I ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, AUGUST II, 1921. NO. ir ; 3 Set Contents 15 Fluid Drachm) " ''ij " I'TTwi.n -n turn r.i'NT. .ALU"""" I tinijiheSioiMctoaMlBwclsa lrchyPromiitin4Dirt neither Opirtm,Morphlnen Mineral. NotNabcotKJ I i " " ' it wP I Haekitk Stttt jfartn .(W A he P'UI " . ConMipaiionandmarr' facsimile Si4natoreu GASTORI For Infants and Children, Mothers Know Thai Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of V V A J1 Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMf CIHTAtPI COMPANY MIW OH CIT THE PASTOR'S STUDY. The Spirit of Christ Was Still in the World. We Are Closing Out All Our mm Summer Garments At, Extreme Bargain Prices mm mm mm mm mm mm A good time to replenish the summer wardrobe with the garments needed to finish out the balance of the hot weath er season. 4. L. SWflDCK, mm m mm mU The Busy Store, tftt Mlffiiiwtti mm 3m WRI.nON. N c mm Choice Hams There Is nothing more appetizlngthan'a slice of our choicejham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Goods. POOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and 0 increase your capacity to think. And right thuiKu g brings Desii re rults. Our prices make you think. Call in to see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batchelor's Opera House. WEI. DON, N.C III Ml OF EALIF&Z ORGANIZED 1906 Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked iis success in the pasi. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful atieniion. All the evening Esther Doane's heart had been in a tumuli; she did not want anything to do with Christianity. The man who .had robbed her of her little inheritance, and who had brought upon her the hard years that had left her so bitter, had been a church member. Since that treachery had happened Esther had refused to enter a church. She did not know now why she had finally agreed to go with Alice Lane to the Lowell's on Wednesday evening. Yes, she did know, too. It was because she was so desperately lonely, and be cause Alice had told her that on Wednesday evenings there was never any "religion" at the par sonage. Alice had told the truth as she understood it. At the first glance Esther knew that she need not fear any preaenmg : tne Loweus simply included her in their beau tiful friendliness. There were games and singing and stories and talk before the open fire, which was the best of all, and finally there were simple refreshments, which everyone helped to pass. Suddenly there came a. gust of rain against the windows. Esther looked up in dismay; she had just recovered from the influenza, and she had brought neither overshoes nor umbrella. As if the minister had read her thought, he looked across at her. "How far have you to go, Miss Doane?" he asked. "Only half a dozen blocks," Esther replied quickly. "It's nothing." But the minister's glance had already met his wife's. "We'll have to keep this young lady for the night, Amy. We cannot let her go in such a down-pour." "Oh, 1 couldn't think of troub le you," Esther protested hastily. But both the minister and his wife brushed her protests aside. "You're not strong yet; anyone could see that," said Mrs. Lowell. "We are going to keep some oth ers, too. Do you think you could put up with the couch in the study? It's really more comfortable than it sounds." So an hour later the girl found herself alone in the study. She felt distressed, for a chance word she had overheard told her that the minister himself was going to sleep in the trunk room, Over head she heard a child's cry and then Mrs. Lowell's voice; evident ly she was sleeping with the chil dren. Esther looked curiously round the study. It was a small room, the walls uf which were lined with books on homemade shelves. It contained the simplest Furniture, and there were no pic tures t xcept the photographs on the minister's desk. There was nothing in the room (o account for it, absolutely nothing; yet it was as if the whole room were en folding her in an exquisite peace. And suddenly she could not tell how the girl knew the reason. it was long before she slept, but when she Uid the struggle of years was over. The spirit of Christ was still in i lie world. She ac knowledged it at last. And with the knowkuninent came peace. Weeks afterwards, coming back into the church she had so long deserted, she told the minister, "It was your study; 1 felt i he prayer there I couldn't resist any longer. " WHERE IS THY STINO? Queotln Gregory President S. M. Gary, Vloe-I'mslcVnl. P. H.Uregory Cashier, The Citizens Bank HA! IFAX. N. C. W B Invite the people ol Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronlze this Bank. Why not have a checking account? It Is necessary In these times. It saves you nioney, and you have a re ceipt against payments to your ci editors. Besides It gives you a standing- In your community. We have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you to open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention las the .argest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Cam la and talk it aver with us. We jna4 you, jsu seed us. Aunt Sallie was paying a visit to the family for the first time in years and had told i he in how cute she thought little Willie was In simi lar complimentary vein, the family told her just how much Willie re sembled her. But the edge was taken out of the compliment when all of them heard Willie say, as he went out into the dark hall on his way to bed: Go on, grab me, ol' bogey man I don't care. They say 1 look just like Aunt Sallie. BETTER THAN NOTHING. N p-AD Ft One Solid Week of Fun Horse Races Auto Races Fireworks Five Bi$ Bands - Ten Free Acts rlabcl tody id a Hurricane of I brills rp. 1 r IT i .'-i i i nousanos 0 laihdits Ever Pay Rain or Shine "WBsUfe ! iller in which r's the Limit Excursion Hates """"V nn nil Railroads Six D13 Days- Starting LaborDay SEPTEMBER 5 TO 10 NORFOLK VIRGINSA the Clolle:"''Vthl "j-.tht 1 m . s DREAM "What will Miss Primleigh do now ihat she has no occasion to struggle for women's rights?" "I imagine now she will begin going after women's lefts." "Lefts? What do you mean?' "Widowers." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA BY FRANK L. STANTON . Thinkin' of you! That's the way Of this life, from day to day; Thinkin' of the tone and touch That I love, sweetheart, so much! If the skies are blue or gray, Thinkin' of you every day! Thinkin' of you, when I see God's white mornin' over me; When I say: "His skies are bright; But I miss her eyes of light!" Thinkin' of you when the west Whispers dreams that bring no rest ! Dreamin' of you! Land, or sea, You're the sweetest dream to me; Even when woods and waters seem Singin' to me in a dream! Still feel your presence near Dreamin' dreamin' of you, dear! Dreamin' of you as the way Glooms towards that last sad day When the weary heart shall rest, In the faith of "God knows best!" When with soul, of Love kissed white, Love shall whisper: "Love, good-night!" He wonders why so many men Have friends when he has none; He wonders why, when folks are glad, He never shares the fun. He feels left out, and doesn't know That he's to blame the while, The reason is not so far to seek It hurts his face to smile ! He has a lot of enemies He never meant to make; He never stoops to trifles done For simple friendship's sake. He doesn't think small courtesies Are really worth the while, And when he does a generous thing It hurts his face to smile ! The simple little things of like That pleasure you and me, He does not care to cultivate, Too dignified is he! He ran a race for office once And lost by many a smile, And never knew the reason was It hurt his face to smile ! No little children ever dare To climb upon his knee, No strange dog ever leaps at him With tail a-wag with glee. Nobody ever tells him jokes, He's lonely all the while; And knows not what he's missed because It hurts his face to smile ! BIRD'S TILE DESIGN A Bunf alaw with Art-Craft Tile Detlia Uid Horlioatallf Directly on New Roof Board. tela SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF? IT'S ART-CRAFT! CEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have the secret of Bird's Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity it gives to any building the charm of a high-priced roof at a remarkably low cost. Weather-proof and spark-proof. Absolutely reliable. Also uid right over old wooden shingles. Come in and let's get down to figures. The cost will be less than you think. BIRD & SON, inc. (Established 1795) East Walpole, Mass. OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. U LUMBER & ILLI01 MM! T Phone 235 WELDON, N. C. ThaM.il I GoeVlh- SOUR STOMACH INDIGESTION tteaWi Blek-Dright Highlj Recommended hj a Tennessee Grocer for Troubles R suiting from Torpid Liver. But Nashville, Tnn. Th efflo loncj of Thedford'i Blaclr.-Dra.ui ht, tbi genuine, barb, Uvar medicine, li Touched for by Mr. W. N. Paraoni, I grocer of thla city. "It Is without doubt the bat llrer medicine, and 1 don't believe I could get along wlthouH It. I take It for sour stomach, head ache, bad liver, Indigestion, and a! other troubles that are ,tho result ol a torpid liver. "I have known and used It for years and can and do hlgblv recommend li to over one. I won't go to bed with out it In the house. It will do all It claims to do. I can't say enough foi It." Many other men and women through out the country have found Black Draught UBt aa Mr Parsons describe! .-valuable In regulating the liver ti Its normal functions, and In cleanslni th. bowels of Impurities. Thedford's Black-Draught liver medl tluo : tho original and only genuine Accupt no Imitations or substitutes Always ask tot Thedford's. g.i 666 cures Bilious Fever, SOLVED Uncle Hi liaJ just passed his first night in a hotel and was still nn uius. Son, he inquired of a bell boy, what's that funny contraption out the window! That's the fire escape, replied the youth. By hickory! 1 wondered what made it so dad-blamed cold in here last night. STRENGTH OP WILL. The defendant, accused of steal ing chickens, had been duly ex amined in court and at the conclu sion the judge said: "As 1 understand it, Sam, you entered the henhouse and then, deciding to resist temptation, left it. Is that correct?" "Yassuh, Jedge. Dai's about right." "In that case, can you explain how two of the hens were missing?" "It was jes' dis way, Jedge. 1 look 'em 1 reckoned I was entitled to dat many for leavin' de res'." THE MODERN DAME. He: But you told me last week you loved me!" She: Pid I,? I never was any good at history. I While the Salesman Wait We can 'urnish you the kind oi printed sales letter and circular! on HAMMERMILL BOND thai will get your message in the right way to the man who can buj your goods. Use more printed salesmanship. Ask at. Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom These Presents May Come ureetiug: W bereaB. It appears to my satislao- tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary disso lution uiereoi oy tne unanimous con sent of all the stockholders, deposited my office, that the Koanoke Kail way Company, a corporation oi tins state, whose principal office is situated in the town of Weldon, County of Halifax, State of North Carolina, (W. K. Daniel being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may lie served), has complied with the require ments ol Uliapter Ul, Kevisal ol 1 !);, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing ol this Certificate of Dissolution, Now, Therefore, 1, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 27th day of June, 1UH1, tile in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, execu ted by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record ol tlie proceedings aforesaid are now on tle in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto et my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 27th day of June, mi, j. Bryan ukimes, Secretary of State. . lb Mi K THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickntss he is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU have cnltivated him properly. Why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adversity? H' ' nei .roil il ill 1 1 lift I WELDON, NC.j s, jui sr ' fit Ho mors youi smote them - The better you'H like them Write fer our Premium Catalog No 4 1. 1 EWIS CIGAR MKG. CO., NEWARK. N. J. . t.argfst Iniepf r.dont Ci.-or Factor In 'he World. v- in-" "3.-r. r