X....... , I ropP KABBIT WHIPS A 000. ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI. WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, L921. NO. 11 Children Cry for Fletc'r's Ttw Kind You Hst Always Bought, and which hai beea in dm lor over thirty yean, has borne the ilgnature of ana has been made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. ill Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but tzperiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children 'Experience against Experiment Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that. you would use for yourself; What is OASTORIA Csstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverlshness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort the Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years Th Kind You Have Always Bought - ttmmmmmmmnmm mmmmmmmm mm mm m We Are Closing Out All Our m Summer uarments a At Extreme Bargain Prices mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m mm mm mm mm urn mm tm A good time to replenish the summer wardrobe with the garments needed to finish out the balance of the hot weath er season. 4. L. smmoK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C mm mm j. . . .-. i. .ii. l. ,. l. du.iui HA. (tii.Mt .iUi.iWi (4atk-it44. . . j . Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice of our choice ham. We have anything you may want lu tne line 01 meats, ah Kinds of Canned Goods. POOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and 11 increase your capacity to think. And right thinking brings Desti re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Bstcbelor's Opera Houss. WELDON, N.C THE UK OF MLIFi! ORGANISED 1906 Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked its success in the past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. Quentln Uregory ' President S. M. Oary, Vios-Prasldent. P. H. Uregory Oaeoiar. The Citizens Bank MIROOONED FOR THREE TEARS. Sailor's Long Period ol Lonell ness on Small Island Located In the South Seas. Marooning occasionally brings about a modern Crusoe, just as it did wiih Alexander Selkirk, who was put ashore, at Juan Fernandez, and whose adveniures gave Defoe the foundation for ''Robinson Crusoe." The trading schooner, Queen Charlotte, passing a small island of the Marquesas in the South seas, landed her boat to in vestigate the smoke of a fire, as it was understood the island was un inhabited. Here was found a United. States seaman, who had been pui ashore with 3 shipmates by their captain, on account of their mutinous conduct. The three others had died, but the man from Connecticut had contrived to live on the fish he caught, and the breadfruit and cocoanuts and other products which he could gather. When rescued after three years' loneliness, his utensils consisted of great shells, and two cups which he possed, made from the skulls of his companions. NOT RFSTING BUT WAITING. Idiot Boy, According; to Judge Oary, Very Much Like the Rest of the World. 1 Judge Gary was talking at a din ner about the world s industrial situation. "All over the world," he said, labor is earning more and produ cing less. In England, for exam ple, there are more coal miners employed than ever and the pro duction of coal is lower than ever. "English labor reminds me of an idiot boy. "A farmer, out of pity, gave an idiot boy a job. Then one after noon the farmer walked across his farm to see how the boy was do ing. He found him lying on the grass under a tree smoking a cigarette. "'Well, Looney,' he said tht boy was known as Looney in the village 'Well, Looney, what are you doing? Resting?' 'Looney took his cigarette out of his mouth and answered: " 'No, boss, I ain't resting,' 'cause I ain't tired. I'm just a- Ifayin' here waitin' for the sun to go down so's 1 kin quit work.' " Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA DIDNT KNOW HE WAS DEAD? They arrived at home late from the party. Wife took off her hat and slammed it on the floor. Then she confronted her hubby. I'll never take you to another party as long as I live!" she said. "Why?" he calmly wanted to know. You asked Mrs. Jones how her husband has been standing the heat." "Well, her husband has been dead two months." Exchange. FITTING FOOD. "That girl has a complexion like peaches and cream and lips like twin cherries." i! 1 1 M lirea HALIFAX. N. C. W E Invite the people ot Halifax and surrounding country to pt ronlze this Bank. y nut have a checking account ? It Is necessary In these times.'1 it saves you money, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your creditors. Besides It gives you n standing In your community. We have every facility known tor Sourd Bariklng, and Invite you to open an account with us. .' The smallest account receives as much With us. attention las the .argest We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Csa la as talk it ever wttb us. We b4 you, you smm4 iav. " tu wak sal rma-4ow," rslatap Mrs. Bute Burnett, et palton, G " was this and lust felt tired, all the time, t atda't ret I wus't erer fciufrjr. I knew, hy this, I ihM a Unit, and as there is soae tetter Ui CflRDlll Tb Weman's Tcnis IS . . . I h(u uelnf Otrdut," I eaaUaaes Mrs. Burnstt, U . M Jl . 