N.C Untold agony is a secret a man can't repeat. wo- WEAK, NERVOUS, ALL RUN-DOWN Missouri Lady Suffered Until Ski Tried Cardui. Say. "Rtralt Was Surprising." Cot Aloig Fine, Became Normal and Healthy. Bprtngflsld Mo "Mr blck WU a weak I could hardly stand up, and I would baT bearing-down pains aid wee not well at any time," 1171 Mra. D. V. Williams, wife ot a well-known farmer on Route , thlf place. "I kept getting headaches and hartng to 50 to bed," continues Mrs. Williams scribing the troubles from which he obtained relief through the use ot Cardul. "Mr huaband, haying heard of Cardul, proposed getting It for me. "I saw after taking some Cardul . . . that I was lmprorlng. The result was surprising. I felt like a different person. "Later I suffered from weakness aid weak bark, and felt all run-down. I did not rust well at night, I was so nervous and croas. Mr husband asld he would get me some Cardul, which he did. It strengthened me ... My doctor said I got along fine. I was la good haalthr condition. I cannot sar too much for It" Thousands of women hare siuseraa se Mrs. Williams describes, until they found relief from the use ot Cardul. Since It has helped so many, you should not lieBllate to try Cardul If troubled with womanly ailments.. For sale everywhere. All Dison Lumber 8s Millwork Co. Weldon, N C. MANUKA CTUKKKB OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors Slinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens . MADE T0 0KDKK AND HKliULAK STOCK H1ZES (lood Materials High tirade Workmanship Our -Hogen The Citizens Bank HALIFAX. N. C. WE Invite the people of Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize this Bank. Why not have a checking account? It la necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re- celpr against payments to youi u editors. Besides it gives you atanding In your 'community. Vt e have every facility known (or Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention aa the largest with ua. W pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Saving. C Coaoa to arid talk it over wit us. We need you. you seed us. North Carolina Bonds lot Salt. BUY AB0ND Bids Open in my Office in Raleigh, at 12 O'Clock, Friday, July 1 5th. For building good roads and educational and charitable institutions is Issuing bonds in denomi nations of $100, $500 and $1,000. You can buy a SlOO non-taxable 5 per cent, bond for $100 and accrued interest, which amounts to $100.21, This 'beats a 6'A per cent taxing paying investment. Bids for $500 and $1,000 bonds will require a check for 2 per cent, of the amount bid. With a $100 bond no check Is required, There is no better way to invest your savings, Applv to me for fur ther information B. R. LACY. State Treasurer Automobile For Sale. To the Owner of One KsBex a-l'ssseoger Touring Car Maker a No. A.lMiB. You are hereby notified within thirty (HO) dayB from this the 2."ird day of June, 1H21, to come forward and institute proper proceeding" to secure possession of the above automobile, which wae seized by the undersigned Sheriff of Halifax county while being used to transport spirituous and vinous malt liquors, and upon failure of said owner to so come forward and surrender him self to the undersigned Sheriff of Hali fax county to the end that the question of whether said automobile will be soM as provided I , v law and the proceeds turned over to the Treasurer ottlie f ub hc School r unit of Halifax county, alter defraying the expenses of making such sale. ' Dated the 23rd day of Juoe.lHil. j. a. house, 0 23 4t Sheriff of Halifax L'ounsy. Eft mm auiier Monthly pains, y neuralgic, sciatic "- !, n ,1 i lipiimnrii- pains, headache, backache and all other aches are quickly re lieved by Dr.Milcs' AnU-FainPlUs Contain no dangerous habit forming drugs. Why don't you try them? Ask your drugging Send ff LAUNDERINO COLLARS AND CUFFS IS AN ART There's the haphazard, inefficient way of sending them home with saw-edgts, wrinkles and frayed ends. And then there's the WHITE STAR WAY Of having ihem spotlessly clean, velvety, smooth and home on time Need we say more? ' WHITE STJR mJfJDQY, Phone 218 WELDON, NORTH CAROLINA. AND HERE. Others may sing of the "Sweet by and by," In beautiful islands bless'd, Where tears are wiped from the weeping eye And the weary soul can rest. But I will sing of another land, Not far away, but near; The very spot where my feet now stand, The beautiful Now and Here. The by and by is like fairy land, And flies from our chasing feet; We never enter its portals grand, Or walk in its shaded street. But the real land to be loved and tilled, Where we can dig and plow, Can sow and reap, plan and build, Is the beautiful Here and Now. My heari is glad for the "happy shore," Always so fair and shining; But yet the present has golden ore, That needs but love's refining. There are some flowers on the wayside bank, The lone pilgrim's heart to cheer, And life is not all a weary bank In the gliding Now and Here. Let some sing of the "Summer land," And dream of the "Eden shore;" The sun shines bright on this earthly strand My feet are now tripping o'er. The by and by may be very sweet, And it gives my heart good cheer; But the joys of the past and future meet In the glorious Now and Here. Chamberlain's Colic and Diar rhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed in many bonus before the summer ie over. Buy it now and be prepared It ii recoguiied as a most reliable remedy for bowel complaints and may be ob tained at anv store. Mrs. Linda Harrod Endorses Chamberlain's Tablets. '1 suffered for years with stomach trouble aud trie.i everything I heard of but the only relief 1 iroi was temporary until last spring 1 saw Chamberlain s Tablets advertised and procured a bot tle of them from our druggist. 