1 obriT WHIPS A DOd. iSTAtJLISi ItiD IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. hVl WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1021. NO. 12 fffn Children Cry for FletcMr's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use lor over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per-f&jZf-f-., sonal supervision since Its Infancy. . tfS 4j0W no one t deceive tou in this. ' All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourselt What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS fBears the Signature Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMI CtNTAUR COMPANY NIW VONK CITY, HI At Cost For July Only 8 m m mm mm m m I AM offering my entire stock of Shoes, Men's Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Ladies gyj Dresses and Coats at wholesale COST sk to EVERYBODY. No goods charged at 3 cost to anybody. Come early and get your pick of these bargains while they last mt II J. L SWfJBCK, If The Busy Store, WELDON, NC f m Choice Hams There isf nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. GOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings besti re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batcbelor's Open House, WKI.DON, NX Dim Lumber & Milhvork Co. Weldon, N C. MANUKACTUHERH OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doort ilinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOORDKK AND KKIjUI.AK STOCK SIZES Qood Matarlala High Oradt Workmanship Our Slogan The Citizens Bank HALIFAX. N. C. WE Invite the people ot Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize this Bunk. Why not have a checking account? It Is necessary In these times. It saves you money, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides it gives you a standing In your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention as the .argest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Saving s.ffl Com la and talk it over with us. We uacd you, you ned us. WHICH? "Now which will you take," she smilingly said "One kiss or a red, red rose?" The rose may be kept for a long, long time, Where a kiss has gone who knows? A kiss is a fleeting, transient thing, A rose may be worn or pressed; A kiss you can keep but a moment at most Ah, surely a rose is best. Then sometimes a kiss causes pain in the heart; A rose leaves not a regret. Hare sweetness it gives, not asking reward A kiss you may wish to forget. He looked at her beautiful, tempting lips He looked at the red, red rose, 'I hen he look with a lover's ardent haste, Well, which do you suppose ? WOULD YOU? X A STORY I I OF THE SIXTIES. I D-aaaa o'BBBMBW4BBBaM CHAPTER 1ST. 'Twus late on a November after noon in the year 1860, as Harrold Bently took his gun from its rack, and started for the skirt of wood beyond the old mill pond, upon whose banks stood the old Bentley mill, which for quite a'century had supplied the neighborhood with that sweet old-time water-ground meal, and flour such as our fathers knew, and enjoyed when our great pioneer country began to straighten itself out, after many struggles, and trials in its determi nation to take its place amongst the civilized countries of the universe. Young Bently having recently attained his majority, and having honorably acquitted himself in one of our ablest institutions of learning and being possessed of a compe tency sufficient for material things of this life, and being endowed by nature with more than ordinary gilts toward the make up of the physical man: handsome would scarcely express the comliness of his person-erect in statue, standing six feet, a typical specimen of the perfect man: but this was not all, ne was a child ot uod, ana ever alert to aid the cause always dear to his heart. So much good is rarely to be found centered in one human be ing, but if this God-given earth, still in its original beauty, could more frequently boast of such types of manhood, we might at no dis tant day witness the millennium dawn. Now, kind reader, having launched the hero of my story with a bnet description of person-per sonal attractions, and soforth, will go with him in his attempted stroll to t'-f nod beyond the old mill and to follow him through devious ways of sunshine, and shadow, till he arrives at a triumphant conclu sion of i - flt-ciine life. As Hurrold Bently left the old house on the hill, one of those old country mansions around which cluster so many tender memories, where the young, the gay, and the beautiful were wont to indulge in amusements of antebellum days, when life was a series of happy hours, known the "well-to-do" of the long anu, i In re was a feeling of unrest in i ;s heart, anundefina- ble idea ol .: meihing brewing, a distant ruiuiMiig of thunder por tending a storm that would ere long break causing tears of blood to flow over as line a land as ever was created by a Divine hand: he descended the road leading to the wood past the old mill, where he intended spotting the roosting place of turkeys, and in the ensu ing early morn, secure a coveted dish, not always eusy to obtain, but he did not reach their bivouac, for passing the mill he very clearly heard a sweet voice pronounce the name Harrold I and while he had lot discovered her whereabouts, he instantly recognized the voice f Annie Earl, (to him) the fairest flower of earth, as she was now his promised wife. He found her sitting In a little canoe, Just under the bluff And made for two. He was soon by her side and when on their way to their respec tive homes he unfolded to her his fear of a to rapidly developing future, which he saw would bar culmination of their union for the present, perhaps forever! "Harrold! why are yousounlike yourself this afternoon," asked