1. ..1 - t -1 iit mf 111 It WV.WV, I .,. better sal ate better. I teak fear bottles. New I'm well, feel Jut flee, est sad sleep, y skis Is oletr sad I hire galas sad sure feel that Oerdal is tke beet teale erer BUS.." . Tksoeands of ot. :. wemea here f Oaruu' Just ae Mrs. .a... (ltd It Should '..I - aW m .. drufflsts. NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OF J AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING STATE COLLEGE STATION RALEIGH, tt, C. Technical Education eniiblua youtiB men to auccceil In their chosen prnfeaiiluiia anU vocations. Huto Cnlleg-o Graduiitett iiiu nroiiiired fur pcraonul aucctaa and for kaderaliiu In liitluatrlal progreaa. The colKxe otTcra FOUR YEAR COURSES IN: Airloullurt Imluilliij Gcncr.il Atrlrnltura and Hpcclullztd Couraca In Farm Cruiii, Altrli'Ulmral Einttneerlnt', Antiii.il Ihiabamlry mill DalrviiiK, Bloluey, Horticulture, a'oul ll Science, Nulls, Vi-lerhiary Mrdl. lnc. Vncall'ilLiI Kdilfiilloli. Ch.mlltry, .Viliiillunl riicinlatry, Tritile t'liemlstrv and Dycllilf. Civil Enainearini, Arclilticlurt', and lliliway Kintlneertni;. Fleetrlcaf Enslna.rlna. Machanical Engineerlaa. Ttill Tellllo Kniiliucrlric, Teitlla Maiiufacturlne, T.ntllu Chemistry and D;ln. TWO YEAR COURSES IN: Agriculture, M'tIi'iiiIi- Aria, Texlilo Mnniifiicturlng. Ona Ye:ir Coiirsp In Atll'i Mei-llunles. Winter Conrae In Arrlculturc fur Farmers. Svtnmar Seaslnn fur Teachers, for (Vllt-iie Kntranca and fur Collegt Credit Ktcellent eiiuliimi-nt hi nil dep.irtnii-nta, Sesalnn 1"21 - l.,., li,s Fcpteml.er 7. Rntr.Tncf reniilretiienia fur frealim.in Class. l: units English, 3j History, i; Mathemntlci. 2 1-2: Silence. 1; Elective, f.l-2. For catnlo:,', llluatratcd circulars, and entranre hlanka, write E. B. OWEN, Registrar. U:; Big Show This Tear ! WELDON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25th ANNUAL TOUR OF AMERICA'S FOREMOST TENTED ORGANIZATION Never before such a galaxy of Acrobats, ' Riders, Equilibrists, Contortionists Gymnasts and Aerialitts SPECIAL R. R. TRAIN 20 CLOWNS-20 AN ARMY OF PEOPLE A CITY OF CANVAS POSITIVELY THE ONLY BIG SHOW COMING THIS SEASON NEVER DIVIDES NEVER DISAPPOINTS FREE EXHIBITIONS on Show Croundi at 1:00 and 7:00 P. M. PerfarmamctMi 2:00 and 8:00 P. M. Door Open On Hour Earlier Excursion Rates on all R. R. for the Big Holiday "She is selfish and spoiled," cried his sensible brain; "Uncertain and thoughtless and terribly vain, And all she would bring you is infinite pain." "Perhaps," said his heart, "but I love her!" "You're a fool 1" said his brain. "She is playing a game; There's a look in your eyes thai she feels she must lame. You are just one more moth to be burned by the flame." "I know," said his heart, "but I love her !" "And you know if you put her affection to test," Said his brain, "you'd find out what already you've guessed, That she'd saw with a smile, 'You are just like the rest,' " "Oh, it's true," cried his heart, "but 1 love her !" THE SUMMER WINDS. BY FRANK If STANTON. Blow in, 0 winds, from summer banks of violets drippin' dew, And whisper all the secrets the summer sings to you. From groves where starlight sings to you. On honeysuckle vines And wildwood vineyards reeling wiih ripening muscadines I Blow in, O winds, from meadows green, where soft moonlight dwells, And waft us dream sweet echoes of tinkling cattle bells; From rivers cool and deep That seaward sing and sweep, And rills that ripple sunshine and rock the flowers to sleep f Blow in, 0 winds, with blessing for all the stormy years, And be your breath the breath of Love, in light, that shines through tears; And blow the blossoms sweei From many a dim retreat, And twine them in Love's tresses, and lay them at Love's feet I Our Advice Won't Cost You a Nickel IWf AKE the old buildings just as comfortable as the - new ones, and just as good looking, by putting on handsome, fire-safe, weatherproof, and long-lasting BIRD'S ROOFS Whether it is a dwelling, bam, garage or factory that you want to re-roof let us show you how little it will cost to use the right Bird's Roof. Every dollar you invest in Bird's Roofs will surely return one hundred cents in satisfaction as honest value is built into every square foot of Bird's Roofs. Whether you need Bird's Paroid, Bird's Art-Craft, Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Bird's Granitized Roofings, or BirdV Twin Shingles our advice as to the correct roof to select for your building won't cost you a nickel. We know from experience that Bird's Roofs make good, and that is the reason we sell them. BIRD & SON. inc. (Established I7'J5) K .t WJ.iule, Mass. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship: Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. LUMBER COMPANY Phone 235 1 WELDON, N. C. Saves Drudgery? Let Red Devil Lye help qu pn the mean, tire tome kitchen jobi. Put a little in the water that soaks the dishes, iron pots, pans and skillets... it saves scouring. It does the work Rinse the tin ware, knives, forks and spoons in water made soft with it... Makes glassware gleam. Purifies while it cleanses. Your Grocer Sells It L J & f 7 ft CAM C kudr r kedDevilIye Sure is Strong! SCHiULD I. uu.. uo. St MfQ. CO. vmoxsvo S.M3H3131J MO J The Cynipal' Bachelor observes that a woman never appreciates her first husband till she gets her second. Ebb Why don't you wear cali co any more? Flo Oh, I just hate to see myself in print. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. North Carotins, Halifai Couaty. Notice is hereby liven that the part' nerahip lately aubaistiog between tbe undermined B. O Lone, Losa Lee Low and M. U. Lowe, carrying on tlis busi uy of shoe repairing at Weldon, N. C. under the atyle or rlrm name of Weldon Shoe Repairing Company, was on the 6th day of July. 1921, dissolved by mu tual eousent, and that the business in future will be carried on by the said M. 0. V-owe alone, wbo will pity and dia eharre all debts and liabilitina, and r oetve all moneys payable to the late said Sna. B. G. LOWE, KOKA LEE LOWE, M.O. LOWE. Tis the 5th day of July, 1821. ill THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickness he is a good fellow to have around. When an opportuniiy comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnliivated him properly. Why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? . : i atvrmi Weldon. n c. I -4 Tbi more too smoke tiem - Hu Utter you H hke them Write far our Premium Catalog No 4 tlEWlS CIGAR MFG. CO., NEWARK. N. J. Larueat Iniemndcnt CiMr Fictonrtotha World

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