1 got immediate relief from that dreadlul heaviness and pain in the stomach after eating. Since taking two bottles 1 can eat anything I want without distress" writes Mrs. Lisda Harris, Ft Wayne, Ind. "Oh, doctor, I am suffering so much I want to die!" "You did right to call me." CASTORIA For Infants and Childrea In Us For Ovr 30 Years Always bears the -Signature of Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA DISCRIMINATION. Said an elderly maiden named Claire: "Of husbands .I've not had my share, Kate's had three cremated, I've never been dated. She s got them to burn. Is thai fair?" Suffered Intense Pain. "A few years ago when visiting rela tives in Michigan something I had eaten orougni on an auaca ol cholera mor bus" writes Mrs. Celesta McVicker. Ma con, Mo "I suffered intense pain and had to go to bed I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and one dose relieved the pain wonderfully. 1 only took two or three doses dui mey urn the work. The only people who don't cry over spilled milk are those who don't like milk anyhow. t Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST.O Rl A S3& n - n jot jAWt-mmt mock E-J tw4 illl:.,.in-,l:.,.ii ilj va TILE DESIGN A Bungalow with Art-Craft Tile Design Laid Horiioatally f ( -7 j Directly on New Roof Board. t I SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF? IT'S ART-CRAFT! CEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have the secret of Bird's Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity it gives to any building the charm of a high-priced loof at a remarkably low cost. Weather-proof and spark-proof . Absolutely reliable. Also iaid right over old wooden shingles. Come in and let's get down to figures. The cost will be less than you think. BIRD & SON, inc. (Established 1795) East Walpole, Mass. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. DIM L1IEE Si MILLWORK G0MPM1 r Phone 235 1 WELDON, N. C. What To Do When Bilious. I Eat no meats and lightly of other I food. Take three of Chamberlain's Tab lets to cleanse out your stomach and tone up your liver. Do this aud within a day or two you should be feeling tine. Automobile For Sale. To the Owner of Mitchell Kive-i'assen-ger Touring Car, Maker's So. 1U4;14U: You are hereby notified within thirty (30) days from this the 2:trd day of June, 1D21, to come forward and insti tute proper proceedings to secure pos session of the above automobile, which was seized by the undersigned Slien II of Halifax county while being used to transport spirituous and vinous malt liquors, and upon failure of said owner to so come forward and surrender him self to the undersigned .Sheriff of Hali fax county to end that the question of whether said automobile will be sold as provided bv law and the proceeds turn ed over to the Treasurer of the l'ublic School Fund of Halifax county, aftcrde fraying the expenses of making such sale. Iated thetflrd dayof June, Hal. .1. A. HOUSE, tt 23 it Sheriff of Halifax Couuty. Automobile For Sale. To the Owner ol Dodge Bros, o-l'asseu-ger Touring Car, Maker's No. : You aae hereby uolitied within thirty (So) days from Una the -Mrd day of June IU21, to come forw ard aud IU-.I it im proper proceedings to seoure pussesnou of the above automobile, which was seized by the undersigned Hhm itl of Halifax County while being used to transport spirituous and vinous malt liq uors, and upon failure of said owner to so come forward aud surrender uimnell to the undersigned Hheriff of Halifax oounty to the end that the question of whether said automobile will be sold as provided by Isw and the proceeds turned over to the Treasurer of the Cub be School Fund of Halifax county, after delraying the expenses of making such sale. Dated the !rd day of June, 1921. J. A. HOUSE, tt 23 4t Sheriff of Halifax County. TYPEWRITERS! AU nikse end ell itylM lit up. Some tb.t wm and end releued by the U. S. Oov t. Bargain. Bute rHir nradi .nd we will dmb end quote. The lINOSValTia, a printine onke naoaurrrl Ribbons any color 7fi delivered. Give nsme and nodal. CrDonp.pw8sltlW.nMUtl.Mdeli'd. Empire Type Foundry, Mfp. Wood Tyu, mm THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE. won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnliivated him properly. Why not start that account today and he prepared to laugh at adversity? ifL-. nTwELPON.' N C. ij mm The more you imoke them -' The better you'll like th. m Write for our Prcml.imCst.ilog Nu 4 t ..Mir... ,-ri TJPWAHk N f. 1. 1 c in v. iiirtn wirvj. v... a i-.'- ,-. .... Pa.-tnrv in the Wtnld. Ii .5-i A y

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