ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscrlption--$2 00 Per Annum VOL. LVI WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1921. NO. IG fit Children Cry for Fletc" r's ! ALONE FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS. Indian Woman, Abandoned on Desert Islands, Finally Found by Purty of Otter Hunters. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne tho signature of and has been made under bis per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What Is OASTORIA Castoria 1b a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI C 1NTAUW COM fAN vyf if) n wr ww-f ' ;:r jr: , U,u - mm &m We ArA nioaini?Oiit. All Our mm Summer Garments At Extreme Bargain Prices m rm um MM mm mm mm urn urn mm On Sun Nicholas Island, which i is uninhabited, u parly of sea niter l hunters, landing to chance their luck, found, in iheir amazement, the imprint of human feel on the sandy shore imprints freshly made. They scattered in search. Bui, the wind shifting and com mencing to blow hard, they had to retain their vessel before the mak er of ihe marks could be found It was undeniable, however, a hu man being lived on this bleak, wind blown Island of sand and tall brushwood. On returning to ihe mainland ihey repot ted the strange discov erv'. but nullum; was done until a Roman Catholic priest was so moved bv the news that he per suaded the captain of the small schooner to sail wiih him for San Nicholas. After two days' search ing he discovered this lonely Cru soe the first of a new kind. For he found inside a low hut of drift wood a woman more like a beast than a person. She was clad in otter skins, and the feathered skins of sea-fowl, and her companion was an otter, which she had caught very young and tamed. The priest with difficulty got her story, tor she had almost torgotten how to speak. Many years pre viously the small tribe of Indians to which she belonged inhabitants of San Nicnolas from time past- had been shifted by the govern ment to the mainland. As they were being taken on board, her baby had fallen into the sea, and she had leaped after him, and in the dusk had been given up as drowned. She reached the shore, however, to hnd the child was dead. In utter loneliness she had lived there 1 8 years. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm A good time to replenish the summer wardrobe with the garments needed to finish out the balance of the hot weath er season. 4. LrSTAItmCK, The Busy Store, WELDON, N C m urn When the banks lack sulficient funds to meet their obligations 10 the people, iney excuse the snuu lion by saying the people lack con fideiice. m urn mm urn urn I TAT WW-tpV YV fV PV W fv-w T4 w tr- iry " - X Choice Hams There is nothing more appetizing than a slice oi our choice ham. We have anything you may want iu the line of meats. All Kinds of Canned Qoods. A Tonic B For Women GOOD GROCERIES build up the system, stimulate the brain, and increase your capacity 10 think. And right thinking brings best re rults, Our prices make you think. Call in 10 see us. L. E. HULL, Near Batcbelor'i Opera House, WEI DON, N.C ihe UK of mini ORGANIZED 1906 Capital and Surplus $65,000. Conducted under strict Banking principles and the same efficient management which has marked its success in the past. Your bus iness is respectfully solicited, which will have our careful attention. "I was hardly able to drtg, I was so weakened," writes Mrs. W. F. Ray, of Easier, S. C. "The doctortreated me for about two months, Still I didn't get any better. 