Annie. "Because, Annie: 1 feel the "die , Written For THE ROANOKE NEWS By J. B. T. iois()salla(0 is cast," the inevitable is upon us, the storm will soon burst over our fair land, and the old South will pass most likely from us forever. ' The vicissitudes of a struggle such as the impending one, are many, and beyond conception, and no living creature can forecast re sults of this disgraceful break of the grandest union known to civil ization: our pride of quite a centu ry, to be shattered, and broken in pieces like a "potter's vessel" is a dream too horrible to contemplate We can but feel that a divine Father disapproved existing con ditions which had become a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God, and Hesuffereth calamities to come upon us. If mankind would con fine themselves to legitimate modes of living, and follow the ways of the Lord, such troubles would be unknown, and earth become an eden. since time immemorial the na tions of the world, have occupied beligerent attitudes one lo another, some tn days past have said that future wars would be fought on paper, that intellect would inter vene, that wise heads would figure out the relative strength of dispu tants, thereby proving the stronger, thus brute force would no longer disagrace humanity, but till now, there has been no practical demon stration ot sucn a tning, ana us more than probable there will never be. Speaking of disarmament, peace treaties, and soforth, we believe all such to be worthless as we have never yet known intelligence to prevent homeicide where anger had full sway, and anothor thing to be noted, is that the nations have not yet ceased preparing for hostil ities, ominous indeed! CHAPTER 2ND. If antiquity lend a charm to old homesteads, then to the home of Annie Earle, a double charm might be added, being descended from an honored line of ancestry (more than a century back) of fair financial ability, ever able to keep the old place as its progenitors had desired, in perfect condition: peo ple ot mgn rank naa entered ics-l portals, and knighthood had often bowed at beauty's shrine beneath its hospitable roof. To describe Annie Earl, the fair mistress of this ancient domicile, would require more than the elo quence of a "Past-Master" in the descriptive art: she was simply an embodiment of all that the words, perfect lady, implied, com bined with intellect, beauty, and those sweet Christian attributes be longing to a child of God. Could a more amiable pair have found mutual esteem, could Cupid's arrow have pierced more congenial hemta ilidii liiuaC of Harrold Bent ley and Annie Earl? We appeal to the reader for a reply? As the sun was declining in all of its roseate charm, and the sweet word peace was written upon the tranquil face of nature, Harrold bent his steps over the lawn to ward the one spot of earth most dear to this noble hearted, aspiring young man, while queries like these ran through his excited brain. (The year was now 1861, and enlistments were being made all over the land) should she say, "are you going to enlist, and must we part" I shall say, "Darling put yourself in my place!" I will ask you me question. "Would You?" Well! when we met on that old threshold, those very words passed her lips: I took her beautiful hand, covering it with tears and kisses, asked her if she would have me "desist now, hire a substitute, and become a slacker?" "No," said she, "do what you conceive to be your duty, though it palsy and wither my poor heart." At these words, he inwardly exclaim ed, "I cannot leave this noble wo man who has every fibre of my heart entwined about her, though the heavens fall, 1 cannot make this sacrifice," what shall I do? Thought "Be A Man" came to his aid: then with a long-loving kiss he lore himself away, deter mined to seek the Source of solace for the quieting his distraction. When he entered his chamber after tea, he experienced the bitter est heart aches he had ever endur ed, for he was mad with love for the one woman (to him) in all the world, and the thought of separa tion, perhaps forever, completely unnerved him, but as he became quiet, determined to do his duty though he die in the attempt. The days sped rapidly by, and ere long, Harrold as an enlisted man, began to feel the fatigues of maneuvers, and drills preparatory to entering a regular encampment, Our story to this time has a tone of sadness in it, and must so con tinue to the tragic end, because of the extraordinary trials under which the occurences have been enacted. We are ever averse to depicting events that must fill the heart with sadness, and cause tears of anguish to flow, but if incidents of this fracticidal combat could be enu merated, of which a great many will ever remain unknown, a deep er gloom would hang like a pall over the entire land. The battle of Kernstown, Va. only a short distance from Win Chester, seemed now inevitable, and must soon culminate in a hor rible affair, as the enemy are three to one in number, well equipped, and if not victorious, it will simply be, because of Southern prowess, coupled with the reputation of Jackson, already warding off many an attack, because of abject terror from any conflict with this invinci ble commander. Harrold Bentley had attained the rank of Captain, and his com pany formed a portion of the fa mous "Stonewall Brigade," and he had on more than one occasion proven his temerity in hard fought struggles,. thus when this unequal conflict came on, notwithstsnding the fact that General Garnett's command, occupying the central position in the fight, ran short of ammunition, General Jackson ever believed the victory would have been ours, had he at this juncture, given them the bayonet, instead