1 had I large fam ily and felt i surely must do something to enable me to take care of my little ones. 1 had heard of CARDU Tho Wcniaii's Tonic "I dc.:Jed to try it," con tinues Mrs. Ray . , . "1 took eight bottles in all ... I re gained my strength and have had no more trouble with wo manly weakness. I have ten children and am able to do all my housework and a lot outdoors"- ... I can sure recom mend Cardul." Take Cardul tods. It mav w be Just what yod need. n At all druggists. n Kit Ends Bad Smells! Ouenttn Oregory'' President S. M. Uary, Vlos-Prsaideot. P. H.dregory Oanhier, The Citizens Bank HA I 1FAX, N. C. WE Invite the people oi Halifax and surrounding country to pat ronize this fe.i.k. W hy not have a checking account ? It It .. iim. It ti vi. u n unev. and vou have a re Ulpt against payments to your crtdiwrs. Besides It givts you a standing In your community V e have every facility known for Sound Banking, and Invite you tu open an account with us. The smallest account receives as much attention las the .argest with us. We pay 4 per cent. Compounded Quarterly on Savings. Com te and talk ft evr wttli us. We need yon, you need us- Stop foul odors where they start with Red Devil Lye. Use plenty of it in privies, toilets and cham bers, garbage pailsand swill tubs.. .it de stroys germs, dries up filth, kills bad smells. Al ways keep a can handy. Use it often. Kills flies la the egg Purifies and disinfect !ed DevilIye Sure is Strong! WM. SCHIKLD MKO. CO. gTtAKill mOj p. sV m NORlf-OL IP-AO H One Solid Week of Fun Horse Races Auto Races Fireworks Five Bis Bauds - Ten Free Acts Mabel Cod m a Hurricane 0 Thrills 1 bousands 0 Lxmhits Ever Da Rain or Shine Staged in the Clouds On I Special 5A thriller ii whicli :lts the Limit Excursion Rates on all Railroads SiA D13 Das- Startin3LaborDa SEPTEMBER 5 TO 10 NORFOLK VIRGINIA NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING STATE COLLEGE STATION RALEIGH. N, C. Technicnl Education ennllcs young men to succeed In their cliosen professions nnd vociitlons. Ktato Ctillegu GntiJuaU's nrc irt.'liiircii tor personal aucctas uitu f ur leadership i;t imlUBtriiil iirogtcBi. Tho college olTcrft FOUR YEAR COURSES IN: Agriculture IncliKllng flenoral Agriculture and Specialized Courses In Farm Crops, Acrlcultuml Knu hietrltig, IIiiHiiii rulry and Ualrvltig, Biology, Horticulture, Foul tij HL-lciirt1, Ktiiih, t-ttrlnnry Mi'dlclnc, Voc; tiointl Educatitm. Chemistry -fMiluir;il ClieniiHtry. Textile Cliemlstry and Dyeing. Civil E'Ufin'i'rino, Ari'hltectuiu, ami Highway Lnnlneerlni;. ElertriCHl t.aijinecrlno. Mci Imiih :tl riginrrring. Texhlt Ti'iiiiu inec ring, Tcitilo Maiuifacturlng, Textile Chemistry and Dyeing. TWO YEAR COURSES IN: Aj;rlcultiirc, Iklivlijiiiin Arts, Textile Slannfncturlng. One Year t'mirsp In Auto Meirhiinlcs. " Whiter Crmiso In Agriculture fr Fanners, Bummer Sessl'in fr Traeliers. fr r-'llege Entrance and for College Credit. KxrHlent e-iiihtfiH-nt In nil d.'i'.irtmiiits. Sesslnn 1!'-M-L"J ! -ini Sopl.-inlnT 1. Kiitrnnre i 'tiir.h .-t' t fur Fn'slmin i riauft, 1 ttnlts Engllsli, ; History, J; V-ithematli.s. '1 1 : .-Vi.-m-i., 1; Eleetivi-, For e ttii : if, illustrated circulars, mid intra nee Manks, write E. B. OWEN. Registrar. CBEJ READY WiWJ!?' 29-30-3J (7venL Smithdeal Bissiness College Richmontl Vr"inia THE VOLUNTEER ORGANIST, BY S. W. POST. Our Advice Won't Cost You a Nickel V AKE the old buildings just as comfortable as the new ones, and just as good looking, by putting on handsome, fire-safe, weatherproof, and long-lasting BIRD'S ROOFS Whether it is a dwelling, harn, garage or factory that you want to re-roof let us show you how little it will cost to use the right Bird's ; Roof. Every dollar you invest in Bird's Roofs will surely return one hundred cents jn satisfaction as honest value is built into every square foot of Bird's Roofs. Whether you need Bird's Haroid, Bird's Art-Craft, Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Bird's Granitized Roofings, or BirdV Twin Shingles our advice as to the correct roof to select for your building won't cost you a nickel. We know from experience that Bird's Roofs make good, and that is the reason we sell liinn. BIRD & SON. inc. (Eitbll.r I I7D Ft Walpole, PrW OUR SLOGAN Good Material and High Grade Workmanship. Sash, Doors, Mantels, Porch Columns, Mouldings and Dressed Lumber. n luum & ut mm Phone 235 1 WELDON, N. C. TieMailGdIn- The great big church wuz crowded full uv broadcloth and uv silk, An' satins rich as cream that grows on our ol' brindle's milk; Shined boots, biled shirts, stilt' collars an stovepipe hms were there, An' dudes with trouserloons so tight they couldn't kneel down in prayer. The elder in his pulpit high said, as he slightly riz: "Our organist is kep to hum, laid up 'ith roomaiiz. An' as we hev no subsiitoot. as Brother Moore ain't here, Will some 'un in the congregation be so kind's tovnlumt-r;?" And ihen a red-nosed, drunken tramp of low-toned, rowdy style, Gave an itroductory hiccup, an t'len snggered up the aisle. Then thro' that holy atmosphere there crep a sence ersin, An' thro' that air of sanctity the odor uv ol' gin. Then Deacon Purington he yelled his teeth all sot on edge; "This man purfanes the house of God! W'y, this is sacrilege!" The tramp didn't hear a word he said, but slouched 'ith stumblin' feet, An' sprawled an' staggered up the steps, gained the organ seat. He then went pawin' through the keys, an soon there rose a strain That seemed to jest bulge out the heart, an' 'lectrify the brain; An' then he lupucd down mi Hie liimg un tiaius an neau an kuccs, Mr .lani dasheJ his hull body don keiflup upon the keys. Tin- oifun r.nrtd, ihe music tlood went sweepin nign ana ury, i ucll'-il lino itie ratters, and out into the sky; Thw 1 1' cliuicii shook an' siaggered, an' seemed to reel an' sway, An' the chirr shouted "Glory!" an' 1 yelled out "Hooray!" An' ihen he tried a tender strain ihat niched in our ears, That brought up blessed memories an' drenched em duwn ilh tears; An' we dreamed of ol time kitchens, uh labby on tne mat, Uv home an' luv an' baby days, and mother an' all that ! And then he struck a streak uv hope a song from souls forgiven That burst from prison bars uv sin an' stormed the gates of Heaven; The nuirnin' Mars they ng together no soul was left alone We relt the universe wuz safe, an' God wuz on His throne I An' then a wail uv deep despair an' darkness come again, An' long black crape hung on the doors uv all the homes uv men; No luv, no light, no joy, no hope, no songs uv glad delight, An ltlen,,e iramp he staggered down an' reeled into the night. But we knew he'd iol' his story, tho' he never spoke a word, An' it wuz the saddest story that our ears had ever heard; He had told his own life history, an' no eye wuz dry that day, Wen the elder rose and simply said: "My brethren, let us pray. While the SaJeimanWiti We can 'unush you the kind oi printed tale letter and circular! on HAMMERMILL BOND thai will get your message in the right way to the man who can buy your goods. Use mora printed salesmanship, Ask iu. Certificate of Dissolution. To All tu Whom Tuent) 1'reaenU Come liret'linu: WJt'l e V U V' .Tn, THE BEST FRIEND YOU will ever have is your bank book. In case of trouble or sickntss he is a good fellow to have around. When an opportunity comes for investment where you can better yourself and you need some money quickly, HE won't turn YOU down if YOU h ve cultivated him properly. Why not start that account today and be prepared to laugh at adverjtys Vtlieiem, H iptfi to my ustitftc liou, by duty suOieuticated record of Hie proceediuttn lor the voluntary dimo iutioo liieri'Oi' bv the unauimous cod seut of all the itoctholdcra, deposited iu my oltice, ttiat the KoaDuLe Hail ' nay l ompauy, s corporation of thin State, nhoiie priocipal oltice ia aituated iu the town of WeldoD, County of Halifax, State of North Carohaa, (W. E. Darnel beiun the aireol thereiu aud iu charge thereof, upou whom proceiB may be served), liaa complied Kith the require ruenta of Chapter 21, Hevmal of lltur,, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the laauing ol una leiiincaie oi Kiaao lution. Now, Therefore, 1, . I. Bryan ()rime, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the IKth day of June, ID-it, Hie in my othce a duly executed and attested conaent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, execu ted by all the stockholders thereof, which aaid consent and the record of ttie proceeding! aforesaid are now on file in my aaiu omce sa proviueu oy law. In Testimony wnereoi, 1 nave iieieiu set my band and sttixed my official aeal at Raleigh, thia 27th day of June, 1921. J. BUY AN UK1MES, SecreUry of 6 tate. to;;... TWELDON, NC.1 mm Jatasaaaai mssm tar VTsi TL I . IL. IV. kHr Jila ftim VT Wills for our Premiam Catalog N S . .ffc ji L I EWIS CIGAR MFC. CO.. NEWARK. N. J. Larsrst Incet endnw Ool Facfonr l U Worid.