of retreating, it was well known that they would not stand "cold steel" and were then partially demoral ized. Garnett retreated without orders from Jackson, which very much incensed him. Harrold Bently in this combat lost his life! and in the last sad mo ments of this heroic man, Annie made her way to his side, absolute ly crusnea oy nnding mm so near the finale" of his earthly exist ence, but bearing bravely, as only a woman could do, heard his part- ing words of endearment, as he pressed the beautiful hand for the last lime to his dying lips, bidding her come to him in the "Glory Land." One query more, darling! Could we play over again the sweet role of affection as already experienced: WOULD YOU?" A long affirm ative kiss, from this true woman, and Harrold had passed to Heaven's Realm. Annie was com pletely undone, she was never her self again, in five weeks time, this broken hearted girl gave way to her grief, und went to join Harrold in the land beyond the skies. They were placed side by side in the family burying ground, Two victims of a single shot, Two hearts that beat as one. True happiness is not the growth of earth, The soil is fruitless, if you seek it there, Tis an exotic of Celestial birth And only blooms in Celestial air. Mrs. Linda Harrod Endorses Chamberlain's Tablets. "1 Buttered for years Willi stomach trouble sod tried everything 1 beard of but the only relief 1 irol was temporary until last print I m Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and pruoured a bot tle of them from our druggist I got immediate relief from that dreadful heaviness and pain in the stomach after eatiug. Since taking tiro bottles I can eat anything I want without dinress" writes Mss. Linda Harris, Ft Wayne, lad. . rHS3 II wtcPM mnhi m In.m. urn -,: . W . i-t' ! Our Advice Won't Cost You a Nickel IVTAKE the old buildings just as comfortable as the " new ones, and just as good looking, by putting on handsome, fire-safe, weatherproof, and long-lasting BIRD'S ROOFS Whether it is a dwelling, barn, garage or factory that you want to re-roof let us show you how little it will cost to use the right Bird's Roof. Every dollar you invest in Bird's Roofs will surely return one hundred cents in satisfaction as honest value is built into every square foot of Bird's Roofs. Whether you need Bird's Paroid, Bird's Art-Craft, Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Bird's Granitied Roolings, or Bird'? T win Shingles our advice as to the correct roof to sr'let t for your building won't cost you a nit:kel. We know from I'vi.irri'.'ntv lii..t Hint's make good, and that is the reason wt ;rll ihrin. Roofs VA. Mass, BIRD & SON. inc. (Esubliii, .! 1 'j.i) OUR SLOGAN Qood Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. n vnw inuMD a m i ncr nnyDAH maun uumumi n amwjwui..u uuimmu Phone 235 WELDON, N. C. What To Do When Bilious. Kat no meats and lightlv of other food. Take three of Chamberlain's Tab lets to cleanse out vour stomach and tune up vour liver. Do this aud within a day or two you should te feeling line. Automobile For Sale. To the Owner of .Mitchell Five 1'asseu- ger Touring Car, Maker's No. 1U4::W: You are hereby notified within thiitv (3d) days from this the iMrd dav of Juue. lli'il. to come forward and insti tute proper proceedings to secure pos session of the above automobile, which was seized by the undersigned Shentf of Halifax countv wlnle being used to transport Bpirituous and vinous malt liquors, and upon failure of said owner to so come forward and surrender him self to the undersigned sherill' of Hali fax county to end that the question ot whether said automobile will be sold as provided bv law and the proceeds turn ed over to the Treasurer of the I'ublic School Fund of Halifax county, aftcrde- iraying uie expenses ol making sucn sale, l'ated the 2Srd day of Juue, 1W1. J. A. HOL'tsK, 6 23 4t Sheriff of Halifax County. Automobile For Sale. To the Owner ol bodge Bios 5 Tasseil ger Touring Car, Maker s No. 4-?bai8: You aje hereby notified within thiitv (So) dayHfrum this the L'frddayof.luiie 1H2I, to come forward aud institute proper proceedings to secure possession of the above automobile, w hich was seized by the undersigued Hherilt' of Ilalilax county wlnle being used lo transport spirituous and vinous malt liq uors, and upon failure ol said owner to so come forward and surrender himself to the undersigned Shentf of Halifax county to the end that the question of whether Baid automobile will he sold as provided by law and the proceeds turned over to the Treasurer of the Pub lit School Kund of Halifax couuty, after delraying the expenses of making such sale. Dated the Jrd day of June, llil. J. A. HOUSE, B 23 4t Sheriff of Halifax County. TENS! (i. -,!(, ami i ttvliti 11 , ui. dome tlittt wert u-eii and reigned l.y the l'. 3. Guv't. Bargain. biult yuur n'-U" and e will dec rib tod quote. Hi LI HO WRITER, printing office nicbmittI kihtioii-i biiv cotnr lb dulivured. Give nam and luodfl. Carbon paper Si 15 llMJahMU 1.96 deuYtl Emplrt Typt Foundry, M fa. Wood Tvtf, Id Typt, Jfr inun Supplies, Buffalo, N.V. - JOOtH !''lMaj THE BEST FRIEND VOU will ever have is your bank book. I or sickntss he is a eood fellow to have In case of trouble around. Whan an opportunity comes for investment where you can beier yourself and you need some money quickly, HI: won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnltivated him properly. Why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? Wr i nnN xi r I ... . m. i.. il ti. L.ii.. mi Hi i.. He mure you smoite mem - ine umer you n uas un j,va write rer our rrem am tai nog ro t i irnrrc nr AD n?r t-n TJPWAklv. N I T.srfest lt,ei!Wdt nt Cii :ir Factory I" the World. (C